My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 715 There is another little beauty

After Yang Yueyue came out of the airport, she looked at Incheon Airport with a surprised look. She came from the countryside, and this was the first time she came to a foreign country in her life. So at this time, she was curious about Korea, and her eyes kept turning to look at everything around her that was strange and familiar. Why do you say it feels familiar? Because there are some guide signs in the airport written in Chinese.

Xiaoju has been to many countries with her team, and she has also been to Korea, so Xiaoju is not like Yang Yueyue, and everything she sees is new. Yes, it is understandable that there is a little bit of novelty in the heart when going abroad for the first time. Although Yang Yueyue has been in and out of five-star hotels every day during this period, she is still the Yang Yueyue who has not seen much of the world from the countryside.

Looking at Yang Yueyue's expression at this time, Zhang Pingan smiled with understanding, and then said softly to the two of them, "Let's go, my car is parked in the underground garage."

Of course, Zhang Pingan did not help the two of them to take off their shoes and luggage. Just as the two of them were dragging their luggage and leaving with Zhang Pingan, a girl who had just come out of the airport waved to Yang Yueyue and Xiaoju. When Zhang Pingan saw the waving girl, his mouth drew a perfect arc, because he also knew this girl!

Zhou Xiaoqiong, Zhang Pingan had seen her personal information when he was in a meeting at the '' some time ago. She was from Shanghai Music High School, and now she is studying at Seoul Arts High School. Zhang Pingan stopped when he saw this girl, and then looked in the direction of Zhou Xiaoqiong. It was obvious that Zhou Xiaoqiong had recognized Zhang Pingan standing next to Xiaoju and Yang Yueyue.

The three of them met on the plane before. It was a coincidence that Zhou Xiaoqiong, Yang Yueyue, and Xiaoju, three beautiful girls, sat in the same row of seats in the third row of the plane. They were of similar age and naturally started talking. Xiaoju learned that Zhou Xiaoqiong was a trainee in Korea. Yang Yueyue also said that she was also a trainee and came to Korea to study this time. She also told Zhou Xiaoqiong that she was signed with the 'bighit' entertainment company.

‘BH’ Entertainment has become quite famous in Korea in the past two years, not because of the ‘BTS’ artist group, but because of the programs produced by Zhang Ping’an, which has made the company’s popularity grow very fast. Some people who are familiar with the entertainment dynamics will naturally think of Zhang Ping’s production company when they hear ‘BH Entertainment’.

Seeing that Zhang Ping’an and the other two had stopped, Zhou Xiaoqiong pushed the box to Zhang Ping’an, and then she learned the Korean greeting way of ‘bowing’ and greeted Zhang Ping’an, “Hello, Zhang PD.”

Zhou Xiaoqiong used the Korean ‘Hello’, but Zhang Ping’an smiled and nodded in response, but he spoke standard Chinese Mandarin, “Hello, did you come to Korea alone?”

Zhou Xiaoqiong smiled and said, “Well, I came here alone. I have been a trainee at ‘pledis’ for three years.”

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “In that case, let’s go together.

It’s on the way anyway. I’m "I've seen your information, 'pledis trainee'." Zhou Xiaoqiong said, "Really? We filled out the resume form sent to us some time ago, but the company didn't say what it was, they just asked us to fill it out." Zhang Pingan just smiled, then pointed in the direction of the garage, "Let's go, let's go to Seoul first, I have a lot of things to do today." Yang Yueyue said curiously, "Isn't this Seoul?" Zhou Xiaoqiong said, "This is Incheon Airport, which is still an hour away from Seoul." In Zhang Pingan's memory, Zhou Xiaoqiong was a little stupid, the kind of stupid that made people laugh. After achieving success in 'ioi', she started to run schedules in China and South Korea. Whether it was later participating in 'Tu Idol' as a mentor, or anything else, it was not as explosive as her sitting in the principal's car in front of countless fans, and fans holding cameras. This was really stupid. She actually sat in the principal's luxury car in front of her fans without any scruples. The news exploded instantly. Even office workers who have not watched "ioi" or "Tuou Idol" know that someone named Zhou Xiaoqiong got into the principal's Rolls-Royce. Then there were all kinds of hard evidence that was dug out, even though her company's public relations began to threaten and deny it with legal means.

But everyone is not stupid, and the hard evidence appeared on the Internet in waves. This is really asking for trouble.

What kind of personality does the principal have? If the news on the Internet wronged him, he would immediately come out to hammer these rumor makers, but after being hammered, the principal remained silent. Her team's public relations, of course, wash every day, and after washing, no one is interested in knowing the "truth". Anyway, everyone is a discerning person and can clearly judge whether the news is true or false.

