My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 845 It turns out that it was Zhang Pingan who cheated someone else

Chapter 854 It turns out that it was Zhang Pingan who cheated someone else

Jin Chanmi suddenly joined the topic, which was actually helping Seolhyun explain. Zhang Pingan also asked Kim Chanmi why she was so sure that the person she was in love with was not Seolhyun? You must know that there were rumors of an affair between the two at the beginning. Following Zhang Ping'an's words, Jin Chanmei said what she saw with her own eyes, that is, Seolhyun never went out in private time.

Since Seolhyun doesn't go out in private time, there can't be anyone else outside Seolhyun. Because Kim Seol-hyun is sent back to the dormitory by her manager every time after get off work, so she can't possibly say that she will leave her manager and go on a date before coming back. You must know that the manager also knows a little bit about the relationship between Seol-hyun and Zhang Ping'an, unless Seolhyun was able to get her manager to help hide it.

If Seolhyun can really do that, she won't be the one who lacks emotional intelligence. So Jin Chanmi's words really helped Seolhyun get out of trouble. At least Kim Chan-mi expressed one thing, that is, Seol-hyun doesn't have any romantic partner now. After all, Zhang Pingan and Seol-hyun really haven't seen each other for a long time. It's normal for Kim Chan-mi not to know.

Despite Jin Chanmi's unintentional interruption, Jin Xuexuan was still in a mess inside because she didn't know if Zhang Pingan would let her show him the phone. If he got the phone and watched being The person who deleted the chat history was himself, so what would Zhang Pingan think? How should I explain myself?

Just when her heart became chaotic, Jin Xuexuan boldly took out her mobile phone and sent a message to the other party: "Thank you for your kindness. In fact, I have a boyfriend, and I am having dinner with him now."

Presumably after the other party received this message, they would not bother them again. After sending the message, Kim Seol-hyun turned off her mobile phone and put it in silent mode, because she did not want any personal phone calls to disturb their meal. This time I met Zhang Ping'an in Japan, surrounded by teammates, but this was also very rare for the busy Seolhyun.

Zhang Ping'an laughed when he heard Jin Chanmei's response. As for Seolhyun, who was sitting next to him sending the message, he glanced briefly. The content.. is worthy of discussion. Anyway, Zhang Pingan planned to wait until everyone finished eating, and they would go back to the hotel to find Seol Hyun.

Zhang Pingan responded to Jin Chanmei with a smile at this time: "Well, even if it's not Seolhyun, there is someone else. I won't talk about my problem, but, have you ever thought about what kind of partner you want to find in the future? Handsome ? Or good conditions and abilities?”

Shen Huijing saw that her words did not cause Zhang Pingan to express some anger towards Xuexuan, so she turned around and chatted with Zhang Pingan: "We are only in our early twenties, how can we consider such far-term things? When we were in our thirties, Go talk about your love interest."

"The 20th generation is about enjoying love, even though men in this period are not that rich..."

Zhang Ping'an hasn't finished speaking yet.

Cao'e immediately answered: "Aren't you just very rich?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a wry smile: "I didn't have any money in my early twenties. At that time, all the money was given by my family. It's only now that I've started some business, and I'm lucky, so I have money of my own." . In the past, those were not my money, and I was a special case!”

Shin Jimin said: "PD Zhang, is your family richer than Choi Siwon?"

Zhang Ping'an didn't know what Shin Jimin meant. He responded with a smile: "Haha... this is the first time someone compares me with Choi Siwon. However, I don't know how rich Choi Siwon's family is. You know ?"

Shin Hye-jung also continued: "Didn't those people on the Internet dig up Choi Si-won's family background? Can they also deduce the wealth of his family? Anyway, those of us who were born with clay spoons are very envious of you who were born with golden spoons. "

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "There are too many people who are envious of our golden spoon. One more of you is not more, and one less of you is not less. But envy is useless. You can only create it yourself and let your next generation become a golden spoon. This That's what you should do. Of course, this kind of thing is very difficult, but it is because of the difficulty of the problems in the world that the golden spoon and the clay spoon are distinguished, because the parents of the golden spoon did it and the parents of the clay spoon did not. Things to come!”

Cao'e also continued this topic at this time and said: "Who said that Clay Spoon can't do it? Isn't it because the opportunities obtained are different? If the same thing is put in front of her, maybe Clay Spoon can do it better Good!”

Zhang Ping'an really didn't want to continue talking about this topic with them. It was really pointless, so he smiled and said: "Isn't it pointless for us to argue? Drink, drink!"


