My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 831 Tokyo is still the magical Tokyo

Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki spent a week in the Aman Hotel. They lived a relaxed and comfortable life for a whole week. The hotel service was very comfortable and everything was just right. Even if the hotel staff recognized that the goddess Yui Aragaki and the rich man Zhang Pingan who had a scandal with her were staying at the hotel this time, no news leaked out, and even kept it confidential more strictly. After all, the most basic thing about hotel work is confidentiality. Even if the housekeeper saw Yui Aragaki and Zhang Pingan spending time together, they must not release any news to the outside world, otherwise it would be the hotel's fault! If a hotel cannot keep user information confidential, then the hotel will lose its credibility! In a week, the two went outing to enjoy cherry blossoms in Mie Prefecture, rode bicycles along the coastline, sipped a cup of coffee in the leisurely afternoon, and soaked in hot springs under the bright moon at night. The tranquility here, the hotel service, everything is so beautiful. However, Yui had to go back to shoot the cover of the magazine, so the two returned to Tokyo from Mie Prefecture. Yui went out to shoot very early that day, and Zhang Pingan also got up very early because of his biological clock. He ran a few laps on the riverbank before heading to the bustling area of ​​Shibuya. After spending some quiet time at the Aman Hotel, he arrived at the busiest Shibuya district. Looking at the pedestrians coming and going on the street, Zhang Pingan smiled, because Tokyo was still so lively.

Standing alone on the street, Zhang Pingan saw many beautiful girls passing by him, and he took out his mobile phone like a tourist and recorded a photo of the busiest intersection. Then he sent it to his "ins" and "Weibo": "Tokyo is still so magical. Then it is matched with a (smirk) pattern."

As soon as this "smirk picture" appeared, everyone who understood it understood it! Yes, for men, Tokyo is the most magical city, because it can release all desires. Even if you walk on the street in women's clothing, no one will look at you with surprise. Because there are so many "women's clothing" in Tokyo! Even some grandfathers have joined the women's clothing team. Isn't this magical enough?

Enjoying the quiet too much will also feel boring, the fireworks of the city are more intoxicating, maybe this is the combination of movement and stillness that is needed?

After sending the picture, Zhang Pingan took a taxi and headed for his home. Just after he got in the car and told the address, he received a message from Tiffany: "Hey, you have disappeared for more than a week, and you are finally willing to show up on the Internet?"

Zhang Pingan did not care about Tiffany's ridicule, but asked with concern: "Have you chosen the main song?"

Tiffany said: "I have chosen it a long time ago. I chose it a week ago. And the choreography is down today, and Taeyeon's choreography is also down."

Zhang Pingan tentatively sent a message to Tiffany: "Send the new song to listen, I will be your first listener."

Of course, even if Tiffany did not send her new song,

Zhang Pingan could fully understand it, after all, this is the main song of her first solo album. If it was leaked by Zhang Pingan accidentally after sending it to him, it would not be a joke, because the preparation of the main song is quite time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive. Of course, Tiffany believed that Zhang Pingan would not deliberately spread the song, but what if, what if he got drunk and hummed it?

Zhang Pingan originally thought that Tiffany would refuse, but Tiffany's reply was very straightforward: "I will send it to your personal email later, don't leak it, otherwise you will be the only one to blame!"

Zhang Pingan smiled and sent the last message before putting away his phone: "I can still distinguish the importance of these things. Okay, let's talk later."


Before Zhang Pingan returned home, his personal email came. Of course, Zhang Pingan had heard of Tiffany's solo title song, but it was a long time ago.

At home, the living room still maintained the style of Mai Shiraishi, with piles of clothes to change, and scattered fashion magazines on a table. Zhang Pingan took out his phone and called the housekeeping service, and then he carried Mai Shiraishi's clothes into the laundry room...

The floor of the house was relatively clean, because there was a sweeping robot, Mai Shiraishi could at least be a little lazy when sweeping the floor. But the dust on the furniture made Zhang Pingan shake his head.

Zhang Pingan also understood that Mai Shiraishi was really too busy. If she returned home after her trip, she would have to wipe the furniture and so on, which would take at least more than an hour.

While waiting for the housekeeper to come to clean, Zhang Pingan downloaded the title song sent by Tiffany on his iPad and started listening to it. Listening to this song, Zhang Pingan thought to himself: "She released this song in May, right? Hmm~~ MV shot in Los Angeles. She is going to Los Angeles next month. By the way, Taeyeon's album MV was also shot in California this time."

