My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 923: Escape

What is "gakki dance"? Yui was confused when she heard it. She really wanted to tell Zhang Pingan that she really didn't know how to dance. But Zhang Pingan said that a dance teacher has been arranged to start choreographing. If it is not particularly difficult, she can only follow and learn together. And didn’t Zhang Pingan say that? She doesn't need to be particularly familiar with dance, it's just needed for the filming of the ending song.

At this time, Zhang Ping'an's roasted lamb chops were ready. He cut off a knife and put it on Yui's dinner plate. The Chinese "roasted lamb" seasoning added to the freshness of the lamb, and added the special cumin flavor. The taste and the stimulation of the chili noodles made Zhang Ping'an say he was thoroughly enjoying it.

Seeing Zhang Ping'an enjoying himself, Yui smiled and said, "Is mutton that delicious?" After saying that, she cut off a piece and put it in her mouth. She nodded and said, "Spice flavor." too heavy."

After talking about the food in front of her, Yui Aragaki immediately asked Zhang Pingan: "Are you coming to the set tomorrow?"

Zhang Pingan thought for a while and said: "I have an appointment with Teacher Xiaochun tomorrow morning. Then I will have to study dance with her. I have to ask her to make the dance as simple as possible. You know, in The 'simple' in the eyes of these professional dance teachers and the 'simple' in the eyes of those of us who cannot dance are two different concepts. "

Yui smiled and nodded. It was indeed the case. Simplicity must be different in the eyes of professional dancers. So after Zhang Ping'an went to discuss 'simple' with her, it would be easier for Yui and the others to learn.

Yui said: "I understand. Then when do you plan to go to the set?"

Zhang Ping'an figured it out and said: "On the set, the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow we will mainly discuss dance matters. I may stay in Teacher Xiaochun's dance studio for a while. It may be over there in the afternoon. By then I’ll come back directly and I’ll be able to go to the set the day after tomorrow.”

"Then when will you return to China?" Because Zhang Pingan still has a variety show here, he just told Yui that he would go back to shoot next week, but it is already Friday, and next week, isn't it the day after tomorrow? The day after tomorrow is the last day of this week.

Zhang Ping'an said: "I will go back on Tuesday, and I will shoot in China on Wednesday. I could have come two days earlier this time, but I had to teach the editing team there to edit the film, so I was delayed for two days."

Yui nodded and said, "If I take less work here, I can spend more time with you."

Yui Aragaki felt that she was becoming more and more greedy for the time with Zhang Pingan. Maybe it was because she was old enough to want to start a family, so she wanted to spend more time with Zhang Pingan. It's just that all her work is in Japan, and Zhang Pingan's current work is in China. If you want to be together for a long time, one person must put down what he is doing.

Generally speaking, many Japanese female celebrities will announce their retirement from the entertainment industry after getting married and stay at home to raise their husbands and children, such as Horikita Maki. Of course, there are some people who are still active in the film industry after getting married. Is this a matter of personal choice?

Zhang Ping'an listened to Yui's words and said with a gentle smile: "I plan to stop managing the entertainment company in three years. By then I will spend more time with you."

Yui listened to Zhang Pingan's words and said doubtfully: "Are you really willing to let go of what you are doing?"

"I'm willing to give it up. What's the point of being reluctant to part with it?" Zhang Ping'an responded to Yui with a bright smile, because the news he knew about the entertainment industry only happened in the past two years. He wouldn't be able to create better things in the future. program. So the best way is to stop doing entertainment-related things and enjoy your own life.

Zhang Ping'an continued: "I think enjoying life is what we should do when we are young. If we spend all our time at work, then this young age is too boring. Especially in a profession like yours, there are many problems in daily life. Every door is sneaky, Yui.

When are we going to visit Europe? "

Yui tilted her head and thought for a moment: "Let's wait until the shooting is over. By then I can take at least ten days of vacation."

"Well, it's settled!"


The night was wonderful. After having a barbecue on the roof, the two returned downstairs to rest. Early the next morning, Zhang Pingan woke up early and made breakfast for Yui according to his biological clock. Yui was tired from playing with Zhang Pingan last night, so she didn't get up until her agent called her. After waking up, Yui didn't have time to eat breakfast, but Zhang Pingan, who had already prepared it, brought out a breakfast box for her.

Sitting in the car, Yui ate the breakfast sandwich prepared by Zhang Pingan. The smile on her cheeks couldn't stop all the way. There was tenderness in this breakfast and Zhang Ping'an's tenderness towards her, but these were the source of happiness.

