My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 663 Meeting again, Hashimoto Arina

After coming out of the coffee shop, Zhang Pingan settled the bills for both of them. Although they had been expressing their desire to invite Zhang Pingan and wanted to give him money, Zhang Pingan just smiled and declined their kindness. There will always be some chance encounters during travel. It may be a beautiful encounter, or it may be meeting a friend from far and wide who you can chat with very well.

After coming out of the coffee shop, Zhang Pingan took them to the street where they bought the peripherals, and then left by himself. Watching Zhang Pingan leave, one of them looked at Zhang Pingan's back and asked the other, "Do you know who the person who took us to the maid coffee is?"

Another responded, "Well, from what you said, it seems like we really forgot to ask his name. Hey, he was obviously taking us to the maid coffee, so why did he treat us as a treat? How embarrassing."

The one seemed to see through Zhang Ping'an's face behind the sunglasses. He smiled and said to his friend, "Haha, I don't need the money for the coffee at all, and people like him don't want to owe others. Of course, I don’t want anyone else to owe him either. Why, did you forget who he was so quickly? Weren’t we still talking about his scarf when we were eating ramen?”

After being reminded by his friend, he immediately remembered that they were chatting about the fresh topic of scarves earlier, and he said in surprise towards the direction where Zhang Pingan disappeared, "Ah~~ He is Panda's boss, Zhang Pingan?" Um, it’s the former boss!”

Yes, when Zhang Pingan sent the scarf, he first sent some photos, that is, the photos he took at Sensoji Temple included selfies of him. The clothes and appearance in the photo are exactly the same as the man who took them to the maid coffee just now. But they never expected to meet Zhang Pingan in Akihabara? Moreover, Zhang Ping'an was so friendly and took the initiative to chat with them, and even took them to visit the maid coffee.

The two people immediately felt that Zhang Pingan's image as a passerby was still very good. After this trip, they even wrote about their encounter with Zhang Pingan in their travel diaries. Although no photos of Zhang Pingan were taken and there was no photo evidence, they still wrote their opinions on Zhang Pingan on some travel blog websites. Their favorable impression of Zhang Pingan was certain, and when they talked about Zhang Pingan, they also talked about his easy-going. feel.

Of course, many people said in the travel notes they wrote that they were licking Zhang Pingan on purpose, or even in places Zhang Pingan didn't know about. In the face of public doubts, the two stated that they had nothing to do with Zhang Ping'an and that it was just a chance encounter while traveling in Tokyo. Zhang Pingan has a very easy-going personality and has a very charming personality. They only need to know about it themselves. As for whether people who read the travel notes believe it or not, they all think it doesn’t matter because they have a clear conscience and Zhang Pingan will not read articles on this travel website!

An accidental encounter brought Zhang Pingan's trip to an end today. After saying goodbye to the two of them, he went to the figure store alone to pick out some of his favorite figure series and went home. By the time he got home and assembled the figure, it was already dark outside. At this time, Zhang Pingan drove out alone to look for food.

Drinking alone is normal in Tokyo, and when summer nights come, yakitori is the perfect dinner dish. When he went out at night, Zhang Pingan stopped driving. He took the subway alone and headed towards Ebisu Yokocho. There was a hidden izakaya in the alley in this bustling area. Zhang Ping'an likes these small shops very much. The prices are cheap and the taste is not bad. The most important thing is that eating in such places is the only way to feel enthusiastic.

Yes, I am very enthusiastic, because the prices in such a place are relatively affordable, and the store is located in the bustling Ebisu area, so it is very lively here every night. Cooking skewers alone at night and listening to the noise around you makes the food taste delicious! !

Tokyo's trams extend in all directions. Zhang Pingan did not choose to take a taxi after going out because the subway might be faster than a taxi at this time, and there is a subway station not far from his house!

Zhang Ping'an wore a pair of round-rimmed glasses when he went out at night. He didn't wear a hat. He was still dressed like a tourist. After Zhang Pingan entered the carriage carrying his sports backpack, he looked around and looked for a seat. Maybe it was after get off work time. There was no place at this time, so he stood at the armrest.

Just as he was standing alone in a daze, a girl with long flowing hair suddenly walked towards him. Her straight and slender legs were fully exposed when she wore a short skirt. When Zhang Pingan saw her appearance, she smiled at Zhang Pingan, revealing her charming dimples at the same time.

