My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 734 Rich man’s love model: Buy, buy, buy?

Shopping is definitely one of the things that makes women feel the happiest. It is especially comfortable to shop with someone like Zhang Pingan who doesn't care about "money" at all. Pang Di and Zhang Pingan spent more than 300,000 yuan on this trip to the IFC. From bags to autumn and winter clothing... Well, the autumn and winter clothing of luxury brands is very expensive. From long coats that are just right for the season at this time to long down jackets that keep warm at the winter shooting site.

Pang Di didn't finish her shopping trip until she and Zhang Pingan had nothing left in their hands. Today's shopping bags are all from the world's top luxury brands. Sometimes Zhang Pingan feels that his thinking is very strange, because he doesn't care about his clothes. Luxury goods can be worn, and ordinary sports brands are also fine. He doesn't have too many requirements. He doesn't have to wear luxury goods, but he hopes that everyone around him can wear some good clothes.

Although he thought about buying luxury goods for Taeyeon, Ji Eun, etc. But thinking of those morbid and anti-rich netizens on the Korean Internet, he had to give up. He can't let them be scolded because of some luxury clothes he gave them, right? If it's just one piece occasionally, it's fine, but if it's luxury goods every time, it's not okay.

And most of the clothes worn by Korean idols are designer brands. As for luxury goods, you can only see them in the sponsorship of the show, but rarely in their private clothes in the "airport fashion" on weekdays.

But luxury goods seem to be standard for Chinese artists? After all, fashion is extended from luxury goods. To be precise, it is the shows of a few luxury brands that determine the popularity of the next year! Chinese artists have begun to pursue "fashion" in recent years, so luxury goods have become her favorite fashion brand. Also because of the star effect of China, luxury goods have begun to go to the public. Many vain people have begun to feel superior by owning a luxury bag or clothing?

This is a bit like the eve of luxury goods taking over Tokyo. Although Tokyo has a small population, in terms of proportion, the proportion of women there consuming luxury goods is very high. Many students choose to stand on the street to buy a luxury item.

Back in the car, Pang Di put her "trophies" in the trunk. Looking at the trunk filled with today's "achievements", she had an indescribable feeling in her heart. Was it excitement? Was it joy? Or was it a feeling of confusion after an impulse purchase? Perhaps she herself couldn't tell?

The bill clearly recorded today's spending, and she had never thought of spending more than 300,000 yuan on clothes and accessories? If she bought a car, 300,000 yuan would be acceptable, but clothes... more than 300,000 yuan. If she wore them this year, would she still be able to wear these outdated styles next year?

Returning to the passenger seat, she sighed and said, "Looking at the trunk full of clothes, I suddenly feel a little distressed."

"Why feel distressed? What's there to feel distressed about? Whether it's 300,000 or 3 million, it's completely insignificant to me. If I were just a corporate executive, I would have an annual salary of several million, and I might feel a little distressed to buy so much at once. But now I am producing programs in South Korea. Without counting the income from artists, I have more than 200 million Chinese yuan a year, which means 20 million Chinese yuan a month. I make so much money, I have to find a way to spend it, right? So today's expenses are insignificant to our future."

After listening to Zhang Ping'an's sweet words of comfort, Pang Di finally felt better, especially after Zhang Ping'an said that his monthly income was 20 million Chinese yuan, she rationally calmed down today's impulse consumption in her mind.

Zhang Pingan continued, "Actually, I don't care if you collect some bags or something. And I heard that platinum bags are considered an investment because they appreciate every year? To make money, you have to give yourself a hobby. Have you ever thought about how boring it would be if your annual income reached tens of millions or hundreds of millions in the future, and you had no other hobbies in life except filming every day?"

Zhang Pingan started the car and drove Pang Di towards her home. Pang Di listened to his crooked logic and pursed her lips for a while before saying, "Tens of millions? I work so hard now, and it's only a few million a year. But I think this income is very good. For newcomers, there are jobs to do all year round, and with a million-level income, I am really satisfied. As for the collection of bags you mentioned, I don't have this idea for the time being, because there are too many jobs, and I can't carry many things in these bags on weekdays."

Of course, when actors go to work on the set, no one should bring any luxury bags, right? At most, it's a mobile phone to kill time. If you need money on weekdays, the agent can advance the large sum, and the mobile phone can pay for the small sum.

When Zhang Pingan was talking about his hobbies, Fatty asked Zhang Pingan, "What about you? Don't you have any hobbies in collecting? I thought men all liked sports cars, but you bought one and sold it. I was very surprised..." Zhang Pingan raised his watch and said, "This is what I collect. Watches are one of my favorite things. As for sports cars, apart from their cool appearance and useful for picking up girls, they are useless for other purposes. As for racing, I used to play with them when I was studying in Tokyo, but I haven't done it for many years. And racing is not as fun as modified cars."