On this day, Zhang Pingan visited the dance teacher, and then he performed a few moves in the "Gakki Dance". The teacher understood the "simplicity" that Zhang Pingan asked for. In the afternoon, Zhang Ping'an went to SONY to discuss renting a recording studio and then returned to Yui's home.

Yui got off work late that day, and Zhang Pingan ate alone at home. When Yui came back, Zhang Pingan was almost asleep in the living room. So the two didn't have much 'communication' that night.

On the third day that Zhang Pingan came to Tokyo, he went to visit the studio. Looking at the busy venue, the investor Zhang Pingan just said hello to the director and the main actors, and then stood behind the director and looked at him of shooting. After watching the two shoots, Zhang Pingan found that there was a big difference between the shooting of TV series and the shooting of variety shows.

Because there is only one machine at the filming site of a TV series, while 20 or 30 machines are running at the same time at the filming site of a variety show, it will be much more difficult to edit a variety show.

After watching a circle of filming, Zhang Pingan and Yui stood together in the studio. Yui smiled at Zhang Pingan and said, "What do you think of the TV series?"

After chatting with Zhang Pingan last night, she learned that Zhang Pingan had no experience in filming TV series. Thinking about it, Zhang Ping'an is a producer of variety shows, which is somewhat different from TV dramas.

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "The filming process is nothing special. If you ask me, the process of filming a TV series is simpler. It's just that I can't master the actors' 'acting skills'."

Yui smiled and said to Zhang Ping'an: "According to the script, the director has a portrayal of the TV series in his mind from the beginning. The variety shows you produce are all unscripted, so the artists need to give their full play, but the TV series does not You need to perform according to the script, that’s the difference, right?”

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said with a smile: "Well, one day when I read the script and can portray the drama in my heart, I will almost be able to switch to a TV drama director. I'm leaving, you can perform well here, otherwise As an investor, I’m standing here, feeling the atmosphere is weird?”

Yui nodded and said, "Okay, today's shooting tasks are not heavy. I will be back early after get off work."

Yui sent Zhang Pingan out of the set and returned to her rest area. At this time, Gen Hoshino, who was filming together, came over: "I heard that you and Zhang Pingan are classmates?"

Yui nodded and said, "Well, we are classmates, but later he developed in South Korea. This TV series is his first investment in Japan."

Gen Hoshino said: "I received the song "Love" written by him yesterday. It is a very touching song. I will record it tomorrow afternoon. Have you listened to it? It is our ending song this time."

"I heard it. He sent it to me two days ago and I felt good about it. Later when I messaged him and chatted, he said he wanted to choreograph this song?"

Gen Hoshino said: "I don't know about this. I just got the demo. It seems that he is a very capable music creator."

"Well, I said I created a solo album for Girls' Generation's Taeyeon."

"I went to listen to it, and the quality of the songs was very good."

In the following time, Zhang Pingan did not return to his home for a day. He stayed at Yui's house until the day he left Tokyo. During this time, Zhang Pingan also clearly felt that Yui's dependence was getting stronger and stronger. On Tuesday, Zhang Pingan got on the plane back to Yanjing.

Today, Yui Aragaki's mood made her frown tightly. Yui was obviously out of shape for the day's shooting, and Yui's agent said softly when sending her home at night: "You are today." It’s a weird performance.”

Yui just smiled awkwardly and responded to the agent: "It's a bit inconvenient today."

Listening to Yui's cryptic words, the manager just nodded and smiled. Because women always have a few days when they are very sensitive, and this must be understood.

In fact, Yui's heart became hollow inexplicably because of Zhang Ping'an's departure, so she couldn't change her mood. Love is so confusing sometimes. Normally, Yui doesn't think of herself as a clingy person, but recently she found that she seemed to need him more and more.

Zhang Pingan landed in Yanjing. Just when he connected the signal to his mobile phone, his mobile phone rang immediately. Zhang Pingan answered the phone speechlessly.

Zhang Pingan said: "You calculated the time correctly, right?"

Pani on the other end of the phone said to Zhang Pingan: "Ah, you asked me to come to China, but you went to Tokyo yourself? What do you mean?"

When Pani left, Zhang Ping'an told her to come to China when your affairs were over. But Zhang Pingan didn't expect that the time she chose was to come on the day he just left China, so Zhang Pingan missed her.

Originally, Zhang Ping'an asked Pani to change her ticket, but she didn't change her ticket and said she would just wait for him in China. As a result, Pani came to wait for almost a week...

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