My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 745 Restless Woman

After enjoying the river view, Zhang Pingan sat on the floor of the living room and continued to sort out the content of Li Zhien's shooting this time. Just as he was looking at it carefully, the message notification on his mobile phone rang. It was estimated that she had replied to the message Zhang Pingan sent to Yang Yueyue before.

Picked up the phone and looked at Yang Yueyue's reply: "Sorry, I was just learning dance and the class just ended now."

No one would put the phone in their pocket during dance practice, and it must be adjusted to silent mode or vibration during class, so it is normal not to reply to messages in time.

Then Yang Yueyue continued to send messages after the first message: "I am slowly getting familiar with life, but I am too stupid and I learn dance too slowly. Sister Xiaoju can learn it after following the teacher's breakdown and dancing once, but I can't learn it no matter what. And Korean is too difficult to learn."

When looking at this text, Zhang Pingan already thought of Yang Yueyue's frowning face on the other end of the phone. Because she is a person with no foundation at all, and everyone lives in the same practice room, the reflection effect of the mirror in the practice room is very vivid. The same dance moves, I danced twistedly, while Xiaoju next to me danced very gracefully.

That was a very intuitive feeling, and it was an intuitive feeling that I could witness with my own eyes, which was the most devastating to people's confidence. If you can't see it, but just hear that someone is good, there is no reference, maybe Yang Yueyue can still adjust herself in her heart. But in the same practice room, the same teacher, the same dance, the only difference is the effect, which really makes my self-confidence suffer a certain blow.

Zhang Pingan smiled and replied to Yang Yueyue: "It's okay, learn slowly, don't have too much pressure. Just treat it as an interest class, learn as much as you can, my company and I don't have high requirements for you, let alone you have to reach a certain level."

Zhang Pingan actually considered that the reason why Yang Yueyue was loved by the public was because of her ordinariness. Uh... It refers to her ordinariness in the field of singing and dancing, not that she is very ordinary as a whole, her appearance is not ordinary.

Yang Yueyue, who is ordinary in singing and dancing performance, created an image of ordinary people chasing their dreams on the stage of the talent show. If she really reaches a very impressive level after a long period of practice, will Yang Yueyue still be the "country girl Yang Yueyue" in the eyes of fans? In addition, there are many female idols in Korea who are stunning in appearance and have solid stage skills.

So Zhang Pingan really doesn't have too many requirements for her. He doesn't need Yang Yueyue to get more professional practice like Xiaoju. He just hopes that she can have a foundation, just a little bit of foundation. As for other professional fields, no, anyway, what Zhang Pingan needs is that she can attract money after bringing traffic, and professional things will be left to professionals. She just needs to be an exquisite girl.

This time in Korea, Zhang Pingan mainly let her learn some fashion here, so that she knows how to dress herself up. Because the cost of pursuing fashion in China is too high, and "luxury goods" represent fashion in China. The rest are some chain brands, and Korea has designer brands anyway, right? Unique design, unique pattern, etc. She needs to learn how to use a small amount of money to make herself exquisite. This is Zhang Pingan's expectation for her.

As for Xiaoju, she has a professional foundation, and she came to Korea to study for further study. At least in the field of popular dance, Korean dance teachers are very good.

Listening to Zhang Pingan's comfort, Yang Yueyue replied: "Listening to your comfort, I feel even more sorry for your cultivation of me. I heard that our professional courses every day cost a lot of money. But I even think I am too stupid.

Practice so much and there is no progress at all. I am really disappointed with myself."

Zhang Pingan continued to edit the message and replied: "There is no need to blame yourself. Everyone has their own talents and strengths. Although acquired diligence can make up for it a lot. But I don't think it's necessary, because I hope you can be the most real Yang Yueyue, instead of letting the company package you into another person. South Korea's large brokerage companies generally package the image of idols for external publicity, but the real self is bound by that "packaging", and our company never advocates packaging. It is best to show the real idols, not pretending. I know that some idols look Simple, but actually I have a lot of bad things in my heart. "

Yang Yueyue said: "I know, thank you for the comfort from An Ge'er, I will try my best to do my best."

"Well, if you are confused in the future, please contact me at any time. Don't think that you will disturb me or something, just say it out loud, don't keep it in your heart. After all, I can't understand your dynamics all the time, so don't keep it in your heart. If you are good at Korean, I will also let you take a psychological test. This is a class that Korean idols must learn before their debut. After all, there will be a lot of criticisms after their debut in the future. How to adjust your own psychology is a very important course! "

Yang Yueyue sent a smiling picture and replied: "Don't worry, I am very strong mentally."

