My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 779 In fact, the two countries are the same every day

From the magical Lujiazui, we took the riverbed sightseeing tunnel to the Bund. Yui Aragaki had stood on the Bund observation deck to see the scenery here ten years ago. But when she came back to see it ten years later, only the historical buildings on the Bund remained unchanged, but the skyscrapers on the other side made Yui Aragaki exclaim that it was spectacular. The visual enjoyment of the two standing under the skyscrapers and standing on the Bund to see the panoramic view was completely different.

The development of China has reached a point that even Yui was surprised. Ten years later, Tokyo is still the same Tokyo. But Shanghai made Yui Aragaki feel the charm of this city. Yui raised her camera to record it, and the two took a taxi from the Bund to the City God Temple. The antique building group, the snack bar that is still bustling at night, etc..

Yui's camera has never stopped. For her who likes taking pictures, Shanghai is full of charm. Whether it is high-rise buildings, historical buildings, or such antique colors, they are all amazing. The shops selling small commodities in Chenghuang Temple also attracted Yui's attention. Especially when she heard Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki talking in Japanese, she was almost "slaughtered" by the shopkeeper as an overseas tourist.

Fortunately, Zhang Pingan said smoothly, "You really treat me as a foreign tourist and slaughter me? These things of yours are not your own handicrafts, they are all things from Taotao... If you didn't want to buy them for your friends as a souvenir, what do you think..."

Zhang Pingan's words instantly cut the price by two-thirds. A hundred yuan item was bought for thirty yuan. In fact, it was just a small ceramic doll with a very Chinese style. There are really too many on Taotao, and there are all kinds of shapes.

After walking around Chenghuang Temple, the two went to eat Xiaolongbao. There were not many tourists eating Xiaolongbao at night, and seats were not as hard to find as during the day. It was easy to arrange a table, and Zhang Pingan and Yui began their journey of eating Xiaolongbao for midnight snack. Yui was very satisfied with the tender and juicy steamed buns. The two only ordered two steamed buns and did not eat too much. After eating steamed buns here, they ate some skewers in the scenic area.

At night, the two simply strolled around the Bund and Chenghuang Temple and went home. In fact, it was almost midnight when the two walked and stopped. When they returned home, Yui prepared the bath water. After taking a bath in this large massage bathtub, they went to rest.

The next day, Zhang Pingan was very bored sitting at home after getting up early. He wanted to go out for exercise, but he was worried about leaving Yui alone at home. There was no food at home, so he could only sit in the living room and stare at the Huangpu River in a daze, waiting for Yui to get up.

Just sitting there and looking at the gloomy sky outside, maybe five minutes, Zhang Pingan got up and took out his computer. He began to edit the video of Yoona in Hokkaido this time. Wearing headphones, Zhang Pingan began his editing journey. After a while, Yui Aragaki came out of the bedroom, and Zhang Pingan took off his headphones. Zhang Pingan was so smart. He chose a position facing the bedroom, so he could see Yui at first sight after she came out, and then turn off the screen of his computer. Zhang Pingan took off his headphones and said to Yui, "Are you awake? Did you sleep well?" "Yeah." Yui, when she woke up, she saw that her bed was empty. She was a little nervous at the time, so she came out of the bedroom before she had time to wash up. Seeing Zhang Pingan sitting in the living room watching the computer, she smiled with relief. Zhang Pingan raised his hand to check the time. It was only nine o'clock. It was rare for Yui to get up so early, so he smiled and said, "There is nothing to eat at home. Let's go out to eat later. China's breakfast is quite rich." Yui smiled and nodded and said, "Okay. By the way, where are we going after dinner?" Zhang Pingan said, "After dinner, I will take you to the supermarket in China to show you the daily life of China. By the way, buy some things and put them at home. We will live at home for a while." "Go to the supermarket?" In fact, going to the supermarket can better feel the daily life of that country, because the consumption level is completely reflected on the shelves of the supermarket. "Well, there is nothing at home. The water was brought back by us last night." Yui nodded and said, "Okay, then I will go wash up first." ... Half an hour later, the two went out. This time, Zhang Pingan did not drive a Rolls-Royce, but a Mercedes-Benz at home. This car is still rare in China, because the S63 and S65 are only different in a V8 engine and a V12 engine, and the price is twice as expensive. So many people won't spend more than one million, close to two million just because of the V12 heart.

