My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 283 Sika Incident (5)

Zhang Pingan returned home and saw everyone from Girls' Generation gathered in the living room of his home. The looks they cast at him... made Zhang Pingan couldn't help but make a 'collection' action, because they were all gathered together in this way. My own home really ignites the hearts of Zhang Pingan’s fans. Zhang Ping'an's funny moves made Lin Yuner laugh immediately. As expected, Zhang Ping'an was the one she was interested in. They all like to make fun of things so much.

After seeing Zhang Pingan come back, Pani "hummed" at Zhang Pingan from a distance. She expressed her dissatisfaction in such a childish way. She truly regarded Zhang Ping'an as her close friend, although the contact time between the two was not long, only half a year. But in the past six months, she has met Zhang Pingan more times than her boyfriend. She feels that the two are her closest friends besides teammates.

But she didn't expect that she was not notified in advance about Zhang Ping'an's investment in Sika? Pani felt that if Zhang Pingan regarded her as a friend of such a big matter, he would definitely inform her in advance instead of letting her get the news from the company.

Pani's "hum" only got Zhang Ping'an's smile. He always faced them with a gentle smile. Even when they saw Zhang Ping'an break up with their own eyes last time, he smiled at them after coming out of the coffee shop. Because a smile can hide everything inside, but everyone knows that the smile after some things happen is so bitter.

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Looking at Girls' Generation sitting in my house, this picture is simply too beautiful, isn't it? Haha...Have you all eaten?"

Pani responded to Zhang Ping'an first: "I haven't eaten yet, so I'm just waiting for you to come back and treat us to a meal. Really, let a group of us like this wait for you hungry? Where is Sika?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "Oh, she put the luggage and will come up later. Since you haven't eaten... then why don't you go out to eat first?"

Yoona smiled brightly and said to Zhang Pingan: "Those of us who are idle at home must have eaten lunch. Maybe they are the only ones who haven't eaten, right? Just order takeout. It's troublesome to eat out."

Zhang Ping'an pushed the luggage, smiled and said, "Okay, you can order food. I'll just swipe the card in a moment. I'll put the luggage first."

Food delivery in South Korea has been very developed in 2014. Basically, everything can be delivered, whether it is burgers, fried chicken, pizza, or Chinese food. It can be said that basically all food on the market can be delivered. However, Huaxia’s current food delivery is not that powerful because the food delivery industry has just started in 2014.

Pani took her mobile phone and opened the takeout app. While they were picking food, they whispered: "What did Zhang Pingan want to say when he called us here? Isn't it an apology?"

"I don't know. Won't it be clearer when Sika comes up later?"

While they were ordering takeout, Zhang Pingan came out of the room.

In his hand he held documents in a brown paper bag. He came to the living room and sat next to Taeyeon, then put the documents on the table: "You all know about my investment in Sika's store, right? I didn't tell you at first because the story is a bit twisty. .”

Having said this, Zhang Ping'an smiled at Pani and said: "Remember that not long after we met, I told you about Sika. I asked you to inform Sika to come to me in person, do you remember? "

Pani nodded and said, "Well, that's the case, but does this have anything to do with the brand you invested in Sika?"

"Of course. Actually, this is what happened..." Zhang Ping'an simply told them about Quan's background: "After I knew that he was an empty shell, I told Sika this. Things. At that time, the relationship between Sika and I was still very awkward. I remember she even scolded me. I felt very wronged at the time. I thought I was reminding her with good intentions, but I didn’t expect that Sika would Just scolding her? I just thought I wouldn’t care about her, she can do whatever she wants..."

Zhang Pingan continued: "Later, Sika's brand started to raise funds everywhere under the promotion of someone Quan. It means that her brand has developed to the point where it needs to be expanded, but it did not expand due to limited funds. Suddenly one day Sika approached me for financing, and I thought that even if she didn't approach me, she could still get financing through other channels. After all, the Sika brand project is a good investment case..."

