My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 731 Zhang Pingan is afraid?

Mango’s new variety show idol is here, and the celebrity artists invited are big names. Even the super senior Brigitte Lin, who was once considered the top actor in the Chinese entertainment industry, can be invited. This shows that the program team is very ruthless in terms of production costs. However, China does not have the profession of variety show writers, and television directors basically work with the intention of not making mistakes.

So if you ask TV directors to create programs, no director can come up with a good variety show. If the director cannot come up with a good plan, he will naturally not be able to get budget support from the TV station. Then the simplest way is to plagiarize. In the words of the director of Idols Are Coming, "I am not plagiarizing, but borrowing."

These words are just for those who don’t watch Korean TV series. The most ridiculous thing is that those who watch Korean TV series point out that the TV station plagiarized it. Immediately some defenders under the guise of patriotism jumped out and accused you of being a dog licker, and a dog that specializes in licking sticks. I don’t know what kind of logic this is.

No wonder the principal scolded him on his scarf. It’s okay to copy the settings. You’re so stupid that you even copied your lines. It’s really plagiarism. You’ve copied it to give you a sense of superiority.

Zhang Ping'an hasn't ordered a Huaxia scarf for a long time. After picking up the car today, he sat in a cafe in Xintiandi, ate lunch leisurely and brushed his scarf. If you want to know the most exciting person in the scarf in 1517, it is the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Entertainment Circle. If you want to know some news about entertainment trends, it is always right to look at his scarf, so Zhang Pingan saw him and Mango The battle between Taiwan and Taiwan.

As for why Zhang Ping'an came to Xintiandi for lunch, it's because the place is young enough, and Xintiandi is not only lively at night, but also lively during the day. Sitting here, he can eat delicious food while admiring the beautiful women who occasionally pass by. It satisfies both vision and taste.

After Zhang Ping'an saw the battle between Mango and the principal, although two months had passed, he still couldn't help but publish a message of his own, "Inform the Chinese TV stations that there are programs produced by me."

Zhang Pingan wrote all the programs he produced on his scarf. The last sentence said, "Wait a minute, the copyright of the program is in my hands. If you want to remake it, you can contact our agency to purchase the copyright. Please don't borrow my program ideas." . Program creation is not easy, so please be merciful. Please kindly remind us that our agency is headquartered in Shanghai. If there is any reference in the program, our company is not afraid of litigating with you because our company is not cross-border."

Why do overseas TV stations not like to come to China to litigate lawsuits? First of all, cross-border lawsuits are very troublesome, and China has certain protective policies in it. For example, Baoshitai actually won the lawsuit in China. Can you believe it? China Jordan was sued by Jordan for ten years without an answer.

Regarding copyright protection, although China is making improvements, it still has a long way to go.

Zhang Pingan suddenly made a sound on his scarf,

You must know that in the past, Zhang Pingan kept posting some lottery activities on his scarf, so his personal account already had 30 million followers.

Zhang Pingan's update made countless melon-eaters laugh. "Oh, it's been two months since the last battle between the principal and Mango. As a producer of the program, An Ge'er just now jumped out to speak out. Is it okay? too late"

"Brother An, have you been secretly observing the trend of variety shows in the past two months? The ratings of the variety shows you saw did not drop even after they were plagiarized, and they were even plagiarized. So as a program producer, you are afraid "

"An Geer must be scared, because the show here just ended, and he is afraid that the next target will be his creation."

"Brother An, do you have anything to say about Mango's plagiarism?" After seeing this message, Zhang Pingan replied, "As long as you can make money, why do you need shame?"

Zhang Pingan's reply made many netizens laugh. Apart from talking about plagiarism in a drama, there seems to be nothing that Shameless Zhang Pingan can do about it. Indeed, in this era, people who plagiarize have become rich, and often the remaining so-called original creators have not made any money.

Plagiarism is something with extremely low costs but extremely high returns. For example, the Huaer Band used plagiarism to become an artist, and then he used his identity as an artist to make money that ordinary people would never be able to make in their lifetime. There is also a certain great author whose copied books sold more copies than the original ones, and later he turned around and became a director. There is also a screenwriter who used patchwork and plagiarism from the beginning to become a top screenwriter.

As a result, the copycats made a lot of money, even though the original ones lost. But in the end, the plagiarists became famous and made money through some unfair methods. This is enough. Most of this society still only cares about money.

