My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 762 New love affair exposed?

Lake Kawaguchi still maintained its tranquility under the winter sun. Zhang Ping'an and Yui drove to a roasted meat restaurant recommended on a food website, because it was the only roasted meat restaurant with the highest rating around Lake Kawaguchi.

This time, Yui wore a baseball cap and scarf to cover up her appearance. The store does not have private rooms, but only seats in the lobby. The two of them chose a slightly corner seat and sat down.

Barbeque, this is Yui’s favorite food. The hotel included dinner, so the two chose Yui's favorite for lunch.

And Yui's love for meat is very high. When she saw the beef on the table, Yui burst into smiles. Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "I think you should open a ranch in your hometown. This way you can eat Ishigaki beef every day.”

Faced with Zhang Ping'an's joke, Yui smiled and said: "Hehe, ranch management is a very troublesome thing. Where can I open it if I want to? I still prefer this simple method. I want to eat roasted pork." Just go out and eat when it’s time.”

Yui's love for beef really comes from the bottom of her heart. When Zhang Ping'an put the seasoned beef tongue on the charcoal fire, the sound of the sizzling barbecue and the aroma of soy sauce spread under the charcoal fire made Yui wrinkle her nose and take two deep breaths of the aroma of the butter mixture, and she nodded with satisfaction. He smiled and said, "It smells pretty good."

Zhang Pingan turned the beef tongue over with a smile: "You know it tastes good before you even eat it?"

Soon, the beef tongue was cooked, Zhang Ping'an gave Yui a slice, and then the two of them started to eat.

Because it was lunch time, many people entered the restaurant one after another. But at this time, a group of relatively high-spirited couples came in. After entering the store, they discussed whether to sit here or over there. This group of people who came in spoke Chinese, but their accents were very special. Zhang Pingan could tell that they were full of Taiwanese flavor.

Taiwanese Mandarin has a very special accent, and Taiwanese people are naturally servile towards Japan. In addition, Taiwanese people like to travel to Japan the most, as if they feel that coming to Japan is like visiting a very high-end place. Therefore, you can often see Taiwanese people in Japan, but Zhang Pingan doesn't like them very much, because when he was studying in Tokyo, Zhang Pingan saw many Taiwanese people who acted like monsters.

For example, they did some bad things, such as talking on the phone on the train and being looked at strangely, or chatting while eating in a ramen shop and disturbing other people's meals. When someone directly says that they are "Chinese" and rude, they will never refute, and they will even say that they are Chinese. The blame is often thrown to China by the Taiwan Strait. In turn, they also say that the quality of the Chinese people is not good.

Quality is an individual issue, not a country issue. When individuals realize that doing so is not good, they will naturally improve their own quality. Taiwanese people like to say that Chinese people have no quality no matter what happens. After Zhang Ping'an saw more of them, he felt that they were the real lack of quality.

This group of Taiwanese lovers who came in started ordering food after choosing their seats. The position where Yui Aragaki was sitting happened to be facing this group of Taiwanese lovers. After ordering their food, they began to look around. Aragaki Yui did not wear a mask when dining, and her hat was slightly raised. Moreover, she always smiled and talked and laughed with Zhang Pingan while eating her favorite beef.

Aragaki Yui's smile soon attracted the attention of Taiwanese lovers. Zhang Pingan heard them discussing: "Look, is that Gakki?"

"Yes, yes, that is definitely Gakki. Who is the man sitting opposite her?"

"How do I know? How about we pretend to go to the bathroom inside and take a peek?"

As he said this, a man and a woman walked towards Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki. They deliberately passed Yui Aragaki's position and then turned back to look at Zhang Pingan. Who knew that Zhang Pingan's eyes would suddenly change? looked at them,

Then he said in Chinese: "Eat your food and don't disturb other people's meals."

After Zhang Ping'an directly criticized him, they realized that the man sitting opposite Gakki was from China. And it’s the young rich man in Asia who is very popular recently, the program producer: Zhang Pingan.

After seeing that their purpose was revealed, the Taiwanese couple also said to Zhang Pingan in embarrassment: "Sorry, sorry." Then they stopped going to the restroom and quickly returned to their seats. superior.

After sitting down, other people curiously asked in a low voice, 'Who is the one who speaks Chinese? ’ They said in very low voices: “Brother from the rich family in mainland China: Zhang Pingan.”


Although this group of people did not come up to disturb the two of them after Zhang Pingan scolded them, they left the restaurant after Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki finished their meal. In less than half an hour, someone updated a message on Twitter.

