My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 280 Sika Incident (2)

Zhang Pingan fell silent after saying, 'I became the destroyer of their girlhood friendship.' Although Shiraishi Mai didn't know what happened specifically, Zhang Pingan's words were serious enough. She didn't know what to say to Zhang Ping'an to comfort him, so she could only sit quietly beside him and stay silent with him.

I don't know how long he was silent before Zhang Pingan said: "Everyone has a different standpoint, and they will have different views even on the same thing. Maybe I think it is right, but not everyone may think it is right. Hey..." After sighing, Zhang Pingan patted Shiraishi Mai on the shoulder and said, "Go to the room and rest."

Mai Shiraishi nodded and slowly got up from the beach chair. She stood next to Zhang Ping'an and said comfortingly: "An-chan, don't worry too much. Just explain some things clearly. You should put your Tell them your thoughts, maybe they will be able to understand your perspective?”

"I got it. Go ahead, go and rest first, I want to sit for a while." Zhang Pingan pushed Mai Shiraishi away. After seeing her enter the room, Zhang Pingan picked up the phone and called Sika.

Sika on the other end of the phone was still early in the morning due to the time difference. She didn't have a schedule like Taidi Xu. During this time, she was watching the final completion of the store at H.K. So she was still sleeping when Zhang Pingan called, and she answered the phone with a hazy sleepiness.

Sika's voice on the phone was extremely lazy: "Oppa, what's wrong? Are you back?"

Listening to Sika's gentle voice, Zhang Pingan's lips naturally raised a smile. After his relationship with Sika became stronger, Zhang Pingan's love for her deepened. So he smiled unconsciously after listening to Sika's voice: "I'll be back tomorrow, are you still sleeping?"

Hearing that Zhang Pingan would be back tomorrow, the corners of Sika's mouth also curved with happiness. She adjusted a comfortable angle on the bed and answered the phone: "Well, I'm still sleeping. I went to the store after lunch. I plan to It will open this month. The first batch of goods from South Korea was sent yesterday. I will probably receive it in two days. I will be ready to open it by then. I have also invited Korean fashion media to report on me. "

Zhang Ping'an said: "Well, our CEO Zheng is very capable of doing things. By the way, your company already knows about your store, right?"

Sika said: "Oh, the company knew about it. I have been showing up in the store during this period, and the paparazzi here published my news in their magazine. The company called me and asked me to go back. I haven't been there for the time being. I don't care about the company's arrangements. I plan to wait until this place opens before going back. Don't you and I both know the purpose of the company asking me to go back? So..."

Of course, Zhang Ping'an knew exactly what their company was like. He said to Sika: "Okay, you can wait here until the opening and then go back. Then I will go with you to see what your company thinks. By then, we can talk if we can reach an agreement, or if we can't reach an agreement, we can Let’s talk about it. By the way, I’ll go to Tokyo first. I have to decide on the layout of the photo with the publishing house, and then I’ll meet you at H.K.”

"Well, I'll wait for you at H.K."


After hanging up the phone with Sika, Zhang Pingan also returned to the room to rest. Early the next morning, Zhang Pingan and Mai Shiraishi both dragged their boxes and left this beautiful home in Los Angeles. While standing at the door waiting for the 'Uber', Mai Shiraishi looked back at this mansion with unforgettable memories and said: "Next time, I don't know when I will have the opportunity to come over."

Zhang Ping'an looked back at the closed iron door with a smile: "As long as you have time,

We can come anytime. Don't worry, this departure won't be forever, I can guarantee that. Let's go, the car is coming. "

As Zhang Ping'an said, the Uber he ordered also arrived at the door of his house, and he left the mansion together with Mai Shiraishi's suitcase...

At Tokyo Airport, Mai Shiraishi dressed in a very cute Japanese style when she went abroad, but when she returned home with her suitcase, her makeup and style all changed. The bag she is holding has become a luxury Chanel one, and even her cute 'morning glory' hairstyle has become a Korean-style long hair with side-parted bangs. The black hair color is in the hands of a Korean stylist. The inside had already turned into flaxen brown.

Wearing stiletto heels, a dress, and holding a luxury bag, the cute Mai Shiraishi's style suddenly became mature when she returned to her country. Zhang Pingan pushed two suitcases directly to the taxi station. Although Mai Shiraishi was dressed fashionably, she who followed Zhang Pingan was like a little woman who did not leave three steps away. Perhaps it was because she had returned to a familiar country, but Mai Shiraishi seemed very relaxed.

Watching Zhang Pingan walking towards the taxi stand, Shiraishi Mai asked: "An-chan, why don't we take the train back? It will cost tens of thousands of yen to take a taxi back."