After the scarf was published, Zhang Pingan received contact immediately. The first person to contact us was the principal: "Hey, it's rare to see you speaking out in China. How did you suddenly think of it and say such a long paragraph today?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and replied, "Aren't I afraid that they will attack my show? Netizens have seen it, can't you still see it?"

The principal said, "I'm afraid it's useless. If you should take action, they will definitely take action, so you can either shoot it yourself first, or wait to be copied. What do you think, do you want to come to our platform and make a variety show with us?" I think the show Three Meals on a Time is very suitable for filming in China.”

Zhang Pingan replied, "I have no plans to shoot in China this year. I have produced a large-scale variety show in South Korea, and the preparation period is almost over. Waiting for the venues to be arranged, the shooting will be at the end of the month at the most. I have to Go to the jail."

"When will you plan a program in China?"

Zhang Ping'an replied, "At the end of next year, all the programs I have are waiting to be filmed for the second season and so on, so I don't have that much time to run both ways for the time being."

The principal said, "By the way, my agency has signed two Chinese members from ia, what do you think?"

Zhang Pingan: "As long as you like it. Do you want to buy the exid I told you last time?"

"I'm currently in contact. I plan to create a multinational agency just like you. The platform is what will give me the foundation for the future entertainment industry. The Panda girl selected this time also plans to be sent to South Korea to study."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "It seems that there is another competitor in the entertainment industry."

While Zhang Pingan was chatting with the principal, a lot of news came in. Zhang Pingan first looked through the message sent by Fat Di, "Hey, I figured out how to wear my scarf today. It looks like you are in Shanghai."

Fat Di seemed to have figured out Zhang Pingan's habits, because he basically wouldn't suddenly give out scarves when he was not in China, so when Fat Di saw Zhang Pingan sending a message, she felt that Zhang Pingan was in Shanghai at this time. .

"Well, I came back last night on Halloween night."

Fat Di, who was sitting cross-legged at home, had finished filming the TV series and had some time to rest at home. Suddenly she saw Zhang Ping'an replying that he was in Shanghai. She smiled brightly, "Hehe, you are really in Shanghai. I am." You came back from filming the day before yesterday and came to pick me up at my house. I miss you."

The words "I miss you" made Zhang Ping'an feel numb all over. When Zhang Ping'an came back this time, she really didn't expect Fatty to come back after finishing the filming of the TV series, because the two of them had talked with each other the previous week, and she said that she was still filming in Tianjin. Who knew that this week would pass and she would finish filming and return to Shanghai?

Zhang Pingan did not expect that she would finish filming the day before yesterday, and Pang Di was not so anxious to send a message to Zhang Pingan after finishing filming, because he was in South Korea at the time. And Pangdi also felt that it was useless to send a message. After all, she didn't have much rest time left, and she would start work again soon. She wanted to rest at home for a few days, not to go to Korea for a few days or something.

Who knew that Zhang Pingan's scarf today would let Fat Di know that Zhang Pingan was in Shanghai.

Zhang Ping'an put down the knife and fork in his hand when he saw this news. He felt restless and his whole body became hot.

Taeyeon has been busy with her own affairs during this period, while Sika is busy supporting her brand in China. The only one who has been by Zhang Pingan's side during this period is Pani. And he and she have not thought about breaking through this relationship for the time being, so they both remain friends.

So as a young person, if you haven't had fun for so long, you will inevitably feel a little angry. So when Fatty said he would pick me up at my house, the fire in Zhang Pingan's heart ignited.

The blue Rolls-Royce quickly shuttled through the streets of Shanghai, and soon Zhang Ping'an arrived at the garage downstairs of Fat Di's home. After parking the car, Zhang Pingan quickly locked the car and went upstairs. It doesn't matter whether we will be discovered or not if we stop here.

Fatty was wearing a comfortable sweatshirt at home today, and a pair of tight-fitting jeans wrapped her figure very well. She has a round head, a simple raised eyebrow, and the outline of eye shadow makes her already big eyes full of charm, especially the mole in the corner of her eye that has been specially added with two strokes to highlight the charm to the extreme.

Fat Di, who was waiting for Zhang Pingan's call at home, suddenly heard the sound of her doorbell. She stood at the door and asked softly "Who?"

"Me." When he heard Zhang Ping'an's familiar voice, Fatty opened the door with a slight smile on his lips.

Opening the door and looking at Zhang Pingan standing at the door, she smiled and said, "I thought you were going to call."

Before Fatty finished speaking, Zhang Pingan rushed forward ferociously. He blocked what she wanted to say and closed the door quickly.

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