My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 272 Los Angeles

The sun is shining brightly in Los Angeles. After coming out of the airport and looking up at the blue sky here, Zhang Ping'an's 'heart' was infected by its azure color and felt an inexplicable sense of comfort. When the weather is good, your mood will naturally be good. Zhang Ping'an stood at the airport exit pushing the luggage trolley, a little confused as to where to go. Standing next to him, Sika looked up at the sky and said, "Let's go, take a taxi. Have you exchanged the US dollars?" ?”

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Well, it's ten thousand US dollars." Because Zhang Pingan was going to stay in Los Angeles for a while this time, the US$10,000 he brought was about the same. Sika nodded and said, "Well, that's not enough. What's your home address?"

Zhang Pingan took out a note from his pocket with his house number written on it. Sika took the note and said, "Let's go. There are a lot of things to do today. You still have to tidy up your home and buy things. Do you know the phone number of the housekeeping company?"

"How do I know? Let me search." When Zhang Pingan was about to touch his phone, Sika stopped and said, "Why are you panicking? Let's talk about it when we get home first. Do you know how many people need to clean your house?"

Zhang Ping'an himself has never been to his home in Beverly Hills, and he doesn't know what the house on the hills looks like. How big is it? However, according to his father's personality, it would definitely not be too small to buy property overseas, so they have to wait until they see the actual situation before they can decide how many people are needed to clean it.

With Sika as the 'translator', the two quickly took a taxi and set off towards Beverly Hills, which is known as the place where the world's top celebrities gather... When Zhang Pingan arrived at the door of his home, he After taking the luggage out of the car, he gave me a hundred dollars for the taxi fare, and then he said in English: "Thank you, I will give you the rest as a tip."

Although there is a custom of tipping in the United States, it's not as free and easy as he is, right? The fare was less than fifty dollars, and he gave away the rest as soon as he made the move? Sika shook her head in shock, but didn't say much. Zhang Ping'an's home was surrounded by walls. The two of them stood in front of the huge iron gate. He took out the key, opened the small door and walked in.

After entering the iron gate, there is a spacious roadway. On both sides of the roadway are natural barriers of trees. However, because no one has taken care of it for a long time, the trees on both sides are very lush, and their branches extend to the roadside. Coming up the road, you can see the main body of the house along the extension of the driveway. The house is the main body of the modern architectural style. The exterior color of the building is white marble inlay, glass panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, and log inlay.

Zhang Ping'an was a little surprised when he saw this very modern house. I remember that the houses in Shanghai are all European-style buildings. Why do they look so luxurious? How come such a house has such a modern feel?

Judging from the vision they were following, the house had two floors, and the extension of the driveway meant that an underground garage was built, which meant that the entire house had three floors.

Walking from the driveway towards the room, you pass a small ground fountain, but the water in it is dry. Entering the main part of the room, he took out the key and opened the door. After Sika and Zhang Pingan entered the room, even Zhang Pingan couldn't help but marvel, because what he faced was a super spacious view, the entire house. It is constructed in a 'C' shape, and the main living area is arranged in a straight line.

This resulted in a shocking sense of extremely spacious vision. Before the two entered the room, they did not know that the real core part of the entire house was outside. The wall of the entire house facing down the mountain was made of panoramic glass. The broad field of vision was The most beautiful part of this room, even Sika couldn't help but marveled: "Wow... this home is so beautiful, isn't it? Let's visit it first."

Spacious living room, outdoor infinity pool, lawn, beach loungers, etc., everything is available. Luxury and modernity are the main styles of this house. Zhang Pingan used the remote control to open the panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows. The floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room opened the passage to the outdoors like the electric doors in a department store. The cool wind blew in front of him. Zhang Pingan Taking two deep breaths, he felt that even the air here was free.

This house is very modern in style, with a gym, bar, wine room, leisure room, private cinema, and gym. It can be said that it has everything. This house is no different from the luxury houses you see on the Internet. The biggest highlight is on the roof, a two-story building, but the living area of ​​the house is only on one floor. Upstairs is an open-air seating area, a small roof garden, a BBQ grill, etc. are all upstairs.

The short part of the 'C' shape is the room. The master bedroom and the second bedroom are separated. The master bedroom has a view of the mountain, a Japanese-style open-air bath, and sauna-like steam and steam. , of course, it is also equipped with an elevator directly to the garage, as well as a small living area and an incomparably spacious cloakroom and shoe cabinet room.

