My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 748 Women’s Nature: Jealousy

Can you really do whatever you want if you have money? Of course not, after all, society still has laws. It’s just that using ‘money’ can make many difficult things simple. As for the cost of the program being too high, what should we do? Of course, it’s all about raising money. I’ll air the program of Lee Hyori and his wife during prime time. Just for this sign, there’s no problem in doubling the advertising cost from usual times, right? If the ratings perform well, I will double it next month!

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, they all felt that he always had some very novel ideas when imagining and planning programs, whether it was the leisurely style of "Three Meals at a Time", or "Masked" and "Watching the Voice" Music programs that have gained attention through pure strength have demonstrated his unique style in creating programs. Generally speaking, Zhang Ping'an's production is in line with current people's aesthetic tastes.

Zhang Ping'an and Taidi Xu were very satisfied with the nourishing ginseng chicken soup. After all, eating a bowl of food to warm the body after cooling down at night is the most comfortable thing. When they came out of the store, the four of them put on their down jackets and walked slowly towards the parking lot. At this moment, Zhang Ping'an remembered something, turned to look at Xu Xian and said, "Didn't you go to Shanghai to film a movie? Why are you back?"

Xu Xian said with a smile: "I had two days of vacation, and I didn't know what to do in the hotel there, so I came back to rest for two days, and I didn't have a lot of roles in that movie. But thank you anyway. Oppa’s introduction was a very good overseas shooting experience for me.”

Zhang Ping'an nodded with a smile and said, "Accumulate more shooting experience, which will be good for you to become an actor in the future."

Pani immediately retorted: "Yeah, did Xiaoxian say that she was going to be an actress? Did you arrange it like this? She is a member of our Taidi Xu."

Zhang Ping'an completely ignored Pani's provocation and instead said to Xiaoxian: "Xiaoxian, you already have a lot of experience in stage plays. I think the development of stage plays will be very good in the future. As for singing... after making music After the show, I discovered that there are so many people who can sing.”

This is true. There are too many people who can sing in the Korean music industry. Although Seohyun holds the title of Girls' Generation, Zhang Pingan thinks it is impossible for her to surpass Taeyeon in singing. So I can only develop in the direction of acting or stage plays. After all, he can't take good care of the entire girlhood, right?

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Xu Xian also nodded and said: "Yes, there are too many people who are good at singing, and we have sister Taeyeon in our team."

Zhang Ping'an nodded: "If you encounter anything you are not used to while filming in China, remember to communicate with the translator. Our company will make adjustments for you in time."

Xu Xian said: "oppa, the company has been very good to me. There is nothing I am not used to, and the Chinese food is also very delicious. Thank you oppa!"

"It's okay, let's go back."

When a group of people were about to get on the car, Pani looked at Xu Xian hesitantly. She was wondering if she wanted to be Xu Xian's car? In this way, the time for the two of them can be given to Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon. Finally, Taeyeon has recently entered a rest period, so it would be good for the two of them to get tired of it. At least she's a good 'friend', right?

But considering that Xu Xian's home is quite far away from their dormitory, it doesn't seem appropriate to ask her to go around to see him off. Especially in front of Xu Xian, Taeyeon and Zhang Pingan were asked to leave together... Just when she hesitated, Taeyeon glanced at Pani, and then sat directly in the back seat. Taeyeon saw that she hadn't gotten into the car. She thought Pani wanted to be the co-pilot. Taeyeon felt that it didn't matter where she sat... so she sat in the back.

Seeing Taeyeon get in the car first, Pani came back to her senses. Then she smiled and sat in the car, sitting in the passenger seat, and then said to the 'driver' Zhang Ping'an: "Send me back first. I know you guys must have something to talk about today. Otherwise, Taeyeon will get out of the car and ask me when she arrives. What if there are reporters squatting at the door of our dormitory? "

Before reporters had gossip,

Who would squat on you at the door of your dormitory? Although Zhang Ping'an didn't believe there would be any reporters recently, Pani's words were correct. After all, his car had a double-door door. In order for the people sitting in the back to get out of the car, the co-pilot had to come out and give up his seat.


Along the way, looking at the cold streets of Seoul at night, most of the pedestrians were wrapped tightly in their clothes. Zhang Pingan muttered: "Winter is really coming..."

Summer has just passed, and winter is coming quietly, everything is so fast. Zhang Ping'an hasn't gone to a water park yet this summer! It was obviously a good opportunity to show off my belly, but instead I took a dip in the sea of ​​Maldives.

Pani looked out the car window and said: "Didn't you say you would go to Hokkaido for the New Year? I remember one year, our New Year's Eve was invited to Hokkaido. However, we were too busy at that time and did not enjoy the beauty of Hokkaido at all. This year You have to enjoy the hot springs in the snow.”