Zhang Pingan's personal email not only contained Tiffany's title song, but also Taeyeon's "WHY" sent early. These two songs have not been released yet, but they are more familiar to Zhang Pingan. They accompanied him through the time waiting for the housekeeper.

When the housekeeper came to clean, Zhang Pingan stopped listening to the song and chose to watch anime. Watching the anime, Zhang Pingan smiled and took out his mobile phone to send two photos of his collection in the display cabinet at home. These are very precious anime figures, out-of-print Gundam.

This time Zhang Pingan put it on his scarf: "Do you have anyone with the same hobby? Raise your hand!"

Station B, the CEO, immediately said "at" Zhang Ping'an: "Brother An, our station B is the largest gathering place for animation lovers."

Looking at Mr. Chen's message from station B, Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "In order to create a better gathering place for enthusiasts, do you want to invest? I will give you one billion to burn!"

"Yes, I'll wait for you to discuss it in detail!"

Seeing Zhang Ping'an and Mr. Chen showing off to each other on their scarves, everyone on the Chinese Internet was confused. What was going on? Just one billion for asking, is Zhang Pingan going to invest in Bilibili? This "animation community" launched a round of financing at the beginning of the year. Although it is not much, it has hundreds of millions of funds.

No company cares about money, and the little money raised at the beginning of the year can only be said to be a drop in the bucket for the purchase of copyrights and the incentive plan launched this year! And Zhang Ping'an now stands up and expresses his intention to invest in the "animation community". This is something that everyone finds strange.

Because the live broadcast industry is now in full swing in China. After Zhang Ping'an withdrew from the live broadcast industry, the live broadcast industry can be described as "bloody". The poaching wars of various platforms are constantly going on. Anchors Today I am at this place, tomorrow I will jump to that place, and after the principal took over Zhang Pingan's platform, he publicly declared, "You can come to my platform, and I will pay the liquidated damages!" ’

In the Chinese live broadcast industry, the value of anchors changes day by day. Everyone feels that live broadcasting is so profitable, especially when more rich second generations come in to reward tens of millions, but they don’t know how many tricks are behind it. For example, rewards driven by labor unions have stimulated countless fresh blood to join the live broadcast industry. In addition, the "outdoor live broadcast" created by Zhang Ping'an also started to have weird things, such as driving a luxury car to pick up girls, and driving a luxury car to do Didi...

Live streaming has been in the news a lot recently, either when it was revealed that the anchor had sidesteps, or it was revealed that there was financial misappropriation of the company's finances to reward the anchor. Or there is a female anchor who has a boss who rewards her with millions... Wait, the live broadcast is so profitable that countless women come in. Big anchors keep making money, but small anchors simply cannot survive. Not all anchors can make money, so some small anchors have started airborne services in order to absorb traffic or find rich second generations.

The live streaming chaos started after the New Year, but it has nothing to do with Zhang Pingan.

At this time, Zhang Pingan left the live broadcast industry and turned his attention to animation? Even threatening one billion? Of course, many people think that the billion in Zhang Ping'an's mouth is filled with water. But only Zhang Ping'an knew clearly that if Mr. Chen dared to take it, he would dare to invest one billion! !

After Zhang Pingan published his investment news, the principal sent Zhang Pingan on WeChat: "Brother An, are you really planning to invest in animation? Are you paying for your hobby?"

Because Zhang Pingan's home in Tokyo has long been broadcast on Japanese programs, many netizens have seen Zhang Pingan's collection of figures all over the wall.

Seeing the principal come to inquire, Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "You can create a team for your hobby, and even promote the professionalization of the league. Then I also have to pay for the hobby!"

The principal still said kindly: "Station B is burning too much money. This website will not see any profit for at least the next three years. And the 'animation group' is still only a niche!"

"It's just because of the niche that we have to cultivate it. It's just like when you invested in a professional team, isn't it the same? Now the players in professional teams are worth more than each other."

When talking about the value of the players in the professional team, the principal clearly stated: "So I regret it!"

"Just wait until the animation hobby becomes a niche. I am willing to pay for this group of people who enjoy niche hobbies!" Of course, Zhang Pingan would not tell him the truth. He could only say that he was an animation enthusiast.

After Zhang Pingan had a brief chat with the principal, the cleaning here was completed. After Zhang Pingan paid the money, he went inside to get the car keys and went out. Today he plans to drive his 'Big Bull' to the track for fun, otherwise how meaningless this afternoon will be?

Daniel, I have parked it here for half a year. I started driving it last half year to do maintenance on the vehicle...

The big bulls on the road roared powerfully to express their excitement. And Zhang Pingan also ignited his fighting spirit with the roar of the sports car engine. He drove this bull straight to the Japanese racing track...

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