When Zhang Pingan said this, when Pani was about to say something, Zhang Pingan said quickly: "Listen to me. From the perspective of market investment, Sika has the name of Girls' Generation. This alone It’s worth investing. So even if she doesn’t look for me, she can look for someone else. At that time, I thought that if I didn’t invest, then Sika’s next step might be to borrow money from the bank. The loan would expand the brand, which would facilitate her in overseas markets. For financing. If my funds don't come in, it won't be so easy to talk to other investors. At that time, the conflict between Sika, you, and your company will be irreconcilable, and it is also the worst situation. At least I can get a little buffer in the middle, like I can sit down and talk to you about this issue at this time... This is the investment share contract signed between me and Sika, and my total personal investment is 10 billion won."

As he spoke, Zhang Pingan took the documents out of the brown paper bag and showed them the contract.

Now they have finally received Zhang Pingan's explanation. Moreover, Taeyeon listened carefully to Zhang Pingan's narration, and she also analyzed his words carefully. Indeed, if it weren't for Zhang Pingan's investment, other investors would definitely not be as easy to talk to as him. At that time, Sika will have to carry out brand promotion activities in accordance with the investment contract, and then it will really have a head-on conflict with the company and them.

Pani briefly looked at the 10 billion contract and said: "Then what are your plans now? Now that Sika's store has established its first flagship store in H.K., the company will definitely not allow Sika to bring girls with him. We are building this brand in the name of the times. What are your plans then?"

"Of course it's cooperation. Now I have 49% of the shares of the Sika brand, and I plan to divide this share..." As he spoke, Zhang Pingan once again pulled out a stack of brand plans from the brown paper bag: "This is The brand plan and the future development plan of the brand are all written in it. You can also invest in it. Now the brand has dedicated personnel to take care of it. In the future, it will mainly sell in the Asian and Chinese markets. I believe that with your participation, the future development of the brand will definitely be better. Better. Pani, don’t you also pay great attention to fashion? So does Xiuying. You can all invest in this brand. You can also design your own series, or you can invest in it and wait for dividends. What I mean is that we can all do it together. This is a great brand.”

Suddenly, Zhang Pingan actually pulled them together to do this brand plan, which made everyone in Girls' Generation a little confused. Because from what Zhang Ping'an said, it felt like this brand was a bit over the top. After all, the 'Chinese market' is too huge. With Zhang Ping'an's strong financial backing and his connections in China, it will be a little easier to develop the brand. If they were combined with Girls' Generation as a whole to promote the brand, it would be really exciting.

Pani said: "You invested 10 billion and occupied nearly 50 shares, which means the valuation of this brand is 20 billion won? So how much do we have to invest?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "It's up to you. You can invest as much as you want. Anyway, it will be divided according to the share ratio. And what I am holding now are original shares. Within two years, with your participation, I am confident Triple the total value of the brand directly. Of course, this still depends on your own wishes. I will talk to your company about cooperation tomorrow. I want to unite with your company, you, Girls' Generation, and me, The three parties worked together to build this brand.”

Pani smiled and said: "Then if I invest one billion won now, how many shares can I get?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "One billion, I count you five percent, how about it? I am really confident that the brand will be worth three times. At present, our CEO of China Region has begun to contact first-tier cities. Stores are open, and by next year at the latest all first-tier cities in China will have the brand. If the promotion is done well, there will definitely be no problem with the brand’s sales. After all, even if one million of China’s young people buy it, it will be enough to support a large-scale Enterprise."

Shun Kyu said at this time: "You'd better discuss it with the company first, and we can put all the investment matters later. Once you have discussed it with the company, it won't be too late for us to talk again. It's not that we doubt your words, We also believe that you will do a good job with the brand. It’s just that the company..."

After all, Shun Gyu has the identity of the 'president's niece', so she doesn't think it's very good to discuss cooperation here behind the company's back. If Zhang Pingan can settle their company, it won't be too late for them to invest in it when the time comes. First, let Zhang Ping'an pass the company's test.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded and said: "Okay, let's wait until I go to discuss with your company tomorrow. Anyway, I will say it here first. It is possible that your investment will be compressed after discussing with your company. Not sure. I'm thinking of dividing the shares with you first, and then negotiating with the company for the remaining shares. After all, you also know that your company is a joint-stock company, do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, but..." Shun Kyu smiled and said.

But what she said did not say everything. Of course, many words did not need to be so comprehensive. After all, everyone knew it in their hearts. Here, if they give in, others will earn more.

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