My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 859 Rabbit Gas

Chapter 868 Rabbit Gas

Cao Lu has become a frequent guest on Korean variety shows recently. Because she was recommended by Zhang Pingan for the show "", the Korean variety show circle discovered Cao Lu, a variety show gem. Therefore, Cao Lu has been invited to many personal shows recently, and her cheerful and funny personality is also deeply loved by the public.

Although Jin Jiura felt that Cao Lu was the original gem of the variety show she discovered, Cao Lu liked to say in the show that she was discovered by Zhang Pingan, and then Zhang Pingan recommended her to the show. Perhaps in the eyes of some Koreans, Zhang Pingan himself is Chinese, and he helped Cao Lu because he helped Chinese people develop better in the Korean entertainment industry.

Of course, some people think that Zhang Pingan himself is the producer of variety shows. He knows how to cater to the audience's laughter. So when he looks at 'variety artists'... he can discover some points that the public has not noticed. And Cao Lu is a variety artist he discovered! Rather than calling Cao Lu ‘idol’, she is more in line with the image of a variety artist, because she is really funny!

Zhang Pingan discovered it and recommended it! Of course, all this is because Zhang Pingan can recommend it because he has a way. If it really counts, there are many funny people among artists, but only the people around them know about it. After all, artists have the opportunity to be on the show themselves, so what else can I say, is anyone around me actually funnier than me?

If you really say that, this is funny!

After all, artists hope that more audiences will pay attention to them, even if this attention will bring them trouble. But at the same time, this attention will bring huge profits to the artist! In the face of Chi Guoguo's money income, all troubles can be digested by oneself.

Zhou Xiaoqiong entered the waiting room with a smile, just because of Zhang Pingan's words. She knew that Zhang Pingan would take care of her when she returned to China in the future, and that would be enough. And Zhou Xiaoqiong is not worried about whether Zhang Pingan can help her in the future. After all, Zhang Pingan is a very powerful program producer. After he returns, he will use his production expertise and add her to his program. This is very important to Zhou Xiaoqiong. That's enough!

Looking at Zhou Xiaoqiong's smile, teammate Quan Zhaomi next to him said, "Looking at you smiling so happily, did PD Zhang say something to you?"

Zhou Xiaoqiong smiled and said nothing, "You didn't say anything, you just asked me to cheer up. After all, we are all from China, so it's normal for him to cheer me up, isn't it?"

Yes, they are all from China, so he will take care of you? You must know that their agent was sitting in the waiting room watching Zhou Xiaoqiong being called out to speak alone by Zhang Pingan. Is this a hint from Zhang Pingan to the agent, hoping that the company will give Zhou Xiaoqiong some special care?

For example, the program team calls to invite two or three members to attend the program.

This is not a program that invites everyone. Will Zhou Xiaoqiong occupy a "fixed seat"?

The most important thing is that Zhou Xiaoqiong receives special treatment, which fans cannot tell, because Zhou Xiaoqiong is one of the most popular in appearance in the team, so the audience can completely understand that she has been exposed in some specially invited programs for a long time. So, when the teammates saw Zhou Xiaoqiong coming back with a smile, they didn't know what to say except envy.


After Zhang Pingan came out of the IOI waiting room, he thought about it and went to the BTS waiting room again, because he originally wanted to chat with them and increase their emotional bond with each other, but because of the sudden arrival of IOI, he was Called away. So Zhang Pingan went to the children's waiting room again, talked with them for a while, and said some words of encouragement before coming out.

After coming out of the BTS waiting room, Zhang Ping'an went to the 'Rabbit Gas' waiting room because he had said he was going to their waiting room when they met in the corridor.

If fans knew that Zhang Pingan went to the 'IOI' and 'Rabbit Gas' waiting rooms so casually, I don't know how envious they would be. After all, they are all young and beautiful girls.

After Zhang Pingan arrived, he casually took a bottle of water to drink in their waiting room. At the same time, he said to the three Japanese members in very fluent Japanese: "Being an idol in Korea is more difficult, because of the schedule. The strength, Korean idols are much denser, can you still work?”

MOMO responded with a smile: "We have been in Korea for many years, and the model here is basically very clear. And after our debut last year, we gradually accepted this model, so now I think it is pretty good. "

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Just get used to it. After all, the idol models of the two countries are completely different. With the existence of the three of you, 'Rabbit Gas' will definitely develop well in Japan in the future."

