My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 642: Infinite Challenge Song Festival

Summer, especially the day before it rains, can be so depressing that it makes people feel uncomfortable all over. Waiting in line all day was already very annoying, and the sky was not beautiful at this time, so people around me were actually quite agitated.

They came here in a happy mood to watch the artists perform, but they were hit hard by the weather and had to come here early in the morning to wait in line to enter. You can imagine their depression.

No way, "Infinite Challenge" is not a paid concert. It cannot sell tickets to restrict seats, and the program team cannot limit the number of people arriving. Mainly because this time it was in a public place like this, a sports ground built by Incheon for free sports for citizens. The surrounding area of ​​the venue was fully open, and only the rear of the stage was blocked by a cordon. Because the backstage is the rest and preparation area for the performers.

The sky is oppressive, and there is still a queue that never ends. If Zhang Pingan was asked to queue up like this, he would rather not look at it. Because I am too tired, really too tired. It’s better to spend money to see this free concert. At least for concerts that pay for tickets, you can wait until half an hour before the concert starts to find your own area and wait to enter.

And here... in order to ensure that they can enter, everyone came early in the morning with full expectations and queued up in a long line. Zhang Ping'an finally understood why even though the songs in this 'Song Festival' were of such high quality, the program crew was still scolded bloody after the performance.

It should be, it really should be, summer is already irritating, and coupled with the weather and the endless queue, it becomes even more irritating.

If the program team is serious about holding a concert, it will last for about three hours, and the audience will feel like they are queuing up despite the scorching sun and the oppressive air. Just make the audience feel that the concert is worthwhile. But this time the concert only lasted for a few songs, and it only lasted about an hour.

In such weather, after queuing for a whole day, there is only a one-hour performance? And after it’s over, we might have to wait in traffic for two or three hours when we go back to Seoul!

It's even possible that among the people queuing up here, there are many fans who came from other places. I spent close to the price of a concert ticket, but didn’t get the feeling of the concert, and even tortured myself for a whole day because of the weather? Anyone would scold someone for such a thing, right?

Zhang Pingan looked at the long queue and walked straight towards the front of the queue. There was a security cordon temporarily in front of the concert stage, but when Zhang Pingan walked through the crowd and reached the perimeter of the cordon, he was stopped by the security personnel: "What are you doing? The show hasn't started yet, get in line." ”

Because the person in charge of security did not know Zhang Pingan, he was stopped. The fans who were waiting in line to enter the venue laughed: "Uncle Security, don't you know him? PD Zhang Pingan!"

When it sounded like it was the PD, the security guard was stunned for two seconds and then let him go: "PD? Uh... That's it. You can go in."

Zhang Ping'an said to the security guard: "Thank you, for your hard work."


As soon as we entered the scene, we saw that there were densely packed chairs. The stage was set up perfectly and even used a lot of LED displays. The stage is enough to say that this is a concert standard. Looking at the scale, Zhang Ping'an smiled and murmured: "MBC is really willing to spend a lot of money on "Infinite Challenge". An hour of singing, such a huge stage investment. Where will these equipment be used in the future?"

Just as Zhang Pingan's words fell, Jin Taihao, who had very popular platinum hair, stood not far behind him: "Where else can it be used? It must be placed on the music stage. "

Zhang Ping'an looked at Jin Taihao and walked towards him with a smile. He took the initiative to reach out and shake hands with Jin Taihao: "Hello, PD Jin, I won't disturb you when I come here today, right?"

Jin Taehao smiled and said, "No need to disturb you.

Just shoot as planned. Later, how about PD Zhang and I going to the general control? "

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Okay, I haven't thought about appearing on the scene anymore. I just came here today to enjoy your celebration party."

Jin Taehao said with a smile: "What do you mean by this? We didn't give you any performance fee for your appearance on our show this time. Let's go to their lounge area?"

"Well, I'm going to say hello to Brother Jae Suk and Brother Jin Young." Here, the only people who can make Zhang Pingan take the initiative to say hello are Yoo Jae Suk and Park Jin Young. Of course, friends Ha Dongxun and Ji Eun are Needless to say.

Whether it’s Yoo Jae Suk or Park Jin Young. Zhang Ping'an admires them all. Yoo Jae Suk's character is recognized, needless to say, and Park Jin Young is also very good. For such a large company, none of its artists have ever appeared in social news. YG, needless to say, a regular. S.M is also a frequent visitor to drunk driving and fights. Only they, JYP, attach great importance to the cultivation of human nature.

