My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 683 A small gathering of three people

Pani is really very casual in Zhang Ping'an's home, and even feels like it is his own dormitory. Of course, she behaved like this because being with Zhang Pingan made her feel comfortable both physically and mentally, and she was so relaxed. For example, in the living room of Zhang Ping'an's house, she was wearing a long skirt and lying comfortably on the sofa in the living room without any worries. She didn't even think about whether she would be exposed in the skirt?

Even when there was no water in her special water cup, she didn't bother to get up and pour the water herself. Instead, she rubbed her toes against Zhang Ping'an who was sitting at her feet. She didn't even bother to gesture with her hands. She pointed towards him with her mouth. He pouted while sipping his glass of water. When Zhang Ping'an saw this, he couldn't laugh or cry. He laughed and scolded, "I'm really too lazy." ’

Although Zhang Ping'an was expressing his dissatisfaction, he still got up and poured her a glass of water.

In fact, Zhang Pingan was extremely tolerant and gentle towards them, not just Pani, but everyone. For example, when Pani ordered Zhang Pingan like this with a 'remote control', he didn't feel angry at all. The heart is more of a tolerance for them.

Perhaps it was the tolerance and tenderness given by Zhang Pingan that made Pani willing to stay with Zhang Pingan in private, just because she was greedy for this sense of comfort and peace of mind.

Zhang Pingan went to fill up the water for her, brought it over, and put it on the table in front of her.

Pani supported her head comfortably with pillows under her arms. She looked in the direction of Zhang Pingan and said, "Oppa, to be honest, we bully you like this on weekdays. Did you really not feel angry at all? Last time. When we were having barbecue together, Yoona was obviously sitting at the door, but she asked you to get the chili? Do you know that Yoona has always been the one being bullied in the team?"

After returning from the water this time, Zhang Pingan sat on a separate sofa. He was about to play with his iPad when Pani's question came.

And he smiled gently at Pani and said, "What's there to be angry about? We are not hostile. Plus you care so much about me on weekdays. It's just like when you went to the United States, didn't you remember to give me... Shall I bring you some gifts? If you have my presence in your heart, then I will naturally put you all in my heart. Besides, you are all women."

Before Zhang Pingan could finish what he said, Pani immediately interrupted, "I read some comments on the Internet saying that if a man has no idea about a woman, he will not be particularly tolerant."

Pani's words are very straightforward. In fact, it just shows that there is a limit to a man's tolerance for a woman. Once that limit is exceeded, it will not work.

Zhang Ping'an put down the iPad in his hand with a smile, and then said to Pani, "What you said is correct.

However, it is not comprehensive. It depends on the familiarity of the relationship, right? If you are a friend who has known you for a long time, the level of tolerance should be deeper, just like if you ask me to pour you water. I think this is the range that I can accept. But if someone else does it like you, that won't be the case. Different relationships have different tolerance limits. Let’s describe the relationship like this. When someone asks you to borrow money, you will determine the limit of what you can afford to lend based on your friendship, or you will say no, right? In fact, this principle is almost the same. "

When Pani heard Zhang Pingan's description, she immediately laughed, "Then I ask you to borrow money. How much can you lend me?"

Zhang Ping'an deliberately looked at Pani with a disgusted expression, then glanced at her up and down and said, "Our relationship is only one dollar, no more."

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Pani raised her foot, and then quickly pressed it down. She used the force to rebound and sat up, "Ah! Zhang Pingan!!"

And Zhang Ping'an immediately burst out laughing, "Hahaha~~"

Since the beginning of their acquaintance, the two have always maintained this interest in playing together. Among girls, only Pani often quarreled with Zhang Pingan, but she always thought of him.

Zhang Ping'an and Pani went out after having some fun, because Taeyeon had finished the meeting for the day. The three of them made an appointment at a barbecue pork belly restaurant with secret sauce, and the pork in this restaurant was Specializing in Jeju Island’s black pig. The meat of black pig is firm and elastic, especially the fat part. After charcoal grilling, the chewy texture will have an indescribable and strange crunch, which is similar to the texture of neck meat.

Zhang Ping'an stopped driving after he left home, because he would definitely have two drinks in the evening, so he and Pani took a taxi to the store. When they arrived, Taeyeon was already sitting in the private room waiting for the two of them.

The three of them gathered together for dinner again. This is not much different from a year ago. The three of them spend the most time having dinner together in private, and they even spend more time than their teammates meeting in private.

After the two sat down, Taeyeon took a kettle and poured ice water for them. Zhang Pingan stopped and said, "No, I'll drink beer."

