My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 719 Ordinary is the truth (Part 2)

The night passed quietly. When Zhang Pingan woke up in the morning, he was changing into sportswear and preparing to go out for exercise. Li Zhien woke up with Zhang Pingan in a daze, and then she sat up. After she sat up, she pulled up the quilt to cover her chest. Then she looked around in a daze, and then she reached out from under the pillow to take out her mobile phone. Last night, Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien had ramen as a midnight snack before going to bed.

When Li Zhien woke up, her cheeks were slightly swollen, and the whole person was in a daze. This made Zhang Pingan look at her every move in confusion, "Ji Eun, what are you doing?"

Listening to Zhang Pingan's call, Li Zhien looked at him with extremely confused eyes and said, "Oh~~oppa, am I late for the schedule?"

Zhang Pingan tilted his head and was more confused than Li Zhien at this time. He said completely at a loss, "Schedule? What schedule? Ji Eun? Ji Eun?"

After Zhang Pingan called many times, Li Zhien finally woke up, and her eyes began to focus on Zhang Pingan. Li Zhien smiled at Zhang Pingan foolishly and called out in a baby voice "Oppa~! Hehe" Then she laughed herself, because she was still dreaming before. In her dream, she was still on the way to her schedule during a busy period. But when she opened her eyes, she found herself sitting on the bed, not in the nanny car in her dream, so she was still in a super daze when she just woke up, so she subconsciously started to look for her phone. Maybe she moved to a new house, and Li Zhien has not yet integrated into this home, and she has no sense of familiarity with everything around her. In addition, she accompanied Zhang Pingan to drink last night, and she was drunk and rested, which is why she is in this half-awake and half-dreaming state. Zhang Pingan looked at Li Zhien's appearance at this time, and he also smiled, because she was slightly swollen, and in a daze, that silly and cute look really made people like her. He smiled and said, "What, sleepwalking?"

IU Ji-eun smiled foolishly, "Hehe, I'm dreaming about my schedule."

"Okay, sleep a little longer, I'll go to the gym downstairs. The gym has new equipment, I have to try it out, I'll call you when breakfast is ready."

"Yeah." After saying this, IU Ji-eun lay down again, wrapped herself in the quilt and fell asleep again. After getting dressed, Zhang Ping'an couldn't help but say to IU Ji-eun, "So cute."

There is a special gym in the high-end apartment building for the owners to use for free. Of course, all these services and equipment are provided by the "sheep".

Because the management fee here is super expensive, the high-end community is managed in a hotel style. When the owner is not there, outsiders will never be able to enter. High-end security services are naturally more expensive in terms of charging standards.

And "expensive" must reflect some value, so such high-end communities are generally equipped with gyms and heated swimming pools.

In a brand new community, of course, all the fitness equipment is new. At this time, not many people have moved in, and not many people use this super large gym. Moreover, the location here is very good. While exercising, you can also enjoy the view facing the Han River.

The gym in the morning is not particularly lively, because everyone who should go to work at this time has gone to work, and this gym is not equipped with professional body shaping coaches, but only provides some simple fitness equipment. It is completely no problem to sweat here, burn calories, and maintain your body shape. But if you want to get professional guidance, you still have to go to a professional gym.

Zhang Pingan is just looking at the brand new equipment here, and they are all new things, such as treadmills that can adjust the slope, which will reduce the damage during exercise. As long as you exercise, there will be a top of cartilage tissue wear and tear. If you run improperly, it will hurt your knees. The sports instructor is responsible for setting the time and method of exercise according to the individual's physical fitness.

For example, thin people and fat people will definitely choose different exercise methods at the beginning, and the duration of the exercise stage is also different, because fat people will definitely bear a much greater load on their feet than thin people.

Zhang Pingan burned off more than half an hour of calories on the treadmill, then went home, changed his clothes and went out to buy breakfast. He went to the supermarket to buy some pork, fresh shrimp, and then some wonton wrappers. Because there are many Chinese restaurants in Korea, and wonton wrappers are also sold in supermarkets, of course, only in large supermarkets.

After quickly buying the wonton ingredients, Zhang Pingan returned home and started making fresh shrimp wontons at home, which is the so-called wonton, which is actually just a shrimp stuffed in the fresh meat wonton.

After wrapping the wontons, Zhang Pingan went to wake up Li Zhien. He came to the bedroom and patted Lee Ji-eun who was wrapped in a quilt. "Get up. It's noon. After eating, I have to go out." Lee Ji-eun had a full sleep today, so when Zhang Pingan called her to get up, she didn't have the slightest mood to get up. She slowly opened her eyes and touched her phone to check the time. "It's noon? I slept for so long?" Zhang Pingan went to put her pajamas on the bedside. "Well, get up. I made lunch. I have to go out after eating." After a while, Lee Ji-eun came out of the shower. She was completely without makeup, which made her pure and lovely look quite impressive. Zhang Pingan smiled gently and pointed to the dining table. "Sit down. The water is boiling. I'll make it for you right away."

