My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 198 Wait, is that the solution? (superior)

Pani had very little contact with someone beside him, so she didn't know much about him. Moreover, he is Taeyeon's lover, Ripani would not ask too much about him on weekdays, otherwise the people next to her will think she is very strange, right? Who has nothing to inquire about their deceased boyfriend? So when Zhang Pingan was hesitant to speak when talking about someone beside him, Pani smiled and asked him to speak directly.

Zhang Pingan took two sips of coffee and said: "Someone beside me, what should I say? I heard that he is a relatively selfish person. Oh, I don't know much about him. I just said something from the people around me." But I can understand it. After all, his age can only consider his immediate interests. So after this love affair is exposed, I personally think it is a good thing, right? Don't look at me with such weird eyes, Because I think people like him love themselves more, so when love conflicts with his career...he will definitely choose the latter!"

"What do you mean?" Pani frowned when she heard Zhang Ping'an's words, not because she didn't understand what she said. But she couldn't believe that Zhang Ping'an was bad-mouthing Taeyeon's relationship? Pani thinks that after the relationship is exposed, it is enough to wait for a while, until the limelight of public attention has passed, but Zhang Pingan said that "exposure" is a good thing? What's so good about it? Just because he doesn't like it?

Seeing Pani's frown, Zhang Pingan put down the coffee in his hand, looked at her seriously and said, "I went to the official websites of Girls' Generation and EXO after the news broke out today, and now the fans of both sides are What about 'starting war', you know about this, right?"

Pani nodded to show that she knew that after the news broke out, it became a trending topic in an instant. She would definitely go to the official website to check for comments. Now the official cafes of both sides have become a kind of "chaotic battlefield".

Seeing Pani nodding, Zhang Pingan continued, "Then who do you think will win this fan quarrel?"

Pani didn't expect Zhang Ping'an to be so naive? What is the relationship between winning and losing among fans here? So she said "Huh?" in a daze, looked at Pani's expression, Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Actually, you don't need to look to know that EXO fans will win. Because your fans have followed you for seven years, Most of them are adults. And EXO fans are still mainly middle and high school students. How would an adult have such a leisurely mind to 'reason' with those high school students on the Internet? So, you guys fans will gradually be at a disadvantage."

Pani looked at Zhang Ping'an very puzzled and said, "And then?" Because she really didn't know what he said about winning or losing.

Zhang Pingan spread his hands and said with a smile: "There must be no future, what else can there be? With such a huge fan base, think about how much pressure they will put on the company and the EXO group when they unite? And you have to know It’s very irrational for fans to feel betrayed seriously, plus EXO has only debuted for two years, you say they have debuted for five times, and if their relationship is discovered, the fans may accept it a little bit, but they have only been in two years .It's not just the pressure from the fans, the team members must have made an agreement too? 'We don't want to fall in love in the near future, we are on the rise in our careers..'”

Zhang Pingan's last sentence was imitating someone's tone, but what he said made sense. Although they became popular in Asia, they only debuted for two years. The newcomer atmosphere on her body has not faded at all, and the love news broke out at this time? So how should the group be managed next? This is the top priority of the company!

The company's most popular boy group and the company's legendary girl group broke out in love. This... the company will feel a headache when it sees the news.

Moreover, their members all know that they are at the peak of their careers at this time, and they will definitely agree with each other not to fall in love in the near future. After all, when a person falls in love, the whole group is implicated!

Zhang Pingan continued: "We made an agreement with each other, and he not only betrayed this agreement, but also betrayed the fans. Do you really think that this time the love exposure, he can bear such a lot of pressure? The company, teammates, And fans! Don’t forget, they’ve only debuted for two years!”

Although these remarks are bad-mouthing Taeyeon's relationship, Pani must admit that Zhang Ping'an's remarks are indeed very reasonable. She looked at Zhang Ping'an and said, "Then what do you mean that Taeyeon's love... is equivalent to seeing the light and dying?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Analyzing from a rational point of view, if there are no accidents... this is indeed the result! From the first day they fell in love, I guessed that their breakup was inevitable! If I hadn't reminded Taeyeon, maybe they broke up sooner, right? After all, the people in 'D Society' are not kidding, they have been with Taeyeon for three months, this patience...who can stand it?"

Pani didn't listen much to what was said later, she just listened to the "accident?", so she asked, "What accident are you referring to?"

