My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 798 Spring Festival (3)

Chapter 807 Spring Festival (3)

South Korea’s statutory Spring Festival holiday lasts only three days, so the ‘dead city’ of Seoul quickly regained its vitality. There were still no people on the streets in the first grade of junior high school, but there were gradually more people on the streets in the second and third grade of junior high school. Some individual businesses on the streets had even opened their doors for business in the third grade of junior high school. Because the third day of the Lunar New Year is the last day of the holiday, those who return to their hometowns must be ready to go to work on the third day of the Lunar New Year at the latest.

Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien spent two days of quiet vacation at home. On the third day of junior high school, the two stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the road outside. The city's roads were once again full of traffic. Originally, the two of them planned to go out and enjoy their last day of vacation, but they gave up after watching the real-time news broadcast in the morning. There are too many vehicles going to Beijing, causing the entire city to fall into a state of congestion.

Today is the last day of the holiday. Vehicles from all directions are getting off the expressway and heading into the city. Can there be no traffic jam? And on the last day of the holiday, colleagues and friends from the company will have a "New Year's" party or something. The original "resurgence" of the city's crowds and the free travel of people from China during the Spring Festival made the city very lively.

At this time, Zhang Ping'an was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with a cup of coffee, looking at the traffic outside the window and shaking his head and sighing: "The city is coming to life again. I looked at the people on 'Ins' ​​who posted pictures of the business district. That's called a traffic jam!" Um, I’m not talking about traffic jams, I’m talking about people jamming people.”

Li Zhien, who was sitting next to him and eating a sandwich made by Zhang Ping'an, smiled and said, "Are you still thinking about going out? I advise you not to think about it. It's like this every Spring Festival... It's still morning now, wait until the afternoon It’s the biggest peak period for return trips. Wait until evening, and you’ll have to wait in line to find one of the more famous food restaurants.”

Zhang Pingan sighed and said: "I was still thinking about buying some clothes. I didn't wear new clothes during the Spring Festival." Zhang Pingan said the last sentence in an extremely small voice. Wearing new clothes during the New Year seems to be a Chinese tradition. custom? Although the material level of Chinese people has improved a lot in this era and they can buy the clothes they like anytime and anywhere, Zhang Pingan still has a habit from his childhood and wants to wear new clothes during the Spring Festival.

Listening to Zhang Ping'an wanting to buy clothes, Li Zhien nodded and said, "Well, in half a month, the temperature will get warmer, and it's time to buy some spring clothes. You can wait a few days before buying. Everyone in the city today It’s time to rest. Isn’t it convenient for you to go shopping?”

"Well... I can only buy it after two days." In fact, what Zhang Ping'an wanted to say was that it's not inconvenient for me at all, it's just that it's inconvenient for you to appear on the street.

Zhang Pingan is not a celebrity idol, so no one will come around to ask for his autograph or anything. Maybe passers-by were surprised when they met Zhang Pingan, and at most they took out their mobile phones to take two photos. Anyway, Zhang Pingan didn't meet anyone to disturb him on the road, but Li Zhien was different.

Can't go out,

Li Zhien could only say to Zhang Ping'an: "Let's find two good movies and watch them later."


Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien spent their vacation at home slowly watching movies at home. Because Li Zhien could not travel abroad for filming, the two could only live their small lives at home. Or go online and watch the Spring Festival special programs broadcast. For the two of them, this vacation is just a very ordinary daily rest.

There is not much romance, nor is it overly sweet, but more of a leisure time spent cuddling on the sofa watching TV. Ordinary and dull, like an old couple for many years... But because of Li Zhien's professional relationship, they have less free time than ordinary people.

For three days, the tranquility of the 'dead city' kept the two of them at home, allowing Zhang Ping'an to roughly understand why Lee Hyori chose to move to Jeju Island.

Because Seoul is a place where there are so many ‘journalists’ per capita, you are stared at wherever you go. Whether you are going out to buy groceries, meeting friends for a meal, or even going shopping, you will be paid attention to throughout the entire process. Moreover, in this era of completely irresponsible media, even if it is just a gathering of friends, some strange news may appear tomorrow.

As for Jeju Island, although there are many tourists every year, most of the tourists go to some 'tourist areas', which are completely different concepts from the residential areas. Therefore, Lee Hyori can live with her husband and her husband unscrupulously in Jeju Island. Her dogs play together, go for walks after dinner, and more. Rather than being locked up at home every day. The celebrity idol who lives in Seoul can only stay at home because he doesn't want to make news.

People, if you lock yourself in a room for a long time, problems will easily occur. Taeyeon is a good example!


The Spring Festival holiday is over, and Seoul has returned to its usual working state. Although many people have not yet fully recovered from the holiday, they still talk about their experiences during this year's Spring Festival holiday at work, either traveling with their girlfriends, or with The ambiguous partner has further progress... There are always endless topics to talk about on the first day of work.

