Zhang Pingan's words made everyone laugh. After spending so much money on luxury goods, they opened the label and saw "Made in China".

Quan Xuanmoo smiled and said, "Ping'an Xi, is the clothes you are wearing made in China? It is said that the clothing category 'Made in China' accounts for more than 70% of the world's clothing."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and shook his head and said, "No, this is not the dress I am wearing. It was custom-made by me at a dress shop in Cheongdam-dong, because rather than buying a branded suit, I prefer it to be sewn by a tailor. And the price of this dress is not as expensive as a luxury suit. Well, I'm not saying that China's manufacturing is not good, it's just because China's manufacturing process is very good that I can see the words "Made in China" on luxury goods. Director, please don’t edit this paragraph, I don’t want to be scolded for your editing.”

The scene burst into laughter again because Zhang Ping'an blocked the "malicious editing" of the program team.

Then the host said, "Is this why you like to wear a certain sports brand?"

"Absolutely? It's possible that luxury goods and sports goods come from the same manufacturer or even the same assembly line. So I think except for the different logos, there is nothing different in terms of craftsmanship. Use the craftsmanship of sports brands and replace it with luxury goods logos. , the money you paid is more than ten times, so all the silver spoons in the audience should spend their money elsewhere.”

Quan Xuanmoo said, "Xi Zhang Pingan, I seem to have seen photos of you wearing clothes with luxury logos on the Internet some time ago. Isn't this a little inconsistent with what you said?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile, "When one day you feel that buying luxury brands is no different from buying sports brands, you will understand what I mean. For example, Facebook's Zuckerberg seems to be wearing the same clothes. And it’s not a luxury, the truth is the same. I think there are two places worth spending money on: one is enjoying delicious food, and the other is enjoying traveling, such as collecting art, jewelry, or. Expensive limited-edition sports cars will do, no matter how much money you spend on it, it’s worth it.”

Liu Shiyun said, "These collections are too expensive. What do you think about collecting sneakers?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Well, did our conversation go off topic? You want to know that we can finish the conversation before we finish."

The program continued, and then we talked about whether to increase taxes on some high-income groups or high-income companies? Zhang Pingan did not express his own opinions on the issue of taxation. On the contrary, other people expressed their own opinions.

Finally, when asked by the host, Zhang Ping'an said, "Businessmen are profit-seeking, and excessive taxes will only lead to asset outflows. Why do many high-tech industries now set their corporate headquarters in Ireland? Because it is a High-tech digital taxes have been very low,

Therefore, large companies in Silicon Valley have established their European headquarters in Ireland. Then companies take the money they earn around the world to Ireland to pay taxes, making reasonable use of the rules and avoiding high taxes. Therefore, taxation requires multi-faceted communication based on different national conditions. "

After chatting here, the show ended. Zhang Pingan and Huang Zhiye each expressed some words about how happy they were to come to the show.

While waiting for the show to air next month, there will be a lot of scenes with Zhang Pingan, because he represents the point of view of the golden spoon.

What he said is quite reasonable. Whether it is the advantages of the golden spoon or whether the clay spoon can surpass the golden spoon, his personal views are quite normal. But there will always be some people who can't stand people like Zhang Pingan who were born with a golden spoon, as if a golden spoon like Zhang Pingan has taken away all the opportunities that originally belonged to them.

After the show, Taeyeon, Pani, Sika, and Yoona sent messages one after another telling Zhang Pingan that there is really no need to participate in such a show next time, because appearing on a show is a thankless job. If you work honestly behind the scenes and produce excellent programs to entertain the public, you may not get so many scoldings, but of course these are things for another day.

In fact, Zhang Pingan didn't like to participate in the show, but this time it was because he was doing Li Zhien's concert, so he could only make this deal with Luo Yingshi.

After the show ended, the people present returned to the waiting room. The foreigners and the host talked about having dinner together in the evening, because it was already time for dinner after the filming.

Zhang Ping'an thought for a moment and nodded in agreement, "Okay, let's get together in the evening. Do you have any familiar restaurants? If not, I will arrange it. I am Chinese, so I will treat everyone to Chinese cuisine. What? How about that? I can make a reservation at Chef Li Lianfu’s restaurant.”

Li Lianfu has appeared in many programs recently, and he recently joined the show "Please Take Care of the Refrigerator". As fame and popularity grew, it became harder to book his restaurant. Originally, it was hard enough to book their restaurant after Zhang Pingan produced "The Showdown", but now it's even harder~~

At this time, someone from Italy said, "Isn't it difficult to get a reservation at Chef Li Lianfu's restaurant?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Well, it's difficult to make a reservation. However, now his restaurant has reserved a special private room for regular customers. I'll give it a try. If it doesn't work, I'll change the place."

