My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 870 Age is a magical thing

Chapter 879 Age is a magical thing

Looking up to a place where you can see the blue sky and white clouds always makes your mood extraordinarily beautiful. At this time, Zhang Pingan's legs were raised on the passenger seat. In order to find a comfortable position, he also lowered the passenger seat. Zhang Pingan was lying comfortably in the car, enjoying the air conditioning, and then looking at the blue sky through the sunroof of the car, he suddenly laughed out loud in the car.

Because this comfortable posture reminded Zhang Pingan that not long ago, he was lying comfortably in the passenger seat, but there was Miss Fumika from the racecourse in the same car. That time Zhang Pingan finally satisfied the man's desire. Fantasy, he played some new tricks.

At that time, Zhang Pingan understood a truth. Cars, especially large SUVs, are not used for off-roading, but for 'unlocking'!

Men’s ultimate fantasies about cars are nothing more than two, a handsome car to pick up girls, and a spacious car to try to unlock ‘new entertainment’.

In the early 2000s, when cars were still a new gadget, it was easy to ‘unlock’ new ways to play by taking a girlfriend you knew for a ride. But as the national economy rises and cars become more common, do you still want to use cars to unlock ‘new entertainment’ methods? Then the worst car you have is a Cayenne.

In fact, unlocking ‘new entertainment’ is a form of entertainment that only rich people can play. Whether it is the Santana you drove in the early 2000s or the Cayenne you drive now, after all, it represents the same meaning. After all, at the beginning of the 2000s, the national salary level was only a few hundred Chinese dollars, but now it is several thousand dollars. Anyway, it has increased ten times! ! The prices of Cayenne and Santana are almost ten times as well!

Zhang Ping'an raised his watch and looked at the time. Sika's flight was about to arrive. He sat up and adjusted the co-pilot's position, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Sika, 'I'm in the outdoor parking lot. When you come out, come directly to the parking lot. ’

Because Sika took a direct flight from Seoul, there were many Koreans on the same flight as Sika. Moreover, there were no agents or security personnel accompanying her this time. When she and Xiao Jingjing got off the plane and waited to pick up their luggage, they might be recognized by people on the same flight, so Zhang Pingan needed to avoid being photographed with Sika at the airport. . Why should you avoid being photographed at the airport?

Because when everyone sees Sika while waiting to pick up their luggage, they will pay attention to her from time to time. Some guests will even take out their mobile phones and start taking pictures in the airport. If Zhang Pingan goes to the airport exit to pick up the two of them, the possibility of being photographed is very high.

Of course, it is possible that Zhang Pingan and Sika would be photographed while playing at Waikiki Beach, but this is only a 'possibility', and the possibility is not as high as at the airport.

After all, everyone won’t pay special attention to the tourists around them after playing.

Everyone is sitting on the beach, at most they just scan around and don’t pay special attention! Besides, people at the beach will definitely prepare some sun protection hats, sunglasses, etc. However, these things all conceal their appearance. If you are not particularly familiar with Sika and Zhang Pingan, it is impossible to recognize them immediately at a glance!

Moreover, ‘Hawaii’ is an island country that Japanese people like. Of course, some Koreans travel here, but not particularly many. After all, for the money to go to Hawaii, more people will choose to go to Europe, or even further to the United States! Therefore, Zhang Pingan feels that if you avoid everyone's sight at the airport, the chance of being discovered will be reduced by more than 50%!


Sika's flight arrived. She took out her mobile phone and connected the signal. She wanted to call Zhang Pingan and ask him where he was. But before she had time to dial, Sika received a message from Zhang Pingan. She nodded slightly after seeing the message. In fact, she understood Zhang Pingan's approach.

Little Crystal got off the plane with Sika and walked towards the baggage claim area. On the way, she asked: "Onie, where is he? Is he waiting for us at the door?" Because there were still people who got off the plane on the same flight. Quite a few, so Xiao Jingshu didn't call 'Zhang Ping'an' by his name, but used 'him'.

Sika held her handbag in her hand, turned to look at Xiao Jingshu and said, "He is waiting for us in the parking lot outside. There are too many people at the airport."

Little Crystal didn't understand why she was so evasive. She raised her lips slightly and expressed her dissatisfaction before saying, "Are you two afraid of being in the news? You two were in a public relationship, and now you are still worried about the news. ?"

Sika responded depressingly: "If you have experienced a public relationship, then I can guarantee that you will never choose to be public again in your next relationship."