When Zhang Pingan looked at the girl walking towards him, he muttered in his mind, "Hey, why does Hashimoto have legs?"

This is completely the result of "Searching for her through Baidu". Last time when he was preparing to launch the Japanese live broadcast market, Zhang Pingan deliberately went to the place where he met her by chance, but she was not found at that time. Today, when all his platforms were taken action and he had no thought of looking for her again, she suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Pingan.

Her fangs, her long legs, her dimples. Zhang Pingan smiled at her, but everyone in the Japanese subway kept quiet, so Zhang Pingan didn't chat loudly with her or anything. He only expressed his surprise with a smile and a nod.

When Hashimoto Youji saw Zhang Ping'an, whom she had a close relationship with before, she took the initiative to greet him this time. Because when they met by chance last time, he spent 30,000 yen to drink a cup of coffee with her. He originally planned to ask for her boyfriend, but then Zhang Pingan left for some unknown reason. In the end, he didn’t even ask for her boyfriend. . So after meeting today, she took the initiative to come over.

Moreover, when they first met, she had no idea who Zhang Pingan was. She thought he was a bad guy she met by chance. Who knew that Zhang Pingan would be on the news in Japan later? She learned Zhang Pingan's name from the news and also knew that he was a super rich man!

As the subway clanged along, Zhang Ping'an smiled at Hashimoto Yuki and said in a very small voice, "I didn't expect to meet you by such a coincidence. Let's go have a meal together."

Hashimoto Yuna hesitated for two seconds and then nodded and agreed to Zhang Pingan's invitation, "Yes."

Along the way, the two stopped talking to each other. Because Tokyo is a strange place, you have to keep quiet on the train. Even if your call comes in, you have to mute it immediately and you can't answer it. Because when you answer the phone, the sound that appears will disturb others. These are the unwritten rules by which their society operates. To be honest, Zhang Pingan is a little confused. Why?

Arriving soon, Ebisu, Zhang Pingan greeted Hashimoto Arina and got off the subway together. After getting out of the carriages, Zhang Pingan said, "What a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you in the train. You are going home." ?"

"No, I just came out to eat." There was obvious hesitation in her answer. It was obvious that she did not go out to eat. However, Zhang Ping'an didn't say anything. He just nodded with a smile, "I also went out to eat, and I happened to meet you. Let's go together. Do you have any food you want to eat? It's okay. No need to be polite. Just tell me. I'll treat you. ”

Originally, Japanese people were very polite, but Hashimoto Yuna thought for two seconds and said, "Well, can we go have barbecue?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Of course, there is a good barbecue restaurant here in Ebisu. Let's go."

The two of them set out towards the restaurant together inexplicably. There were so many things that happened to happen during today's trip. He met someone else's love that dragged him down, he met a shy boy in China who dared not go to a maid cafe, and now he met the "future star" Hashimoto Arina!

After coming out of the subway station and walking to the lively streets of Ebisu, Zhang Ping'an turned to look at Hashimoto Arina, "I missed a lot of things by not leaving you last time. I was originally, you know what I was doing What?"

Hashimoto Yuna nodded and said, "Well, although the first meeting was a bit strange, I accidentally saw your news in the magazine."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded and said, "The magazine you are talking about is "Bunshun", right? Back then, Nogizaka46's Sayuri Matsumura and I were in Bunshun for no apparent reason. We were just having dinner among friends."

She didn't talk much about Wenchun, so she changed the subject and said, "Later I saw you from some reports. You were promoting online live broadcasts in Tokyo. "

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, online live broadcast is a novel model."

Hashimoto Arina said, "I know, I watched the live broadcast. However, I saw serious problems in some live broadcast rooms."

There are indeed some problems in the live broadcast rooms in Japan. Like the Korean ones, they have a '19-ban' room, where the topics, dressing, etc. are relatively open.

But recently, there have been a lot of side kicks in China’s live broadcasts. Of course, these have nothing to do with Zhang Pingan. He has already sold his platform. If the principal cannot supervise effectively, he will still have a headache in the future.

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile, "Are you talking about some of the newly opened live broadcast platforms in Japan recently? Our platform has a dedicated supervisor, so very serious problems rarely occur."

As he spoke, Zhang Ping'an pointed to the "Xu Xuyuan" roast pork chain not far away and said, "Let's eat here. The one I know is going to be there at this time. I don't know if there is a location."


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