My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 708: Afterlife? this life?

This time, it was Pani who accompanied Zhang Pingan to the department store for an afternoon. After shopping around, Zhang Pingan was carrying large and small bags of clothing in his hands, all of which were luxury clothing that Pani gave him as a reference. Until Pani himself bought nothing. Although Zhang Ping'an asked her to choose a bag as her reward more than once, Pani shook her head and said she didn't need it.

Back in the garage, Pani got into the car first and sat in the passenger seat, while Zhang Pingan put the clothes he bought into the trunk. That's when he pulled a bag he'd stashed from under the oversized shopping bag that held his parka. Luxury brands have already put this winter's clothing on the shelves in autumn, so when shopping for clothing, Zhang Pingan took advantage of Pani's inattention and quietly bought a bag that she had studied for a long time, and stuffed it under her parka coat .

In fact, men are very good at observing words and expressions. For example, women show different expressions when they want to buy items. People who like to create surprises will quietly buy them and give them to girls. Most of those so-called incomprehensible winks do not want to buy, so they just pretend not to understand. To put it bluntly, it's just that the wallet is doing the trick. Men in this era are very romantic when economic conditions permit.

Those who act dull, or pretend that they don't understand romance, are 100% acting, and definitely acting. Nowadays, film and television works are so developed in this era, even when I was in school, there were all kinds of love stories happening around me. Although those love stories had nothing to do with me, I wouldn’t say that I don’t understand romance.

Actually, the most important reason is romance, which costs money. If you don't have money, you are naturally not qualified to talk about romance. If a man has money, then he will definitely show you romance, and you have to worry about whether he's going too far?

And Zhang Ping'an has the capital to play romance, and he can afford it no matter how expensive the romance is. At this time, Pani just fell in love with a bag, so she bought it quietly and gave her a little surprise, no one needed to teach her, he would also.

Zhang Pingan got into the car with the bag and gave it to her. Pani looked at the brand on the shopping bag that Zhang Pingan took out, and she laughed: "Sure enough."

Pani just said these two words, and then took the bag out of the shopping bag with a smile, with a satisfied expression on his face.

And Zhang Pingan said puzzledly: "So what?"

"Nothing, thanks." Pani looked at the bag, then put it back in the bag and threw it on the back seat.

Zhang Pingan didn't see Pani's emotion, and suddenly felt calculated. Now he finally understands what Pani's "sure enough" means. It turned out that all of this was planned by her, Zhang Pingan got in by himself?

When the car came out of the department store and met a red light at the intersection,

Zhang Ping'an turned to look at Pani and said with a smile, "You're sure I'll buy it for you, right?"

Pani responded: "I didn't deliberately calculate, I just want to see if you understand women's acting skills. In fact, if a woman wants a man to buy something for herself, but she doesn't want to open the mouth, she will always show a kind of 'wants I want this' expression. In fact, all of this is deliberately done for men to see if the man understands it."

Zhang Pingan said: "Hehe, in fact, men also understand women's acting skills. In the end, it depends on whether the man's financial conditions allow it, or whether he has any thoughts about that woman. The most accurate way to say it is that he has it in his heart. Thinking, is this woman worth it? Because not all women are worthy of Chanel. Let me tell you, no one in this world is stupid."

Pani also nodded and said: "Yes, there is no one stupid in this world. For ordinary salarymen, a package is a month's or even two months' salary, and men will definitely weigh it in their hearts. What about you? , how did you measure the bag you gave me?"

When the green light came on, Zhang Pingan stepped on the accelerator lightly and drove forward. He said with a smile, "Me? I don't need to measure, because one million won or ten million won won't affect me. Normal life. On the contrary, I think it is worth spending this little money to buy a bag, which can make you feel better. Besides, if someone wants to give you a gift, you have to see who that person is and hold What do you think, don't you?"

In an instant, Pani's eyes turned into crescents, and he looked at Zhang Ping'an slightly sideways: "It's true, I will not accept everyone's gifts, so it is also your honor that you can give me the bag."

Zhang Pingan said with a wry smile: "Oh, don't I have to thank you for giving me a chance to give you a gift?"

"As long as you know it, hahaha~~" After Pani finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Pingan said: "Don't you watch the live broadcast of Taeyeon playing songs today?"

"Look, aren't you going home? This is so far from your home, are you going the wrong way?" Only then did Pani realize that Zhang Ping'an was not driving in the direction of his home at all.

