My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 838: The more you know a model, the more resources you can waste.

Three million yen is converted into almost 200,000 Chinese yen. If 200,000 yen is used for daily use, it must be more. But two hundred thousand dollars is really not enough to buy luxury goods, because for those expensive, top-notch luxury bags, this amount of money is not even enough. Slightly more ordinary handbags start at RMB 20,000 to RMB 3,000. Clothes in spring and summer are relatively cheaper, because a basic short-sleeved style costs around RMB 3,000.

The two of them bought a bag in Chanel and then started to choose clothes and shoes. For women, there are never too many clothes and shoes. Three million yen, and within two hours there were tens of thousands of yen left. At this time, the two of them were holding some purchased trophies in their hands. Zhang Ping'an smiled and said to Emma: "Looking at you, you don't have the intention to drink anymore, right?"

Emma responded with a smile: "It's okay, you can put these things in Yuko's car first." After all, it's too much to leave just after buying something. So if I really want to go drinking, she can still go with her. of.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and gave up and said: "Forget it, you have to officially rehearse tomorrow. We will meet for a long time in the future. If you want to drink or something, you can do it anytime, anywhere, but the premise is that you can't delay your work. Well. Let’s have some fun together after you finish ‘TGC’?”

After Zhang Pingan's words came out, Emma's impression of him suddenly increased a lot, because she had seen many men being selfish. If she wanted to 'get' him, she would go to the love hotel next to him right away. However, Zhang Pingan said something humane, at least he didn't act so eagerly. So Emma really appreciates Zhang Pingan's gentlemanly behavior.

In fact, for rich people, they really have nothing to worry about, especially when it comes to women, they are never short of them. Even if you miss it today, you may encounter something better every day. After all, rich men have really seen a lot of women. They will not hang themselves from a tree, because they know one truth: you will never be able to enjoy all the beauties in the world in your lifetime!

It's possible that the beauty you saw today is in line with your own taste, and it's possible that the one you meet tomorrow also feels good. Or maybe this star was really beautiful in the first five years, but after five years, there will be new rising stars in the entertainment industry... The pursuit of a woman's beauty will never be complete, and in the end she will lose. 'It's just your own body.

Moreover, Zhang Pingan had no other thoughts about Emma, ​​and he was not even in the mood to sleep with her. As for why she gave some gifts today, it's because she knows some people in the modeling circle that Yuko Araki doesn't know, and these are resources. What if, just what if, one day Zhang Ping'an suddenly wants to have some fun? For example, he could go to Hawaii, which is Japan's favorite place, and then he could ask Emma to take a few models out to sea together. Wouldn't it be very happy? These model resources cannot be wasted, which is the main reason why Zhang Pingan is willing to make friends with her.

At this time, Zhang Pingan said such words, Emma also said: "Then we go back? Yuko, what about you?"

Araki Yuko smiled and said, "Me? I have to wait for the driver."

Emma smiled and shook her head. She was still thinking about taking Yuko Araki's car back, but then she remembered that the three people in front of her were drunk. Moreover, the two of them were still a little tipsy. Although the drunkenness was reduced a lot at this time, the consequences of drunk driving are quite serious.

Emma could only say: "Then I'll take the car back first?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Well, you go back first, I will accompany Yuzi and wait for the driver. By the way, I will record the information of the driver. This can ensure higher safety."

"Okay, I'll go back first, and we'll meet at the venue tomorrow." After Emma said that, she stood on the roadside and hailed a taxi, and then left first. After Emma left, only Zhang Pingan and Araki Yuko were left.

The two of them were less alert. Yuko Araki looked at Zhang Pingan with that endearing smile and said, "Are you going home today?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Well, let's go home and rest today. I'll contact the driver..." As Zhang Pingan said, he took out his phone and called the driver. After talking to the driver, Zhang Pingan said to Yuko Araki next to him: "Do you still have the coffee beans at home?"

Araki Yuko nodded and said, "Well, I have some at home. I know you like to drink Starbucks beans. I have been drinking that brand recently."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and stretched out his index finger to wipe a speck of dust under the corner of his eye. His movements were very light and gentle, and he said at the same time: "I don't have any fixed brand of coffee, but I personally prefer dark roasted ones." . I prefer the astringent brand, so you can choose the one you like.”

Araki Yuko nodded and responded with a smile: "Well, I will study coffee beans next time I have time. Will you be in Japan recently?"

