My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 778 Gakki is coming

Zhang Pingan said that he wants a share of the advertising for this TV series? But for now, in China, no TV drama producer has ever received advertising revenue. If you want to get advertising revenue, you have to subsidize it from other places. Zhang Ping'an simply made a big bet on this TV series. Not only the advertising companies in South Korea signed up to bet, but also the Chinese broadcast platform.

Because the people from Kiwi also arrived later, it became a face-to-face competition between Kiwi and Penguin. Kiwi said that it could sign the bet, and would give an introduction fee of 350,000 per episode. If Zhang Pingan can bring more than five million new registered users to their platform, then they will give half of the advertising revenue to Zhang Pingan's production company.

The competition between platforms is one registered user. If they can really add 5 million new registered users to their platform because of this drama, then they are willing to share half of the advertising revenue. After all, users are long-term!

Penguin, instead of asking for a TV series, wants the rights to the upcoming "IOI" talent show and "New Journey to the West, Season 2". Especially after listening to Zhang Pingan's "IOI" model, Penguin was moved, and Kiwi was also moved. They asked Zhang Pingan if this model could be copied to China?

Zhang Pingan said that because China does not have idol resources, the draft issue will have to wait for a year. It is best to wait for "IOI" to ferment before cooperating. At that time, Zhang Pingan said that he could come back as producer and general supervisor. Penguin and Kiwi, hearing this can be considered as knowing that Zhang Pingan has plans to return to China to produce variety shows, so the two major platforms will start a battle around "Zhang Pingan" in the future.

Because what China currently lacks the most is excellent program producers. So people from these two platforms immediately organized a meeting when they returned to the company. How should they discuss cooperation with Zhang Ping'an next? Some people have suggested that Zhang Pingan should be given the position of production director, so that their platform can start the road of self-made variety shows. After all, Zhang Pingan's ability in program production is beyond doubt.

Whether it is Penguin or Kiwi, both companies want to give him a senior executive position to keep Zhang Pingan on their own platform. But there are also people who are very clear-minded. They said, 'Zhang Ping'an is a freelance producer in South Korea, and his programs have always been broadcast in a cooperative manner, so it is basically impossible to secure him with a senior executive position. ’

In the end, both companies discussed taking time to have more contact with Zhang Ping'an. The more contact they had, the more emotional cards they could play in later cooperation.


Today, Zhang Pingan discussed the specific intention to sign a contract with the two major platforms. As for the specific contract signing, he still has to wait for them to discuss it after they return to the company before officially signing with the company tomorrow, and further communication will be needed by then. There is still a possibility of bargaining with the intention to sign a contract. The contract will only take effect if the company's seal is printed on the contract.

Zhang Pingan and general manager Luo Rui had dinner in the hotel. The hotel also supplies hairy crabs. Although the season has passed, there are still hairy crabs for sale in the market before the Spring Festival. Zhang Ping'an and Luo Rui, three male and three female artists, then finished today's dinner by eating some other dishes.

Zhang Pingan did not drink at dinner because he had to go to the airport to pick up Yui Aragaki after dinner. The last time he was in Tokyo, Zhang Ping'an asked Yui to come over and have fun. At that time, he was also talking about whether he wanted to settle in China in the future... and Yui took advantage of this period that she had no work arrangements, so she really Just come to China and try to see if you can get used to life here in the future?

Yui Aragaki has been to Shanghai before for filming, but that was many years ago. Nowadays, everyone is talking about China's take-off, and she can feel the beauty of this city from some videos about Shanghai that she saw on the Internet.

Listening to the announcement that the plane was about to land, Yui Aragaki felt a little excited and a little complicated.

She was excited because Zhang Pingan was waiting for her arrival here, and complicated because this was a strange country for her. Whether it's language or culture, there will be some challenges for her here.

In fact, in Zhang Pingan's view, South Korea's selfishness and arrogance, Japan's self-interest of not causing trouble to others, and China's superficial hospitality. But generally speaking, it is correct that the three countries share Confucian ideology and culture.

The first moment the plane landed, Yui turned on her mobile phone. She dialed Zhang Ping'an's number: "An-chan."

"Are you here? I see on the display that you have just 'arrived'."

"Well, I just landed and I'm about to get off the plane. I just wanted to call you in advance?" In fact, Yui felt a little uneasy, so she called Zhang Ping'an.

"I got it. Follow the crowd to pick up your luggage and then go out of customs. I'll wait for you at the exit."

