My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 134 Hot search for love? (superior)

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ping'an even made an exclusive promotion after their comeback. It's a good opportunity to interview 'Tai Di Xu' alone. This is a step closer to the entertainment circle for his platform. After Zhang Pingan inexplicably finalized a solo interview with a big name, he began to think about whether to make a "Star Entertainment" channel?

And Pani also gave Zhang Pingan a very good 'suggestion', because the Korean entertainment industry has cooperated a lot with Huaxia recently, so there have been rumors in the circle that the 'price' offered by Huaxia is very attractive news. Many celebrities want to have the opportunity to do some publicity in Huaxia. What if Choo Ja Hyun suddenly has the opportunity to go to Huaxia to develop?

What South Korea lacks now is a fixed platform to promote to the Chinese circle. Because if you are not popular in Korea, no Chinese media will come to interview you. And Zhang Pingan held a very good platform in his hand, and Pani said, "He can get to know many Korean idols by using this platform well." '

Zhang Ping'an rolled her eyes when she heard this suggestion. No wonder she had an indescribable smile when she said 'suggestion'.

However, seriously thinking about her suggestion is very good, Zhang Ping'an originally wanted to make his platform develop in the entertainment industry! Isn't her suggestion a good way? Some well-known entertainment media in Huaxia will not conduct interviews with unknown Korean artists, because if they are not famous, there will be no one to watch, and his live broadcast platform doesn't mind!

And if Zhang Ping'an asked for an interview, even if he didn't give money, those unknown idol companies would be willing to accept interviews from Huaxia, right?

Pani and Taeyeon went back to the dormitory, and Zhang Pingan didn't let them see them off, because the distance from the dormitory to the cafe was not too far. And after they left, Zhang Ping'an also returned to his home. He sat on the sofa and began to seriously think about his next entertainment career.

Do you want to start the layout from the 'interview'? But without the participation of big-name celebrities, how much traffic can the 'interview' attract? Moreover, the interview was done according to the script, which is quite boring to be honest. If the interview can be broadcast live, it should be quite interesting, right? Ask fans to ask questions and interview the artist.

Of course, there will be live interview programs in the future, but the problem is that the network in South Korea is not connected to Huaxia. Although the company has tried its best to coordinate, it still takes time!

But inviting big-name artists to accept interviews... When the other company heard that Huaxia was here for the interview, they charged more expensive prices. But the little artist has no traffic, a little annoyed.

The suggestion is good, how to do it well, how to attract traffic... Zhang Pingan is still a little confused about these things, so he took out the phone and called Fang Shihyuk, because he, the president of the entertainment industry, is needed at this time The seniors gave him some advice.

Fang Shihe answered Zhang Ping'an's phone call: "President Zhang, is your affairs in Huaxia settled?"

Zhang Ping'an responded: "The internal test starts today, and there are still some problems with the account. The recharge cannot be immediately transferred to the company's account. The problem is already being dealt with over there. If it is fast, it will be resolved in two or three days. By the way , are you in the company? I have something to do with you. "

"Not in the company, buying equipment in the musical instrument market, are you in Korea?"

"Well, I arrived in the afternoon and came to shoot a promotional video. I just met with Taeyeon and Pani and asked them to help film the promotional slogan. You are in the musical instrument market, so I came to find you. I have something I want to consult with you .”

"You do it,

I'm at..." Fang Shihyuk told Zhang Ping'an the address of Musical Instrument Street where he was.


After more than half an hour, Zhang Pingan drove to the musical instrument city he mentioned. There are all kinds of musical instruments in this building, from modern musical instruments to classical musical instruments, audio equipment, to recording equipment, including disc players used in nightclubs. Zhang Pingan found Fang Shihe, who was in the audio equipment store, and Fang Shihe was sitting inside discussing the price with the boss.

Fang Shihyuk asked the shop owner: "I want to make two studios and a recording studio, how much can you give me?"

The boss and Fang Shihyuk were entangled in the issue of bargaining: "I have quoted you the lowest price for these things you want. Really, I really can't give you much discount here."

Zhang Pingan appeared when he was bargaining, and he called out to Fang Shihe's back: "Representative Fang."

Fang Shihe smiled and nodded at Zhang Ping'an and said, "Oh, come on, wait a minute, I'll discuss the price with the boss."

"You bargain slowly, I'll wait for you." Zhang Pingan sat down casually on a chair in the store. Because Zhang Ping'an didn't know the price of the audio equipment, so he didn't join in the fun, and just watched from the side.

While waiting for Fang Shihe to bargain, he took out Huaxia's mobile phone and planned to swipe his scarf, but a "kakao" interrupted his idea of ​​swipe his scarf. He took out another Korean mobile phone, and saw that the letter "HAHA" sent was a picture, and then a message came in: "Wow.. amazing. You are actually on the top search, the tenth place."

