My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 774 The Happy Home of the Future Two

Buying a house is the biggest thing in life in the minds of Asians. It can be said that buying a house is something that can be compared with getting married. At the same time, in the eyes of Asians, 'home' is the foundation of a person's life. That's why Taeyeon is thinking about buying a house this time. Should she inform her family?

When Taeyeon expressed her thoughts, Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and said: "I think it's better not to talk about buying a house this time. Wait until I can convert the money you invested into cash and deposit it into your personal account." After you put it in your account, you can explain the cause and consequences of buying a house and making money to your family, because I think it’s time to buy a house, and the community you bought is relatively high-end. You definitely can’t come up with that much money, so you might as well wait until the end.”

After artists make money, many of them habitually hand over their money to their parents for management, because female idols were underage when they debuted, and their families are worried that they will spend it randomly after receiving their salary. So when they were still children at the time, they all gave their money to their families to manage on their behalf. Of course, their family's management method was the simplest, most secure and stable way of depositing money.

Very few parents of entertainers would misappropriate their children's hard-earned money without authorization to make investments or the like. Under normal circumstances, parents will still discuss it with their children when it comes to investments such as opening a store. Of course, there are also some extremely bad parents. They think that their children are entertainers and can get money very quickly, so they become lavish in spending, and they even do not hesitate to borrow loan sharks, etc. Anyway, when they are desperate, their children The children will pay it back for themselves.

Taeyeon's money is also under the control of her parents, but she saves it regularly. Last time, Zhang Pingan asked Taeyeon for "one billion won" for investment. Later, he heard from Pani that when Taeyeon called her mother and said she wanted to invest, her mother thought that Taeyeon had been deceived? Taeyeon's family thinks it is more reliable to invest in physical stores, such as cafes and restaurants.

It seems that Korean artists like to invest in physical stores like this, because many senior artists have learned from the past when investing in stocks. After all, there are too many financial events happening in Asia. If you don’t do it well, you will lose everything. Indebted. So the safest investment is a coffee shop. After all, as long as their store tastes good, fans will usually come to take care of the business. Even if the investment fails, the loss will be within an acceptable range.

And Taeyeon asked for an investment of one billion, which of course puzzled Taeyeon's mother. After all, a coffee shop can usually be purchased with one to two hundred million, and one billion can buy a pretty good house in Seoul. Later, I don’t know how Taeyeon persuaded her mother, so she got the money and gave it to Zhang Pingan.

This time Taeyeon wants to buy a house, and the community she mentioned is basically around 4-6 billion. Let’s not talk about whether she still has that much savings left with her parents. Even if Taeyeon says she doesn’t need to take money out from home, she still has to explain to her family where her money comes from, which is also very complicated. things. So let's not talk too much now, and wait until Zhang Pingan converts their Bitcoins into US dollars before explaining everything clearly at once.

Taeyeon thought about it and felt that Zhang Pingan's proposal was more appropriate. She nodded and said, "Okay, I'll tell them about buying a house later."

Zhang Ping'an raised his watch and looked at the time. It was now four o'clock in the afternoon, so he said, "How about we go check out the apartment types today? What do you think?"

I had only been back for less than an hour, and I was thinking about going to see the house. Zhang Pingan was very anxious. However, it would be nice for Zhang Ping'an to accompany her to take a look, so that Taeyeon can make up her mind to buy the property.

She nodded and said, "Okay then.

Let’s just go take a look? "


After half an hour, Zhang Pingan's vehicle arrived at the community under the guidance of the real estate agent. The guard at the entrance of the community was quite strict. When the license plate cannot be automatically recognized, outsiders cannot enter the community at all. The owner in the community must call the property management company before they can release the property, and the ID number must also be registered for release.

Zhang Ping'an and Kim Taeyeon could only enter with the developer's real estate agent. Even the developer's agent also registered his ID card. Of course, the one registered was his alone.

As for this real estate owner, when he saw that the visitors were Zhang Ping'an and Kim Taeyeon, he had no doubt that they couldn't afford it, but because there were many celebrities living there, he came in to watch and play, so he didn't even think about it. A set of procedures that requires two people to show proof of property.

When vehicles enter the community, the interior of the community is built along the hillside. The completely enclosed community is quiet and leisurely, and the public greening and leisure areas are well done. The house has a large flat floor and a townhouse. There are two building options. Taeyeon did not choose the townhouse. Because one person lives there, the townhouse seems too big. Even if Zhang Pingan wants to come and live with her from time to time, it is too big for two people to live in a townhouse.