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, SANA said: "Thank you, Zhang PD. Recently our company has also considered arranging for us to go to Japan."

Zhang Pingan looked at SANA and said, "SANA has become very popular recently. Everyone is saying that you are cute."

SANA said modestly: "I was just lucky enough to be assigned that part of the lyrics. In fact, my teammates are also very cute."

Zhang Ping'an turned to look at the maknae, and then he instantly turned into Chinese and said to Zhou Ziyu: "Tzuyu, how are you doing lately?"

Zhou Ziyu smiled sweetly at Zhang Ping'an and said, "As far as language is concerned, I'm a little behind. I may need more practice."

Zhou Ziyu’s Korean proficiency may be the worst among the ‘foreigners’ in this team. Occasionally, when she listens to her teammates speaking Korean, she still doesn't fully understand what they mean, so she often makes jokes on camera.

Zhang Ping'an shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Language, I really can't help you with this, because language is the only way there is no shortcut. If you are just an international student coming to South Korea to study, then I can suggest you fall in love, after all." Love is the best language teacher. When I first came to Korea from Japan, I also learned Korean quickly in this way. However, I learned the "Three Character Classic" at the beginning.

Zhou Ziyu smiled brightly: " seems that all people who learn languages ​​learn this at the beginning?"

Zhang Ping'an chuckled and nodded and said: "That's for sure, because most swear words have become the common mantra of the public. But for you, these mantras cannot become habits. If an artist suddenly comes up with a sentence in the workplace, , it will be difficult to deal with it.”

Many people know Korea’s ‘mantra’, and Zhou Ziyu, who has been in Korea for many years, certainly knows it too. So after Zhang Pingan's instructions, she nodded and said, "Yes, I know."

Zhang Pingan communicated with their foreign teammates in fluent Japanese and Chinese, which made the other members look envious. After all, people who speak multiple foreign languages ​​have always been the object of admiration.

But they thought that since Zhang Pingan was Chinese and had studied in Japan, it was normal for him to master several foreign languages.

Zhang Ping'an looked at Lin Nalian looking at him in a daze. He smiled and said, "What's wrong? Do you mean that your water is counted?"

Lin Nalian smiled and showed her rabbit teeth: "No, no, I just listened to PD Zhang and spoke several foreign languages ​​​​in one breath. I think you are very powerful."

After being praised, Zhang Ping'an smiled and stopped and said: "How am I so great? With such a good environment like yours, it is very easy to learn a foreign language. However, I think you rarely have time to study on weekdays, right? You guys have such a good environment. But what about the general trend?”

"Hehe, we occasionally learn a sentence or two." Then Lin Nalian began to introduce herself in Japanese. Zhang Pingan sat next to her and said with a smile: "This is like the first class in a foreign language class."

When Zhang Pingan finished speaking, they all laughed. Yes, no matter what foreign language it is, the first class is to say hello and introduce yourself!

He chatted with them for a while in Twasi's waiting room and then left, because Zhang Ping'an had to watch Pani's second recording. On today's first stage, Pani had a total of two songs, but this time The two songs were performed for a total of five minutes, and her title song couldn't fill the five minutes, so she had to record two songs in two sessions.

Although the two stages were connected when the show was broadcast, the styles and makeup of the two songs were different. So after recording one song, Pani would go back to the lounge to rest and change his look. He would not start the second recording until the second song was recorded, that is, the look of the title song was ready.

At this time, Zhang Pingan stood on the director's monitor screen and watched Pani's personal stage performance. I have to say that Girls’ Generation on stage are very awesome! Pani started today's performance amidst the cheers of fans.

After the first recording, Zhang Pingan came to the stage and told Pani that those areas needed improvement. It was the first time for Pani to fill five minutes alone on a live broadcast. While following the team on weekdays, her smile would still be put away to rest. But when she stands on the stage alone, she needs to fill the entire song's broadcast time alone.

When Pani stood on the stage as a solo, she couldn't even paddle.

Pani listened to Zhang Pingan's suggestion and started the second recording. Girls' Generation fans at the scene screamed and cheered to welcome Pani's performance again, and those holding "pink" support items ..Pani laughed happily, because as a pink lover, she was really happy when she saw the pink color of the support items.

This time Pani performed much better after Zhang Pingan's suggestion than before when he came on stage...

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