My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 556 Ordinary little life

Yui sat on the floor at the end of the bed, her back against the end of the bed, packing the suitcase. The clothes that had been worn but not washed were thrown on the floor after being taken out of the suitcase, and the clothes that had not been worn were turned around and placed on the bed. Because Bali is a tropical island, most of the clothes brought over are dresses and other clothing, so there are more brought over.

And Zhang Pingan lay on Yui's bed, poking Yui's shoulders with his feet out of boredom..

Yi was touched on the shoulder by Zhang Pingan's feet for the first time. She looked back and saw Zhang Pingan lying there and grinning. Yui raised her eyebrows at Zhang Pingan, as if asking "What are you doing?" But Zhang Pingan said nothing, just lying there and grinning. Yui turned around speechlessly and went back to continue packing, but Zhang Pingan's feet poked her shoulder here again dishonestly, and Yui turned her head again..

Just like that, Zhang Pingan playfully poked Yui's shoulders with his toes, poking several times, and he smiled foolishly without saying anything. Yui stood up from the ground, flew directly onto the bed, and threw herself into his arms: "Ah~~hoyi~~ah~~hahaha~~"

Who knew that Zhang Ping'an would immediately start tickling her waist, and Yui kept twisting in his arms.

Isn't it just such a sweet life in the early stage of love? Even if it is extremely boring, it will become interesting as long as the two are together! If they have been together for a long time, or married, if they use their feet to tease like Zhang Ping'an, they will either be scolded or beaten, how can it be as sweet as it is now?

Yui packed up her clothes, threw all the clothes to be washed into the washing machine, and then the two went out. When they came to the garage, Yui opened the garage. Her car was not a common "small square box" in Japan, but a Toyota FJ Cruiser.

Zhang Pingan looked at Yui's car, smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to drive this car?"

Yui smiled and responded, "I think it looks good and is quite practical. Do you want to drive, or do you want me to drive?"

"You drive, I'll sit in your car." After that, Zhang Pingan walked towards the co-pilot, which is the driving direction of China and South Korea. In fact, he personally prefers left-hand drive cars, and this right-hand drive is a bit unfamiliar.

Yui got in the car and started the car. Zhang Pingan asked, "Can I play some music?"

"Sure, what do you want to listen to?"

"Hehe~~" Zhang Pingan smiled foolishly and connected the car with his mobile phone. The melody of "Little Love Song" sounded in the car. Yui listened to this familiar melody and could only smile and shake her head. Because this is the version she sang! In fact, this song has been covered by many singers in Japan, but the version played by Zhang Pingan is the one Yui used in the 'Sony' advertisement.

As the melodious song played in the car, Zhang Pingan also sang along with Yui's voice. However, he and Yui are not good at singing. Yui knew this, so she gave up her singing career and focused on acting.

After the first song ended, Zhang Pingan played his favorite album "Flower Bookmark" by Li Zhien again. Although Yui didn't understand what the lyrics were, Li Zhien's voice was really touching. She asked curiously: "Is this melody a bit like a song from the past? Is it a cover?"

"Yes, it's a cover. The old songs are more flavorful." Zhang Pingan nodded and said.

"By the way, I saw in the news that you can compose songs, right? I also downloaded the song "" and listened to it. It's pretty good."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, should I write two songs for you? I'm a very good songwriter."

"Hehe, do you have any songs you composed? Why don't you sing them first?"

"Ahem~~ Let's start~~" Zhang Ping'an slapped the storage table on the glove box with his hands, using the slaps to create some rhythm and then he sang a cappella..

'The coast I looked at that day, I can still remember the words engraved on the beach today... With a snap, the light burst, and the fireworks came into view...'

The song Zhang Ping'an sang a cappella is quite classic. The theme song of the animation "Fireworks" to be released soon has a high number of hits on Huaxia Bi Station.

Yui listened to Zhang Ping'an's singing, her eyes widened, she really didn't expect that his songs could come out of his mouth? Although his voice is not as professional, the quality of the song is really good. Especially the song that uses fireworks to describe a "love story" is the best song Yui has heard recently.

"I didn't expect you to come up with it so easily. The song is good. By the way, what's the name?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and responded: "'Fireworks', um, by the way, don't go out and sing it. I haven't registered the copyright of this song with the Song Association yet. If anyone plagiarizes it, I'll have no place to cry."

"Who would plagiarize your song? Plagiarism is very serious."

