My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 212 H.K's Night (Part 2)

Zhang Ping'an and Xika wandered around all afternoon, but Xika was mostly watching, not buying. She just wanted to see popular elements and clothing designs. At this time, she not only served as the president of the brand, but also served as the design director. While shopping, Xika said to Zhang Pingan beside him: "Recently, I plan to recruit a group of Korean fashion designers. It is definitely not enough for me to design the brand alone."

"That's necessary. A person's energy is limited after all, and you also have to take charge of the group's activities. Actually, I don't want you to be too tired. Let's put recruiting at the top of the list. Wait." When the staff is ready, let’s slowly delegate power. You can learn to be like me, be a behind-the-scenes design director, and control the quality of a good brand, and occasionally design one or two pieces of clothing as a pastime.”

Zhang Pingan knows that there are many things that fall on Sika's shoulders, and he is basically a "hands-off shopkeeper" who will never interfere with the development of Sika's brand. Anyway, whether it is the former Quan and the current CEO Li Yu recruited by Zhang Pingan, they have written very clearly about the lack of brand development. Sika only needs to wait for the people it recruits to be in place and ask them to implement it.

Zhang Pingan's relaxed words drew Xika's eyes. Words, it's easy to say, but things need to be done one by one. Xika also wants to decentralize power, just like when Quan was there before, but the problem is that what is lacking now is manpower. Recruiting, recruiting, is easy to say, but it is not so easy to recruit a trustworthy and capable person.

Moreover, Sika herself has no experience in business management, and no one in her family is in business, and no one can introduce her to her, so she will be extra cautious when recruiting for the position of CEO. After all, this is the person with the highest position in the company. The direction of the company needs to be controlled by the applicant, so he must be cautious.

Unknowingly, the night of H.K has unfolded, and the whole city is decorated with various lights.

The beauty of H.K is that after the night unfolds, the lights unfold as the night falls, and they are like flowers blooming in the city at night. Night is also the busiest time in H.K. Tourists, or professionals after get off work, flock to the streets to enjoy the nightlife here.

After Zhang Ping'an and Xika ate a sumptuous seafood meal, they set off towards Taiping Mountain, which has the largest passenger flow. Like many tourists, they took the cable car to the top of the mountain. Together with the crowd, the two stood on the observatory overlooking the night of the entire Hong Kong Island. Many people around took out their mobile phones and cameras to record the night in Hong Kong, but Xika and Zhang Pingan chose a place with a little less people to watch the night.

For this trip to Taiping Mountain, the two of them bought two hats to wear in the afternoon. Since it's nightfall, they can't possibly still be wearing sunglasses, right? Otherwise, it would be ridiculous, who wears sunglasses at night? Isn't this intentional to attract attention? However, there are indeed a lot of people on the top of Victoria Mountain, and the two of them have to take some measures, so they chose hats!

Facing the sea breeze in Victoria Harbour, the two enjoyed the 'million dollar' night, Sika looked at the beautiful night in front of her and sighed: "Hey... after debut, places with many people are prohibited by the company. Not to mention Speaking of such a scenic spot, unless it is filming a program, with the escort of the security team, if you want to come with your friends, it is really unimaginable."

As top artists, Girls' Generation has experienced the madness of fans. In fact, what they are more worried about is that their appearance will cause inconvenience to others around them. After all, not everyone who meets a big star can maintain reason. If it is discovered, in case someone comes up and asks for a group photo or something,

Then don't think about leaving today, because you will be surrounded by fans mercilessly.

The reason why Xika dared to come to the top of the mountain with Zhang Pingan to enjoy the scenery so boldly today is that they discussed it during the meal, and if they were found after coming up, they would leave immediately. It's just that everyone's attention is currently attracted by the night scene in front of them, so they haven't noticed Xika yet.

Zhang Pingan leaned on the fence and faced the night of Hong Kong Island and responded to Sika: "What is there not to think about? In fact, I think you guys came out to play boldly. It is not so easy for fans to find out. Look around They are all focused on the scenery, how can they have time to care about who is next to them? We have taken the cable car to the top of the mountain, and now no one has noticed us."

"..." After listening to Zhang Ping'an's words, Xika really didn't know how to answer. It is true that no one has discovered the two of them at this time, but they will not be so lucky every time.

Anyway, Xika thinks that in the Asian circle, only the streets of Japan can be casually wandered, and that is because of their personalities. And South Korea, Huaxia, surrounded by fans is a very scary thing! Especially in H.K. Sika has seen the filming of "RM" here. It was a crowded shopping mall, and it even made headlines in H.K. and South Korea.