A boss not only pays attention to the benefits brought by artists, he also pays attention to the character of the artists, so he is a good boss. When Park Jae-bum caused social problems due to his online comments in the United States, JYP fired him without saying a word. Even though so many fans came to plead for mercy, Park Jin-young still decided to fire Park Jae-bum, who was very popular. This shows how much he attaches great importance to character.

The character of artists has a great impact on the agency, so Park Jin-young did this for the sake of his own company. After all, when an artist appears on the social page, the company's stock price is directly affected! Even if some people can make a lot of money, but have character problems, that is a time bomb for the company! Zhang Pingan took a "work permit" from Kim Tae-ho and put it on his chest. Many staff members who were preparing for the show also saw Zhang Pingan's arrival. The "Infinite Challenge" program group itself does not have so many people in the working group, and some of them have drawn people from other programs to help. And Zhang Pingan has cooperated a lot with MBC, so many staff members know Zhang Pingan. On the way from the stage to the backstage, many staff members greeted Zhang Pingan. And Zhang Pingan responded politely every time they greeted them. Zhang Pingan first came to the lounge of the group of Liu Zaishi and Park Jin-young, and entered their waiting room. Liu Zaishi and Park Jin-young had already changed their clothes. Liu Zaishi not only had to be a guest performer, but also had to be the host of the show, so he was wearing a suit at this time. It was really hard for him to wear a suit in such hot weather. After Zhang Pingan entered the room, Liu Zaishi and Park Jinying were surprised to see Zhang Pingan coming in. Especially when Liu Zaishi saw Zhang Pingan, he laughed. He stood up first, stretched out his hand from a distance, and walked towards Zhang Pingan: "Hey~ Pingan." Zhang Pingan first bowed politely to Liu Zaishi and the others and greeted: "Brother Zaishi, Brother Jinying." Then he shook Liu Zaishi's hand. Liu Zaishi held Zhang Pingan's hand with one hand and patted Zhang Pingan's shoulder with the other hand: "I heard that you were in Tokyo." "Just rushed back, just now." Zhang Pingan gestured to the brown paper bag in his hand: "I went to sign the contract. The contract was completed around 3 pm and I rushed back. I just wanted to see the stage of this "Song Festival". Liu Zaishi patted Zhang Pingan on the shoulder and said: "Thank you for your hard work. Sit down, sit down." Liu Zaishi invited Zhang Pingan to sit down, the three of them, including Park Jinying. The three of them sat in the lounge. Yoo Jae-seok handed a bottle of mineral water to Zhang Ping'an, then smiled and said, "I haven't thought that you are the one who supported me to join FNC this time."

Park Jin-young looked at Zhang Ping'an in surprise. This time, Yoo Jae-seok's joining FNC must have shocked countless people. As FNC's shares rose by the daily limit for three consecutive days, Yoo Jae-seok's joining directly doubled the company's market value by 50%, which is quite amazing. However, Park Jin-young, who was sitting next to him, didn't expect that Zhang Ping'an was behind Yoo Jae-seok's joining FNC?

But think about it, Zhang Ping'an has been getting closer to FNC recently. For example, the matter of Kim Seol-hyun was hyped by Zhang Ping'an behind the scenes. Park Jin-young is not only an artist, but also a representative of the company, so the hype of Zhang Ping'an and Kim Seol-hyun is something he can see through at a glance.

Park Jin-young was also surprised and said, "You invested in FNC?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded and said to Park Jin-young, "Didn't I tell you last time that I invested in FNC? You asked me why I didn't invest in JYP?"

"At that time, I just thought you had the intention to invest, but I didn't expect you to really invest. Jae-seok's joining has increased the market value of FNC a lot."

Park Jin-young was also very envious of Yoo Jae-seok joining FNC. In fact, he also talked about it, but their company's liquidity was not as abundant as FNC in terms of signing money. After all, Zhang Pingan went in with 20 billion in cash.

Zhang Pingan just smiled, and immediately changed the subject and said, "When I just came in, the weather outside was like it was going to rain, it was very hot and stuffy."

Yoo Jae-seok responded, "The report said it was going to rain, but when will it fall? However, our program team has also prepared raincoats for the audience."

Zhang Pingan reminded, "Brother Jae-seok, your program team may have to be prepared to be scolded this time."

"Ah..." Yoo Jae-seok sighed, "After seeing the team that came to the scene today, Kim Tae-ho and I are ready to be scolded."

Because there were so many people coming, although the program team gave hamburgers and Coke to the audience who came to line up to take seats at noon. But these two things alone cannot offset the hard work of people queuing for a day, and the performance of the program is time-limited... So, Kim Tae-ho is mentally prepared.

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