"I met Japan's top actress Yui Aragaki and a young mainland Chinese billionaire Zhang Ping'an while dining in Lake Kawaguchi!"

This news was uploaded very quickly on the Internet, Twitter, Instagram, and soon appeared on Yahoo in Japan. Yui Aragaki also had her first news report about love?

"National actress Yui Aragaki is suspected of being in love with young Chinese rich man Zhang Ping'an??" News reports labeled the relationship between the two as '? ’ Because they only intercepted the news from Twitter, and there is no conclusion yet as to whether the specific news is true or false. Yui Aragaki's agency has not officially given an explanation.

Yahoo's news uploads soon extended to the hot search list of Korean station N, and photos of Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki soon occupied a lot of entertainment coverage. Similarly, news about Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki's relationship flew back to China.

Before it gets dark in Lake Kawaguchi, Zhang Ping'an has already turned off his mobile phone to seek peace and quiet. After the news about his relationship with Yui Aragaki became a hot topic in China and South Korea, many people sent messages on his mobile phone asking for the authenticity of the news?

Yui Aragaki also turned off her mobile phone, because after the news broke, her company also called, including her friends. Everyone was curious about Yui Aragaki's relationship. However, Yui Aragaki turned off the phone after replying to her company. Because she didn't want outside news to affect their trip.

The two of them were sitting quietly in the hotel room watching the sunset on Mount Fuji. Golden light floated on the lake, and Mount Fuji in the distance began to hide in the clouds and mist. The two of them looked at the lake filled with golden sunshine quietly. After a while, Yui smiled and turned to look at Zhang Pingan and said: "I didn't expect that a love story would have such a big impact? This is the first time that it has been reported to me. Love News.”

Zhang Ping'an smiled, took Yui's hand, put it in his own and patted it: "You don't go online much anyway, so those online comments won't affect your daily life, isn't that enough? We should do our own thing, and what should we do with the rumors and news from the outside world? After all, our life is ours, so we can do whatever the outside world likes. You say? right?"

It’s not that Yui Aragaki doesn’t surf the Internet, it’s that she doesn’t use social software at all, and she never reads comments about herself on the Internet. Just like Zhang Pingan said, she just needs to do her job well and deliver satisfactory works.

As for the issue of love, although it is often asked in the show, Yui rarely talks about this topic in depth. This is why Yui's "love history" has always been a mystery to fans. And this is the only time she has been reported to be in love with Zhang Pingan.

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Yui smiled at him and nodded vigorously, then took the initiative to hold his hand and clasped his fingers tightly: "No matter what the outside world says, that is the outside world. Right view. And our feelings together are our own business. From the time you found me in Bali, you have already determined the fate between us, and it was destined that we would not separate easily. When I took you for a walk on the beach in Bali, I also decided to try to walk with you, no matter how difficult it was, I would try."

Yui gently held Zhang Pingan's hand, and her extremely sweet words made Zhang Pingan say with a satisfied smile: "Are we making a decision for life under the sunset? And under the witness of Mount Fuji? "

Yui smiled and said: "Hehe, I just don't want the outside world to disturb our trip. Are we going to climb Mount Fuji tomorrow?"

"Go, come on, why don't you go up and have a look? You think so?" Although there are a lot of tourists at the observation deck of Mount Fuji, Zhang Pingan felt that both of them had reported love news, so he was still afraid be found?

Anyway, Aragaki Yui also admitted the fact of this relationship to her company. However, her company suggested not to make any response for the time being and to observe and observe first. If this matter subsides in a few days, there will be no need to say anything. After all, there is no need to disclose the content to the whole world when you are in love.

The two of them turned off their mobile phones and ignored any news from the outside world. But the networks in China, Japan, and South Korea are all very active.

After the romance between Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki came out, it really shocked countless people, because everyone had never thought that Zhang Pingan and this super popular Japanese actress would get together?

After all, what everyone has seen the most recently is news about him, Lee Ji-eun, and Kim Taeyeon. There are even rumors that Zhang Pingan and Pani are secretly dating? But in the end...Zhang Ping'an came together with Yui Aragaki, who was innocent and invincible and had an invincible smile? This story is simply too magical. Because everyone is speculating that Zhang Pingan's next girlfriend may be Taeyeon or Li Zhien, but now Yui Aragaki appears?

Although Yui Aragaki's company and Zhang Pingan did not come out to make any statement at this time. But how Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki are connected is something that many people don't understand.

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