My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 637 The goblin uses magic spells

Ishihara Rimi really understands men's hearts. She knows how to stimulate men's hearts. Appropriate praise can indeed make men feel satisfied, but does Zhang Pingan need such satisfaction? Of course it’s not necessary. I’m not satisfied with the conversation at all, okay? What if it were changed to ‘verbally’? That’s okay! After all, 'verbally' can satisfy you most of the time. After all, in some special occasions, it can only be satisfied 'verbally'.

After drinking the second glass of wine, Zhang Pingan asked for a refill of 'highball' again. Satomi Ishihara smiled and said, "Do you like this kind of sparkling wine?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "I don't have any specific favorite wine. I just think this wine has more ice cubes. Drinking it like this in summer will make your mouth feel special. What about you, do you prefer this kind of cocktail or red wine? ?”

Satomi Ishihara shook his head and said: "I don't have any particular favorite alcoholic beverages. I basically don't drink when I work a lot on weekdays. I only drink some during holidays like this, but I don't drink too much. Because I drink a lot. Duolinge will be very uncomfortable when he wakes up. He is obviously trying to rest and relax, but he makes himself uncomfortable because of a hangover. Isn't this causing trouble for himself? "

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "But Tokyo has the most people drunk on the streets at night in the world. Hahaha... Actually, I also think that alcohol is best in moderation."

Satomi Ishihara responded with a smile: "Most of the people who get drunk on the streets are because of too much pressure in life. Because drinking wine at night is the easiest and most convenient way to relax."

Zhang Pingan doesn't want to talk about social topics. Whether it is him or Ishihara Satomi, they may both be kind. But relying solely on their kindness is not enough. After all, the order in Tokyo is like that. No matter what they do, they can't change the operating model of this society. So Zhang Pingan chose to avoid the topic: "That makes sense. By the way, how long will you take this vacation?"

Satomi Ishihara said: "Rest until... when work comes in. Our profession is extremely unstable. Sometimes you work day and night for half a year without even getting a break, or maybe one or two." There hasn’t been any activity in the past month. So if you ask me how long I will rest, I can’t answer you. I will probably take a rest for at least the next week. Do you also want to rest in Tokyo this time?”

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Well, more or less, I came here just to rest. Because I had a lot of inconveniences in South Korea, and it's the same in China. Only when I was in Tokyo, no one would call me out when I walked on the street. name."

Ishihara Satomi said: "The inconvenience in it because of your relationship with Girls' Generation's Jessica? Recently, I have seen a lot of media reporting that you broke up? So you are single now?"

Zhang Pingan did not answer Ishihara Satomi's question directly, but asked her back: "What about you, are you single? Every time I watch TV, there are so many people who like you.

If I think about it, there should be many people pursuing you, right? "

After Ishihara Satomi took a sip from her wine glass, she shook her head and said: "On the contrary, those are the effects of the show. Maybe it is because of the effects of the show that many people mistakenly think that I have many people pursuing me. So everyone It was as if everything had been discussed and everyone was quiet. Maybe it was because I was in the promotion period when I appeared on the show. Even if someone called me and asked me to have dinner or something, I couldn't do it because I had to continue promoting. After all, I agreed to go to the drinking party. If I don’t drink, I won’t be able to go. If I drink too much, it will affect my work.”

At this point, Ishihara Satomi smiled and continued her words: "What about you, you should have a lot of social activities. After all, you are in this circle and you are an investor, so you must be invited by various invitations, right?"

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and responded: "Well... I'm sorry, haven't you noticed that the two times you met me by chance, I was alone? In fact, investors only socialize when they decide to invest. On weekdays, not many people take the initiative to invite me to have dinner or something. Maybe they are worried about whether inviting me to dinner will leave a bad impression on me? "

Ishihara Rimi immediately showed her beautiful smile: "Then I invited you to dinner today, did it leave a bad impression on you?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "No, it's my honor for such a beautiful lady like you to invite me to dinner. You must know that you have been in the top three all year round in the online ranking of 'the most popular female celebrities to invite to dinner'" So, I feel really lucky to be invited by you today!”

Zhang Pingan's answer was very standard, and Rimi Ishihara could only smile at Zhang Pingan: "Hehe. By the way, have you never thought about having another relationship after you broke up with Sika?"

