My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 191 Love Pulls

Xika was taken by Zhang Ping'an, and she fell into his arms. After she let out a scream, she didn't resist too much, but lay in Zhang Ping'an's arms and stared at him angrily. Zhang Pingan looked at Xika who had become tender and tender in his arms, and he smiled and whispered in her ear: "Shall we have dinner at home tonight, or go out on a date?"

Sika snorted and broke free from Zhang Ping'an's arms. She stared at him angrily and said, "Who wants to date you? Go find Li Zhien and date you by yourself. Huh...I found out , so you like such a cute type of woman? No wonder you often hang out with Taeyeon, honestly, is she your ideal type?"

Li Zhien and Kim Taeyeon, they both belong to the same type of woman, very childlike and cute. And Sika belongs to the type of beauty that surprises people at first glance. They are completely different types, and they are also the most contrasting types.

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "How can there be any specific favorites or special dislikes? I think feelings are things that get along well with each other and can chat together. The same three views are the best. Just like you and me. We get along well, chat well, and are attracted to each other, aren't we a match made in heaven? Chick, how about falling in love with me?"

As Zhang Pingan talked, he started his very joking 'falling in love' again. After hearing this, Xika said impatiently: "I said, have you played enough? You do this every time, so you don't bother? Either don't say it, or you are more serious, then I will be serious too. Think about it!"

Although the tone was very impatient, it could be seen that Sika became serious when she said these words. Perhaps, his sloppy appearance is really disgusting, and finally Sika changed his opinion of him, and gained a little basic liking for him. But he used this method to play again and again. This is not a love affair. To put it bluntly, Zhang Ping'an is just playing hooligans at this time!

And Xika has already talked about this, Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Okay, I'll be serious!" Zhang Pingan put away his smile immediately after saying this, and looked at Xika with a sincere face. Ka said: "Sika, so today is our first day?"

Seeing Zhang Pingan with a serious face saying "the first day", Xika laughed instead: "Pfft~~ what, what is the first day, I can't understand what you are talking about at all, it's inexplicable~ ~Let's go!"

Although she said it like this, everyone can see that Xika's smile has changed. She is quite happy in her heart. It's just that the two of them have known each other for a few months, and they always feel that everything happened inexplicably. . Maybe this is fate, I can't tell, the way is unknown. Have they really become happy friends? Sika thought it was ridiculous even thinking about it.

Sika has never had time to fall in love since she started her career as an idol, and the overall puberty of their Girls' Generation has been delayed a lot, and now most of Girls' Generation are starting to go towards puberty. With personal private time, they naturally need the company of love. In the past seven years, they spent their youth in a busy schedule every day. Now that they finally have time, their desire for love has become It's extremely strong.

Zhang Ping'an really didn't understand their feelings. They might have thought about falling in love before, but the time really didn't allow them to fall in love. After all, there is no pair of lovers who can only meet once every three months, or half a year? Because that kind of 'love' will only consume the love in my heart as I get busy, breaking up becomes inevitable. So at that time, rather than carrying the title of "love", they might as well not fall in love at all.

Had a busy time,

Girls' Generation finally became more leisurely, and they all had time to be themselves, so love happened accordingly. After all, if you have time, you can meet in private from time to time. As you meet more times, you will get to know each other better, and love will happen naturally.

As for Sika, she had a relationship with Quan because she often met, but the two of them had never really confirmed their relationship. Of course, Xika is also looking forward to a serious love, but who knows that after Zhang Ping'an told the truth about the person she met, she would give up the idea of ​​being with him.

Recently, she had been in frequent contact with Zhang Ping'an, and then she gradually got to know him a little better, and she also had a little liking for him. But as for him, he was a fool, which really made Sika very helpless.

At this moment, after Zhang Ping'an seriously said "our first day", Sika became proud. As a woman, her mind is always so elusive. After Zhang Pingan mustered up the courage to confess, she started to push and pull again.

As a result, she left a sentence, "I don't know why, let's go." ’ Zhang Ping’an was stunned on the spot, he just looked at the back of Sika leaving in a daze, what’s going on?

This time Sika really went downstairs, and he shook his head speechlessly when the door of his room slammed shut: "What's going on? Is it revenge for me? Are you careful? Hehe..."