With that said, Zhang Pingan took out his phone and called Li Lianfu's restaurant, "Hello, boss lady, long time no see. I'm Zhang Pingan."

Hearing Zhang Pingan's voice, the front desk lady who was in charge of answering the phone said in surprise, "Hey, Pinganxi, are you calling to come over for dinner today?"

"Yes, I'm coming over for dinner today. Has anyone reserved your big private room? We have 15 people in total. Is that too many? Can't fit? Chef Li is filming a show? Okay, let's do it another day."

Because there are too many people filming the show here, there are originally ten regular guests, plus three hosts and two guests, Zhang Pingan, a total of fifteen people. In China, there are super large round tables for 20 people, but the round tables in Korea are all standard for ten people. For 15 people, at least two private rooms are needed. It was no problem for Li Lianfu's restaurant to make room for Zhang Pingan, but a room couldn't seat so many people, and the chef wasn't there either, so

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Pingan said, "Chef Li Lianfu isn't in the restaurant, and a room can't seat so many of us. Do you have any recommendations?"

At this time, another foreigner living in Itaewon said, "I know there's an American BBQ in Itaewon. There's no room. You can put the tables together to eat and drink beer. It's a great atmosphere."

At this time, someone said, "Let's not eat barbecue. The four of us had barbecue yesterday."

When Zhang Pingan saw that the opinions couldn't be unified, he said, "Forget it, I'll arrange it."

Then Zhang Pingan called again, "Manager Li, hello, I'm Zhang Pingan. Please book two tables for me at the Eight Immortals Chinese Restaurant. There are fifteen of us. The meal standard should be based on the 'state banquet' standard. We'll be there in about an hour."

Eight Immortals, the Chinese restaurant in the Shilla Hotel, is also the hotel where 'Huaxia Dada' stayed and dined. After the reception, the Chinese restaurant here became very curious to the Chinese people, because many Chinese people want to know what kind of state banquet their country's "big boss" eats in the hotel? So after the "big boss" left, the hotel also launched the "state banquet", of course, in order to make money from Chinese tourists.

The hotel laughed when they heard the "state banquet", because people who called to order meals recently basically asked for the "state banquet" "Is it the state banquet standard? Okay, I will contact the restaurant in a while."

There is no problem with seats when dining in the Shilla Hotel, not to mention that there are only fifteen people in their group, and there is no problem multiplying it ten times.

When Zhang Ping'an called to make a reservation, Zhang Yu'an heard the name of the restaurant "Eight Immortals" and told those who didn't know the restaurant that the restaurant was in the Shilla Hotel!

The golden spoon is indeed a golden spoon. If you can't get a seat in the popular restaurant, you can immediately book a five-star hotel. For a restaurant like this, even if they eat more economically, they can't afford to eat without 5 million won.

If they eat Korean barbecue, the ten of them will spend at most 500,000 or 600,000 won. The barbecue of pork belly is only 11,000 won per person, and the pork is 200g per person, which is different from the weight of Korean beef. Three people per person, 600g, is it the most? The rest is for drinking, beer and soju that cost more than 100,000 won. You want to drink to death, right? Soju in the barbecue restaurant is only 3,000 won a bottle!

Then they heard Zhang Pingan asking for the "state banquet standard". It is conceivable that if they don't have 10 million won to eat, what kind of state banquet can they talk about? Drink some wine or something

Golden Spoon, really generous!

But everyone present knew that Zhang Pingan's level would not care about the little money they spent on eating, so they were silent one by one, and didn't say anything about it being too expensive, or changing to another place. After booking the restaurant, Zhang Pingan turned around and looked at them, "Let's go, Shilla Hotel, did you all drive here?"

Zhang Yu'an said, "I don't have a car, Mr. Zhang, can I take your car?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Of course, my car can seat four people. Those who don't have a car can go with me, or take Jeon Hyun-moo's car."

Basically everyone has a car, only a few people didn't drive, so the group was quickly assigned.

The host took a few people, and Zhang Pingan took Zhang Yu'an and the Italian guest to the hotel.

Arriving at the garage, Zhang Pingan's Rolls-Royce was parked there. As men, they were all curious. They all came to look around the car, and Zhang Pingan also opened the door for them to visit.


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