My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 143 Lin Yuner

Lin Yuner has a very detached personality, even though they have matured a lot, she still likes to make some jokes with her sisters, because she thinks it is very interesting to tease them. Maybe it's because she became famous earlier when she was a child, and she has always been under the pressure of appearance, so she doesn't have many friends around her. The only ones who can speak sincerely are the sisters of the same team. So.. they are colleagues, family members, and friends.

Now, she found someone who is as naughty as Yun'er really wanted to get to know Zhang Ping'an. Maybe it's "like-smelling", anyway, after watching the video, Yun'er felt that Zhang Ping'an must be a very interesting person.

Pani heard Yuner want to know Zhang Pingan, Pani widened his eyes and said, "Ah, why do you suddenly want to know Zhang Pingan? You are in love..."

Before Pani finished speaking, Yuner immediately said: "Panioni, love is love. Zhang Pingan and I know each other as ordinary friends. I think he is quite interesting, so I want to get to know him. I have no other meanings, and it is impossible to have other meanings. Besides, aren’t you also in love? I see that you spend more time sending messages with him than you spend with Nichkhun.”

Yoona's last sentence actually left Pani speechless "..."

It is true that she and Zhang Pingan spend more time chatting during this time, she can't go out on dates, and she has nothing to do in the dormitory, so why not chat? The main reason is that Zhang Ping'an is very good at chatting. While chatting with Nichkhun is basically expressing some sweet love and so on, chatting with Zhang Ping'an is about everyday, weird things can be talked about, such as daily trivial things like now, he and Sika quarreled I have to send to chat.

At this moment, Taeyeon also spoke: "Zhang Ping'an is indeed a very humorous person, he is very good at chatting, and he is very comfortable with him, Yoona, you should be able to chat with him quite well."

At this moment, Zhang Ping'an's reply to Pani also came: "Sika and I have nothing to talk about. If you are'd better ask him. There are some things that I don't feel comfortable talking about."

Pani shrugged his shoulders and said to Taeyeon: "He still doesn't talk about Sika, he told us to ask Sika." Then Pani sent a message to Zhang Pingan: "Yooner said that he wants to know you, who is more interesting Man, did I send her your kakao?"

"Okay, the face of Girls' Generation. It's an honor~~"

After a while, Yoona's friend addition was sent. Zhang Pingan passed her friend, and then sent the first message with Yuner: "Wow, what an honor, Miss Lin, you actually added my kakao. If I show it off, will I be caught by yours?" Are the fans killed?"

Seeing the news about Zhang Ping'an, Yun'er smiled unconsciously, and she began to chat with him: "Hi, Zhang Ping'an xi, I've been watching your trending searches for the past two days."

"Where, there, I have the opportunity to be on the trending search in Korea because of Taeyeon's glory. Otherwise, how could I be on the trending search as a small citizen?"

"Hee hee, I watched your video, I think it's super funny."

"I think so too, next time you have a chance to shoot some short films with me?"

Yuner said mischievously: "You tell me a joke, I think it's funny, so I agree to shoot it for you."

"Okay." Zhang Pingan started typing: "Last week, Pani introduced me to buy lipstick for a friend who just graduated from college. A few days ago, she sent me a photo..." Zhang Pingan casually wrote I grabbed a piece of 'red' lipstick on the Internet and sent it to Yoona.

Yuner replied: "And then?"

"Don't worry, she sent me the picture and asked me which 'red' looks better? I saw it and was confused, so I replied: Isn't it all red? She actually replied to me with the word 'colorblind!' If I understand Color, when I first bought lipstick, I wouldn’t be so entangled, anyway, it’s red in my eyes, so I sent a picture of this to her (All Ultraman) and asked her: Who is Tiga? "

"Hahaha~~" Seeing the picture of Zhang Ping'an, Yuner burst out laughing while clutching her stomach: "Oni, look at this Zhang Ping'an is too funny, hahaha~~~" Yuner put herself and Zhang Pingan's The chat records were shown to the two people beside them.

Pani, Taeyeon, when they saw this picture full of 'Ultraman', they all burst into laughter, because in their eyes they are all the same! Just like lipstick, it is the same red in the eyes of men!

Taeyeon said after the aunt laughed: "There are too many humorous stories about Zhang Ping'an. It's really comedic~~"

Yuner replied to Zhang Ping'an: "Okay, I promise you to shoot."

"OK. I've made a note. I'll find you when I return to Korea. I'm going back to Huaxia tomorrow!"

"Okay, I won't bother you today."