Zhang Pingan said: "Not necessarily. It is possible that I will go back to China in two days. Because there is some work to be done there. By the way, have you been to China?"

"No, can I go with you?"

"Of course, what's wrong? Then, I can take you for a fun trip."

Soon the driver arrived. Zhang Pingan asked Araki Yuko to put the things she bought in the car and then asked her to take a taxi back. Zhang Pingan chose to go with the driver. Taxis are relatively safe in Japan because most taxi drivers are old men, so old that it takes several minutes to type in the navigation.


Araki Yuko took a taxi and returned home first. Because the driver was extra careful about driving the Ferrari, the speed was much slower than that of the taxi. After returning home, Araki Yuko first put the bath water for Zhang Pingan, then put on comfortable home clothes and waited for Zhang Pingan to come home.

Probably ten minutes after Araki Yuko arrived home, the sound of entering the password to unlock the room door sounded. She smiled and quickly ran to the entrance. Zhang Pingan also happened to open the room door with her trophies at this time, and Araki Yuko opened the door. Zi said softly: "I'm back."

The gentleness of Japanese women is sometimes reflected in small places like this. Hearing the words "I'm back", Zhang Pingan's mood became much happier. He smiled and handed him the trophy in his hand, and then began to take off his shoes. When Zhang Pingan entered the room, Araki Yuko helped him organize the shoes into the shoe cabinet before carrying the things away. Come in.

Araki Yuko returned to the living room without rushing to look at her things, and said, "I've put the water away. Do you want to rest for a while, or take a shower first?"

If it were Hua Xia's girlfriend, after bringing the things back... it is estimated that 70% of them would look at their own things first, right? Instead of caring about your boyfriend first, maybe Chinese girlfriends have been strong for too long and have forgotten what gentleness a woman should have? On this point of gentleness, I give countless women in China: bad reviews!

Sometimes men really just need a simple word of care and concern.

Zhang Ping'an sat on the sofa and looked at the night outside the window and said, "Is there any cold beer at home? I plan to have a drink before washing up."

"Well, let me get it for you and prepare some food and drinks for you?"

Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and said: "Fry me some lunch meat, bacon."

"Well, I'll do it right now." After saying that, Yuko Araki went to get Zhang Pingan a beer, then put on an apron and started frying luncheon meat for him...

Beer, nightlife, salty bacon and luncheon meat are all great dishes to go with drinks. Of course, there is also Araki Yuko sitting cross-legged in front of Zhang Pingan with a gentle smile. Because after Zhang Pingan came back, she would set the air conditioning temperature in her home to the most comfortable temperature of '26 degrees' in advance, and she put on thermal shorts and short-sleeved home clothes.

Araki Yuko's legs are relatively straight, and because she has been deliberately losing weight for the catwalk recently, the curves of her figure are just right. The only thing that is close to me is my mind.

Looking at Yuko Araki's smile, Zhang Pingan said, "Have you ever thought about buying a house? I can buy you one."

After listening to Zhang Pingan's suggestion, Araki Yuko thought for a moment, and then said: "I have no idea of ​​buying a house for the time being, and renting it now is quite good, only 4 million yen per year. If you want to buy a house, If so, buy a higher-end one because the annual tax is too expensive.”

In fact, even if she buys a house, it is impossible for her name to be written on the real estate certificate. She is very clear about this. And maybe when Zhang Ping'an bought a house and he couldn't come to Japan, she would have to pay the annual property tax herself. Real estate tax in Japan is paid every year and is calculated based on the total price of the property. The more expensive your house is, the higher the tax will be. Therefore, Araki Yuko felt that it was better to rent a house temporarily. After all, she knew very well that she could not afford the annual housing tax brought by the luxury house.

It is very strange that houses in Japan have to pay tax every year. Because in China and South Korea, you only pay the house tax once when you buy a house and there is no need to pay it again. If Zhang Pingan doesn't have one set, he can still buy one, but now he already has one, so he feels there is no need to pay taxes to Japan every year.

If Japan is the same as South Korea, after one payment, there is no follow-up, and the land will always be his, then Zhang Pingan has some ideas. After all, after buying it, the land will always belong to him. But Japan has to pay taxes every year, which is a bit confusing. Although Zhang Pingan is rich, there is no need to use his own taxes to support the Japanese!

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