My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 173 Li Zhien! (superior)

Because Li Zhien's concert was held in the school's auditorium, before the concert started, there were many fans gathering at the school's gate. It was mainly those who had a good relationship with the fan club and made an appointment with each other to wait at the gate, and then everyone waited to enter the venue together. But at this moment, Zhang Ping'an's Mercedes-Benz 'SLK55', which is exactly the same as Taeyeon's and often appears in various scenes, drove towards the school.

The fans standing at the school gate all smiled when they saw the car of 'Uncle Hei', they told each other: "Uncle Hei is here, the tickets for his concert are all given to him by Li Zhien himself .Because he spent 1.7 million won to buy a ticket in Huaxia last time, and this time he bought it online again. Our kind Zhien didn't want him to spend too much money after knowing it, so we went to his ticket in person. Leave a message under 'SNS', saying to give him a ticket."

"Hey... the rich will even look after him if they are lucky. This time Zhien's tickets are too hard to get, and I spent 300,000 to buy them." In South Korea, the tickets for the concerts of top singers, The official selling price is between 70,000 and 130,000 won (400 to 700 Huaxia coins).

Of course, in any country, only those top singers or idols will hold concerts. Otherwise, who will you show the concert to? But the more top singers are, the harder it is to get tickets for their concerts!

Especially for a concert in a small venue like Li Zhien, one-third of the people must have bought tickets from the "scalpers". That's why these fans are so envious of Zhang Ping'an, because his ticket was given by Li Zhien himself! But the fans really understand what Li Zhien did this time. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Computer side:

"You are only 300,000. You know, 'Uncle Black' cost 170! If the concert tickets are so expensive, I won't watch it, because I really look down on it."

Zhang Pingan's car came directly to the parking lot of the school. After he got off the car, the fans waiting to enter the stadium all cast their eyes on him. Today's "Uncle Black" is still dressed in black as before, just for To cater for the summer, his black hooded sweater has become a pure black T-shirt.

In order to hide himself well, Zhang Pingan didn't even wear a watch, because his watches were all expensive and could easily be exposed. So he came to this concert without wearing anything except his car keys, mobile phone, and wallet. He was completely hiding himself.

Just as Zhang Pingan got out of the car, he heard the screams from the fans around him? This made him look in the direction of the auditorium suspiciously, and saw Li Zhien's manager, Han Te, trotting towards him.

The moment Zhang Pingan saw Han Te, he was even more confused. The concert will start in less than half an hour? He doesn't coordinate and communicate in the background, why run out alone? Could it be that Li Zhien suddenly wanted to drink coffee, and he ran out to buy it?

Just when he was puzzled, Han Te ran up to him and smiled: "Uncle Hei, do you have time to go backstage with me? We Zhien want to say thank you personally."

Because she gave Li Zhien a customized microphone, not only did she give the ticket, but she also wanted to say thank you in person? Also, Li Zhien has always been very polite. After receiving such a precious and thoughtful birthday gift, she felt that she had to say 'thank you' face to face!

But how did he know he had arrived? It's a bit confusing, but understandable.

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Let's go, I've never been to the backstage of a concert. Just this time can satisfy my curiosity. I really want to know what the stars are doing before they start singing?"

Han Te walked towards the auditorium together with Uncle Hei,

The fans I met on the road all cast very curious eyes. Everyone wondered how these two people got together?

As he walked, Hunter said to Zhang Pingan: "Actually, there is nothing to do. All the work before the opening is to prepare for the concert. After the final equipment inspection at noon, I started to make up, and then I took a rest. In the opening Before that, I had to fully nourish my mind, a concert is very exhausting." First release

Zhang Pingan said: "That's true. The concert is very exhausting. It is said that many singers don't eat anything before the opening? Only drink water?"

Han Te tilted his head and thought for two seconds before replying: "Not necessarily, it's very personal habit, right? Some people don't eat because they think eating food will affect their performance on the spot. And some people think If you don’t eat something, you won’t have the strength to sing on stage, so it all depends on your personal habits.”

Zhang Pingan asked Han Te curiously: "Where is Zhien? Is she used to eating before going on stage?"

Hunter said with a wry smile: "She used to be under too much pressure due to weight loss, and now she suffers from binge eating disorder. She eats the meal at noon every day, and this meal will be enough for the day."

Li Zhien suffers from bulimia, which she said in person during the filming of the program a few days ago, that's why Han Te told Zhang Pingan about this relatively secret thing, anyway, everyone will know after the program is broadcast, Naturally, there is nothing to hide.

