My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 264 Signing a Contract

The night in Tokyo is beautiful, especially the bustling Roppongi, which is so brightly lit. Zhang Pingan and his wife looked down from the sky at the thousands of lights in Tokyo, which was really mesmerizing. No wonder some people like to live in high-rise buildings, overlooking the city at night, which inexplicably breeds sensibility in their hearts. Mai Shiraishi's delicate facial features look particularly beautiful under the blurred light.

As expected, it is the number one plastic surgery model selected as ‘TOP10’ by Japan’s plastic surgery agency. Her facial features were very delicate, and the mole on the corner of her mouth was very tempting. Zhang Pingan took out his mobile phone and searched for it, then said to Mai Shiraishi: "You know there is a saying in China about numerology, right? The so-called fortune telling, what do you call the mole on the corner of your mouth in numerology?"

When Shiraishi Mai listened to Zhang Pingan talking about the mysterious and mysterious numerology, she looked at Zhang Pingan intently and shook her head and said, "Don't know?"

"The folk saying is 'eat luck', which means you are lucky enough to have no worries about food and drink in your life..." Then Zhang Pingan picked up the phone and began to explain to her: "And people with moles on the corners of their mouths, in terms of personal relationships, He is also very rich. He is a sentimental person who always thinks more about others in his life. He is also very attractive and gives people a good impression, so generally speaking, he has good luck with friends. In addition, as mentioned above, he has good food and salary luck, so he will Often entertained by others, etc.”

Shiraishi Mai's eyes widened and she said, "Hey, your explanation is very similar to my personal personality and so on."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and raised his phone and said: "I didn't explain this, I just read it according to it. These were recorded by fortune tellers in the past. I'm just pretending to be a magician here. You guys have sex It’s forbidden to fall in love, right?”

Mai Shiraishi nodded and said: "This is the company's rule, but how many people abide by it depends on different people's opinions. After all, the time after get off work belongs to us. Those who want to fall in love can't talk secretly as long as they pay attention. They will be discovered. But idols who are very famous will definitely comply. After all, their private lives will be followed by reporters. If they are reported by reporters... they may be expelled. I don't know either. Anyway, I can’t explain this clearly..."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "I remember that Japan's ban on dating idols has no time limit? It's not like Korean female idols, who are not allowed to date within five years."

Mai Shiraishi said: "Well, the profession of idol itself is to give fans a false love object, so in real life, 'idol' cannot fall in love. Otherwise, the fan's fantasy will be shattered, and the career path will basically be over. Right? Unless you graduate, there is no such rule after graduation. So sometimes we envy Korean idols because their dating ban is only five years. After all, we have already debuted for two years. If it takes another three years If so, you can fall in love.”

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said: "How can such a good thing happen? Although the company stipulates that you cannot fall in love for five years, once an idol falls in love, it will still have a great impact on the group. This year, Girls' Generation has exposed their relationships one after another, which is very important to fans. It's a huge blow. The number of fan members in their official club has also dropped by more than 100,000. Moreover, their personal jobs have also been reduced a lot. They are obviously careers that rely on popularity, so... it's nothing. I’m so envious. By the way, what are your plans for the future?”

"Future?" Shiraishi Mai didn't know how to talk about this word, because she didn't think much about her future. Anyway, she just went with the current combination. As for the development in the future, we have to wait until it develops well before thinking about the next things.

Looking at Shiraishi Mai's confused look,

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "This time we cooperate, I will do my best to promote you. Before your group becomes famous, I will use all means to promote you, so I believe you will definitely be the best this year." It’s in an explosive state. Don’t be confused. The future is very close, so you should think about it.”

Shiraishi Mai just smiled faintly after hearing these words. Although Zhang Pingan said that he would use all means, who knows what the final result will be?

The night was getting deeper, Zhang Pingan picked up the mobile phone on the table and looked at the time. It was already half past ten at night. Then he said to Shiraishi Mai: "It's half past ten, let's go, it's almost time to take you back."

Send her back? This made Shiraishi Mai feel a little shocked in her heart. She had already prepared to stay up all night, but the result was like this? Is she really a little confused about Zhang Ping'an's routine? Logically speaking, after drinking in the hotel, it was a natural thing for the two of them to check in at the hotel, but what did he say about sending him back?

Does Shiraishi Mai really not know what kind of medicine Zhang Ping'an sells in his gourd?

