When Lee Ji-eun pushed open the half-closed door of the studio, the stronger electronic music came straight at her, and the atmosphere of a nightclub unfolded in this studio. At this time, Park Myung-soo looked up at Lee Ji-eun who came in in front: "Uh... um, Zhang PD." Then Park Myung-soo looked at Zhang Ping'an who came in with Lee Ji-eun, he immediately paused the music and walked quickly towards Zhang Ping'an, with an extremely flattering smile on his face... worthy of being the real Park Myung-soo!

People in the circle basically know that Park Myung-soo is very realistic. In his words, the elimination rate in this circle is too high. I don't need to remember everyone's name like Liu Zaishi, I will only remember those who can help me!

Park Myung-soo lives a very easy life whether in the show or in real life. Because the screen image he created at the beginning is similar to his private image, that is, the kind of "evil man"... It's not a pure evil man, it's just an image without any pretense. Anyway, it's not the kind of person with the image of a "good man". If he says that he doesn't like someone in the show, he will directly scold him! The program team will not cut out his words just because of his sudden attack, after all, his personal image is so ‘fierce’.

Perhaps it is because most of the characters who appear in TV programs are ‘nice guys’, but Park Myung-soo goes the other way. After he showed his ‘fierce’ image, he gained a lot of love. Some say that he is quick-witted and only speaks the truth, some say that he speaks too directly, and some even say that he is a parasite on Yoo Jae-suk.

But no matter what, Park Myung-soo is still doing well in the circle, and he has not encountered any opposition because of his screen image!

Park Myung-soo once said in the program that since he can’t pretend to be a good person in front of the camera all his life, he might as well let everyone know what kind of person he is. So he is very snobbish. If you are popular, I can lower my body to curry favor with you. If you are not popular, then I’m sorry, I don’t bother to pay attention to you at all.

Too direct, too realistic, this is the very real Park Myung-soo. And he just showed the ‘human’ side.

At least Park Myung-soo is not one person in front of the camera and another person in front of the camera. It is also because he completely and truly reflects himself that Yoo Jae-suk is willing to make friends with him for so many years.


At this time, Park Myung-soo saw Zhang Ping'an also came to his studio with Lee Ji-eun, so he went to receive Zhang Ping'an first. Park Myung-soo shook hands with Zhang Ping'an and smiled flatteringly: "What's the matter, what's the matter? Zhang PD, how come you have time to come to my studio today?"

Lee Ji-eun smiled and said to Park Myung-soo: "I invited Zhang Ping'an PD. He is not only an excellent program producer. He is also a very powerful music creator. Don't forget that the song "IF.You" I released was created by Zhang Ping'an.


Park Myung-soo nodded, and then said a very direct sentence: "There have been rumors outside that the song may have been acquired by Zhang Ping'an PD, because he has never produced any subsequent works. Well, this is not what I said, it was said by people in the music circle. Sit down, sit down."

Park Myung-soo invited the two to sit on the sofa in the lounge area, and he moved a chair and sat on the side. After sitting down, Lee Ji-eun smiled and said, "I was beside him when he created that song. I watched him create it. The rumors on the Internet are nonsense. And he created more than just the song I published, there are also some songs that have not been published." Zhang Pingan also smiled and said along with Lee Ji-eun's words, "I am neither a singer nor someone who has to wait for the money from copyright to live. So in terms of music creation, I personally tend to follow my preferences. So far, I have only created songs for two people, one is Ji-eun, and the other is Taeyeon of Girls' Generation." Of course, the two people Zhang Pingan mentioned, whether it is Ji-eun or Taeyeon, are both very powerful female singers. So Park Myung-soo said, "Taeyeon? You gave Taeyeon a song, why didn't she release it? It's not that I doubt it, but..."

Zhang Pingan responded, "Girls' Generation is preparing for a group album, and the song I gave to Taeyeon was put on hold. Taeyeon will release my song as a solo artist soon. Okay, let's not talk about Taeyeon. Let's talk about your problems with the "Song Festival" this time?"

When the show was broadcast, all the topics Zhang Pingan talked about about Taeyeon were cut out by Kim Tae-ho. Of course, Zhang Pingan also understood that, after all, Taeyeon and Girls' Generation had nothing to do with their "Infinite Challenge". Only Zhang Pingan's last sentence, "Let's talk about the Song Festival," was the theme of the show.

Park Myung-soo nodded, looked at Lee Ji-eun and said, "U.Ah, I can cooperate with you to produce my songs this time. But any activities in summer are themed around 'carnival', what do you think?"

