My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 238 Suspicion

The night in Tokyo was about to fall, and Sika in the backstage waiting room of the Girls' Generation concert called Zhang Pingan suspiciously with her mobile phone, and after Zhang Pingan connected, Sika asked, "When are you coming? Our concert is about forty minutes away."

Zhang Ping'an was going to come to their concert, which was known to everyone in Girls' Generation, but there was no sign of him in the afternoon. They thought that Zhang Ping'an would come backstage to chat with them before the concert, but Zhang Ping'an hadn't shown up until now, which made Xika feel very strange, and at the same time very worried, worried that he was Didn't something happen?

Because Zhang Pingan didn't even send her a message in the afternoon. If she hadn't known that the custom shop was always open at night, she would have almost thought that he had gone to play and forgot the time?

The person who said he was coming, but disappeared after sending her to the venue? This would definitely make Sika a little worried, so Sika called Zhang Ping'an just before the concert started. You have to listen to his voice to know whether he is dead or alive, right?

At this time, Zhang Ping'an was eating dinner in the hotel room where Li Zhien was staying, but Li Zhien was eating with him. She didn't eat at night because of her illness, but Zhang Pingan had to eat.

After buying the Japanese yukata, Li Zhien had to go back to the hotel to change and prepare, so Zhang Ping'an came along with her. When he was ready, Zhang Pingan simply ordered the room service.

At this time, Li Zhien was wearing a Japanese lady's yukata, sitting on the tatami in the room and dining with Zhang Ping'an. Zhang Pingan cut a piece of steak, stared at Li Zhien and said, "Aren't you really going to eat some?"

In fact, Zhang Ping’an wanted to say: ‘If you don’t eat, don’t stare at me. I’m under a lot of pressure if you stare at me to eat like this. '

Li Zhien shook his head and said: "I have already eaten a day's amount at noon. You don't need to eat any more at night. After your condition improves and returns to normal, you can slowly enjoy the delicious food."

Just as Li Zhien's voice fell, Zhang Ping'an's cell phone rang. Seeing Sika's call, he picked it up without any hassle: "Oh, Sika."

"When are you coming? Our concert is about forty minutes away?"

"Oh, I forgot to send you a message. I won't come today. I have something to do tonight. I'll come back tomorrow. Today I..." Zhang Pingan directly told Sika the reason: "I met Li Zhien on the street today. Yes, IU, tonight I will do a pre-experiment for a show with her."

Xika frowned tightly and said, "You and IUxi are together?"

Sika really doesn't know what to say now, why does Li Zhien, who is so busy, suddenly appear in Tokyo? Even if she came to Tokyo to play, why did Zhang Pingan meet such a big Tokyo? After they met, what did the two of them say to do the pre-test of the show? What exactly is the test? Why did Xika feel like the two had made an appointment in advance when listening to Zhang Ping'an's words?

Zhang Pingan didn't know what Xika was thinking at this time, but he had the same mentality as Yuner's love at this time: a clear conscience!

Because he felt that nothing happened between him and Li Zhien beyond the scope of friendship, so he responded very calmly: "Well, Zhien and I are together. We met on the street by chance today, and we chatted about the show during lunch. So I asked her to help me test the new program I plan to make next. Is it okay for me to come to your concert tomorrow?"

At this moment, Xika frowned tightly, listening to the tone of Zhang Ping'an's words,

Really, she was a little skeptical of the credibility of this statement. Because all of this was too coincidental, as if it had been arranged in advance.

In order not to affect her mood before the concert, Sika took the phone from her ear, took two deep breaths, raised the phone again and said, "Okay, I see." After finishing speaking, she didn't even Hearing Zhang Pingan say 'goodbye', she quickly hung up the phone.

Pani in the waiting room saw that Sika's face became extremely ugly after making the phone call. She walked beside Sika and patted her on the shoulder and said, "What's wrong? With an angry look, Zhang Ping'an Offended you?"

Sika responded to Pani coldly: "No."

Pani smiled and sat beside Sika and said, "You look like 'no'? You look like you're bursting with anger, tell me, what did he do to make you so angry? Looks like, could it be that you are dating your former classmates and went to a custom shop to play?"

The mood was very depressed, and Xika really needed someone to listen, so she said, "He is with Li Zhien."

Pani tilted his head and said, "Li Zhien? IU? Yes, Zhang Ping'an likes IU a lot. However, this liking should not be a relationship between a man and a woman, right? I know he likes Li Zhien's music very much. He was so busy a while ago that he went there. Li Zhien's Shanghai concert and Seoul concert, and the Seoul concert, Li Zhien personally gave him the ticket. Huh...Is Li Zhien in Tokyo too?"

