The host of the show and the guests present must be very curious about Zhang Pingan's real income. Because their company's annual revenue has been estimated by the media, the media wrote that Zhang Pingan's revenue this year is at least 30 billion won. This is the minimum amount. The specific annual income of Zhang Pingan has always been a mystery. Facing such ultra-high-income people, they are certainly very curious. But when they asked about their income, Zhang Pingan was talking to them about their expenses.

Of course, this topic cannot be continued, after all, this is not an interview program. Soon the program got into the theme. Is it normal to think that a clay spoon cannot surpass the life of a silver spoon?

Zhang Pingan chose ‘no’. He thinks that a clay spoon can surpass a golden spoon. Is this what Zhang Pingan really thinks? No, this is just the idea he expressed in the show. Zhang Pingan thinks that the possibility of a clay spoon surpassing a golden spoon is only one in ten million, or one in a hundred million. This is not pessimism, this is reality! In this world, there are more ordinary people.

But if you say it's absolutely impossible, that's not necessarily true. There are no absolutes in the world. Because some people are really lucky in their careers, there is the possibility of transcending the silver spoon. However, the probability of such a thing happening is extremely low, and the vast majority of people can only live a dull and ordinary busy life.

When the host saw that Zhang Pingan did not turn on the light, he took the initiative to ask: "Oh? Zhang Pingan xi, do you think Clay Spoon has the possibility of transcendence?"

Zhang Ping'an said: "Of course, just like the current representative of our company, Bang Si Hyukxi, he used to be a very ordinary musician. But through his own efforts, isn't he now in charge of what you said is an annual income of up to 30 billion won? Agency? This is the example before me, so I think it is possible for Clay Spoon to surpass Golden Spoon. Also, after nine years of being unknown, he is not from a similar background to S.M. Artists from such a top company have become famous now, right? Didn’t EXID and Yoo Jae Suk’s seniors all go through the period of being unknown?”

After Zhang Pingan's words came out, someone immediately refuted: "You are talking about the entertainment industry, but the question you raised is the ordinary workplace. Maybe Zhang Pinganxi, doesn't understand the real workplace? Ordinary college students will face the challenges after graduation. "In addition to employment issues, there are also academic loans, rent, daily expenses, etc., which are all a mountain that weighs on working people."

Zhang Ping'an laughed. He looked at the foreigner and said, "You only know the cruelty of the workplace. Have you ever thought about the cruelty of artists? I became a trainee in junior high school. It can be said that I have half given up on my studies. Even if you give up your studies and become a trainee, do you think you can make a debut? No, as far as I know, EXO started with 40 members, and eventually they were reduced and reduced again. What should we do if we go back to school? If we didn’t even learn the basics well, what can we do if we go back to school? Well, even if we debuted, didn’t the market have a choice? He, hasn't he been under the same pressure for nine years? There is pressure in any profession.

Not only ordinary people are stressed, but also those in the entertainment industry. "

Zhang Ping'an's words were once again refuted: "Now let's talk about the golden spoon birth among artists. For example, Cui Siyuan of SUJU, whether he is an artist or not has no impact on his future, right? If so, I It means that if SUJU failed, it might be a very tragic thing for other people. But for Choi Siyuan, would it affect his life? No, so he will be able to do everything with ease. "

Someone immediately stood up and spoke for Zhang Pingan: "What you said is from a pessimistic perspective. Now we are discussing whether it is possible, whether the clay spoon can surpass the golden spoon, right? The examples Zhang Pingan cited are all There is something beyond the silver spoon, this is an undeniable fact.”

Then someone said: "But, what the person in this case is talking about is whether he can surpass those silver spoons? Maybe his starting point is wrong, because the level he looked at at the beginning was too high, just like a girl group that just debuted. Asking whether we can transcend girlhood? This metaphor itself can easily make people feel frustrated and give up. So, can we lower our sights a little bit? In fact, we should compare ourselves with yesterday. I read more today than yesterday. Maybe a book will make me a better person today?”

At this time, someone else said: "People who are born with a silver spoon have more opportunities than others from the beginning. They only need to seize one of many opportunities. But ordinary people need to create opportunities by themselves. ..”