Lee Ji-eun thought for a while and said, "Well... I think the other performers basically have cheerful dance music rhythms, and we have no chance of winning at all."

Whether it is JYP or GD, they are very confident in the production of dance music. In addition, such celebrations must be dominated by dance music. If the lyricism cannot be as profound as "The Words of Destiny", it is better not to produce lyricism. Because in the last season of "Infinite Challenge Song Festival", it is not that no one tried it, but it ended in failure.

Park Mingxiu immediately said: "So, we have to transform, a complete transformation. Why don't you just cut your hair short? You play Matilda, and I play Leon."

When Zhang Pingan listened to Park Mingxiu's suggestion, he laughed. He was not laughing because of Park Mingxiu's words at this time. After all, Zhang Pingan knew how Li Zhien would look on stage in the final stage performance. He laughed because he remembered that a long time ago, Li Zhien asked her fans on her Instagram whether short hair or long hair suited her. However, countless people are very confused when faced with this question. Whether she has long or short hair, Li Zhien is a very attractive person, so it is very difficult for fans to answer her question.

The sudden mention of short hair made Zhang Pingan think... It seems that Taeyeon will cut her hair short soon, right? because...

Just when Zhang Pingan laughed, Li Zhien also laughed awkwardly, and Park Mingxiu continued: "I have already thought about you playing Matilda, holding the flower pot."

Li Zhien kept saying: "No... no... no..."

At this time, Zhang Pingan spoke for Li Zhien: "Her hair cannot be cut as short as she wants. Her style at this time is contracted with the manufacturer. If she loses her endorsement because of cutting her hair short, , This is not worth the loss. Besides, short hair doesn’t have to be cut, and wearing a wig is also a good choice, isn’t it?”

Li Zhien immediately followed Zhang Ping'an's words, nodded and said: "Yes, yes, I can't change my style randomly for the time being."

Park Mingxiu also understands that some manufacturers have strict requirements on artists' styles. So he nodded in understanding, "Okay."

After saying this, Park Mingxiu continued: "I have been in this circle for more than 20 years, and I have participated in too many summer activities to count. In summer celebrations, dance music is required, so that you can It instantly lifts the atmosphere of the scene! Only songs like this can leave a deep impression on the audience.”

Li Zhien immediately expressed his thoughts: "I think this way, in summer, the sound of guitars resounding through the summer nights will not give people a very procrastinating feeling. It's just that... how should I put it?"

Zhang Pingan immediately helped Li Zhien and said: "I know what you are talking about. Maybe it is a summer night, when everyone is sitting on the green grass under the stars, listening to the chirping of cicadas revealed in nature, and at the same time there is the singing of guitars That kind of refreshing.”

Under Zhang Pingan's description, Park Mingxiu also nodded and admitted that the scenery was wonderful. Li Zhien immediately added: "Yes, it feels like that, plus isn't it going to be the rainy season soon?"

Park Mingxiu smiled bitterly and said: "You are too stubborn! You just want to be yourself."

Zhang Ping'an listened to Park Mingxiu's words and said with a smile: "Zhien, the imagination you mentioned is very wonderful, but you have to consider practical issues."

Li Zhien raised her head and said to Zhang Pingan, "What reality?" The meaning of her raising her head... seemed to be saying to Zhang Pingan, 'I called you here, you should help me speak, right? ’

Zhang Ping'an looked at Li Zhien's appearance and smiled and said: "A practical question... you usually hold solo concerts indoors, right?"

Li Zhien nodded, and Zhang Ping'an continued: "But such a large-scale summer celebration is not indoors, and there is no air conditioning outdoors. It is only July and we are so hot that we don't even want to leave the house. So when we wait for the "Galaxy Festival" to start, there will be How hot is it? Outdoors, when there is no wind, I would feel upset if someone stood next to me. Why would I want to sit down and listen to you singing? You might as well just use dance music to lighten the atmosphere. get high.."

"Yes, yes, that's what it means." Park Mingxiu immediately echoed Zhang Pingan's words. But Li Zhien glanced at Zhang Pingan.

Park Mingxiu also caught this look, so he immediately said: "Tell me what you think."

At this time, Li Zhien took out the guitar from his guitar bag. Li Zhien held the guitar and said, "Listen to it first. It's not a completely traditional ballad."

Park Mingxiu said: "Did you make the song?"

"It hasn't been completely produced yet, I just made a melody."

Now that Li Zhien has taken out the guitar, Park Mingxiu can only say to Li Zhien: "You try it first."

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