My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 631 Home, only with you can there be tenderness

This bank card has 100 million yen, which is equivalent to more than 6 million Chinese yuan. If it is used to raise a "canary", the price is really not expensive. In China, most women with a little bit of beauty want to buy a house in places like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen after becoming canaries. The price of such a house may be more than this, so it seems that the "canary" raised for 6 million is not expensive at all.

And even if Zhang Ping'an doesn't help, Xinmu Yuko's career will get better and better. In 2019, she will even become one of the new generation of Japanese actresses. It means that Zhang Ping'an only spent such a little money to raise a future big actor, and he doesn't lose no matter how he looks at it. You know, in China, with 6 million, a star may only be able to play a second-rate one now!

Because in China, let alone second-tier female stars, even the third-tier actress position where Pang Di is now...that is, those who can take some supporting roles for a long time, or the leading actress of insignificant TV series, her annual income is also several million. Although the pay is not much, there are many opportunities for third-tier artists in China, so Zhang Pingan wants to find a canary in China with the same price, at most a slightly more famous internet celebrity.

If it is a small artist like Pang Di who has signed a contract with an agency, they may not look down on these millions of pocket money, right? Because as long as the company is willing to recommend them and they don’t dislike the role, it is easy to earn hundreds of thousands or even millions a year.

Of course, this is only in China, and only in China, the income of artists will be so outrageous. Looking at South Korea and Japan, in fact, the income of artists, except for those top people who belong to the high-income ranks, most of them can’t afford to eat. Araki Yuko, before she met Zhang Pingan, her monthly income was not enough to support her life. And now... even if she is free, she can completely satisfy her desire to travel abroad.

Araki Yuko accepted the pocket money given by Zhang Pingan with peace of mind. Because she really decided to follow him, it really doesn’t matter whether she has a name or not. Because she knew very well that a top rich man like Zhang Pingan would never be able to get her the title. So she decided to take Zhang Pingan's money with peace of mind, and live a leisurely and relaxed life. The best life is to live the life she wants.

Just as Zhang Pingan said, "work" is up to you, so you won't be too tired. And Zhang Pingan also promised her that no matter how her future career develops, it will not affect her life. Of course, if it develops well, it will be even better!

A meal with three Michelin stars, Longling's creative and traditional combination cuisine is a double enjoyment of vision and taste. This meal is still very satisfying to Xinmu Yuko. After eating this meal, Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Okay, I won't go to the hotel with you. Didn't you say that you have a good relationship with Emma recently? If you have time, get to know more people in the circle. As long as it's not a meeting with a male senior alone, I don't mind."

Xinmu Yuko shook her head and said, "I will never meet with a male senior alone. Maybe there is an invitation at work that cannot be refused,

but I will go only when there are more than four people. I can guarantee that I, Belong to you alone, I will never betray you, absolutely!" Zhang Pingan waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, it's just right, you haven't drunk, drive back by yourself, I don't need you to send me off." "Well, I'll keep the watch you left at home. By the way, tomorrow, are you coming over?" "Let's talk about it tomorrow, I still have some work to deal with." "Okay, if I'm not at home when you come, you can call me." Yuko Shinmu drove away in the Ferrari. Sitting in the car, she took out her phone and called another model who had a good relationship with her on the show recently. She asked her to go out for a drink together in the evening. Zhang Pingan went to the comic room again, bought two comics of "Escape is Shameful but Useful" and went home, back to Yui's home. ....... Yui performed very well in today's shooting. Basically, her personal shots were passed in one take. After the director shouted "OK", Yui would show her smile invisibly. Okada Masaki, who has worked with Aragaki Yui many times, clearly saw that Yui was in a very happy mood today, so during the lunch break at noon, he specifically asked Yui why she was so excited all of a sudden?

Yui just smiled and said, "I won't tell you." And when Yui said this, she couldn't stop smiling, which made Okada Masaki say "kawaii".

Seeing Yui's extraordinary performance and the things she showed, Masaki Okada whispered: "Gakki, I really feel that you are completely different today. What good news is there? Tell me and share it?"

Yui smiled and responded: "No, I just thought that the fireworks festival in Tokyo is about to start."

Masaki Okada said: " is about to start, but does it have anything to do with us? If there is no filming, you can still go and see it. But now even if we want to see it, there is no time, right? If we finish the trip and go, it will definitely be too late."