What else can be used to describe her besides "stupid"? Perhaps this is the legendary "Women always feel that they can change those rich scumbags when they see them." Just like "Men always like to persuade people with special jobs to become good people, and also like to pull good families into the sea." The same truth.

Zhou Xiaoqiong is really so stupid that it makes people laugh and cry, but it can be seen from this that she is a person who loves money. After all, no one who is with the principal is not for "money". Forget about looking for sincerity from the principal, it is better to look for it from Zhang Pingan!

Arriving at the garage, Zhang Pingan opened the trunk and asked them to put the suitcases into the car. When putting the luggage, Zhou Xiaoqiong said, "This car is very expensive, right?"

When Zhou Xiaoqiong was concerned about the price of the vehicle, Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "It's okay, it depends on the group of people. Ordinary families will definitely not buy this car. For slightly rich business owners, that's no problem." Yes, it’s not too expensive. It’s the same price as buying a Mercedes-Benz in China.”

Zhang Pingan let them sit in the back seat, and Zhou Xiaoqiong had to be put down halfway, so he let her sit in the passenger seat, which made it easier to get out of the car.

Zhou Xiaoqiong was surprised to sit in the passenger seat. It was the first time she sat in the passenger seat of a luxury vehicle. She suddenly felt that her life had changed. Having been a trainee overseas for three years, the use of money is clearly visible. Maybe her family is considered well-off in China, but it's different in South Korea, because overseas consumption is a bottomless pit.

In high school in China, if you spend three to four hundred yuan to treat five classmates to a sumptuous barbecue, that is more than enough.

But in Korea, you can easily spend over 100,000 won (around 600) by inviting three or five friends to a barbecue, and you still have to save a little on food. But we can't be like the Chinese people who eat meat and feel full. In Korea, you can eat enough meat to satisfy your appetite. If one person has a small appetite, it is no problem for two people. Five people are equal to ten shares, and ten shares are equivalent to 120,000 won.

And among trainees, do you think there isn’t some private comparison of clothing? So after Zhou Xiaoqiong came out, she realized how happy life in Huaxia was, and her family conditions could not give her a luxurious life to compare with.

Zhang Ping'an did not notice Zhou Xiaoqiong's psychological change, but drove in the direction of Seoul. While driving, he made a call, "Cao Lu, I am coming from Incheon now. You can count the time to get to Yongsan 'un community' wait for me."

On the phone, Cao Lu said, "Okay, I understand. Will I take them to buy a dormitory together in the afternoon?"

Zhang Ping'an said, "Well, I'll leave it to you for the time being. Neither of them speaks Korean, so I'm thinking of asking you for help. I have something to do here in the afternoon and I can't leave. Let's have dinner together tonight." "

"Don't worry, I know daily necessities are cheap there. Is it okay for them to use some second-hand electrical appliances?"

Zhang Pingan said, "No problem, they are all rented houses, and these things cannot be left there when the rent is cancelled."

"Yeah, renting a house in Korea is such a hassle. When you move out, you have to clear out the whole house, so I really hate moving into a dormitory."

Listening to Cao Lu's chatterbox, Zhang Ping'an immediately said, "Okay, okay, I won't talk to you anymore. We'll talk about it later when we meet."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Pingan raised his head and looked in the rearview mirror, "I have only prepared a bed and a sofa for you in the room. I have not prepared any electrical appliances. You can buy some second-hand ones in the afternoon. The main reason is that you can't stay in Korea." How long will it take to go back, and after renting out in Korea, the home must be restored to a completely empty state. If it is a newly purchased appliance, it would be a pity to lose it, because I have no place to put it.”

Zhang Ping'an continued, "Oh, today, you must ask Cao Lu about garbage classification. In South Korea, if you throw garbage out without sorting it, you will be fined."

It doesn’t matter if they use second-hand furniture or something like that. They won’t be able to stay in Korea for long anyway and “get it.”

Zhang Pingan said, "If you have any questions, please contact me in time. I may not be able to meet you until tonight. I have some things to deal with later. As for the company, I will take you there tomorrow."

Xiaoju said, "Okay, thank you, Brother An."

"It's okay. I brought you two to South Korea, so I must be responsible, right?"

Along the way, Zhang Pingan chatted with the two of them about some things to note in life. Soon the vehicle entered the Seoul area. Zhang Pingan said to Zhou Xiaoqiong beside him, "Let's go to Longshan. What about you, where is your dormitory? I Are you looking for a way?"

Zhou Xiaoqiong said, "No, PD Zhang, please leave me at the subway station for a while. I'll just take the subway and go back. By the way, PD Zhang, do I want your phone number too?"

"Okay, my phone number is" Zhang Pingan told her his number, and Zhou Xiaoqiong wrote down Zhang Pingan's phone number.

Zhang Pingan said, "We are all Chinese. Let me know if you encounter any difficulties in the future."


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