Xika was too lazy to talk to him, so she took out her mobile phone and started taking selfies against the night.


No matter how beautiful the night looks, it doesn't make much sense to look at it for a while. The two of them may have stayed on the top of the mountain for ten minutes before starting to descend, because the night scene has not changed much, just see it in your eyes and keep it in your heart.

After going down the mountain, the two began to stroll in the bustling H.K night market, and the paparazzi who followed them for a day were very depressed. The two paparazzi watched them crowded into the crowded night market, and they sighed and said, "Why don't we just follow along, it's enough for an afternoon! These two people are here for a trip to H.K. .”

Because the two are in the shopping area in the afternoon, and there are scenic spots and night markets in the evening. Isn't this a typical tourist? In other words, Zhang Ping'an is a Chinese and Sika is a Korean. Aren't they just tourists when they come to Hong Kong Island? Do you still come here to settle down?

Moreover, Zhang Ping'an and Xika plunged into the night market, not to mention how easy it is to get lost, even if they don't get lost, who knows how long they will go shopping? Anyway, they have already taken photos of Zhang Pingan and Sika walking together, which is enough. Even if they go back to the hotel with Zhang Ping'an, can they still install cameras in the hotel?

The paparazzi thought about it for a while, and after following for a day, it is almost certain that the two are lovers! It's enough to have this news, so they discussed and said: "Okay, let's follow here. I don't know if they went to the night market or not to go for supper or something. Let's leave first."

The paparazzi returned to their gossip club with the photos and began to write news, while Zhang Pingan and Xika did not go for supper after visiting the night market. Because this is summer, and she wears less clothes every day, she must pay attention to the management of her figure.

On the way back to the hotel, Xika said to Zhang Ping'an: "I'm going back to Seoul early tomorrow morning. There was supposed to be filming in the morning, but I postponed it until noon. What about you, when will you be back?"

Zhang Pingan thought for a while and said: "I still have something to do here and I won't go back for the time being. It should be the weekend of next week. I have to go back and watch the premiere. If the ratings of the premiere reach '15%', we will increase the production of the program. At that time, we may To contact some other artists or something."

Sika was a little unhappy that Zhang Ping'an couldn't go back to Seoul for a long time, but because both of them had their own work to do, even in the pink/ambiguous period, they couldn't stick together every day, so she had to say: "OK Right. Anyway, I told you that we will be in Japan when you come back next weekend."

"I don't know for sure. Let's see. Maybe I will go to Korea in advance. Maybe I will go to your concert in Japan."

Sika said: "Tokyo show, do you want to come and see it? Next week, in mid-July."

"Tokyo can still go, hey... I can't say for sure, let's see when the time comes, if my side..." Zhang Pingan wanted to say that he would go if he was fine, but before he could finish speaking, Sika Interrupted: "What about you? How many things can you do in a day? Either with HAHA brother, or with Taeyeon, Pani and the others to eat and chat together. I rarely see you saying that you are too busy with anything. Come."

Zhang Pingan said with a wry smile: "I am also very busy, right? When the platform was established, I was as busy as a professional person every day during that time."

Xika immediately retorted: "It's only half a month, is there anything else you're busy with?"

"Understood, I will come to see the Tokyo show." Zhang Ping'an agreed, and Sika smiled in satisfaction, then leaned her head on his shoulder, took out her mobile phone and enjoyed today's selfie and Zhang Ping'an. Peaceful group photo.

Seeing the two taking a selfie together in the night scene, Xika said suddenly, "You said, if we were discovered and the company asked me, how would I answer? Do you want to admit it?"

Xika remembered Zhang Ping'an's entanglement not long ago, and wondered if he had changed his mind recently? The pink color of the two is indeed a bit like a relationship between lovers, it's just that the 'last step' is missing.

But this time, Zhang Pingan said straightforwardly: "Admit it, why not admit it, aren't we just in love?"

This time Zhang Ping'an's response was so forthright, without the awkwardness of the previous period, and Sika also smiled on his shoulder in satisfaction.

Xika thought that if her relationship with Zhang Ping'an was discovered, it should be made public. As for whether there will be a "fruit" in the end of this love, she has not thought about it for the time being, and Zhang Pingan must not have thought so long-term.

No matter what the ending of the relationship between the two will be, Xika feels that they have met a good love. It turns out that 'enemies' can really become 'in-laws'.

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