"Huh?" Zhang Pingan clicked on kakao suspiciously, and looked at Ha Dongxun's message. What he sent was a photo of him, Taeyeon, and Pani in a certain coffee. In the photo, he and Taeyeon were sitting opposite each other. and clasped their fingers together. In the photo, Taeyeon and Zhang Pingan were covering their mouths and laughing while clasping their fingers. Looking at the angle of the photo, Zhang Pingan knew that it was taken in the store.

Ha Dong Hoon's text message said, "Are you dating Taeyeon?"

Zhang Pingan replied: "No, you didn't see Pani there. Because of the angle, Pani was not photographed holding the camera in his hand. We were joking. I will edit the film later. Pass it to the 'youtube'."

"Oh, I thought you were dating Taeyeon, I was taken aback! Tell Taeyeon and let her explain."

"OK, I'll send her a message." After replying to Hadong Xun, Zhang Pingan first looked at "N station".

Sure enough, 'Kim Taeyeon in Love' has occupied the top ten of the hot searches, and the popularity is rising, and it may be moving towards the front position.

Zhang Pingan quickly sent a message to Taeyeon: "We are on the hot search, the photo with the fingers clasped together. I will ask someone to cut out the photo right away, and you can give it to your company!"

"Is it on the hot search? I'll go and have a look."

Girls' Generation's Kim Taeyeon is in love, and the speed of this trending search will rise beyond your imagination, so Zhang Pingan immediately said to Bang Shihyuk: "I'll go back first, I'll go get things, and we'll see you at the company later."

"Oh, oh." Although he didn't know what happened to Zhang Ping'an, he made an appointment with the company.

Zhang Pingan drove back home quickly. On the way, he received a call from Kim Taeyeon. Taeyeon had asked the company to make a statement, asking him to edit the film as soon as possible. Zhang Pingan also said that he was rushing home.

Girls' Generation once again exposed the 'love' news, which surprised countless netizens. In the past ten or so days, Pani only revealed her love affair, and now Taeyeon has revealed her relationship again? Will Girls' Generation reveal their romances one by one this year?

Of course, S.M immediately explained after being on the trending list, "The two are just friends, and they were shooting a funny video at the time."

Funny movie? For fans, the explanation given by S.M is more funny, right? Funny movies need fingers clasped? And there was no VJ carrying camera equipment, right?

While Zhang Ping'an was driving, his mobile phone kept making kakao sounds. He looked at the message from Sister Fei, but he didn't reply because he was driving.

Sister Fei wanted to tell Zhang Ping'an that his identity was picked up by netizens in minutes. China's top rich second generation, Zhang Ping'an's background is unknown, and it is known that he is the owner of PandaTV. The exposed asset Tokyo real estate is worth 55 million Huaxia coins, equivalent to 9 billion Korean won. Currently living in the most top apartment in Shanghai worth more than 13 billion won, owning three top limited edition cars worth as much as 8.5 billion won.

Photos of Zhang Pingan driving three luxury cars in China, as well as the Japanese variety show he appeared on, quickly spread on the Korean Internet, and the speed of spreading was so fast!

It only took him half an hour to get home from the musical instrument store, but his photos were also spread on the Korean Internet, with the words "Taeyeon's lover: Zhang Ping'an, the second generation of rich Chinese!" ’ was on the hot search.

Zhang Ping'an was in the elevator home, and when he opened the 'N Station', his head got big when he saw the trending search. He actually reached the third place in South Korea's trending search. No need to think about it, you know that the 'bib' will definitely be on the hot search soon!

Zhang Pingan said with a wry smile: "My God, isn't this spreading too fast?"

Yes, the transmission speed is really fast, this is the advantage of the Internet!

Zhang Ping'an clicked on Hot Search News, and saw the information about his asset announcement, as well as various photos of him, including photos of the decoration style of his Japanese home, photos of Shanghai Tomson Yipin, and his three sports cars placed in front of him. Photos from the garage.

He even saw the message below: "Zhang Ping'an, get the hell out of Taeyeon."

"Zhang Ping'an, go back to your Huaxia!"...

All kinds of online abuse are in the comment area below the news, Zhang Pingan finally realized that it is not easy for celebrities to fall in love. He really couldn't bear to read these messages, so he closed the webpage, then immediately picked up Huaxia's mobile phone and clicked on the scarf.

Sure enough, the abuse has spread to the country. Domestic Taeyeon fans left comments under Zhang Pingan’s scarf, and of course many people left messages saying, ‘That’s great, brother Ping An, so you just got the captain of Girls’ Generation. '

For these messages on the Internet, Zhang Pingan didn't bother to pay attention to them, and just waited for the video clips to come out.

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