In fact, the time required to take a taxi from the airport or take a tram to the city is almost the same, but the price is hugely different. Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Just take a taxi and be quiet. I didn't get a good rest on the plane. I plan to squint for a while on the way back."

Mai Shiraishi smiled and said: "Hehe, I see you have been busy writing something since you got on the plane. I have already slept, and I see you are still not asleep."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Didn't I tell you to try not to sleep after getting on the plane? You have to adjust to the jet lag as soon as possible when you come back. Otherwise, what if you doze off because of the jet lag while filming the show?"

"I won't be shooting until three days later. After three days, I should be able to adjust, right?" Mai Shiraishi said as she helped Zhang Ping'an load the luggage into the vehicle. The two took a taxi toward the city together. The district set off.

After getting in the car, Zhang Pingan took out his phone and called the photographer: "Oh, Mito photographer, hello, I have returned to Tokyo. Well, I received the sample, and that's what I'm telling you. Question... Well, come to my house in an hour. I’ll send you my home address and we’ll discuss the layout in detail when you arrive.”

After hanging up the phone from the photographer, Zhang Pingan turned to Mai Shiraishi and said, "Come with me. Go to my house first. Are you going home after we decide on the layout?"

"Yeah." Shiraishi Mai also wanted to see the finished product this time.

After Zhang Pingan finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and immediately booked a ticket to H.K. after booking. After booking, he said to Mai Shiraishi: "After I finish here, I will go to H.K. in the evening."

Mai Shiraishi knew that there were some problems between Zhang Pingan and Girls' Generation, so she did not ask Zhang Pingan to stay in Tokyo for a long time: "I understand, I will wait for you to come back."

Zhang Pingan returned to his home in Tokyo in almost an hour. His luggage was not pushed into the room to pack at all, but was placed directly in the living room because he would be carrying it to H.K. later. Mai Shiraishi came to Zhang Pingan's mansion in Tokyo for the first time. Although it was not as luxurious as Los Angeles, it was not something Mai Shiraishi dared to imagine at this time.

Zhang Pingan put away the cloth on the sofa: "Sit down, the photographer should hurry up..." Before he finished speaking, the doorbell phone rang. Zhang Pingan answered the phone. It was from the security office downstairs. , if there are visiting guests, the security downstairs will only let them in with the consent of Zhang Pingan.

Before the photographer went upstairs, Zhang Pingan took out an access card and handed it to Mai Shiraishi: "This is the access card for this home. This will be your home from now on. You can usually invite friends to play, but only for female."

Shiraishi Mai held the access card in her hands and looked up at Zhang Pingan and said, "But, Senior Jessica..."

Sika is Zhang Pingan's real girlfriend. If Sika comes to this house when she is in Tokyo and sees her living here, wouldn't Zhang Pingan himself be looking for trouble?

"Don't worry, she doesn't have the key to this house." As he finished speaking, his doorbell also rang. Zhang Pingan pointed to Shiraishi Mai's luggage and asked her to push it to the bedroom inside. After realizing this, Mai Shiraishi quickly took her luggage and walked towards the room. Zhang Pingan then slowly walked towards the door and opened it for them.

After opening the door, the photographer held three samples in his hand. Zhang Pingan took the samples first: "Please come in. Come in with your shoes on. There are no extra indoor slippers at home."

The photographer took off his shoes and came in wearing their socks: "It's okay, it's okay, you don't need slippers."

However, Zhang Pingan's home has not been cleaned for a long time. Zhang Pingan said apologetically: "No one has lived in the house for a long time and it is a bit dirty."

When the photographer came in, he saw Mai Shiraishi sitting in the living room. She stood up and bowed to the photographer. The photographer smiled lightly at Mai: "Mai, your model is out."

Zhang Pingan handed a copy to Mai casually, and then a group of them sat on the sofa in the living room and began to admire the photo samples.

The photographer said: "Because I don't know what to order for this photo shoot? So I haven't printed my name on the homepage yet."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "It's called "Innocent Adult". Mai's smile is very beautiful and pure, but there is also a 'Sexy' side of her in the photos. I think this name fits the theme of this shooting very well. What do you think? Woolen cloth?"

The photographer nodded and said: "Sir Qingchun, it's a very artistic name, not bad. Ping'an-san, after the finished film came out, the editor-in-chief of our publishing house saw it, and he thought it was very powerful. The Korean stylist and Maiyan are both The cooperation is very good. Our editor said that this is the best photo work he has seen in recent years. It is not only sexy, but also has a fashionable side! ”

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