Taeyeon doesn't drink. When she arrived, she just ordered meat, pork neck, pork belly, and ribs. Zhang Pingan called the waiter and ordered a glass of cold draft beer, and Pani ordered a bottle of rice wine.

Soon the wine was served. Zhang Pingan opened the lid of the rice wine for Pani, and then said to Taeyeon, "Want a drink?"

Taeyeon thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, let's have a drink."

The alcohol concentration of rice wine is not high. Even though Taeyeon got drunk on her face, she would not get drunk after drinking it. After Zhang Pingan poured the wine, the three of them raised their glasses and clinked their glasses. Zhang Pingan began to say the toast, "Bless Taeyeon's album release in advance! Cheers!"

"Cheers!!" After a brief taste, everyone put down their glasses. Taeyeon smiled slightly and said to Zhang Pingan, "This album is really hard on you."

Zhang Ping'an smiled softly and said, "As long as it's for you, no matter how hard I work, it's worth it. So, don't say any more words of thanks."

Seeing Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon flirting back and forth at the dinner table, Pani was very depressed and tapped the baking pan with her chopsticks, "Yeah, yeah, eat, eat. You two are really going back at night. It's just the two of you." Is it okay to say something like this under such circumstances?”

Taeyeon just smiled when she heard what Pani said. After all, everything between her and Zhang Ping'an has completely happened under Pani's nose, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about and there is no need to hide.

Zhang Pingan was flipping the barbecue with the barbecue tongs. Taeyeon turned to look at Pani and said, "Where did you go this afternoon?"

Pani turned to Taeyeon and said, "I went to buy a car with Zhang Pingan. He didn't know what was wrong with him, so he bought a Bentley SUV for 300 million!"

When Taeyeon heard that Zhang Pingan bought such an expensive car in the afternoon, she just nodded lightly and said "hmm" to show that she understood. She didn't say much about Zhang Pingan's spending behavior, because Taeyeon didn't need to stop Zhang Pingan's consumption. Maybe this consumption seemed a bit inexplicable to them, but Zhang Pingan's actual earning power was far beyond It exceeds his spending power, so does it mean that he is spending recklessly? Doesn’t it count?

Perhaps for people like Zhang Pingan, money is the most meaningless thing. Didn’t he just make a billion dollars not long ago? This translates into 111 billion won. He just spent 300 million won to buy a car to reward himself. Is this reckless spending? Judging from his income level, this is really not considered random consumption!

Seeing that Taeyeon was indifferent, Pani continued, "If I hadn't gone with him and stopped him, he even wanted to buy a convertible made by Rolls-Royce. I didn't know he would buy so many cars. what?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "In early summer or autumn, wouldn't it be very comfortable to open the convertible?"

Pani nodded and retorted, "Yes, yes, you should open the convertible when the smog comes."

Zhang Pingan immediately rolled his eyes and said, "Am I such a stupid person?"

Pani said, "It's a bit like that. Otherwise, why would you buy so many cars? Moreover, vehicle replacement is very fast, and there will be a major replacement in three years at most."

Zhang Ping'an said relaxedly, "I'll just sell it and buy a new one in three years."

Pani immediately replied, "More money?"

Zhang Ping'an refused to admit defeat and said, "Yeah. I just have a lot of money, what's the matter?"

Pani looked at Zhang Ping'an completely speechless, and finally said in defeat: "You~~ okay, you are rich, you are powerful!"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Hahaha~~ When we were in China last time, didn't Taeyeon say she wanted to change cars?"

Taeyeon smiled and said, "I don't have much money recently. After the album is released, if the results are good, will I change my car?"

Taeyeon just recently gave Zhang Ping'an one billion to help invest. It doesn't matter if she really has no money. It's just that she can't enjoy it now if she changes her car. After all, her personal activity period will come next. After her solo activities are over, the end of the year is here again. Girls' Generation will definitely be busy at the end of this year. After all, after releasing an album, the end of the year is the season for receiving awards.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Okay, Pani, you can also look at a car you like here. When you make money, you can buy one yourself."

Pani muttered, "Let's wait until we actually get it. And the settlement for this year's event has not been paid yet. I really have no money."

The settlement of s is once every six months. Their return in the second half of the year will not be settled until December. Of course, there will definitely be a lot of funds received at one time.

Zhang Pingan said to Taeyeon at this time, "Pani said, you plan to go to China with me tomorrow to eat hairy crabs and spend two days there by the way?"

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Taeyeon turned to look at Pani, "But we are going to Shanghai the day after tomorrow. How about you stay in Shanghai after the activities there? This time I go to Shanghai, my personal variety show I’ll go with him too.”


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