My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 922 Yui’s gentleness

Chapter 931 Yui’s gentleness

Yui took out a paper towel and wiped the sweat from Zhang Pingan's forehead while he was lighting a fire. It must be hotter to light a charcoal fire in summer. However, when Zhang Pingan turned to look at Yui, she smiled broadly, a smile that made people feel like bathing in the spring breeze. You must know that Yui Aragaki's smile has always been called a "super healing" smile.

However, at this moment, Yui's smile only bloomed for Zhang Pingan. Zhang Pingan followed her smile unconsciously and smiled softly. He slowly lowered his head and kissed Yui on the cheek: " Go take a shower and change your clothes. Let’s have a drink later.”

Yui put away the sweat-soaked tissue and nodded with a 'hmm'. Then she went downstairs to take a shower and change clothes, while Zhang Pingan continued to light a fire on the rooftop terrace. After the charcoal finally ignited the sparks, the surrounding temperature rose a lot. Zhang Pingan reached out and picked up the cold beer and took a few sips. Then he put some food that needed to be grilled on the grill first, such as his personal My favorite lamb chops.

In order to buy lamb chops, Zhang Pingan went to a large supermarket in the city in the afternoon. The small supermarkets around here only have common beef, pork, and chicken.

Zhang Ping'an's personal favorite 'barbeque' is mutton, paired with cumin, chili, pepper, and thirteen spices. This is absolutely perfect among perfections! After placing his own mutton chops, Zhang Ping'an added the beef prepared for Yui. The pork belly that has been marinated since the afternoon is put on at the end because the sauce is coated on the meat, and when it is grilled, the sauce will stick to the iron grid, and the iron grid will become mushy and sticky.

After a while, Yui put on her home loose shorts and shorts and went upstairs. After taking a shower, her hair was slightly damp. When she came to the oven, Zhang Pingan pointed to the seat with a smile: "Go and have a rest, your beef will be ready soon." Japanese people eat beef and like it 30%. At 50% doneness, they think the fat in the meat mixed with the gravy is the most tender.

Yui looked at Zhang Pingan using the oven easily, and she said with a smile: "When I usually use the oven by myself, why does it have to light a fire? The surface of the meat I roast is blackened. "Yui's oven is a common round outdoor oven, which is the most commonly used one for outdoor picnics.

"That's because you piled up too much charcoal. When you make a fire, you need to concentrate the charcoal fire. When it burns through, you can disperse it and let the temperature inside the oven rise. Then..." Zhang Ping'an took off the lid of the oven and used the temperature inside to simmer the meat. This is the correct way to use the oven.

Yui watched Zhang Ping'an cover the lid, and she asked doubtfully: "Why is it covered? Won't the meat inside be burned?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and pointed at the air outlet: "The air inside cannot be circulated, so it cannot burn. Sit down, it will be fine in a few minutes."

Yui nodded and walked towards the rest area with Zhang Ping'an.

After the two sat down, Zhang Pingan gave Yui a beer. The two sat under the night sky and chatted while waiting for the food. Yui took a sip of the cold beer and then said, "Let me just say, I use it on weekdays. The grill is always open when grilling. By the way, when we went to the hot spring hotel, you also lit the fire when grilling."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "That's grilling seafood. Seafood has shells, but meat has no shells."

"Hehe." Yui smiled brightly, then raised the beer glass in her hand and touched it with Zhang Pingan. She enjoyed this summer night very much, with him by her side, everything became so comfortable. Although the weather is a bit hot, Zhang Pingan is very comfortable here.

Yui had a gentle smile on her lips, her head resting on Zhang Pingan's shoulder, and the two of them just sat on the rooftop terrace looking at the moon in the sky. The silence around the neighborhood makes it all beautiful and romantic. After about three to five minutes, Zhang Pingan patted Yui's thigh: "The meat is ready."

Yui then raised her head and walked to the oven with Zhang Pingan. When she watched Zhang Pingan flipping the beef and lamb chops, the surface of the golden meat was very attractive. Yui couldn't help but swallow at this time, because she got off work at half past seven and got home after eight o'clock. She was hungry when she took a shower.

After taking out the beef, Zhang Ping'an cut it into a convenient size with scissors, then turned the mutton over, and then added some pork belly and the Chinese barbecue favorite, roasted eggplant with garlic paste.

Yui picked up a piece of beef, then stopped her hands in the air, looked at Zhang Ping'an who was busy in front of the fire and said, "Salt, or soy sauce?"

"Eat by yourself. I ate some fruit in the afternoon. I'll come over here after I've sorted it out."