Early the next morning, Zhang Ping'an returned to Shanghai. After arriving, he didn't even have time to eat breakfast, so he set off directly for the company. When I came to the company's editing room and saw the staff editing the video materials I sent back yesterday, Zhang Pingan said, "Have the subtitles been matched?"

The staff in the editing room said: "After receiving the video yesterday, we contacted the translator. These subtitles are written in Chinese for me. I don't know if the translation is accurate. Let me show you the subtitles we added. ? There are still some unfinished!"

Zhang Pingan pulled a chair over and sat in front of the computer to watch the editing results of the staff. The translated subtitles were very accurate. Anyway, they were just some blessings, and bless the launch of 'pandaTV'. Also, see you there! In addition to publicity, the editor also edited some shots of Zhang Pingan sitting and chatting with them.

In particular, Pani smiled at Zhang Pingan and said, "Come to this platform to promote when they Taidi Xu returns."

This promotional film is a promotional film with some chatting between Zhang Ping'an and Hallyu stars. Although the subtitles were not fully finished, Zhang Ping'an was quite satisfied with the editing of the overall shooting. He nodded and said, "The film was edited well! You should finish it as soon as possible, and wait for it to be posted on the official website tomorrow!"

Everything is ready, and now we are waiting for the official launch on the 20th, and there is still nearly a week to go. The recharge on the website has also been sorted out, and the recharge can now be credited to the account in time.. Seeing the completion of the website step by step, Zhang Ping'an's mood is also inexplicably very comfortable!

After coming out of the editing room, Zhang Ping'an was stopped by the manager of the brokerage company: "Mr. Zhang, you came just in time. A media company said that they have something to discuss with us."

Zhang Ping'an said with some doubts: "What do the media companies have to discuss with us?"

"I don't know. Yesterday I made an appointment for this morning. Specifically, it was a face-to-face meeting. It just so happens that they are coming soon, so I wanted to ask you to come and listen." Although the agency Zhang Pingan temporarily handed over He is taking care of his daily life, but he knows that Zhang Pingan has to make all the decisions of the brokerage company, because everyone on the platform knows how much Zhang Pingan attaches importance to the "brokerage company".

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the conference room first." Zhang Pingan went to the conference room first to wait for the media company that came to him.

After a while, the manager of the brokerage company came with the person from the media company. When opening the door of the conference room, Zhang Pingan heard the person from the media company say: "I never thought that B.H Entertainment and the most popular 'PandaTV' are the same company?"

The manager of the brokerage company responded: "Because the anchors on our live broadcast platform have the potential to sign a brokerage contract, so we set up a separate brokerage company for management! And the artists that our company mainly deals with are still in Korea. , China's side is mainly anchors."

At this moment, they all entered the conference room, and the manager smiled and said, "This is the boss of our brokerage company. Zhang Pingan, Mr. Zhang."

The person who came to talk about business stretched out his hand to Zhang Pingan from a distance: "Oh, Mr. Zhang is even more handsome in real life than in the video."

Zhang Pingan smiled and reached out to shake hands with him and invited them to move in: "Hi, please sit down."

After everyone was seated, the door of the meeting room was also closed. At this moment, Zhang Pingan asked, "I don't know, why are you media coming to our company?"

"That's right, Mr. Zhang, we belong to Ciwen Media, and we have always produced TV series."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "I've heard about your company, but our company has not signed an actor yet. Could it be that you have taken a fancy to our anchor and want our anchor to audition?"

"No, no, recently our company plans to transition to 'IP dramas', but we found out after inquiring about the news from many web sites that B.H Entertainment has packaged and taken away some good web text adaptation rights. So Let's come over and ask, is your company willing to transfer the right to adapt web texts?"

When Zhang Pingan was preparing for the live broadcast platform, he arranged for the "network" and bought the adaptation rights of many good scripts in his memory. This made the media companies preparing for the preparation of IP dramas dumbfounded, because BH entertainment is more mature than them. I bought a good book first.

Zhang Pingan finally understood their reason for coming, but ended up staring at the adaptation rights in his hands. Without the right to adapt, they couldn't film it, and even if they filmed it, no TV station would dare to broadcast it!

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "You talk about this, I saw that the ratings of some games, novels and other adaptations are not bad recently, and "Little Times" makes so much money for a movie, I thought there would be so much money." There are a lot of excellent novels. So while I was free, I bought some online adaptation rights that looked good. And I also thought that our agency would definitely get involved in the film and television industry after the live broadcast platform was established. Plan ahead. I didn’t expect that your media company is also interested in the adaptation of web novels? However, the adaptation rights of the novels I bought will not be resold, and I am not short of the 100,000 or 200,000 you paid. What about you The money is not enough to buy a year's insurance for my car."

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