"What to eat?" Li Zhien came to the kitchen curiously, looking at the wontons on the plate, her eyes flickered towards Zhang Pingan and said, "Steamed buns?"

In Korean, "mantou" means dumplings, or steamed buns, and the shape of this wonton made her think it was similar to a dumpling, so she called it "mantou"?

"Wonton, haven't you ever eaten wonton noodles when you were in HK? This is the wonton in wonton noodles. This is what it is called in the south of China, while in the north it is called wonton. And steamed buns, in Chinese Li refers to steamed buns without any fillings.”

"I know, there are dumplings~! I just couldn't remember it at the moment." Li Zhien said a sentence in Chinese awkwardly.

"Well, sit down, you'll be ready soon."

"It's great. When Oppa wasn't around, I only had a banana and an egg for lunch. With you here, I actually ate wonton noodles at home?"

Zhang Ping'an laughed, "These are wontons, there are no noodles inside. Wonton noodles are a combination of wontons and noodles. Don't make a joke next time in HK."

After a while, the wonton noodles in Li Zhien's mouth were ready. A mouthful of refreshing soup and a mouthful of wontons stuffed with shrimp and pork. Li Zhien looked at Zhang Ping'an with wide eyes, "Oh~~ It's totally delicious. Did you make it yourself, or did you buy it from outside?"

"I made it myself with the ingredients I bought outside. In fact, this is not difficult. The fillings are pork fillings that are fat and lean, a plate of shrimps, and the seasonings are salt, pepper, oil, eggs, ginger and green onions. The soup is even simpler, with three Flower mushrooms, green onions, onions, and anchovies.”

Listening to Zhang Pingan, Li Zhien felt that doing this was more time-consuming, but Zhang Pingan could cook it for her with his own hands. This was the sweetest thing. No lunch could compare with his wishes.

Li Zhien dug out another wonton and put it in his mouth. "Isn't it time-consuming to make this?"

Zhang Pingan said, "No, just throw the soup base in and let it simmer. Once the fillings are mixed, it will take up to forty minutes to wrap the wontons. I wrapped some more and put them in the freezer. You can eat them yourself when you want." Just take it out and cook it. Just buy a pack of ramen seasonings for soup base or something."

When Li Zhien heard Zhang Pingan's words, she laughed instantly, "Hahaha, yes, the ramen seasoning packet is the best soup base."

After dinner, Zhang Pingan cleared the dining table again, and Li Zhien sat in the living room, enjoying the sense of relaxation that he felt at home.

Because he was by her side, she no longer needed to do or worry about everything in life. She looked at the busy Zhang Ping'an and gently drew a smile on her lips, and said in a voice that she could only hear, "It's great. "

After cleaning up, Zhang Ping'an came to the living room. He held Li Zhien's face and kissed her on the mouth. Li Zhien enjoyed his love sweetly, "What's wrong?"

"No, I just think you are super beautiful, so I can't help but want to kiss you. This can be regarded as a reward for my hard work."

"Okay." As she spoke, Li Zhien hooked her hand towards him. When Zhang Ping'an leaned over, she hooked her arms around his neck and kissed him twice on the mouth again, "This is a big reward from me. "

"It's very sweet." Zhang Pingan stood up and did not choose to sit next to her to rest. "I will leave first. I plan to take the trainees to the company in a while, and the teachers must introduce them to them in advance."

"Well, go and do your work. I shouldn't be back for dinner tonight, so you can eat outside as you please. Will you still live here today?"

"Live here, I've been planning to live here recently." Zhang Ping'an planned to accompany Li Zhien here to get used to his new house.

When Li Zhien heard Zhang Pingan's answer, she bloomed her beautiful smile again, "Hehe, we'll see you at home that night."

"Okay, I'll go first." After saying that, Zhang Pingan kissed her forehead again, and Li Zhien also stood up with Zhang Pingan, and she sent him to the door of her house.

As soon as he got into the vehicle, Zhang Pingan's cell phone rang. He saw that the caller was Pani. I roughly guessed what was going on. Maybe the program team sent them an invitation to the show today. As for Girls' Generation's schedule, their agents will first ask their opinions before deciding whether to accept them or not.

Obviously, Pani called at this time to 'demand a debt'.

The first thing Pani said was "Where are you?"

"Longshan, where else can I be?"

"I'm also in Longshan. I'm having lunch here with Jessi. I'll give you a seat. Come over."


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