The meaning of Ishihara Rimi's words was revealed. On the one hand, her question asked whether Zhang Pingan and Sika had broken up, and at the same time, she also hinted to Zhang Pingan, 'How am I doing? ’ After all, women always have to be reserved. Words can come to your lips, but some things still require men to take the initiative. Of course, Ishihara Satomi was quite proactive when she said this!

Zhang Pingan really wanted to beat this goblin to death with sticks, but in the end he responded with a smile: "I have a girlfriend."

Listening to Zhang Pingan's answer, Ishihara Satomi was surprised for two seconds, and then replied with a smile: "Oh? You have a girlfriend? Congratulations."

Because she was really surprised at that second. If Zhang Pingan insisted that he didn't have a girlfriend, maybe something would happen between the two of them tonight while they drank a little wine or something. After all, everything falls into place once you see it right. But Zhang Pingan took the initiative to admit that he had a girlfriend at this time, which surprised Ishihara Satomi and also made her a little arrogant...

Who is hiding behind Zhang Ping'an that allows someone like him to reject her charm? This is something Ishihara Satomi is very curious about! So after seeing Zhang Ping'an nodding his thanks, she asked: "Who is your current girlfriend? Is she from Korea? she from Japan?"

Because Zhang Pingan was in Tokyo at this time, she guessed that the woman he was hiding might be from Japan?

Zhang Ping'an really wanted to think about Japan, South Korea, but if he did this, would he be called a scumbag? So he still smiled and responded: "There is such a person anyway!"

After Ishihara Satomi heard Zhang Pingan's answer, she smiled and said: "Oh? We still need to keep it a secret. It seems that he is undoubtedly an insider. Is he from Japan?"

Zhang Pingan stared at Rimi Ishihara curiously and said, "Uh? Why is this?"

"Because you will keep secrets only if you are a Japanese star. If it is Korean, you will definitely answer without any scruples, Korean. Only if you are a Japanese artist, you will keep secrets from me, right?"

I have to say that Ishihara Satomi's answer is very logical. However, Zhang Pingan has... countless women. He didn't know how to answer, so he said vaguely, "There is such a person." ’

Zhang Ping'an just smiled and didn't respond, neither admitting nor denying, but in Ishihara Satomi's eyes, it was a kind of acquiescence. She smiled and wiped her hands with a wet wipe and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Zhang Ping'an nodded, and then continued to cook the barbecue in the private room. After Ishihara Satomi went to the bathroom, she picked up her phone and didn't know where she sent a message, nor did she know what the message she sent was.

Soon Ishihara Satomi returned to the private room, and the two continued to eat and chat about other topics. Not long after the meal, the two came out of the barbecue restaurant. Standing at the door of the restaurant, Ishihara Satomi said: "How about we go sing? ?”

Zhang Ping'an didn't know that at this time, there was an extra-long camera lens filming him and Ishihara Satomi in the distance. Under the light of the store door, he and Ishihara Satomi were clearly on camera.

The reporter laughed at today's victory. Zhang Ping'an didn't realize at all that he and Ishihara Satomi were being squatted by reporters after finishing their meal? It was really unexpected to be squatted like this, but it was different when someone passed on the news.

The manga-adapted movie "Attack on Titan" filmed by Satomi Ishihara some time ago is an anime with countless manga fans. In the live-action version, the character played by Ishihara Satomi was fictionalized after the adaptation, so Ishihara Satomi has been criticized by a lot of comic fans recently.

And she knows very well how to divert everyone's attention, or wait for time to pass, and then she will stop scolding fans when they have had enough. Or throw out something that attracts more attention from the public, and Zhang Pingan stands with her, isn't it the best way to divert? After this photo was reported, it was considered a punishment for Zhang Ping'an.

Instead of punishment? It's better to make him feel uncomfortable for a while, maybe that's what Ishihara Satomi thinks? But as for Zhang Pingan, he will not be uncomfortable by such things. After all, no matter how uncomfortable things are, the women around him have experienced them!

Faced with Ishihara Satomi's invitation again, Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "It's too late today. I still have some work to discuss. You're welcome. You can't affect your work because of drinking, right?"

Satomi Ishihara smiled cutely and nodded: "Well, that's it for now. Let's make another date. Now we're fine. If we make a date next time, you can't secretly settle the situation first."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and responded: "I know. Actually, I just want to leave an excuse to meet such a beautiful Ishihara-san again next time. Come on, I'll take you to the main road for easy transportation."

"Yeah." Ishihara Satomi nodded in response, then pretended to take out the mask from her bag and put it on herself...

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