Yui looked at the dusty car and laughed: "How long have you not driven this car? It's covered with dust, remember to cover it if you don't drive it."

Zhang Pingan said: "I haven't driven this car for more than three months. Today I just took it out to drive and wash the car by the way."

After leaving home, all the words that can be seen around are strange and familiar to Yui, because there are many Chinese characters in Japanese, so Yui can still recognize some familiar words, just some of them. But it is not necessarily that those words mean what she understands.

China didn't feel much rejection to her, even though she only experienced it for one night. Maybe it's because Zhang Ping'an is by his side, so there's no resistance, right? After all, love can make people overcome all obstacles.

The two drove out in the direction of the supermarket. When they passed the chain store's 'Colonel Grandpa's' house, Zhang Pingan parked the car at the door, and the two entered the restaurant to have breakfast together. Yui has been surprised since entering the restaurant. A guy selling hamburgers and fried chicken actually sells breakfast in China?

Yui ordered a bowl of porridge with fried dough sticks and drank soy milk. Zhang Ping'an ordered rice balls, coffee and panini.

Zhang Ping'an told Yui about Huaxia's breakfast shop. Years ago, parents had to go out to work, so there was no breakfast to eat when the children were in school. So their parents gave them a few dollars to go out for breakfast. Because there were many dual-income families at the age of their parents, the breakfast culture was promoted and developed. Gradually, Chinese people have become accustomed to going out for breakfast.

Nowadays, everyone is busy going to work, so they are too lazy to get up so early to make breakfast. In addition, the price of breakfast is not high, and gradually a unique breakfast culture in China has been formed.

The two of them were eating breakfast and communicating quietly in Japanese, which attracted a lot of people's attention. Maybe it was because everyone was in a hurry at work. He glanced at the two of them and left, so the two of them were sitting in the shop eating breakfast without being discovered.

From the breakfast shop to the supermarket, when she saw that the products sold in large supermarkets were almost the same as those in Japan, Yui realized that there was really not much difference in life. Whether it’s the fresh food being fed in the pond or the shelves filled with snacks, fruits and vegetables from all over the world, etc.

Yui pushed the shopping cart and said with a smile: "I don't think there is much difference in life, right? For example, the Japanese seasonings here are still very complete."

Of course, everything was ready. What Zhang Ping'an brought her to was Hema. Everything was available here.

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Well, life is not much different. It's just eating, sleeping, and social circles. And your life is very simple, so whether you live in China or in Tokyo, in terms of life, It is said that there is no difference. And you are not a person who particularly likes seafood, so there is really no difference. Maybe the only difference is the language. In fact, with the development of technology, you will not It doesn’t matter if you know Chinese, your phone can act as a translator. In a few years, if you point your phone’s camera at the text you don’t understand, it will automatically translate it for you.”

Listening to Zhang Ping'an's description, Yui's eyes widened and she said, "No, can you translate just by pointing your phone at it?"

Zhang Pingan responded: "AI, the program currently being developed, may be available for use next year. Technology is constantly improving, so we have to learn more about technology consulting. Oranges are good, buy some oranges and go home."

Japan has always considered itself a developed country, but with the advancement of science and technology, their technology has not been updated for many years. It’s not that Japan hasn’t developed new technologies, but that the ones used after research and development are foreigners, while they themselves retain the way society functioned decades ago.

Yui sighed: "It seems that I really have to go out and see a different world."

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Well, I will take you out more in the future to see different places."

Yui nodded and reached out to hold Zhang Pingan's arm. The two of them were shopping in the supermarket like a newlywed couple.

From snacks, to fruits, and tomorrow’s breakfast and so on. Originally, Yui was thinking about buying some ingredients to cook, but Zhang Pingan said that he would take her out shopping in the afternoon and eat outside after shopping. Only then did she give up her urge to buy ingredients and condiments.

After buying these things, the two set off towards Starbucks. Shanghai has the largest Starbucks in the world. It has become a tourist attraction. Many young tourists will sit here for a while after coming to Shanghai.

After ordering coffee and buying coffee beans at Starbucks, Zhang Ping'an remembered the interview in Tokyo. Japanese girls actually compare the number of Starbucks stores in that area when it comes to fashion in the region. It is indeed the most magical Tokyo! !

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