My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 137 Sika's Visit?

Zhang Pingan learned through Kim Jong Kook that the programs broadcast by Korean TV stations are not necessarily produced by the TV stations, and they are likely to be outsourced. The popular variety show "RM" in Asia is outsourced production! The TV station is mainly planning the content of each episode of shooting, and directing the specific shooting on the spot, rather than the employees of the TV station personally carrying the camera and running around with you!

Outsourced production, which suddenly made variety show production easier. When Zhang Pingan didn't know it before, he thought he was going to make it, so he must build a behind-the-scenes shooting team by himself, right? But when shooting a show in South Korea, you don’t need to scrape together to build your own team, because everything for the shooting can be outsourced! This instantly reduces the difficulty of 'work', which is equivalent to saying that everything is easy to do if you have money!

This news made Zhang Pingan decide to speed up the pace of his variety show production. Zhang Pingan asked Kim Jong Kook to help introduce their "RM" production company tomorrow. Zhang Ping'an still trusts the works produced by that team, and his things are there. A team that can run with "RM" will definitely not go wrong shooting such a small variety show!

The next day, after waking up, Zhang Pingan opened the curtains and windows of the living room to ventilate the air. The coffee machine on the kitchen workbench was hard at work making breakfast coffee, and bread was toasting in the toaster. Since he had been at home in Seoul for the previous month, he started his own simple cooking after waking up in the morning. In fact, these things don't require him to do too much, right?

A cup of coffee, a few slices of bread, all made by machines. He was still so lazy, he was too lazy to make fried eggs by himself. The bread is either spread with butter or dipped in honey and jam. This kind of breakfast is also simple.

While Zhang Pingan was sitting in the living room waiting for coffee, his eyes were a little dull looking at the sky of Seoul. The day is slowly starting to heat up, and it's only ten o'clock in the morning, and the sun is starting to show a white scorching state. He said something in his memory in a daze: "There will be a great heat in Seoul this year."

In my memory, in the summer of 2014, high temperature warnings broke out in many cities, and even those cities that had never experienced high temperatures before began to intensify the power of summer this year. So this summer, countries have been talking about "global warming" and other related international issues, which is why this summer will be firmly remembered in Zhang Pingan's memory.

Because many cities used to cool down quickly in summer nights, and a fan can pass by, but starting in 2014, if you don’t have an air conditioner, the days will be quite sad!

After inexplicably talking about the weather problem, Zhang Pingan called his mother and said that he wanted to buy a TV station broadcasting time in South Korea to produce variety shows by himself. Mother Zhang's response was very humorous: "Are you planning to use the influence of Hallyu to return to Huaxia's entertainment market? Are you not afraid that Huaxia's companies will collectively block you?"

Faced with his mother's ridicule, Zhang Pingan said with confidence: "The program I produced is planned to be broadcast on Korean TV and our own live broadcast platform at the same time. The purpose is to promote the production strength of our company, so that it will be better when I come back next time." Talk about co-production with the TV station here. I have to show results first before I have the capital to discuss cooperation with the Chinese TV station, right? Otherwise, I, a webcaster, suddenly inserted into the traditional media industry, they probably think I'm mentally/mentally/ill. And recently, China has been importing program copyrights non-stop, and you're right to say that I'm using the influence of the Hallyu wave!"

For Zhang Ping'an's idea, Zhang's mother maintained a supportive attitude and said: "I am a layman when it comes to program production. You have learned their advanced entertainment concepts in Japan and South Korea.

You must know more about this than I do, just make up your own mind. Anyway, you only have so little money, so go home when you run out. This time, let me see if you are suitable for investment business! "

"Producing programs and investing are two different things." Zhang Pingan wanted to explain to his mother, but Zhang's mother interrupted him with a smile: "In my opinion, there is no difference between your so-called program production and investment. Anyway, it is a I am investing in the needs of life in future technology, and you are investing in the spiritual pleasure of people’s boring life. The only difference between the two is substance and spirit.”

Hearing what his mother said, Zhang Ping'an fell silent again, because her explanation was correct, whether it was her investment in business or his investment in entertainment, they were all 'investments'.

"Okay, I admit that it's all investment. I called you because the funds used this time are relatively large. The filming and launching of the program in the first quarter will cost about 100 million Huaxia coins."

Zhang's mother was a little confused, she opened her mouth and said, "It's so cheap? Didn't you say you want to buy the broadcast time of the public TV station?"