The house is built in a 'C' shape. The master bedroom occupies one part, and the other separate part is the guest room area. There are three bedrooms in the guest room area. The lighting in the guest room is very good, and it is also very warm, but it is smaller than The master bedroom definitely lacks a lot of equipment. There are only four bedrooms in the entire house, but it is enough. After all, there are only three people in his family, and no one comes to stay with him on weekdays.


After visiting the whole house, Sika returned to the living room. She lay lazily on the comfortable sofa and said with a smile: "Isn't this house too luxurious? It's the first time I saw such a beautiful house, and I don't want to go back. ”

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "When your brand makes money, we can build a house like this in the future. It would be good in Jeju Island or Okinawa.'s just that the weather is not as good as here. The weather in Los Angeles is so good. Sitting at home without turning on the air conditioner, the wind in front of you feels cold. No wonder Zhong Guo likes to come to Los Angeles. The weather here is so comfortable. Um, by the way, you can call the housekeeper to clean the house. I'm not that good at it. English."

Sika then took out her phone and started to check the housekeeping services in Los Angeles. She called six people to clean the house. The two of them were lying on the sofa at home waiting for housekeeping. They were enjoying the beautiful weather and quiet time without words. But at this moment, Zhang Pingan's cell phone rang. He picked up the phone and looked at it. He saw it was Pani, so he picked it up. He deliberately pressed the speakerphone and said to Pani on the other end of the phone, "Oh, dear."

Pani on the other end of the phone was confused when she heard Zhang Ping'an say "dear". She immediately shouted: "What? My dear, please don't scream."

After Zhang Pingan laughed, he said in suppressed English: "Hahaha, OK, where are you?"

"I'm at my home. Have you arrived in Los Angeles?"

"Well, I just arrived, and I'm waiting for the housekeeper to come and clean it. My house is very nice, do you want to come and play?"

Zhang Ping'an knew that Pani was leaving a day earlier than Taeyeon and the others, so she came over early with Shun Gyu. Soonkyu's relatives all live in Los Angeles, and Pani's own home is also in Los Angeles. One of them came home in advance to visit relatives, and the other went home to tidy up, because this time the program team may have to shoot footage of her home.

When Pani faced Zhang Pingan's invitation, she agreed: "Okay, send me the address. Let's have dinner together tonight? I'll buy some meat. Can you have a BBQ at your house?"

"Okay, buy me some mutton. By the way, I don't have anything at home, not even seasonings or charcoal fire, so you have to... forget it, come here first, and we'll go together later after the housekeeping has cleaned up. purchase."

"OK, send me the address."

After hanging up Pani's phone, Sika stared at him and said angrily: "You guys really don't want to leave, why are you getting together again after being apart for less than three days? It's really strange, this Pani If I don’t cling to my boyfriend, why do I get together with you every day?”

Zhang Pingan said deliberately: "Does Pani like me?"

"Yeah, can you stop being so narcissistic? Others may be bored and just use you to pass the time, and they like you? You are so funny."

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "I feel good that we can play together now. While we are still young and have strong physical strength, we can get together and have more fun. In the future, Pani will need to take care of his own family. The time to meet with us will gradually decrease, so don’t mind too much.”

Sika immediately retorted: "How can I mind? I never say anything when you meet, right?"

"I know our Sika is the best, come and give her a kiss~" Zhang Ping'an said and stretched out his hand to hug her. And Sika propped up her defensive hand and shouted: "Go away, go take a shower, the housekeeper will be here soon."

The two simply took a shower and then came to the living room. Just as Sika said, the housekeeping company who cleaned the house came quickly. A middle-aged woman who came over came to Sika and said that they could get a monthly subscription service, and they could come for cleaning twice a week. The time was arranged by themselves, and it cost 2,000 US dollars a month.

Zhang Pingan nodded and agreed. He said that he would stay here for almost a month, so he might as well book it for one month. After paying two thousand US dollars on the spot, the people from the housekeeping company began to clean Zhang Pingan's home. Even the swimming pool and the branches at the door were neatly arranged. While they were doing cleaning, Pani also came to Zhang Pingan's home.

After she came in, she briefly visited the house and said, "Wow, your home is so comfortable, isn't it? Does it have a guest room? I will stay here today."

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