The "New Journey to the West" team all discovered that Zhang Ping'an was in a relationship with Taeyeon or one of them, Lee Ji-eun. They didn't ask who it was specifically, because Zhang Ping'an revealed that he wanted to hide it. But whether it is Girls' Generation's leader Kim Taeyeon or Lee Ji-eun, who is known as the music overlord, they are both very popular and very kind-hearted girls. It seems that both of them are a good match for Zhang Ping'an.

"New Journey to the West" is not a gossip talk show. After Zhang Pingan stopped talking, they naturally stopped asking about this matter. At this time, Ahn Jae-hyun also came to this B\u0026B where ‘big guys’ gathered. Although Kang Ho-dong has had some problems, he has made up for his mistakes and is still standing as the national MC. In addition, there are two top producers in Korea and writer Lee Yoo-jung in the program team. This lineup It is not an exaggeration to say that there are big bosses gathered here.

The reserved Ahn Jae-hyun entered the room and looked at Zhang Ping'an. Jiang Ho-dong and others were all a little drunk, and everyone's faces also had a red glow after drinking. Then he also joined the drinking party. When asked about his impression of Jiang Hudong, he said that Jiang Hudong ate a large bag (five packs) of ramen by himself.

When he started talking about Jiang Hodong eating ramen, Zhang Ping'an smiled and continued what he said: "PD Luo, I have been thinking about a question. Koreans say that eating ramen outdoors is very delicious. For example, eating in Han River Park Ramen, you can eat ramen even if you go to Mount Halla, so I’m thinking about designing a program specifically for Brother Hodong to eat ramen. Let’s go to high mountains around the world to eat ramen. For example, let Brother Hodong go to Mount Everest to eat ramen. , eating ramen in the Alps...”

Listening to Zhang Ping'an's suggestion, Li Xiugen laughed: "Hahaha~~ It's hard to eat ramen in a place like this, right? I heard from Kim Bingman that when he went to the Himalayas to shoot "Jungle", he suffered from severe altitude sickness. It’s like being hit hard on the head with a hammer.”

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Altitude sickness is a very serious disease. The most intuitive phenomenon on the plateau is that the bags of potato chips we usually carry will burst directly on the plateau. It's like blowing up a balloon until Looks like a blast. Let’s go to the plateau next time.”

Jiang Hodong immediately gave up and said, "Oh, no, we don't know if we have altitude sickness."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "It's okay. We usually stay at an altitude of about two thousand meters. Altitude sickness will not occur at such an altitude. By the way, I don't know, you have seen the "IU" I shot for Li Zhien. .TV" No, the scenery inside was shot in the plateau area, the snow-capped mountain is more than 4,000 meters high."

Jiang Hongdong rarely paid attention to these developments. He even didn't know what "IU.TV" Zhang Pingan was talking about and looked at Zhang Pingan with a blank expression.

After everyone chatted for a while, Zhang Pingan said: "Last season, after we broadcast, some viewers pointed out that our eminent monk Tripitaka did not look like a monk at all. So this time director Luo Yingshi and I decided to give eminent monk Tripitaka three privileges! First of all .." Zhang Ping'an said this and motioned to the staff, who placed the first privileged item on the table... a back massage patch.

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "You must be familiar with this, right? Monk Sanzang's weapon to control Sun Wukong. Compared with the last massager, this time we asked the manufacturer to increase the frequency, so the effect is even better! It is a specially made product! Well, the second privilege is that the eminent monk Tripitaka took his disciples with him on the 'Journey to the West', so Director Luo Yingshi and I decided to give the eminent monk Tripitaka certain financial rights."

As he spoke, the staff took out an "SMTM" necklace, with a bank card hanging underneath: "The bank card contains a certain amount of pocket money. This is the second privilege. The last privilege is to conform to the image of the eminent monk Tripitaka. , whoever draws the eminent monk Sanzang, we will happily shave his head."

When they heard about shaving their heads, everyone present was dumbfounded: "Ah~~!!" The show crew's habit of shaving their heads has existed since the "Two Days" period.

Besides, no one here is an idol, so they don’t need to care so much about their hairstyle. The only one who might care is actor Ahn Jae-hyun.

At this time, Zhang Pingan said to Ahn Jae-hyun: "We have reached an agreement with your agency. If you lose, you will also accept shaving your head. So if you don't want to shave your head, it is best to win the game." . This time I spent a lot of money to hire a very famous beauty director. This director is usually responsible for Girls’ Generation’s styling.”

After hearing the haircut, Jiang Hodong said with some disbelief: "Hey, stop lying."

Coincidentally, the director of the beauty salon walked in at this time. Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Dean Li, this is the director of the beauty salon who is usually responsible for Girls' Generation's hair style."