Because an advertisement in China is broadcast once, 15 seconds, and the Shonan TV during the prime weekend is 400,000. It's only fifteen seconds, and what Zhang Ping'an said was 'buy airtime'.

Of course, Zhang's mother would not think about what kind of prime time he bought, because she also knew that he couldn't afford a "season" of prime time. Even if it's not prime time, you still have to spend 200 million Huaxia coins, right? This is just the money for 'buying time slots', not mentioning the cost of program production and so on. But when she heard that it was filming and putting all the expenses, she was shocked! How can it be so cheap? Isn't it a public station? (China Satellite TV can be watched all over the country.)

Zhang Ping'an said with black lines all over his head: "Mom, Korea is very small, even if it is a public station, the radiating area is not large. For example, Shanghai alone has a hundred TV stations. What do you think? "

Zhang's mother smiled and said: "Although your description is a bit's also appropriate! You can figure it out, I don't care about the things you invest in, anyway, it's up to you whether you can make a good appearance ability."


After talking with his mother, Zhang Pingan sat alone on the dining table with the twelve constellations engraved on it, and slowly ate a simple breakfast. The crispy toasted bread, paired with mellow coffee, is also a good breakfast. .

Just as he was enjoying his breakfast leisurely, the doorbell rang suddenly, which startled Zhang Ping'an. Because the only acquaintance who knows his address is Yin Suwan, and she is now in Shanghai. The rest is the aunt who does the cleaning, but he didn't ask the aunt to clean up today, so the sudden ringing of the doorbell really surprised him.

Zhang Pingan came to the doorbell and looked at it. Who knew that the person in the visible camera surprised Zhang Pingan. It was Xika who lived downstairs in his house?

Zhang Pingan tilted his head and walked towards the door, muttering as he walked, "Why did she come up suddenly? Could it be because of a water leak in my house? It's impossible, right?"

Because she lives downstairs, Zhang Ping'an is not sure if she came up because of something wrong with his house?

Opening the door, Zhang Pingan looked at Sika standing in front of him. At home, she was wearing a sweater and jeans. What attracted Zhang Ping'an most was that she held some boxes of side dishes in her hand.

In South Korea, some side dishes are given among good friends, especially those who live alone like Zhang Pingan. As long as the family of a good friend knows that he lives alone, they will definitely give him some side dishes.

What's the matter with Kosika?

The two are not friends, are they? And the two are still 'enemies'. Although they are neighbors, but she suddenly came upstairs with side dishes, Zhang Ping'an wondered if she had been poisoned? However, Zhang Ping'an knew that she definitely did not have this skill, so she knew it was prepared by her mother without thinking about it. But I have lived here for more than two years, except for eating the rice cakes sent by her mother when I just moved in, they have nothing to do with each other afterwards, right?

So when Zhang Pingan looked at the side dish box that Xika was holding, he said in amazement: "What?"

Zhang Ping'an's blank expression made Xika frowned: "You, don't you have something to tell me?"

Zhang Ping'an and Kim Taeyeon suddenly broke out in love scandal yesterday afternoon, and Sika, a member, was also taken aback. Because some time ago they knew that Kim Taeyeon and Byun Baekhyun seemed to be in love, but suddenly such intimate photos and dating news came out, and they were still with this 'lunatic'?

So after seeing the news, Sika contacted Taeyeon immediately, because she was afraid that this matter was true. If it was true, how would she get along with Zhang Pingan in the future?

As a result, after she called, she was relieved when she learned that this was not the case. But just after she breathed a sigh of relief, Taeyeon on the other end of the phone told her that something about her had been found out by 'D Society'. This is what Zhang Pingan told her, and she also told Sika that Zhang Ping'an's friend is 'D agency', and she also said that Zhang Ping'an had notified in advance about her love affair with Pani Both of them!

It seems that Taeyeon is confirming to Sika that Zhang Ping'an really has a friend who works in 'D Agency', and it seems that the position is not low.

Taeyeon also said on the phone that when she originally wanted to inquire about her, Zhang Pingan said that she could not let them know, and if Sika wanted to know, she would ask her to find him.

Sika, who is a little guilty, actually visited Zhang Ping'an's house yesterday afternoon, but he was not at home. So this morning she went to the garage to look around, and she came up only when she saw Zhang Ping'an's Rolls Royce parked in the parking space.

She wanted to know if the 'D agency' had found any news about her? Recently, she has gotten closer to a certain man, but the two have not had a formal relationship yet. Because of her personal brand, the two meet more often in private on weekdays. At present, it can only be said that they have a good impression of each other.

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