So Taeyeon chose a large flat floor with an area of ​​140 square meters, which is more than 420 square meters according to the Chinese calculation method. Every room in the room has very good lighting. After entering the room, Zhang Ping'an looked at the floor plan and said: "If you live alone, this room can be modified very much. For example..."

Before Zhang Pingan finished speaking, Taeyeon next to him said, "Don't change it. This four-bedroom apartment is fine."

Taeyeon knew very well what Zhang Pingan's home looked like after the renovation. It was exactly the same house as Xica's, but he changed it into a one-bedroom house.

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded: "Overall, the environment and safety are pretty good. How much is this house?"

"We can give Taeyeonxi a certain discount. It's 6.3 billion won to the public. If Taeyeonxi wants it, we can set it at 6 billion?"

Zhang Pingan said, "What if it's paid in one lump sum?"

"A lump sum payment is also 6 billion." For sales, they prefer loans to lump sum settlements. Because repaying the loan will make the total price of the house higher, so they can get more commissions.

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "I see. OK, when can you sign the contract?"

The real estate agent looked at Zhang Pingan in surprise and said, "If the funds are in place, we can sign the contract at any time."

"Okay, let's sign the contract now."

Taeyeon listened to Zhang Pingan's words, she looked up at him and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? I have to go back and think about it."

Zhang Pingan said to Taeyeon, "I don't think it's necessary to consider it. Now new real estate projects are either high-rise apartments along the river or larger facilities in such communities. As for the price difference, it is not very big. As for the appreciation of real estate, no matter what kind of high-end community, there may not be much increase in the next five years. Because the selling price has been capped, if it is higher, it will be very uneconomical for others to invest. After all, such a price can already buy a good commercial building. And such a community can only be bought by some celebrities who need to protect their privacy."

In Korea, investment in real estate is not residential buildings, but small commercial buildings with good locations. Because it is not easy to rent out houses in such communities, because the rent is too high!

Taeyeon deliberately said to Zhang Pingan: "The card I save money in is with my mother, and I use the secondary card of my credit card."

The two began to deliberately play a double act in front of the real estate agent. Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "It's okay, I'll pay for you first, and then ask your mother to transfer it to me later. Am I afraid that you, the captain of Girls' Generation, will run away?"

"Billions of dollars, I do want to run away."

Zhang Pingan smiled and pointed to the house: "If you run away, what will happen to this house? Didn't you buy it to live in it?"

Zhang Pingan doesn't spend much money on weekdays, but once he spends money, even if it is billions of won, he won't blink. In fact, buying a house, buying a car, such super-large items, Zhang Pingan thinks it is a necessity. Since it is a necessity, there is no problem of heartache.

In fact, for rich people, what others think of as extravagant behavior is not a waste for them. For example, if a person with a monthly income of 10 million yuan spends 10,000 yuan on food every month. Then his consumption of food only accounts for one thousandth of the proportion. But for a person with a monthly income of 6,000 yuan, his monthly food and beverage expenses are 600 yuan. This is 10%. Who is wasting money?

If 10% is used for food and beverage consumption, those with a monthly income of 10 million will have a food and beverage consumption of 1 million. The answer they get is, can you eat so much money? And those with a monthly salary of 6,000... use 10%, that is 600 yuan, but can you really eat 600 yuan for a month in today's era? So, the way of looking at consumption is different at different income levels.

And whether it is buying a house or a car, these can be regarded as a fixed investment, which can be cashed in when there is a shortage of funds in the future. So Zhang Pingan does not think that this money is an expense, but a stable investment!

The real estate agent does not care about the double act of Zhang Pingan and Jin Taeyeon. He just sells the house and gets the commission himself. It has nothing to do with him whether Zhang Pingan bought the house to hide Taeyeon, the "sister". After all, what scenes have real estate agents in such high-end buildings not seen?

Don't care, don't ask, just sell the house. This is the most perfect salesperson!

Before the real estate agent left work, he got a signed contract, which was a good result. After all, it must be good to sell one house in a month for such a top residential area.

Just then, Zhang Pingan received a call from Huaxia: "You said..."

"The Korean TV series you invested in has been reviewed by Huaxia. Penguin Video has agreed to pay 300,000 US dollars per episode, but..."

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