Little Crystal thought for a moment and said, "But I see that many people in my sister's team have chosen to go public."

Sika said: "It's not that they wanted to make it public, but they were followed by reporters and had to make it public. There is a lot of pressure in relationships after being made public. Isn't there one in your team?" With that, the two of them arrived. Where we were waiting for our luggage, we continued chatting while waiting for our luggage to be sent out.

However, according to Sika, after the "that" member of the Little Crystal team made her relationship public... or rather, after her relationship was exposed, she was even regarded by fans as a sinner in the team, and various rumors from the outside began to affect her. 'F(x) Group' So she had to be forced to quit the group.

When Sika used 'that' as an example, Little Crystal shook her head and said, "It's different! Her relationship was because the age gap was too big, so her relationship was not accepted by fans."

Listening to Xiao Jingshu's words, Sika chuckled and shook his head and said: "Can the fans accept the romance? Either the team is not famous anymore, or the age has really reached that point. If it were Shinhwa's Obamas, they It doesn’t matter what age you are getting married, right? Because most of their fans are already married!”

Little Crystal curled her lips and said, "Sometimes I really feel it's unfair for 'her'!"

Little Crystal's words made Sika purse her lips and laugh: "There are too many unfair things in the world, and we are an industry in the spotlight, so our words and deeds need to convey a kind of 'positive energy'. Hee Hee, he said this to me. The role of public figures is to convey positive influence, so we must pay attention to it at all times! "

Little Crystal sighed and said: "Onie, you misunderstood me. I feel it's unfair for her because of... age group, do you understand?"

Little Crystal's words made Sika raise her eyebrows curiously and look at her and said, "Age group? What do you mean?"

Little Crystal really felt sorry for that person and said: "That person found a thirty-four-year-old boyfriend when she was twenty. If we wait another eight years, wait until she is twenty-eight. When you look for a 42-year-old, I believe not many people in that 'age' will have such a strong reaction, right?"

I have to say that the ‘age group’ mentioned by Little Crystal is a very magical question. There is also a fourteen-year age difference. When you are twenty-eight and you find a forty-two-year-old, it seems that the public's resistance will not be so great?

Could it be that at the age of twenty, she didn't understand what she needed? You must know that they entered society a long time ago, so they know very clearly what they need.

In other words, fans think that twenty-year-olds are considered 'young', so being with a thirty-four-year-old means they are being 'trained'? My heart was filled with jealousy, so why did I react so strongly? If she was not an artist, but just an ordinary college student, she would at best be said to be someone who likes money. But she is an artist, so such a thing is absolutely not allowed to happen?

Sika couldn't give a real answer to Little Crystal's question. Maybe the age of twenty is considered an adult legally, but in the eyes of more people, it is still considered a 'minor'. In the eyes of ordinary people, twenty-eight years old, as they grow older and experience more, they understand what they need through social growth, so they find someone fourteen years older than themselves at this age. , does it fall within the normal range?

However, ordinary people forget one thing. They may enter the workplace after graduating from high school or college. It might be twenty years old, it might be twenty-three or four years old. The time to truly experience society is only four years, maybe seven or eight years?

Like Crystal, she started working at the age of 15, and the entertainment industry has as many complex issues as the workplace. Do they themselves not understand what their own needs are?

Sika was silent, but Little Crystal said: "She seems to be a different person recently. I don't know how to comfort her. Have you seen the photos she sent?"

In fact, the sisters from Girls' Generation all like Snowball, and she has been a trainee for as long as Sika, so these sisters have watched her grow up.

So when Little Crystal talked about her, Sika shook her head bitterly and said: "It's all on the entertainment news, can't I see it? Hey... I don't know what to say. There are some questions that I shouldn't ask. When she needs help, I will give her some comfort when she takes the initiative to contact me. But if I take the initiative to find her and say something, it would seem strange, do you understand?"

Little Crystal nodded and sighed, "Hey..." Now everyone in their team didn't know what to say except sighing. After the news came out, she didn't even take the initiative to contact her teammates to say anything, so now between them The time is gradually becoming estranged.

Sika said: "Don't sigh. I heard that F(x) is coming back?"

Little Crystal nodded and said: "Well, I heard from my manager that it is expected to be in July, and we are preparing songs for us now. It's just June, and I haven't received the whereabouts of our songs yet. I'm even worried about whether we will come back. ..”

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