My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 759 Gentle Christmas (1)

Tokyo is a city full of magic. Because of its openness and tolerance, countless monsters and ghosts live in this city. Tokyo is not a city that you can figure out once you travel here, because it has ‘magical places’ hidden in every corner waiting for you to explore and discover. Especially men always have a bit of a bad smile and fantasy about Tokyo.

At night, the streets of Tokyo are like a "Hundred Demons Night Parade". If a girl is approached on the street or asked about the price directly, the chance is 100%!

Zhang Pingan was standing outside Shinjuku Station wearing a long Adidas down jacket, jeans, and a Sika brand baseball cap. Entering December, whether it is Seoul, Tokyo, or Yanjing in China, the temperature at night is hovering in single digits. The temperature difference between day and night is about ten degrees, so you need to consider the temperature at night when going out during the day.

This time when he came to Tokyo, Zhang Ping'an didn't bring a single piece of luggage. The backpack he carried contained only a wallet, ID, and a bottle of water from the VIP waiting room of the airport.

At night, there are many people lying on the ground outside Shinjuku Station, or are there people in the flower terrace who can’t go back even though it’s not even the train’s closing time? Drunkards are also a highlight of Tokyo’s night streets. However, compared to the drunkards, there are also many beauties who cannot go back because the trains have closed in the early morning. Therefore, the streets after the last train are full of all kinds of joy. Many wolves will think that Tokyo is like this after early morning. The most charming moment of the city.

Zhang Pingan raised his watch and looked at the time. It was almost nine o'clock in the evening. The plane he took was around five o'clock in the afternoon. The flight to Tokyo took two hours. It took almost an hour to get from the airport. . The airplane food was not delicious, so Zhang Pingan just ate some casually because he thought he was just going to have a meal of skewers. Izakaya in Tokyo at night is the place to really enjoy delicious food.

Standing on the sidewalk of the main road outside Shinjuku Station, Zhang Pingan folded his hands as if waiting for someone. After a while, a taxi came over. The back seat window rolled down and he said to Zhang Pingan: "Get in the car."

Zhang Pingan then opened the car door and got in. The girl in the back seat, wearing glasses and with long hair behind her shoulders, looked at Zhang Pingan with a smile on her face. She moved her position when Zhang Pingan got into the car. After Zhang Pingan got into the car, she took off the backpack from her back and hugged it to her chest. When their eyes collided, the moment she looked at Zhang Pingan bloomed. A smile is full of healing.

Seeing her smile, Zhang Pingan naturally reached out and took her hand and intertwined their fingers. Then he pretended to be angry and slapped the back of her hand: "You are so lazy. You didn't send me a message after work." information?"

She looked at him with her bright smile and said, "Hehe, it's no use even if I send you a message. Aren't you been preparing projects during this time?"

"The preparations just ended this afternoon. I checked your work status, and it turns out that you have finished it long ago. So I immediately booked a flight and came back. Why, have you been too lazy to read jokes and animations at home recently?" Zhang Heping is well aware of Aragaki Yui's habits during rest time. She either sleeps or watches anime and finds some jokes. Anyway, it is best to lie down.

Yui smiled sweetly and said, "No, isn't Christmas coming soon? I went out shopping and bought some decorations. Originally, I wanted to invite friends to my home for Christmas? "

"Okay..." While Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki were chatting, the driver in front suddenly said: "Well, where are we going next?"

When Yui called for a taxi earlier, she only said it would go to Shinjuku Station, but when she arrived at the station, she did not get off the bus, but continued to sit in the taxi with Zhang Pingan. As a result, after getting in the car, the two of them only focused on chatting among themselves and forgot to mention their destination.

Zhang Pingan said apologetically: "Sorry, please turn right in the block ahead."

Zhang Pingan said to Yui: "How about some skewers?"


"Yui doesn't like sushi very much, maybe because she was born on an island. She is particularly fond of meat, and skewers can be considered meat, right? Although it is not her favorite beef.


Zhang Ping'an paid the fare and the two got out of the car. Yui tightened her coat at this time. Zhang Ping'an pointed to the red lantern of the izakaya not far ahead: "If it's cold, walk quickly."

The two of them walked faster towards the izakaya. At the same time, Zhang Pingan took off his baseball cap and put it on Yui's head, and said with a smile: "Didn't the driver recognize you as Yui Aragaki along the way?"