After Xika came out of Zhang Ping'an's house, the corners of her mouth were raised, and her mood was as bright as the sunshine outside. The original cold "Bingshan card" was completely melted at this time, and she stopped at Zhang Ping'an's door. After a while, I couldn't help but let out a laugh: "This fool~!"

In the past few months since the two of them met for the first time, a TV drama-like plot has taken place, and their enemies have become the strange relationship they are now.


After Xika left, Zhang Pingan sat alone on the sofa and frowned deeply as he looked at the empty cup she left behind. Inexplicably, after she left, there was a strong sense of uneasiness in her heart. This uneasiness is not because of the 'chaos' that will be caused by the deepening of the relationship between the two, because he believes that he can handle any kind of 'chaos', and in that 'once', Sika did not face that kind of situation in the same way. Don't you pay attention to the 'mess'? After a long time, everyone can only accept it.

At this time, Zhang Ping'an suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness. It was a feeling that could not be found and could not be expressed.

Zhang Ping'an touched his heart that was beating fast and said to himself: "Why? I'm so uneasy. Could it be that something is going to happen?"

After speaking, Zhang Pingan quickly picked up the computer, and he went to check his live broadcast website, which was in normal operation. Then he called his mother and chatted for a while. He said that he would bring the show to Korea and watch the first episode of ratings report before returning to China. Mother Zhang asked him to eat on time, and so on. Then Zhang Ping'an made a rare phone call to his father... Nothing happened either.

Really couldn't find the source of the uneasiness in his heart, Zhang Ping'an thought maybe he was thinking too much?

Zhang Pingan took Sika's coffee cup to the kitchen to wash it and put it away, then he picked up the phone and asked Fang Shihyuk about 'how long does it take to apply for a US visa' and Fang Shihyuk didn't know, Because he has a Korean passport, they don't need a visa to go to the United States. He asked Zhang Pingan to call the travel company for consultation. After Zhang Pingan asked the travel company, the answer he got was: it would take two weeks if it went well.

So Zhang Ping'an's desire to date Xika in the United States was completely shattered, because they had already returned before his visa was issued. No wonder Xika stopped talking about dating in the United States after learning that he had a Chinese passport, because it was unrealistic!

Zhang Pingan put down his phone, changed his clothes, and headed towards the gym. I haven't exercised well after playing for nearly a week, so I have to make up for it when I come back.

Just as Zhang Ping'an was on his way to the gym. Taeyeon and Pani returned to the company and joined Seo Hyun and started practicing. After practicing several times, they sat in the rest area. As they got older, they felt that their physical strength was a bit too much after dancing several times. Among them, Taeyeon felt the most tired, because she lacked exercise on weekdays.

While drinking water, Xu Xian said, "O'Neill, did you have dinner with Zhang Pingan just now?"

Pani nodded and said, "Well, what's the matter? Do you want us to introduce Zhang Ping'an to you too? Yes, he is single now, why don't you date him? I think he's pretty good Yes, maknae!"

Because Pani and Taeyeon are witnesses of Zhang Ping'an's "breakup moment", they both know that Zhang Ping'an is single now. And such blue chip stocks, they really don't want to be cheap to outsiders, so it's not bad to introduce them to the youngest. Just right, the stuffy young lady is paired with the joyous Zhang Ping'an, I don't know what kind of sparks will be created between the two of them.

Xu Xian blushed slightly and said to Pani who often joked about himself: "Oni~~ I don't have any thoughts of falling in love now, and don't you think there are too many people in love in our team recently? I don't want to be serious. Let us make Girls' Generation the age of love."

From time to time, Seo Hyun would say one or two choking words, which made Pani yell at Seo Hyun dissatisfied: "Ah, Seo Hyun, are you alluding to me and Taeyeon?"

Now there are only Tae, Di, Xu, and the three of them in the practice room. Isn't the "people in love" in Xu Xian's mouth just Taeyeon and Pani?

Taeyeon didn't care what the two of them were arguing about, she was chatting kakao with her phone down.

Recently, 'EXO' is on an Asian tour. On the 1st and 2nd of June, he just finished H.K's concert and returned to Seoul for a rest. In the next half month, he doesn't have any busy work arrangements. Because after the song "Roar" made them popular, they basically didn't have much rest. After returning these days, it happened to be half a month for all the staff to rest!

:. :

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