My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 910 Marriage is a matter between two families, not a hot-headed matter

Chapter 919: Marriage is a matter of two families, not a matter of impulsiveness

When Zhang Pingan heard Li Zhien say that she had the idea of ​​getting married, he was really panicked. Of course, Zhang Pingan knew very well that in fact, whether it was a man or a woman, they would experience a sudden burst of the idea of ​​wanting to get married at a certain time period. Some people really got married because of this idea when they had a partner.

Li Zhien is 24 years old this year. If you use the logic of ordinary people to look at the age of '24 years old', it is just the age of just graduating from college and just entering the society. This age can only be said to be very young. However, according to the time when Li Zhien entered the society, she has been working for almost ten years.

After ten years of career in the entertainment industry, her thinking can be said to be completely mature. If Li Zhien goes back to her family and says, 'I met a good person and I plan to get married.' Her family will not think that Li Zhien's thinking is immature and strongly oppose it. Besides, there are still many college students who get married after graduation, so... Zhang Pingan is really a little panicked at this time.

However, Zhang Pingan looked at Li Zhien with a calm expression. He reached out his hand and gently held her face, kissed her lightly on the mouth, and then gently moved her emotionally and rationally, saying: "In fact, at a certain period of time, I also had a crazy idea of ​​getting married, but marriage is not that you have a crazy idea of ​​getting married and we can register for marriage immediately..." Zhang Pingan reached out and touched Li Zhien's hair. He was thinking frantically about how to respond in his brain, and at the same time, he continued to say in circles: "I have no idea of ​​escaping from "marriage". After all, according to the Korean calculation this year, I am already 30 years old. And there is an old Chinese saying "30 years old and established", which means that you should get married and start a career at the age of 30. So there is no problem on my side, but marriage is not just about the two of us. There are also you, me, and the family behind you!" Just as Zhang Pingan talked about the family behind him, Li Zhien thought about the term "marriage". After Zhang Pingan's family background was completely exposed, Liu Renna gave Li Zhien a lesson, which talked about the marriage between the rich. However, in South Korea, marriages between top families are very common. Not to mention South Korea, the problem of marriages exists all over the world.

And there are Korean artists who marry into top wealthy families. Gao Xianzhen is an example. She once married into the Samsung Group, but was kicked out of the house and left with nothing. And her husband finally married the daughter of another company. In a word: marriages are really common in the upper class.

So at this time, Li Zhien turned to look at Zhang Pingan and said, "Is your family planning to arrange a marriage for you? It's like you are in love, and you can do anything? You must obey your family's arrangements when you get married?"

Zhang Pingan laughed instantly: "Hahaha~~ I say, you have watched too many TV dramas, right? The matter of marriages only existed in my parents' era, and now it doesn't exist. Marriages are generally the combination of wealthy and high-ranking families. However, the laws here now clearly stipulate that family members of politicians are prohibited from doing business! Once discovered, the consequences will be very tragic. As for marriages between used to exist, but it doesn't exist now. Because today's technology products are It is difficult to merge, for example, can Samsung and LG marry? No! Can Shin Ramyun and Tumbler marry? No! "Zhang Pingan continued: "Companies cannot dominate alone. Only competition can promote better development, so your country does not allow Samsung and LG to marry. The more top companies, the less likely they are to marry. Now you have debuted for nearly ten years, and the circle of contacts is wide enough. Have you heard of any companies still marrying? "Li Zhien shook her head, saying that she really hadn't heard of any marriages between Korean companies in the past ten years. Seeing Li Zhien shaking her head, Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Oh, by the way, in the past ten years, you haven't heard of any marriage between companies, and it hasn't happened in our Huaxia. So, the marriage model is no longer popular now. Moreover, Huaxia has only one son in our generation. If your family has a company and wants to marry mine, does that mean your company will be integrated into mine? Since you don't want to merge your own company? Do I want to merge my family's company? I really don't know where you heard about it. Is there still "marriage" now? What era is it?" Li Zhien said: "Since there is no need for marriage, what do you think about family?" "Marriage should be discussed with family members. Ah, are you planning to marry me secretly without telling your family? Do you really think that the news says that Yui Aragaki and I got married secretly? What I mean is that you need to go back and discuss the issue of marriage with your family to see what they say? Then go and discuss with the company to see what your company says. "When Zhang Pingan said the word "company", Li Zhien immediately replied: "My company definitely doesn't want me to get married so early. I'm only 24 years old. If I were 30 like you, I would go to the company to talk about marriage, and it might be within their scope of discussion. Now the company absolutely does not allow it. You know the result without asking."