Yui nodded a little regretfully and said: "Yes, the filming ends very late every day, but I still want to wear a yukata to walk on the riverbank."

Masaki Okada said to Yui: "By the way, do you want to have a drink after get off work today?"

Yui shook her head and said, "I'm not going, I want to go home early."

Because of the summer, the crew would make appointments to have a drink in the evening after filming. Before Zhang Pingan came to Tokyo, Yui had gone there several times, because this was a necessary social interaction among the crew. But after returning home last night, she saw Zhang Pingan waiting for her, so Yui was particularly looking forward to it today.

As night fell, Yui Aragaki finished today's shooting. Sitting in the car on the way back, she kept shaking her legs. The manager looked at Yui strangely: "What's wrong with you? Why are you shaking your legs all the time? Is there something that makes you nervous?"

Yui's agent has been with her for a long time, so she has long known Yui's little habits. In the past, she would always shake her legs nervously when she was required to stand in front of the stage when attending events or filming. But the filming was over today and she was on her way home. Why did she suddenly start shaking her legs? So the agent felt very weird.

Yui quickly stopped shaking her legs, smiled at her manager and said, "No, why should I be nervous?"

"Really? You feel a little different today? Did your family come yesterday and bring you any good news?"

"No, just a normal chat or something, and she will be in Tokyo these two days."

Aragaki Yui's mother is from Tokyo, but she lives in Okinawa, an extremely comfortable place. However, she still comes to Tokyo occasionally, and she will stay at Yui's house after she comes. This is something that the agent also knows.

Listening to Yui's words, the manager can only blame it on Yui's good mood today. Maybe it's because his mother came to Tokyo?

Not long after, the vehicle arrived at Yui's home. In the distance, the lights of her home came through the balcony. When Yui saw the bright lights at home, her mood instantly lit up, but the manager didn't notice anything strange about Yui. Maybe even if she discovered it, she would only think it was because her mother was at her house?

Just like yesterday, after Yui opened the door of her house, she looked at Zhang Pingan's canvas shoes in the entrance, and she knelt down to tidy up the shoes for him. In the room, Zhang Pingan's voice welcoming her back came again.

Today, Yui didn't play swooping. Instead, she ran over and gave him a big hug, and it was a very hard hug. When she hugged Zhang Pingan, her smile was as bright as ever. She stood on tiptoes and put her head on Zhang Pingan's shoulder. She said softly: "I can't walk anymore. Hug...ah~~"

Before she even finished speaking, Zhang Pingan easily carried the 170-centimeter Yui Aragaki into a princess hug. Yui laughed happily and put her arms around Zhang Pingan's neck. In Japanese romantic love stories, Yui rarely gets such treatment.

Yui was carried into the living room by Zhang Pingan, and she saw a bouquet of flowers placed in her vase on the table in the living room: "Hey, did you buy them?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Well, I saw that the living room at home was very empty, so I bought a bouquet of flowers and came back."

"The mood is good. Hehe, it deserves praise. Is there anything to eat at home?" She knew that Zhang Pingan would definitely buy something.

"Let me fry some dumplings for you."

Japan's quick-frozen fried dumplings are pretty good, and people here also like to use fried dumplings to go with wine.

Yui nodded and said: "Okay, you make some fried dumplings, we will have a drink later, and I will go up and change clothes."

After a while, Yui changed her clothes and came down. Zhang Pingan stood next to the stove and looked at the fried dumplings covered with the pot lid. Yui showed a gentle smile to Zhang Pingan. Zhang Pingan turned around and took out two bottles of cold beer from the refrigerator, and then took out two beer glasses.

Yui held the beer, looked at Zhang Ping'an affectionately and said, "This family is gentle when you are here."

"Then I will keep this tenderness here forever and never leave."

Yui smiled even brighter after listening to Zhang Pingan's words. She carried the beer and headed towards the living room, where the two of them planned to have two supper drinks later. When Yui came to the living room and looked at the comic upside down on the sofa, she turned around with a smile and said, "Hey, you still read this comic?"

Zhang Pingan stood by the stove and said: "I think the content of this cartoonist is quite interesting. It is very trendy about contract marriage, and I thought of you when I looked at the short hair of the cartoon protagonist. I plan to give the adaptation rights of this work to How about buying it and filming with you?”

"Let me take a look..." Yui sat cross-legged on the floor, holding the comic "Escape is Shameful but Useful" and started reading...

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