Fatty raised her eyebrows when she heard the modified cars and said, "Modified cars are not allowed in China, aren't they?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Well, it is illegal in China after a series of modifications to the vehicle's performance, but it is OK in Japan. Japan has a wider tolerance for modified vehicles, and there are many tracks. By the way, tomorrow Don't you want to go to the track? Didn't you have bad driving skills some time ago and you crashed someone's Mercedes during filming? It should be good to go to the racing track to practice. There are few cars and there won't be any pedestrians. You can rest assured. Drive boldly.”

Arena? When Fatty heard this, he waved his hands quickly: "Forget it, forget it, it doesn't matter whether I practice driving skills or not. Anyway, I don't plan to drive by myself in the future."

Typical of being bitten by a snake, Fatty actually wanted to give up driving. It seems that among the people Zhang Pingan knew, Taeyeon was the only one who was slightly interested in sports cars. Taeyeon just liked the look of sports cars, but she was interested in it. The speed of a sports car is not of much interest. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve never been on a track? Zhang Pingan thinks that one day he will take Taeyeon to Japan. He also has two sports cars there. It would be great to take her to the track to play?

"Okay, don't force it. Like's really not a good thing."


After chatting along the way, the two came to Fat Di's home again. Zhang Pingan was sitting in the living room with his legs on the table in the living room, while Fat Di was running back and forth between the bedroom and the living room, giving Zhang Pingan Ping An's 'catwalk'.

Zhang Pingan watched Pang Di change into a plaid coat suitable for the weather, and wear a long knitted tight dress underneath. The well-wrapped dress outlined her figure, and her long legs were exposed. Talking about the woman's sexiness, the luxury short boots she just bought fit her outfit perfectly. Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "This coat is not bad. Is it from 'miumiu'?"

Listening to Zhang Pingan's approval, Pang Di smiled softly and said, "Well, I also think this style is very good. I'm just hesitating whether it should be paired with pants or this knitted dress?"

"They're all pretty good, it depends on your preference."

"Well, I'm going to try on the pants." After saying that, Fatty returned to the bedroom again. At this time, Zhang Pingan, who was sitting outside, looked at the darkening sky outside and said, "Fatty, have you ever thought about moving to a better place?" Go to a nearby neighborhood?”

Fatty, who was changing his pants in the room, responded: "There's no need for that at the moment. I'm basically away from home for three to four months when I'm filming. Renting here is always vacant. I don't think it's cost-effective to rent here." "

The rent is more than 20,000 yuan. During the filming period, which starts from four months, and she is not living there, it is equivalent to paying a "storage deposit" of 100,000 yuan to put luggage and other things here. I thought it was not worth it. It cost 100,000 yuan, just to store luggage.

Zhang Ping'an thought for a moment and said, "How about you move over and live with me? Anyway, my house over there is always vacant, and I spend most of my time in South Korea."

Fatty thought for a while and then said: "Forget it, it's not suitable for me to live there. There are too many big-name artists living there. I... I'd better buy one myself after I make money."

"Okay, if you are determined to buy a house, you can take a look now. The housing prices in the surrounding areas are not very expensive."

Shanghai real estate purchase restrictions are for ordinary people, but for celebrities and artists, there are many ways, such as purchasing in the name of the company.

Pang Di put on her jeans and came out. She said to Zhang Ping'an depressedly: "Are you talking in human language? The housing prices in Shanghai are not expensive? Um, compared to the community where you live, right?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Most celebrities buy real estate in Shanghai or Yanjing, so where do you think it is more suitable to live?"

Fatty said without thinking: "Shanghai, aren't you in Shanghai? If you live in Yanjing, I will go to Yanjing."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Actually, Shanghai is quite good. It's close to the filming base. If you take a break during filming, you can go home. Are you not considering buying a house recently? If necessary, can I help you?"

Fatty shook his head and said: "I really don't think about it. Even if I borrow it now, I don't have the ability to pay you back. When I have the ability, maybe I won't care about the price of the house. And I don't want you to think that I am with you." We’re together just for the money!”

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Okay, I know you don't want to owe me too much in terms of 'money'. We have been together for such a long time, but I just feel that I can't be with you in the country on weekdays. Sorry."

Fatty shook his head and said, "What do you have to be sorry for? Isn't my job the same? I'm away from home most of the time, so you don't owe me anything, really!"

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