"Okay, since you said that you are strong mentally, then I hope you can continue to be strong. "

"Ang Ge'er, do you remember Zhou Xiaoqiong who came to Seoul with us last time? "

"Zhou Xiaoqiong? Remember, what happened?"

Yang Yueyue replied: "No, we made an appointment to meet together a few nights ago. She was asking how we joined B.H Company? We said we met by chance, and then we joined the company. It was like being The kind that was discovered by a talent scout, but the talent scout who discovered us was you yourself, Angor.”

Zhang Pingan replied with a picture of a smiling face, because he invited them to join after meeting by chance.

However, there are many talent scouts in the streets of Korea, and many people are discovered by talent scouts on the road. However, now, talent scouts have another job, which is to search on the Internet. Nowadays, some middle school and high school students have their own 'INS', and talent scouts will also look through some of their photos, and then contact them to meet them. Give business cards to those who are suitable and ask them to go to the company for interviews. After all, the term "photo fraud" is highly false, so talent scouts must meet with them before making a decision.

After the picture of Zhang Ping'an's smiling face, Yang Yueyue continued: "Some time ago, Brother An, didn't you board it?"

Before her follow-up questions were sent, Zhang Pingan quickly refuted her words: "It's a young list. The focus is on the word 'young'. The real ones are 'Alima' and 'Penguin Horse'." This is the kind of asset that will do.”

"Okay, anyway, after your assets were made public, Zhou Xiaoqiong didn't know whether she was joking or trying to trick us. She asked you if you were single now? How did we know this? After we came back, Sister Xiaoju and I both felt She seems a bit 'realistic'."

The ‘reality’ in Yang Yueyue’s words is what everyone often calls ‘following money’. I like rich people and like to hang out with rich people.

When Zhang Ping'an saw the news about Yang Yueyue, he couldn't laugh or cry and said: "She is a minor, why is she asking about this? Does she want to induce me to commit a crime, or does she want to introduce her sister to me? Does she have a sister?" "

"I don't know about this. Anyway, I told Sister Xiaoju that we don't know anything about you, so she stopped asking. From what she said, it seems like she is preparing to participate in some program recently?"

Of course Zhang Pingan knew about the show: "Oh, where is Cao Lu. Have you been in contact with you recently?"

Yang Yueyue replied: "No, Sister Cao Lu is very busy recently. After the variety show she participated in was broadcast last week, she became a hot search on the Internet. Later she sent us a message, saying that she will be very busy recently, We have no contact until now.”

"It should be because the show has done well after it aired. There are many personal invitations, so busy!" Zhang Ping'an just replied, and then wondered if Cao Lu had forgotten her benefactor? She was indeed in an explosive period recently, but she didn't even send a message of thanks afterwards?

In fact, after Cao Lu appeared on the hot search, she wanted to wait for Zhang Ping'an to express her gratitude in person. However, the day after she appeared on the hot search, she began to do more personal work because she belongs to a group of people. An untapped variety gem.

Kim Kura, a senior in the comedy industry, also likes "raw stone" juniors like Cao Lu. He feels that he has developed Cao Lu's potential, so Jin Kura has recommended Cao Lu to participate in many programs.

After the schedule increased, Cao Lu forgot to send a message to Zhang Pingan. Maybe she thought she had already sent a message to express her gratitude.

Yang Yueyue said: "Sister Cao Lu is super funny in the show."

Seeing Yang Yueyue holding the phone and chatting with him non-stop, with no intention of ending, Zhang Pingan had no choice but to say: "Okay, no more chatting, I still have a lot of things to do here."

"Okay then, I won't disturb you anymore. I'll keep in touch."

"Well, no contact."

Finally putting down his cell phone, Zhang Pingan was ready to continue busy with what he was doing. His cell phone sounded a letter again. He picked up the cell phone and looked at the sender, 'Pani'.

Pani said in the message: "Hey, PD Zhang, you have taken advantage of me and Jessi, shouldn't you treat us to a meal to express your gratitude? Now the 'Cao Lu' you recommended is very popular."

Zhang Ping'an replied to Pani dumbfounded: "Use? This word is too ugly, isn't it? How have I used you?"

Pani, who went to the show with her, did not have a lot of personal screen time when the show was broadcast. To be precise, that show completely made Cao Lu a person...

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