Just then Zhang Yuan spoke: "As you said, just create opportunities, but in today's society... let me give you an example. Recently, many kindergartens are training English before you go to elementary school. When you really go to elementary school, the teacher will They will ask, ABCDE...have you learned all these letters? Most students will answer, if they have, then the teacher will not start teaching them from the letters. If they are not qualified to learn English in advance. Children, they will be left behind as soon as they enter school! This is the difference between a silver spoon and a clay spoon, this is reality!”

Hwang Chi Yeol also expressed his own point of view: "I will tell you my point of view, I don't know if it is right or not. I have been in Beijing for ten years, and I came to Beijing with 200,000 won. When I was a trainee, what were the conditions at home? Good kids are all good at it, so they are very confident, because even if they fail in the end and don't debut, they still have a way out, and I have no way out. I know that no one will hug me warmly when I go back. At that time, I had this idea, if there is no such test, what fun would there be in life? Although the silver spoon certainly has their fun, I have achieved happiness that they cannot achieve. "

The host said: "Although the process was very bumpy, the result is very happy."

Zhang Pi Nang smiled and said: "I have a different view on this point of view. Now I will express my opinion on behalf of the golden spoon. At first, I was studying in Tokyo and there were many friends around me. But after school They went to work, and they also worked during the holidays, and I tried various different things after school. For example, at first, I heard about golf, and I went to play for a few days. I felt that it was not suitable for me. , I just left the golf equipment in the dust.”

Zhang Ping'an continued: "Later I watched the movie "Tokyo Drift", so I bought two sports cars and went to the track to play. As a result, I crashed two of them. I thought it was too dangerous, so I stopped playing. While my classmates were working part-time, I tried various activities, and finally chose the entertainment industry that I liked and was willing to devote my time to. The advantage of Golden Spoon is that I can learn from various things I have tried. When I choose something I like to do, I don’t just imagine whether this or that thing is suitable for me, but I make the choice after trying it myself.”

Listening to Zhang Pingan's speech on behalf of the 'gold spoon', the guests present all laughed, but there was helplessness in reality in this smile. Yes, only people with a silver spoon are qualified to try various careers before choosing the one they like best.

Because there is an escape route in life with a golden spoon, in terms of academic choice, you usually choose a major that your family can help you, rather than considering the convenience of finding a job after graduation. Even if he doesn't do anything related to his major after graduation and doesn't follow the route arranged by his family, it will serve as a guide for his life. If he can't survive outside, he will go back and follow the established route, and his family can also help.


The topic came back again, asking whether there are ‘classes’ in various countries? The answer is obvious. As long as money circulates in this world, the 'class' created by the rich and the poor will exist.

The Norwegian representative immediately shook his head and said that there is no class in their country, because the rich are hidden and will not give their children too much money, because if they are given too much money, they will not know how to work hard.

Hearing this, Zhang Ping'an couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Tsk~"

"Oh, Zhang Pinganxi, do you have any different opinions?"

Zhang Ping'an said: "When I was studying, I met a man from Norway. He told me that there is indeed no silver spoon in Norway. Because even if you drive a taxi, you and he worked hard to study in medical school and become a doctor. Yes, everyone’s salary is similar. The advantage is that everyone in the society is equal, but the disadvantage is that most young people will not study hard, because there is no point in reading more books. , anyway, they are supported by the state’s welfare.”

After Zhang Pingan said these words, the Norwegian representative sitting next to him also nodded. Indeed, the so-called equality makes young people in Norway reluctant to study.

After talking about class, the host said: "What is the difference between a gold spoon and a clay spoon? Huang Zhiliuxi, tell me about your memory of the difference between rich and poor. Do you have any?"

Hearing this, Zhang Pingan knew that his speech below would definitely be the focus of the audience.

After Huang Zhilie talked about his memories, the host, as expected, handed the words to Zhang Pingan: "Zhang Pingan, can you tell me about your life?"

"Me, the life in my memory is that I basically lived alone in my childhood. Well, many in China are only children, and I am the same. When I was a child, my parents were busy with their careers and rarely saw each other even on weekends. Every time we met, they gave me money. I used money to make up for the lack of companionship. In terms of material things, I didn’t have much to pursue when I was in college. I finally didn’t have to wear a school uniform when I was in college. As a result, I bought some luxuries and found them made in China! After spending so much money, it turns out it’s still made in China? So I think it’s better to wear a ‘sports brand’ that’s made in China anyway!”

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