The director of the beauty salon walked in, making them all nervous, because it was obvious that this person really wanted to shave his head if he lost, and Kang Ho Dong, Lee Soo Geun, and Eun Ji Won were all people who were willing to sacrifice anything for the effect of the show. , I have done it in ice and snow, and shaving my head is just a trivial matter.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Dean Li, tell them, what hairstyle are you responsible for this time?"

"Director Zhang asked me to shave my head. Just keep it short."

After a hilarious game, Lee Soo-geun lost the game. When Lee Soo-geun sat in front of the director of the beauty salon and the electric pusher in her hand made a sound, Ahn Jae-hyun's eyes widened in surprise. He had never thought of the show. Playing so big? Because he was the last to arrive, he always thought everyone was joking with him and setting up a hidden camera. As a result, Lee Soo Geun's hair was shaved off one by one with the electric pusher. After it fell on the floor, Ahn Jae Hyun asked Kang Ho Dong in a low voice: "Brother Ho Dong, is this true?"

Kang Ho Dong laughed and said: "Hahaha, Ahn Jae Hyun actually asked me if this is true? Jae Hyun, remember, Jang Pingan and Na Young Suk, these two producers are very bad, they think about how to fix it every day We, we are very tired every time we shoot.”

In the second season of "New Journey to the West", the roles of each of them were determined after Lee Soo-geun shaved his head. At this time, everyone still didn't know what a big black hole Ahn Jae-hyun was...


The next day all the members got up, had breakfast and headed to the airport. The plane headed to Chengdu, China, at noon. The flight time was nearly five hours. When it landed in Chengdu, it should be close to five o'clock in the afternoon in China.

The reporters waiting at the gate of Incheon Airport just picked up their cameras and took a few simple photos after seeing the arrival of Zhang Ping'an and Luo Yingshi's team. Because there were no fashion idols on the program staff, the reporters waiting at the airport gate simply took a few photos.

Zhang Pingan's airport fashion today was very simple. A "hunting jacket" made by a luxury brand was worn with a sweater. Li Zhien bought the sweatshirt for Zhang Pingan, and paired with jeans and a pair of high-top Martin boots.

The fashion media made a little joke about Zhang Pingan's outfit today: "Finally, I saw Zhang Pingan appear at the airport in a fashionable dress, a luxury men's jacket, top designer jeans, and a hat with 'Balenciaga' printed on it." With the white hat with the logo, Zhang Pingan finally looks fashionable today. The most eye-catching thing is his watch today, which is finally not the 'Richard'. This watch is Patek Philippe's 175th anniversary model. In December 2015, the transaction price at Huaxia Auction was two million US dollars! It turned out that Zhang Pingan bought it. "

It's like Zhang Ping'an put another watch worth 2 billion won on his hand. People who don't know much about watches really can't see what's special about this watch. With 2 billion won, how big can this building be? A house?

Even if the media reports on the price of Zhang Pingan’s watch, no one will leave slanderous words on his Instagram again, because the lawyer appointed by Zhang Pingan is waiting for you to take the bait.

Although there are no comments about Zhang Pingan on Instagram, some websites still write about Zhang Pingan showing off his wealth in Chi Guoguo.

Show off your wealth? Zhang Ping'an doesn't think that if he has the ability, such consumption is not a show of wealth, right? Watches are his personal hobby, and Patek Philippe ensures that its brand will appreciate in value every year. Especially commemorative models like this appreciate in value even faster.

Pani watched Zhang Pingan's watch being magnified by netizens and posted it on the Internet. She hit Taeyeon next to her with her elbow: "Two billion, didn't we see him putting this watch in the cloakroom?" Just put it in your display cabinet?"

Taeyeon glanced at the watch casually and said, "His watches are all in the display cabinet. It's not like you don't know."

"If there are not so many expensive watches, why not put them in a safe? Just put them in the display cabinet casually like that. How dangerous would it be if a thief came to your door?"

Taeyeon smiled and said: "I asked Zhang Ping'an about this question, and he said that these watches of his are of very few styles. You can't sell them even if you steal them, because no one dares to take them. There is only that red watch. If you steal it, you can sell it. He bought it for 300,000 Chinese coins, which is almost 50 million won. Someone still took the 20 million won, but those watches with a price of 2 billion won are all very large. It’s a case that no dealer dares to take over.”

Listening to Taeyeon's explanation, Pani could only shake her head and sigh: "Hey... I really don't understand the point of rich people buying watches?"

Yes, no one knows why rich people like watches so much? Everyone says that a watch is a symbol of men, but this statement is too general.

Ask Zhang Ping'an why he bought such an expensive watch, and his answer is simple: "I like it." Because even if a watch is used to install beeps, it requires a knowledgeable person to be able to install it. If you meet people who don’t know how to do it, no one will notice the extraordinary price even if you wear it on your hand.

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