Zhang Ping'an was suppressing a smile in his heart, but he said without showing any joy: "The company will ignore it for now. Even if you don't become a singer anymore, the savings of the two of us can allow us to enjoy the rest of our lives." , then let’s ask about your family first, right?”

That's right, Zhang Pingan said "I won't be a singer" on purpose with a bit of exaggeration. He wanted to use this method to stimulate Li Zhien's mental line and make her mistakenly think that she must give up her career as a singer after getting married.

Zhang Ping'an's words were very effective, allowing Li Zhien to make a multiple-choice question between his career and marriage. In fact, Zhang Pingan knew very well that it was almost impossible for Li Zhien to put down his career at this time. So the only option is to wait for marriage. Li Zhien responded: "I like my current job very much. If I really have to give up my career as a singer completely, I would still be a little reluctant to give up at the moment."

Zhang Ping'an said deliberately and seriously: "Once the news of the marriage comes out, it will definitely have a huge impact on your career. I am even sure that the influence will surpass Shirley's relationship. At least within two to three years, you will not Any job. Hey, it’s too early to talk about this now. Go back and ask your family. If your family supports it, then it’s okay to give up your job. Then we’ll talk about having a baby. "

With that said, Zhang Pingan started to take action. Li Zhien was gagged. She still wanted to retort: ​​"I...I...don't want to have children now."


Zhang Ping'an was really lucky tonight. Fortunately, he found a way to use "work" to force Li Zhien to make a choice. Li Zhien obviously couldn't let go of his work at this time, so this disaster was temporarily over.

The next day's sunshine penetrated the curtains and entered Zhang Pingan's room. Zhang Pingan pinched the face of Li Zhien, who was sleeping soundly next to him: "Little lazy pig, it's time to get up. After a while, the staff will wake up. After we wash up Go down and have breakfast, then come back and pack your things.”

Li Zhien stretched his shoulders lazily in bed, making strange screams from his mouth. Zhang Pingan had already gotten out of bed and picked up Li Zhien's underwear and pajamas, and he went to the bathroom to wash up first.

While he was washing up, Li Zhien entered the bathroom staggeringly. Zhang Pingan pointed to the toothbrush in front of him with a smile: "I've done it for you, go ahead and wash up."

Li Zhien, who couldn't open his eyes, said, "I need to go to the bathroom first."

After a while, Li Zhien solved his problem and came to Zhang Pingan's side. He started to rinse his mouth, and the two stood in front of the hotel's sink. Zhang Ping'an rinsed his mouth and washed his face with water. He also said: "Do you want to change your flight today?"

Li Zhien bit his toothbrush and looked at Zhang Ping'an and said, "Why change the ticket?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Go to my house. I will take you to meet my family, lest you say that my family is planning a marriage."

Upon hearing this, Li Zhien quickly shook his head and said, "I'm not ready for this yet. Wait...wait for a while?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "To be honest, when I heard you say you wanted to get married yesterday, I seriously considered it. I thought it was very suitable, because getting married at this time will allow us to have children at a relatively young age, so that we can have a better relationship. Spend more energy with your children growing up.”

Listening to Zhang Ping'an's words, Li Zhien instantly gave him a look. Then he said: "Why do you keep talking about having a baby?"

Zhang Pingan said: "Didn't I think it was cute after watching the variety show "The Return of Superman"? So, how about we work hard?"

Li Zhien stared and said, "Do you really think our age is suitable for having children?"

"I think when we have children when we are young, we should be more relaxed."

Who knew that Zhang Ping'an's words would once again be met with a blank stare by Li Zhien. It was obvious that she had not thought about having a baby at this time.

Soon, the two of them washed up and went to the restaurant downstairs. While they were having breakfast, her team also came downstairs, knowing that Li Zhien did not rest in his room last night. But she completely pretended not to know anything and sat together eating breakfast.

Because they were going to visit South Korea soon, Hunter asked Zhang Ping'an: "PD Zhang, do you want to attend our concert in the next city next week?"

"It depends on the time, because I am preparing for a Chinese variety show here. I have been almost ready recently. If the filming does not start next week and I have nothing to do, I will come. We will call then!"

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