Zhang Pingan stared at Han Te in surprise and asked, "She has bulimia? Did you go to the hospital?"

"I went to the hospital. She is much better now, and she can control the amount of food she eats. She used to eat all the time, because she couldn't feel what it felt like to be full?"

Hearing the tragic story about Li Zhien, Zhang Pingan shook his head and said with some emotion: "Being an artist in Korea is really~~~ I don't know what to say."

Being an entertainer in Korea is really stressful. What Zhang Pingan knew and what he didn't know, all kinds of symptoms appeared. Li Zhien actually suffered from bulimia because of excessive weight loss?

Hunter said with a smile: "No matter what you do in this society today, you are very competitive, which has also led to the invisible pressure that young people live in every day. Once people are suppressed and can't breathe, it is easy there is a problem."

When Zhang Pingan heard Han Te take the topic further and further away, he couldn't help but said: "Han Texi, is this topic too far away?"

Han Te smiled awkwardly and said, "Hee hee, I'm sorry, but I went to the 'great truth' while talking."


Zhang Pingan followed Han Te to the backstage of the concert for the first time. Near the time of the concert, there were many staff members in the corridor doing final inspections. He followed Han Te to Li Zhien's waiting room and opened the room. , which is a room similar to a 'meeting room' at the back of a super-large auditorium. There are several rows of costumes that Li Zhien will wear when performing later in the room.

There is a table the size of a ping-pong table in the middle of the room, with drinks and snacks on it, and it is obvious at a glance that they are for Li Zhien. The room is against the wall, and there is a dressing table with various cosmetic items on it.

At this time, Li Zhien was sitting quietly on the sofa in a daze, and her eyes only came back to focus after she saw Han Te bringing Zhang Pingan in. Li Zhien laughed when she saw the "Uncle Black" dressed in black, she stood up from the sofa and walked towards them as if to greet them. From a distance, she smiled and stretched out her hand to Zhang Ping'an: "Hello, Uncle Hei."

When Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien shook hands, they both put their left hands on the outstretched right politely, and then they both bowed: "Hello, Zhienxi."

Li Zhien is playfully wearing a pair of sandals and slippers. She and him showed the cute height difference. Li Zhien looked down at her slippers, then looked up at Uncle Hei, who only showed his eyes, and said with a smile: "That... the stage for a while I have to wear high heels, so... woohoo~!"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "I understand, and you rarely see you wearing high heels in the usual airport photos."

Zhien greeted Zhang Ping'an: "Come and sit down, what would you like to drink?"

Zhang Ping'an turned to look at the drinks area and said, "I'll just drink mineral water! How about you?"

Li Zhien shook her head with a smile and said, "I can't drink too much water before the concert."

Because she has no guests, she can't drink too much water before the concert, otherwise what should she do if she goes to the bathroom while singing? After all, it takes two to three hours for a game!

Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien came to her resting area together, which is actually a sofa. She greeted Zhang Pingan to sit on the sofa, and she took a chair to sit on. At this time, Han Te came over with water and handed it to Zhang Pingan Afterwards he said to Zhien: "We are about to enter the arena soon, I will go to the front to watch, you guys talk."

The small meeting place is entered half an hour in advance, so there is enough time for a simple chat.

Zhang Pingan unscrewed the bottle cap and tore off the black mask. However, the position of the mask just passed the lower lip, only revealing the mouth. And Li Zhien just looked at Zhang Ping'an intently, and for a moment, Li Zhien became puzzled: "Huh~~~"

The appearance of the mask being removed, seems to have seen it there?

Zhang Ping'an screwed back the bottle cap after drinking the water, looked at Li Zhien, and smiled softly: "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Zhang Pingan didn't take the mask back after drinking the water. When he put down the mineral water bottle on his mouth, Li Zhien finally saw his appearance clearly. After all, the distance between the two was too close, Li Zhien stared at Zhang Ping'an with wide eyes and said, "Oh~~ Are you...Zhang...Zhang..?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded, then introduced himself again: "Hello, my name is Zhang Pingan!"

Li Zhien clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, you are shooting videos with senior Taeyeon and senior Pani, Zhang Pinganxi! I have seen your videos, it is so funny! Wow, I really did not expect that , Uncle Hei, it’s actually you, Zhang Ping’anxi? I’m just saying, why did Senior Taeyeon shoot a video with you all of a sudden, everyone guessed that Uncle Hei is a fan of Senior Taeyeon, and it turned out to be true!”

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