Even Pani felt strange, why is Li Zhien in Tokyo?

Xika nodded and said, "Well, he said that he met by chance on the road. How can there be such a coincidence? In such a big Tokyo, the two met on the street without any contact? You said that they met by chance at a tourist attraction. It makes sense, but in the morning he said he was going to be interviewed by the media, how could we meet him on the street?"

Pani stared at Sika with wide eyes and said, "Isn't it? You doubt this? In fact, it's normal to meet him on the street. Last time I met him in Cheongdam Cave."

Girls’ Generation’s dormitory is in Cheongdam-dong, and the neighborhoods they visited for a long time are all near Gangnam District, so it’s normal to meet Zhang Ping’an who is driving out there.

Sika frowned at this moment and said, "Cheongdam Cave is South Korea, but this is Japan."

Pani also saw Sika's suspicion of Zhang Ping'an at this time, so she said, "You mean Zhang Ping'an is lying? Don't think about it, such a thing is not a lie. Think about it, If he really wants to lie, he won't tell you who he's with. As long as he chooses to hide it, you won't know anything. It's a little sensitive to see some women next to your boyfriend during a relationship, I understand this, but remember one thing...don't be too suspicious. Once you are too suspicious, this love will lose trust.."

Pani didn't say anything later, because if a relationship loses basic trust, then the separation is not far away. And once the 'suspect' appears, it will torture each other in love, and there will always be one who can't stand it first.

After speaking, Pani patted Sika on the shoulder: "Take a break, don't think too much, and prepare for the next concert."


After Zhang Pingan was hung up by Sika, he smiled at Li Zhien, because Zhang Pingan knew she was angry because she hung up like this. Looking at it from another perspective, if Sika is with a man at this time... then he also understands Sika.

Isn't that what love is all about? My love for the other half is selfish, and I hope that he/she is the only one of the opposite sex by his/her side. But when it's my turn to meet the opposite sex, I have to make the other party understand and tolerate more.

Li Zhien looked at Zhang Pingan with a smile and said, "Are you angry?"

Zhang Pingan defended Sika: "It's not enough to be angry, it's true that I feel uncomfortable."

Hearing Zhang Ping'an's honest words, Li Zhi'en also smiled and said, "Who would be uncomfortable if I changed it? It's enough to coax him at night."

Zhang Pingan raised his head and glanced at Li Zhien: "How do you coax him at night? And we don't live together, I live at home, and she stays in a hotel with Girls' Generation."

"Call, it's so convenient to make a video call now."

Zhang Ping'an said, "Let's talk about it later in the evening. Have you figured out what song to perform?"

"Don't think about it, you can sing any song you want at that time, this is not a concert, you don't need to perform according to the song list, right?"

The two chatted about the street performance at night, and soon Zhang Pingan ate the steak in front of him. The two set off like this. Zhang Pingan was carrying the power amplifier and the microphone stand, and Li Zhien was carrying the guitar and carrying Two simple and convenient stools. The two came to the parking lot of the hotel, and Zhang Pingan opened the trunk of the vehicle. For tonight's performance, Zhang Pingan even rented a car in the afternoon.

Sitting in the car, Li Zhien put her 'fox mask' on the top of her head. She took two deep breaths and said to Zhang Pingan: "Why do you feel a little nervous after getting in the car? I feel more nervous than before I went on stage at the concert." Be nervous."

"It's normal for you to be nervous if you haven't tried something. However, you are really beautiful in a Japanese yukata. We will take a photo of you wearing a mask in a while, and I will post it on SNS. Let everyone guess who it is? "

Zhang Pingan used praise to relieve Li Zhien's tension caused by his uncertainty. Because words of praise really make people feel very comfortable, Li Zhien's mood is much better than when he got in the car just with such a few words.

Li Zhien said with a smile: "Hahaha, how can you guess it with a mask?" After finishing speaking, she put on this fox mask, and then looked at herself in the mirror.

The fox mask only covers the upper part of the face, and the lower part is exposed. If someone is familiar with Li Zhien, maybe he can really guess it.

Departing from the hotel where Li Zhien stayed, driving on the neon-filled streets in Tokyo, watching the busy pedestrians at night, I felt inexplicably relieved. Sitting in the car, Li Zhien began to hum an unknown tune, maybe she was opening her voice for an upcoming street performance?

:. :

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