"Accident? That's because of love. Bian and Taeyeon are no longer entertainers. But Bian has just started to make money, so let him give up his career at this time? How is it possible? And Taeyeon can't let go of fans." So, the breakup between the two of them is... no accident!" Zhang Pingan smiled while holding his coffee, and took two sips of coffee to moisten his throat after he finished speaking.

Listening to Zhang Ping'an's rational analysis, Pani also knew that the breakup between the two was not accidental. She curled her lips and said, "I also said that I asked you to come out and think about some countermeasures. In the end, your countermeasure is to break up?"

Zhang Ping put down the cup after drinking the coffee. While stirring the ice cubes in the cup with a straw, he said casually: "It will be a matter of time, and I can't say that word because of Taeyeon's character. The only thing we can do What you need is to wait. During this time, you can spend more time with her. "

The brunch in front of Pani was also consumed by her. She wiped the corners of her mouth and said, "Then is there any way for you to stop everyone from paying attention to Taeyeon? Look at the comments on the Internet, really~~~ It's too ugly!"

As for the online messages, Zhang Pingan could only smile bitterly: "Isn't this the case on the Internet? If Taeyeon wants to stop such messages, why not take legal measures? However, I don't think she would do that either. Etc. Wait, maybe there will be some new news tomorrow that will attract everyone's attention?"

Pani said speechlessly: "What news could be more explosive than the romance between Girls' Generation and EXO?"

Zhang Pingan said casually: "Yes, why not? EXO member 'Mr. Wu' ran back to China, is this news explosive?"

'Mr. Wu' has not attended EXO's activities or concerts recently. The company issued a statement saying that he was sick and unable to take care of the schedule, but he actually ran away. Pani looked at Zhang Ping'an in surprise and said, "Huh? Didn't you say he was sick recently?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Well, I'm sick, but it's just pink eye disease. Seeing Huaxia's money, it's so easy to earn, so I went back to Huaxia to develop. S.M is really stupid. Huaxia has a brokerage company who has secretly contacted him. Just like SUJU's 'Han Moren' back then, he ran away when he became popular!"

Pani looked at Zhang Pingan very surprised and exclaimed in a low voice: "Isn't it?"

"What isn't it? I heard from the investment department of the Huaxia Brokerage Company that a filmmaker over there invited him to act in a movie and offered 'half a billion won' (30 million Huaxia coins). If he runs back, For a drama of 5 billion won, he can still get 4 billion for the part that goes to the Huaxia Brokerage Company! Oh, the contract with the artist in the Huaxia Brokerage Company is the opposite of that in Korea. Artists get 70% or 80%. It's 20 to 30 percent, and Huaxia's performance fees are all after tax!"

Hearing that Huaxia's money is so easy to earn, Pani couldn't help but gasp: "Hiss~~ Huaxia's money is really easy to make."

Zhang Pingan immediately corrected and said: "It should be said that Chinese artists make money very well. It really shouldn't be too easy for top Chinese artists to earn 10 billion won a year."

Pani shook his head and said, "No wonder the whole world says that there are too many rich people in China."

Zhang Pingan immediately pointed to his nose and said, "I am a rich man, the super rich one. Do you want to marry me? I will let you live the life you want, that is, sleep until you wake up naturally, without working ,play everyday."

Pani rolled his eyes at Zhang Ping'an: "Nerv..sickness!!"

"Hahaha~~" Zhang Pingan burst out laughing. After Pani had finished his brunch, the two returned to the car together, and the chat was over. Zhang Pingan looked at Pani who was buckling up his seat belt beside him: "Where are you going now? Are you going to the pool with me for a couple of back and forth? Or go back to the dormitory?"

Pani glanced at Zhang Ping'an: "Who wants to go to the swimming pool with you? If the two of us go, the trending search may be updated immediately."

Zhang Pingan started the car, found the location of the Girls' Generation dormitory on the navigation, and set off. As he walked, he said, "Isn't that just right? You just wanted to turn the public's attention away from Taeyeon? No, we're just .. sacrificing for friendship?"

"Who wants to sacrifice with you? I don't want to be described as a loose woman by the media!" After Pani finished speaking, the car was temporarily quiet for two seconds, because Zhang Pingan didn't know how to answer this question.

Pani said again: "... really we can only wait?"

"Well, we can only wait, or we will release the news that 'Mr. Wu' has disappeared? Let the public's attention temporarily turn away from Taeyeon."

Pani said, "You sent it?"

Zhang Pingan said: "I post it as I like. I have 5 million fans on INS, more than Taeyeon's fans! Just in time, to help Taeyeon this time, I also want to see the online trolls." The power after being rhythmized?"

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