During this nearly one-hour meal, Zhang Ping'an chatted with them about some non-work topics. Although sometimes the topics of conversation would seriously go off track, in the end everyone had a good time getting along with each other during this dinner time. But only Kim Seol-hyun actually became a little taciturn during the meal.

At the entrance of the restaurant, Zhang Pingan and the AOA people separated. Since they were picked up by their manager's car, they left in the nanny car after the meal. Today, when Seol-hyun got in the car, she discussed with her teammates about where she wanted to sit in the passenger seat, and everyone gave it to Seol-hyun. Shortly after she got in the car, she took out her cell phone and sent a message to Zhang Pingan.

"Oppa, come to my room later and I'll explain to you about what happened at dinner."

After sending a message to Zhang Pingan, Kim Seolhyun saw another message from there, 'Really? Do you really have a boyfriend? Why did I hear that you don't have a boyfriend? You didn't deliberately make up a boyfriend just to reject me, did you? '

After reading the message, Seolhyun wanted to reply with some curse words, but in the end she didn't reply anything, because she planned to wait for Zhang Pingan to arrive and tell him that she really didn't have any other ideas..

And Zhang Pingan had not been separated from AOA for five minutes when he received a message from Seolhyun. He replied, 'After you return to the hotel, I will go to your hotel to get a room, and you can come to my room then. '

About an hour later, Zhang Pingan asked for a suite in the hotel where they were staying. After he sent the room number to Seolhyun, Seolhyun came up soon.

After returning to the hotel, Seolhyun changed out of her tight jeans and put on loose pajamas for home mode. After she came to Zhang Ping'an's room, she greeted Zhang Ping'an with a smile: "Oppa~~"

Zhang Ping'an did not respond with a smile, but pointed to the rest area in the living room and said: "Sit down, tell me what happened, is there any shameful news?"

After Xuexuan sat down, she began to tell Zhang Ping'an that they met some time ago, and then...

When Zhang Ping'an heard this name, he remembered that Kim Xuexuan was with him before. But this time because of his appearance, he was excluded by Kim Xuexuan. Maybe for the previous Xuexuan, those caring concerns would touch her heart?

After all, Xuexuan is a big trend among female idols, and a big trend among male idols, and both of them are top idols, so there are many experiences that can be learned from each other. Because they are famous, there must be some people around them who come to show their courtesy, so they have many common topics.

It's just that now that Zhang Ping'an is in Kim Xuexuan's heart, no matter how much he cares about her this time, Kim Xuexuan doesn't have too many fluctuations. After all, there was someone in her heart, so she couldn't let go of other people, so she only regarded him as a friend, a friend who might be useful one day. It was not until today that he showed his true heart and even affected her that Xuexuan clearly rejected him.

Listening to Xuexuan's story, Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "He still doesn't give up? Just block him and delete him. Or... forget it, just say you really have a boyfriend."

In fact, Zhang Pingan really wanted to say, you send a message, I'm going to sleep with my boyfriend, I hope you don't harass me. But thinking, if, in anger, this news spreads, then Jin Xuexuan will be affected.

Jin Xuexuan nodded and said, "Then I'll block him." Xuexuan felt that blocking was the attitude to completely solve the problem, so she took out her mobile phone without hesitation and blocked him from the contacts.

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Didn't your teammates know when you came up?"

Kim Seolhyun said: "Well, we just returned to the hotel not long ago, and everyone might still be washing up or something. Even if you want to visit someone, you have to wash up first."

"What if they come to your room and find you're not there?"

"If you're not there, then you're not there." Seolhyun didn't know what would happen if her teammates found out that she wasn't in the room. After all, this is not Seoul. At least in Seoul, Kim Seolhyun can ask in Korean even if she gets lost, but this is Japan!!

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "So, when do you guys rest? Or you can come up when everyone is resting?"

Seolhyun responded: "It's still early for us to rest, at least it's close to midnight."

As idols, they will only go back to their rooms and fall asleep unless they are extremely sleep deprived during the promotion period. On weekdays, they like to chat until very late before resting. Just like Taeyeon and Tiffany, the two of them like to chat in the living room after taking a bath. They have to chat until both of them want to sleep before going back to their rooms to rest.

Zhang Pingan smiled and responded: "It's okay, just wait until everyone is resting before coming up. After all, if you leave the team like this, everyone will be worried about you."

Seolhyun thought and nodded and said: "Okay, then I'll come up later."

Just then, as expected, Seolhyun's phone rang. She looked at the call and said: "It's Jimin calling. Maybe she came to my room..."

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