The tense atmosphere in the "PD101" studio has officially begun, because the first elimination is about to occur. The trainees in the lower and middle circles have become very nervous. Of course, there are also those who have no hope at all and have begun to show signs of paddling. Only the people in the upper circles still occupied the popularity vote, and everyone had a cheerful smile on their face. It is obvious that the first elimination will not occur in the upper circle.

Zhang Pingan came to the show in the morning and stared at their practice before leaving the studio. Because the next cruelty is about to begin, many trainees' expressions have become serious, and some want to seize the last chance to sprint in the last minute and start a crazy practice mode.

After coming out of the studio, Zhang Pingan headed directly towards Girls' Generation's dormitory, because during the Spring Festival, Zhang Pingan had always said that he was staying with his parents in China and would come over when work started here. As for whether the matter was true or false, they had no way to tell, let alone unreasonably send Zhang Pingan a request for a video call, so they chose to believe it. In fact, only by believing will they feel better.

Zhang Ping'an came up to Girls' Generation's dormitory for the second time. He had already called him downstairs and asked if it was convenient for him to come up. He came up only after Taeyeon and Pani agreed.

Taeyeon opened the door to Zhang Pingan in loose pajamas. The skin on her bare face was as white and smooth as a boiled egg with its shell peeled off. Zhang Pingan reached out and poked Taeyeon's face. This made her raise her eyebrows in confusion and look at Zhang Pingan: "What?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and put his arm around Taeyeon's shoulders and entered the room together: "It's nothing like poking your skin. By the way, don't you wear makeup?"

Taeyeon stood at the entrance, accompanying Zhang Ping'an to change into slippers: "Put on makeup? Do you want to go out?"

Zhang Pingan, who had changed into slippers, stretched out his hand to push Taeyeon's shoulder. The two of them were like "train pick-up". She was pushed into the room by Zhang Pingan. Zhang Pingan said as he walked: "Well, I must go out. "It's going to be spring soon, I want to go out and buy some clothes."

Sitting on the sofa, Pani listened to Zhang Pingan's suggestion of 'shopping'. She was still lying down and sat up. She looked at Zhang Pingan and said, "Yeah, yeah, spring is coming soon. Let's go out." Let’s go shopping. Taeyeon and I have been locked up at home for three days.”

Being a super nerd, Taeyeon immediately complained: "You go alone, why did you drag me with you?"

Zhang Ping'an, who was originally pushing Taeyeon, immediately changed his position. He directly pressed on Taeyeon's shoulders, making her become a piggyback. He said in Taeyeon's ear: "House spirit, go out and bask in the sun quickly. Otherwise, you will really be hated by Xiuying to the core."

Seeing Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon showing off their affection as soon as they arrived, Pani shouted depressedly: "Ah, ah, ah, do you two really regard this as your home?"

Zhang Ping'an stood up from behind Taeyeon with a smile. He patted Taeyeon's shoulder, looked at Pani and said, "Yeah, okay, you two go change clothes, hurry up!!"

Being able to go shopping, and going shopping with Zhang Pingan (free shopping), Pani quickly got up from the sofa. She skipped towards the room. After taking two steps, she turned around and said, "What's in the refrigerator?" There is fruit juice.”

Half of the fruit juice Taeyeon squeezed in the morning was left for Pani, but she didn't drink it, so she put it in the refrigerator and said she would drink it in the afternoon. As a result, Pani is now using it as a favor? Taeyeon smiled and said, "That's mine."

Who knew that Zhang Pingan said: "What's yours is mine, and even you are mine."

Taeyeon pretended to be vomiting: "vomit~~" and then floated towards her room.

Zhang Pingan went to the refrigerator in the kitchen to pick up Taeyeon's fruit juice, and walked towards her room with her mug. Taeyeon, who had the door open and was looking for clothes, looked at Zhang Pingan who was standing at the door: " Why don't you just sit quietly in the living room and want to spy on Pani?" Taeyeon yelled in the direction of Pani's room in a rare and funny way: "Pani, close the door, the gangster is here."

Pani yelled depressedly: "Ah, you two, don't show off in front of me, be careful I report you!" Then with a 'bang', the door was really closed, maybe it was time to change clothes.

Zhang Ping'an looked at the hesitant man standing in front of the closet. He pointed at a black mid-length down jacket: "That's the black down jacket."

With Zhang Pingan's arrangement, Taeyeon smiled and took out her clothes, then sat in front of the dressing table and started to put on makeup.

Zhang Ping'an also returned to the living room obediently and waited for the changes in the women.

Twenty minutes later, Taeyeon reflected her cute image with her makeup. Because she still has short hair, she is not suitable for wearing heavy makeup at all. However, with light makeup, she uses her invincible childish face to highlight her "cuteness" to the extreme...

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