Because Zhang Pingan said he was waiting for her at the exit, Yui felt confident. She smiled and said "hmm" twice, then hung up the phone with him.

At the airport exit at this time of night, there were many people coming to pick up the plane. Zhang Pingan stood among the crowd and pulled up his scarf to slightly cover his appearance. Although he was not a celebrity, because of the Internet Guanxi, there are still many people who know him. He didn't want to take Yui Aragaki's photo and log it into China's scarf hot search, so he covered it up a little.

After a while, Yui Aragaki appeared. She was wearing a military green parka, a long skirt, canvas shoes, and a furry scarf. Yui had long hair when they met last time, but this time she had short hair.

Taeyeon changed her hair to short hair this year, and Yui also changed her hair to short hair. He was thinking whether to send a message to Jieun to let her have a short hair too?

Yui Aragaki with short hair looked very familiar, after all, there were many videos about "wife" with short hair circulating on the Internet. Yui with short hair made her round eyes make her facial features more lovely. From a distance, when Yui saw Zhang Pingan, her eyes drooped, which was obviously because she was smiling happily. It was just because the scarf covered half of her face, so the full "gakki smile" could not be seen.

Zhang Pingan quickly stepped forward to take the box from Yui's hand, and then took her hand and left together.

As the two walked towards the parking lot, Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Did you eat on the plane?"

Yui nodded and said, "Yes, I ate a little, but I'm not full. I want to eat some Chinese specialties tonight."

"Okay, let's go back and put the luggage, and then go out to find some midnight snacks. How long can you play this time?"

Yui thought for a while and said, "I don't know, I don't have any schedule for the time being. Maybe about a week?"

The two walked slowly towards the parking lot, and there were also many people around who were walking towards the parking lot, so the Japanese conversation between Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki always attracted passers-by to look back. But Yui and Zhang Pingan both covered part of their cheeks with scarves, so no one could recognize them at a glance.

Entering the parking lot and coming to Zhang Ping'an's car, Yui Aragaki smiled and said, "A luxury car."

"Get in." Zhang Ping'an opened the door for Yui Aragaki, and after she got in, he pointed to the door closing button and said, "Press here to close the door."

Yui nodded and closed the door herself, then said, "It's the same as a taxi, and the doors close automatically."

Yes, Japanese taxis close their doors automatically, but this is a Rolls-Royce after all, right?

The flying goddess rose up, and Zhang Ping'an started the car. On the way home from the airport, looking at the neon lights in Shanghai in winter, Yui smiled and said, "If you just look at the neon colors, it feels similar to Tokyo."

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Indeed, the night colors brought by neon to the city are similar. It's just that the buildings are different, and the vision given to everyone is different. Haven't you been to Shanghai for filming before?"

Yi said, "I came to Shanghai for filming in 2006. It's been ten years. There should be a lot of changes in ten years, right?"

"That's for sure. I'll take you to see the Bund. You went to the Bund when you were filming, right?"

"Yeah, I went there. It's the European-style buildings."

Zhang Pingan and Yui chatted about some changes in "Shanghai". Soon the car entered the Lujiazui area where Zhang Pingan's home was located. Looking at the high-rise buildings standing in the distance, Yui Aragaki sighed at the magic of Shanghai.

Until Yui Aragaki followed Zhang Pingan into the house, the first thing that came into view after the lights came on was of course the scenery on the other side of the river. Yui trotted towards the outdoor terrace. She leaned on the French window and sighed at the scenery across the street: "Siguoyi~~ Your house is really beautiful."

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Actually, I also like the quiet environment near your house. Go to the bathroom and tidy up. We are going to go out for a walk."

"Yeah." Although she was amazed by the scenery on the other side of the river, Yui still preferred to go out for sightseeing. She didn't want to go out in Tokyo because she had lived there for more than ten years. There was no novelty anymore, so it didn't matter whether she went out or not. The changes in Shanghai over the past ten years have made Yui feel the charm of this modern capital, so she prefers to regard this time as a trip.

Perhaps after living here for a long time in the future, Yui will return to her homebody nature?

After tidying up a little in the bathroom, Zhang Pingan did not drive out, but walked with Yui to the glittering Lujiazui. Looking at the towering skyscrapers, Yui looked up and kept sighing "Awesome~~"

Whether it was the skyscrapers here or the European style over there, Yui deeply felt the magic of Shanghai. In 2006, there were not so many high-rise buildings in Lujiazui, but now Shanghai has become the most modern city in China...

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