Yui nodded, dipped it in salt, put the beef into her mouth, and then closed her eyes with satisfaction: "Barbecued meat is the best. Recently, I have slowly begun to accept sushi."

Yui, who grew up on an island, didn't find sushi to be particularly delicious after she came to Beijing. If she was asked to choose between a high-end sushi restaurant and a high-end barbecue restaurant, she would choose the barbecue without any hesitation. For things like Yusheng, she might have eaten too much when she was a child.

Listening to Yui starting to accept the sushi, Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Oh? After the TV series is completed, let's go find a high-end sushi restaurant to dine?"

"Yeah. How's your filming in China going?"

Zhang Pingan arranged the barbecue grill and came over to sit down. However, Zhang Pingan likes the mutton to be fully cooked, so he has to continue grilling it. After he sat down, he dipped a piece of beef in Korean rice paste and ate it, and then responded to Yui: "I just filmed two episodes, and I won't shoot the third episode until next week. There is a break in the middle, so I'll come over. How is the integration of your crew?"

Yui smiled and said: "We are all old staff in the industry, and we get along well with each other. The TV series will be released next month. Has the director contacted you for the ending song?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Well, the director contacted me. The reason why I came here this time is because of the ending song. By the way, for the ending song, how about you dance? A simple dance?"

After Zhang Ping'an learned that Yui Aragaki participated in the dance performance in the ending song, the Japanese media even called it the 'Gakki dance' and this simple and cute dance became a big trend in Japan. It was almost A kind of imitation by the whole people!

Yui, after listening to Zhang Pingan's suggestion, her eyes widened and said, "Me? Dancing, I don't know how to dance, and I'm really bad at it!"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "I asked a choreographer to make a very simple dance, which does not require any dance knowledge. Oh, I have already produced the songs, and I plan to let 'Hoshino Gen' sing, and he himself He’s a singer, right?”

"Well, he's a singer. Um, have you finished the song? Did you compose it?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Of course, I am a very powerful music producer in Korea. Girls' Generation Taeyeon's solo album was created by me, and I will play it for you."

As he spoke, Zhang Pingan took out his mobile phone and started playing the cheerful song "Love". The arrangement reflected the "cheerful" feeling in the song. There were no headphones, so Yui held her mobile phone to her ear and listened, but the lyrics and music matched the melody, making Yui keep swaying her head.

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "With such a cheerful style, the dance can be simpler. Xiaochun, do you know the dancer?"

The famous Japanese dancer 'Koharu' had collaborated with S.M, so Zhang Pingan asked S.M to help build a bridge and contact the dancer. The dancer is currently choreographing after getting a ‘demo’ of the song. Moreover, Zhang Pingan said on the phone that this song is the ending song, and he hopes that the dance movements will be simpler so that all participating actors can join in the ending performance.

When Zhang Pingan said "Xiaochun", Yui nodded and said: "I know, she is a very famous dancer, but I really can't dance."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "It's okay, just let Teacher Xiaochun give you some on-site guidance. Anyway, we have a month, so we can make it anyway. And it doesn't require you to be very proficient in this song. It's really not possible. We can just make it up through editing.”

Yui smiled and said: "Okay, I'll give it a try. By the way, how do we arrange the promotion of the TV series? We have one month left until it goes on the shelves."

Japanese actors who appear in TV series or movies will be responsible for promoting them on the show.

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Recently, my person in charge is helping to contact the program. Starting next week, you will be busy promoting while filming. Thank you for your hard work."

The person in charge of Zhang Pingan's Japanese side is an acquaintance who used to help manage the live broadcast platform. After Zhang Pingan left the platform, he asked him if he wanted to leave with him. He agreed to leave the live broadcast platform with Zhang Pingan. So Zhang Ping'an gave him the management of the distribution of entertainment companies in Japan.

Moreover, Zhang Pingan's entertainment company in Japan was registered a long time ago. It was for Mai Shiraishi's photo album, and he registered the entertainment company. If Zhang Pingan had not registered a company at that time, his personal tax would have been much higher, so in order to reasonably avoid taxes, he registered a Japanese entertainment company at that time. Later, when they signed a contract with the anchors in Japan, they were asked to join this registered entertainment company.

Later, although the anchor moved to the live broadcast platform, the entertainment company is still there. This time, the entertainment company is responsible for taking care of all matters related to investment in TV series here.

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Yui smiled softly: "I hope the ratings will achieve good results this time."

"Rather than the ratings, I want to see 'Gakki Dance' more. I am very good at using the Internet to recommend! When the time comes, I will help you promote 'Gakki Dance'?"

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