She followed Zhang Pingan from the hotel and got into a taxi. Zhang Pingan actually sent her back in the direction of her home after asking for her home address. On the way back, Shiraishi Mai hesitated, did he want to go to her home?

There was no conversation along the way. The vehicle quickly arrived at the downstairs of Mai Shiraishi's house. Zhang Pingan did not choose to get out of the car, but sat in the car and waved to Mai Shiraishi and said, "Then we will meet tomorrow afternoon. .”

"Oh." Shiraishi Mai nodded and said, "Why don't you go to my house for a meeting?" Because she didn't know Zhang Pingan's plan, she simply took the initiative to talk about it and invited her to her house. Although the house she rents is small, the two of them can still squeeze in together, right?

Zhang Ping'an also understood Shiraishi Mai's hint. He smiled and said, "Let's leave some other time. I'll leave first."

"Okay. Well, Ping'an-san, see you tomorrow."


Mai Shiraishi watched Zhang Pingan's car taillights disappear from sight, and she murmured: "What do you mean? Is it really just an investment? Shouldn't such an inexplicable investment be done?"

She was getting more and more confused anyway, a little confused as to what the situation was. Even after being hinted by her, Zhang Ping'an did not make any further progress with her, which made Shiraishi Mai lie on the bed a little tossing and turning.

The next day, at noon, Zhang Pingan arrived at the coffee shop at the appointed time. Mai Shiraishi, her agent, and someone from the publishing house were already waiting for his arrival.

After Zhang Pingan approached, all of them stood up. The manager introduced Zhang Pingan first: "Piangan-san, this is the director of the publishing house, Sato-san."

Zhang Pingan politely stretched out his hand and shook his hand: "Hello, Sato-san, I am Chinese, Zhang Pingan."

After sitting down, Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "I went to Ginza in the morning and looked at the cars. I always knew that vehicle taxes in Japan are very low, but I didn't expect that the brand new Daniel cost less than 40 million yen? ( 2.6 million Chinese yen) You must know that this car in China, including various luxury taxes, etc., will cost at least 120 million yen. (7-8 million)"

The agent smiled and said: "It's not that taxes on Japanese vehicles are low, but there are no taxes on imported cars after they enter the Japanese market."

"Oh, that's right. I had never thought about buying a car here before, so I didn't even know about the vehicle tax. In the future, I will have more and more businesses here, and then I thought of buying a car here. At home. I saw how cheap cars are, so I bought a Lamborghini today and ordered a Ferrari 488, because the Ferrari 488 has just been on display and is only accepting reservations now. So I was delayed for a while and arrived relatively late."

The agent smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, we just arrived." After that, he took out the printed contract, and Zhang Pingan looked at the contents of the contract. It is a very formal business contract that includes a signing fee, commissions, active cooperation with their company's artists in filming, etc.

After reading it, Zhang Pingan said: "Okay, there is no problem with the contract, just sign it." When their agent took the pen, Zhang Pingan took out a check from his wallet: "You can cash it at any time."

After signing the contract with Mai Shiraishi, Zhang Pingan turned to look at the publishing house: "Photographer, I plan to shoot in Los Angeles this time. Is your photographer okay?"

The person from the publishing house said: "No problem, our photographer will shoot according to your requirements. After the shooting, how much will the first batch of printing cost? We charge different prices based on the printing circulation."

Zhang Pingan said a number very casually: "Then... let's order one hundred thousand copies first."

"One hundred thousand?" Not only the publisher, but also Mai Shiraishi and her manager were dumbfounded. For such a popular idol as "AKB", they didn't dare to publish so many photo albums.

Zhang Pingan asked for 100,000 copies?

The publisher kindly reminded: "Hian Heian-san, according to the current market sales, the first batch of photo albums is basically 20,000 or 30,000 copies. In Japan, there are only fashion magazines. There will be more!”

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Isn't there tens of millions of people in Tokyo alone? How can one hundred thousand volumes be considered too much?"

"But there are not many people who are willing to spend money to buy photos. The ones with better sales at present may be members of 'AKB'. Some of them have sold around 50,000 copies."

"Just 100,000 copies. If I can't sell even 100,000 copies, I really feel that I am a person who has no ability to play in the entertainment industry. If the cost of 10 million yen for this promotion is not enough, then... I’ll add another ten million! This time I want to try out the city-wide publicity to see how much sales expectations I can achieve! This can be considered an attempt of my own.”

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