Yui adjusted the angle of her hat, because she was going to an izakaya, a place with a lot of people, and then she shook her head and said: "No, actually the driver doesn't particularly care who the passenger is. Just like when I walk in Not many people would notice it on the street. People nowadays are either walking in a hurry or looking at their mobile phones. How can they have so much free time to care about who others are? "

Zhang Pingan retorted: "Who said that? When a man meets a beautiful girl on the street, he will inevitably take a second look. Let alone a national-level beauty like you!"

Yui said: "I'm rarely recognized anyway."

While chatting, the two entered the skewers shop. The bar was already full of people. Zhang Pingan asked casually: "Is there a seat upstairs?"

"Yes, please come upstairs and we'll take your order right away."

Before going upstairs, Zhang Pingan said: "When you come up, bring two glasses of beer."


Zhang Pingan and Yui went upstairs. There were no guests upstairs, just the two of them, which was more convenient for them. Zhang Pingan opened his down jacket and sat opposite Yui.

At this time, the waitress came up with beer. Zhang Pingan showed Yui the menu first: "Look at what you want to eat."

Yui said: "I can eat whatever I want, haven't you eaten?"

"I ate some on the plane. I didn't think it tasted good, so I didn't eat it." Zhang Ping'an took the menu and ordered some kebabs, and then the waiter went downstairs to prepare.

The two chatted about Christmas again. After Zhang Pingan touched Yui lightly with a beer, he said: "Are you planning to hold a party at home for Christmas?"

"Originally, I thought about inviting a few good friends to my house, and I would just prepare some food. Now..." Now that Zhang Pingan is here, Yui is thinking about having a quiet Christmas that only belongs to the two of them.

Zhang Ping'an understood what she wanted to express, so he said, "Have you sent out the invitation? If so, let's hold a party at home. It just so happens that we can disclose our relationship to your friends?"

Even if Yui disclosed their relationship to her friends, Zhang Pingan would not be afraid at all. Because Taeyeon and the others came to Japan for a trip and had no chance of interacting with Yui's good friends, so he could rest assured that he would be a scumbag to the end.

The Japanese usually send invitations almost a week or ten days in advance, so that the people being notified can make time arrangements in advance. Especially for a very special holiday like Christmas, people who are invited will basically adjust their personal schedules.

Yui nodded and said, "Well, the invitations must have been sent out in advance. For Christmas, if I don't invite friends in advance, if someone has an appointment that day, wouldn't I have to spend the holiday alone?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "Isn't there still me? Since the invitation has been sent out, let's do it. Then we can prepare together. But, tomorrow, the two of us will go and celebrate our Christmas in advance. "

Yui tilted her head and said, "Is this good?" Of course, she was not referring to having an early Christmas for the two of them, but introducing him to her friends on the day of her party?

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "There's nothing wrong with it. My relationship with you is heading towards the end of life. So... well, you haven't thought about it, right?"

Yui shook her head and said: "No, no, actually I am not young anymore. I will be 28 next year. I must have thought about some things. But how do I put it..."

The idea of ​​marriage is definitely considered as a woman gets older. Although Yui has stated many times in the program that she wants to get married around the age of thirty. And now that I am about to turn twenty-eight, I have considered many things after I decided to date Zhang Pingan. It was just a preliminary consideration at the time, because after all, the two had not really reached the point where they needed to sit down and discuss seriously.

When Yui didn't know how to express it, the skewers ordered by the two were also served. The first thing that came was chicken skin that could be cooked quickly. This is one of Zhang Ping'an's favorite foods when eating skewers.

Zhang Ping'an first gave Yui a bunch of grilled chicken skin, and then he started to eat it: "Actually, you don't need to think too much about some things, just let nature take its course."

Yui also nodded along with Zhang Ping'an's words and said, "Well, let nature take its course."

Zhang Pingan said: "So I think it's okay to introduce me to your friends. If you think you still need to wait and investigate again, I am also willing."

"Besides, aren't there still a few days left? Let's think about the Christmas that belongs to the two of us."

"Yeah. How about we go for a walk around Mount Fuji tomorrow?"

Yui smiled and nodded and said: "Okay, you just have to make arrangements. Anyway, I will follow you and enjoy your arrangements."

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "I just want to go to the hot springs or something. After all, hot springs are very comfortable in this season."

Yui nodded: "Well, it's a good way to relax."

The two of them just sat in this izakaya eating skewers, drinking wine, and chatting about their recent daily life and interesting things happening around them.

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