Zhang Pingan said: "Today I made an appointment with Park Zhenying's 'got7' for dinner, and I will go to the restaurant to book a private room."

Pani said, "Well, what about me? Are you going to send me back to the dormitory, or something?"

Zhang Pingan said: "If you want to go together, of course we will go together. In fact, it's just a casual meal, nothing else. The main reason is that I like 'Xiao Wang', and he is from China."

"It's really just a casual meal?" What Pani said by saying this is that if you have something to talk about, I won't go.

Zhang Pingan glanced at Pani and said, "Of course it's just for a meal. Otherwise, would I still take them to the nightclub? They're still playing songs."

"Okay, let's go together tonight, it's just dinner anyway, it doesn't matter if I'm alone, right?"

Zhang Ping'an went to the restaurant to book the largest private room, but the largest private room in the restaurant simply couldn't fit in. There were more than a dozen of them, so the restaurant could only let Zhang Ping'an and others use the hall. Because the oil smoke machine for the barbecue is fixed, there is no way to add tables. But the restaurant said that they can use screens to partition off the dining area for them and make it a large partition.

'got7' is not an artist of Zhang Ping'an's company, so he can't say anything about the manager, stylist, assistant, and eat in another private room, so he agreed to use the hall.

After booking the location of the restaurant, Zhang Ping'an sent a message to 'Xiao Wang', telling them to come over directly after finishing. And after he booked the seat, he went back to his home with Pani to watch Taeyeon's live broadcast, and went to the restaurant after the show ended.

In Zhang Ping'an's house, Pani is very casual. She even found a set of Zhang Pingan's pajamas and changed into it. At home, you must dress looser and more comfortable.

In his house, Penny didn't feel like a guest at all.

With a cup of freshly brewed coffee and a sliced ​​fruit, Pani lay horizontally on the sofa, propped his head on one hand, and watched the "!cd" that was being broadcast.

Although Taeyeon hadn't performed at this time, but listening to Taeyeon's interview, Pani said casually: "Taeyeon's song this time is really well done. It makes me feel a little lol, you know What is the hardest thing for a 'newcomer singer'?"

Zhang Pingan did not sit on the sofa, but sat on the floor, leaning on the sofa with his back, his legs stretched out from under the table.

Hearing Pani's question, he said, "The most rare thing for a newcomer must be a song that suits them, just like how "e" identified your Girls' Generation position at once. It fits the artist's position, Songs that fit the market are the best."

Pani nodded and said: "Well, Taeyeon's song this time is very suitable for her image positioning. This is the first time I think you are very good at music creation, although you made the song "ifyou" for Li Zhien very well. Great, but I personally prefer the song "i!"

Zhang Ping'an turned to look at Pani lying on his back and said, "What about you, what type of song do you think fits your positioning?"

Although Pani's eyes were fixed on the TV, her eyes were scattered. She fell into a kind of thinking, and after thinking for a while, she said: "Actually, I don't know, whether it is dance music, or lyric, or even rnb, Which style is more suitable for me? Among idols, I can’t be considered a special singer, right? So if I sing lyrical songs, I may not be able to reach Taeyeon’s appeal.”

Zhang Pingan thought for a while and said: "Well, I think maybe dance music or rnb style is more suitable for you? But, do you really need to make yourself so tired? Taeyeon's singing this time has no choreography, I've exhausted myself enough. If you said you wanted lo and your company selected dance music for you, wouldn't it be even more tiring?"

Pani frowned slightly and said, "Entertainment is my profession. If you say I don't do this, what else can I do?"

"What to do? Isn't the right to choose in your hands?" Zhang Pingan knew that her mother liked Pani very much, because Pani was very serious when doing things, so she could choose something different. Profession.

Of course, you can choose to do nothing, after all, the one billion won she put here with Zhang Ping'an will become 100 billion next year!

"If I had a choice, of course I wouldn't want to do anything. I would sleep until I woke up comfortably every day, and then I would meet Taeyeon for a brunch. I would go shopping in the afternoon and buy something I liked. , don’t worry about money.”

"Why do you always cry poor in front of me? How short of money are you? I'll give you 100 million dollars, do you want it?"

Pani said with a smile: "Give me 100 million dollars? Then I will definitely want it. Anyway, I have never worried about what I owe you. At worst, I will repay you in the next life."

"Afterlife? No, I don't believe in the afterlife, so you should repay in this life?"

"Oh? How do you want to repay?"

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