Yes, copyright is something that is taken very seriously overseas. If the creator of the song is exposed for plagiarism, then their music career can be said to be directly ruined.

Zhang Pingan widened his eyes and said: "Why not? I don't know if you have heard the song "Flashing"? There are many people on YouTube who are singing it. That song was created by me, and I haven't even published it to the singer yet, but it was sung by online singers to the streets."

Yui said in surprise: "Hey~~ Did you create that song? A friend of mine, Haihe, told me that this song was sung by 'Fox'? Well, it was a song sung by a man and a woman wearing fox masks on the street. Later, many people wanted to buy the song, but no one could find 'Fox'. So the song was covered on the Internet. And in some concerts last summer, many singers also sang it." Zhang Pingan said helplessly: "So, the song is so flooded that I can't publish it, so I have to give it to those people." "Your song Has the copyright been registered? "

"It has been registered, but it has not been credited. Maybe the cover singers don't know either. Forget it, I won't say anything. I don't need this little money. If my songs can make people happy and moved, then my creation will not be in vain. I don't live on this copyright."

Listening to Zhang Ping'an's words, Yui smiled sweetly: "You are generous!"

"This has nothing to do with generosity. I am not a person who makes a living from music, so you don't have to care."

"Okay, okay, you are right."


Chatting all the way, Yui drove to the city. This time, Yui drove directly to Ginza. Zhang Ping'an looked at the bustling streets and said with a smile: "Why are you in Ginza? Just buy some clothes."

Aragaki Yui said puzzledly: "Don't you buy clothes in places like Ginza?"

Because she saw the factory logos of Zhang Ping'an's suits and shirts, they were all luxury goods. She thought that the clothes Zhang Ping'an bought were all luxury products, and Zhang Ping'an was not short of money at all!

"Who said I bought it in Ginza? But there are specialty stores in Ginza. Let's go... I'll take you to my favorite brand!" Zhang Ping'an brought Yui to 'Adidas' in Ginza. Seeing this brand, Yui laughed: "What's your favorite brand?" "Of course, maybe the media in Japan didn't report it much. But the media in Korea and China have reported it. They all joked that I am the 'unofficial spokesperson for Adidas'." Sportswear, sports pants, UB series shoes, this is Zhang Ping'an's favorite private outfit. He went in with a suit, and when he came out, Zhang Ping'an became much more relaxed. Pure white 'sports style' spring sportswear, with a clover T-shirt inside, and pants with the three lines of the Adidas logo. 78 Chinese fastest mobile terminal: https:/78zw./ After buying two sets of sportswear, Zhang Ping'an was not in a hurry to leave the department store. Because he came to his favorite watch shop, he smiled and said: "The red RM35-02, pack it up for me."

Yui looked at the price of the watch and looked up at Zhang Pingan: "You bought such an expensive watch?"

Yui was wearing a mask, so the waiter didn't recognize her, but the waiter smiled and said: "Madam, this one is very cheap. The one in your friend's hand is worth ten times this one!"

Yui's pupils instantly enlarged, because Zhang Pingan's watch looked really cheap. Although it was hollow, it felt a bit like "plastic". Naturally, Yui thought it shouldn't be expensive, but who knew that the watch on his hand could buy a luxury house in Tokyo?

Because the watch he asked the waiter to pack up at this time was worth 150 million yen, ten times...

After buying the red watch, Zhang Pingan immediately changed his limited edition.

Yui walked all the way, staring at Zhang Pingan all the way, she made Zhang Pingan embarrassed. He said: "Do you think buying this is too extravagant?"

Yui just nodded and didn't respond. Because she didn't know how to describe it, a watch, more than 1 billion yen. 78 Chinese first release 78zw. m.78zw.

Zhang Pingan responded with a smile: "Their watches are limited edition, so they are of high value and have certain collection value. And this does not take up a lot of space, unlike collecting art, which requires building a constant temperature, sterile collection room. I think you should also learn how to manage and invest, otherwise why do you make so much money, put it in the bank to earn interest?"

Yui responded with a smile: "I don't know why, I don't have a particular interest in money, and my work has become more casual recently. Anyway, I can't tell what I feel."

Yui is very good at making money, but not good at spending money. She doesn't have any special hobbies and doesn't buy luxury things. She has only bought a house with the money she has earned over the years, and the rest is in the bank. She feels that her life is very good, because she can eat whatever she wants for three meals a day, and she doesn't have to worry about the troubles of daily life.

Money... For Yui, it's really enough to spend!

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