"Okay, let's go to Hokkaido. At least I don't have any problem with language communication. I originally wanted to go to Switzerland. There are hot springs and ski resorts there anyway, but my English is terrible."

Suddenly Zhang Ping'an added Switzerland, a country famous for its "winter" in the world, which made Pani's eyes open all of a sudden. She smiled and said: "My English is very good, but I have never been to Northern Europe. I heard that it is beautiful all year round!"

Zhang Ping'an said: "I haven't been there either. How could I know? In winter, the place I go to most is Hokkaido. Think about it, Switzerland or Hokkaido. In fact, I also want to go to Northern Europe. Not long ago I went I was talking to Luo Yingshi about the Aurora in Iceland, but who knew he was planning to go to Iceland for the second season of "Youth Over Flowers"? This is simply plagiarizing my idea, he said he was going to explore the way for me."

Northern Europe has the beauty of Northern Europe, and Hokkaido also has the proximity and convenience of Hokkaido. Zhang Ping'an himself couldn't tell exactly how to choose. Anyway, it didn't matter where he went, what mattered was who he was with.

Pani said at this time: "It is said that Hokkaido is suitable for couples to go? When you were studying, you never went to Hokkaido with your campus lovers to have fun or something?"

Zhang Ping'an was too lazy to pay attention to Pani's words, and he immediately changed the topic and said: "Recently, the ratings of writer Lee Yoo-jung's "Reply" are quite high, especially Park Bo-gum, I have watched him appear on several hot searches. "

Pani said in surprise: "You all know about Sword Xi?"

Because his clean and refreshing appearance appeared in "Reply", he instantly attracted many women, and even people in the industry in Korea became fans of Park Bo Gum.

Zhang Pingan raised his eyebrows and said: "I know it's weird? I knew him before he appeared in the TV series, and he hosted the show with Bae Zhuhyun."

Pani smiled and said: "Little Pei~ Irene is pretty, isn't she?"

"Of course she is beautiful. Why, do you think I dare not admit it to my face? Really, you are too boring..."

Zhang Pingan and Pani chatted a lot along the way. Maybe it was because they were sitting in the passenger seat, or maybe it was because the two of them liked chatting. Maybe Taeyeon was trying to be modest? In short, Taeyeon talked very little along the way, while Pani talked a lot.

The car arrived downstairs in their dormitory. Pani looked up at the place where she lived. She unbuckled her seat belt: "Hey... I have been alone when I returned to the dormitory lately. Shungui's house has also been picked up. I’ve been busy checking in every day lately, and maybe Sunkyu will move there before the New Year. Then it will be just me and Taeyeon.”

Zhang Ping'an said dumbfounded: "Why, you still want to move in with me?"

"Are you having a sweet dream? Move in with you, ask your Taeyeon to move in with you, let's go..." As Pani got off the car, Taeyeon did not choose to stay downstairs in their dormitory. Change your position to sit in front. Maybe you are really afraid of being discovered by reporters or fans at the door?

Pani left, and the car fell silent for a while. Zhang Pingan turned to look at Taeyeon: "Aren't you going to change into it?"

Taeyeon responded with a smile: "I'll change it later."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and started the vehicle, driving towards his home. Only then did Taeyeon say, "I think you and Pani can get along quite well."

Zhang Ping'an listened to Taeyeon's somewhat dissatisfied words, and he smiled at Taeyeon in the rearview mirror: "What? Are you jealous? Haven't she and I always been like this? Over time, maybe chatting has become When we were together, she always wanted to cause trouble for me, but you always gave me the greatest comfort and stability in silence. "

Zhang Ping'an's last words made Taeyeon calm down a little. The car came to the main road at this time, and she said: "Stop for a moment, I will get on."

Zhang Pingan stepped aside and Taeyeon moved to the front. Zhang Pingan personally buckled Taeyeon's seat belt. At the same time, he reached out and patted Taeyeon's thigh: "Are you angry?"

"No, I just saw you and Pani chatting lively from the front."

Is this called ‘nothing’? With these words, Zhang Ping'an also knew that Taeyeon finally had some dissatisfaction in her heart. Could it be because of those special days? I have never seen Taeyeon jealous of him and Pani before, because they have always been like that between them.

"I will keep chatting with you until you get angry and say to me, 'Zhang Pingan, can you stop talking so much?'" The last sentence was said by Zhang Pingan imitating Taeyeon's tone.

Such a simple sentence made Taeyeon laugh nervously: "Puch~~ You also know that you talk too much?"

Zhang Ping'an slowed down the car and drove the car with one hand. With his free hand, he held Taeyeon's hand and interlocked it with his fingers: "I think I am very suitable to be a program host. Just like Liu Jae-seok, he can do it for a whole day." If you talk, you will never survive.”

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