My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 752: Fight

The first news that Zhang Ping'an opened his own personal account on 'ins' caused a lot of heated discussion. Because there are countless rich-hating people in South Korea who say that he shows off his wealth nakedly on the Internet, but the problem is that Zhang Pingan has "one trillion won" in capital through starting his own business. This is an indisputable fact. Moreover, the revenue of the programs he produces in South Korea is basically around 10 billion won per season.

Everyone knows that Zhang Pingan is rich. Let’s not talk about his status as a second-generation rich man. Just look at his achievements. Isn’t it right for him to make money? But many people have an inexplicable hatred towards rich people. Anyway, the abnormal psychology of this group of people is that no one can live a better life than me. As long as they are better than me, they are guilty.

‘If you had 100 billion, how would you spend it? ’ When this news spread on the Internet, the chat software on Zhang Pingan’s mobile phone kept ringing. Ha Dongxun, Kim Jong Kook, and even Liu Jae Suk all sent text messages, feeling that Zhang Pingan should not arouse public anger on the Internet.

Zhang Ping'an saw a lot of messages that cared about him, and at the same time he sent a message to refute those who hate the rich: "Every penny I earned in South Korea was paid to the Korean tax bureau on time, so every penny I earned was paid to the Korean tax bureau on time. You can feel at ease with your money. So I don’t know what you guys dislike about me, so why don’t you just make more money on your own merits? Have the ability? But don’t have the capital? It doesn’t matter. All major banks have business loans. If you are confident of making money, then go get a loan. The people I know who have the ability are busy making money. There are only a group of people who have no ability. To get pleasure from criticizing others? My question is actually very simple. I just want to know: Is it because poverty limits our thinking? "

After Zhang Pingan's news came out, it received a lot of "likes" from people. Because what he said is true. Many ordinary people are surrounded by people who are confident in making money, and they are busy working hard to make money on weekdays. How can they have so much time to talk about things that don't exist?

And the last sentence makes people reflect.

Moreover, some wealthy people below Zhang Pingan also left messages: "As for showing off your wealth, you must have corresponding wealth before you have the capital to show off. How should you spend 100 billion? Zhang Pingan raised this question , maybe it’s asking us to find the meaning of ‘money’? If a person with mismatched wealth asks the question, ‘How to spend one hundred billion? Satisfaction in fantasy, but even if it is fantasy, what we can think of is..."

There is also a message: "One hundred billion, in fact, many people have such wealth. But if you really ask them how to spend it, you may not be able to find anything meaningful. What the public thinks of is nothing more than: eating, drinking and having fun. Buy one Buy a luxury house, buy a few sports cars, wear LV, and find a few girlfriends... So what limits our imagination? Is it really because of poverty or laziness? "

"Why do you have to find a few girlfriends when you have money?"

This time, Zhang Ping'an's question on the Internet quickly spread back to China.

"If you had 100 million U.S. dollars, how would you spend it?" When this question came to China, there weren't many anti-rich comments. Instead, it became a discussion on the Internet. However, the answer of most people on the Internet is: eat, drink, have fun, and wait to die!

When they have no money, adults always think about how to make more money, but those who are truly rich begin to look for the meaning of 'money'. Perhaps Zhang Ping'an's question was looking for the meaning he was looking for, right? Of course, these are just conjectures of Chinese netizens.

This may be the ‘Hamlet in the hearts of thousands of people’. In fact, Zhang Pingan just posted this question on the Internet out of boredom. As for the meaning of searching for 'money', he has not yet reached such a high level. On the contrary, Chinese netizens over-interpreted Zhang Pingan's question.

Things are just so weird sometimes. Obviously the person involved didn't have that much thought, but in the eyes of others, various strange interpretation phenomena appeared.

Just like the sentence "Ya Zhudie", the real different from when you look at this sentence with a bad smile.

Regardless of whether netizens are over-interpreting Zhang Pingan's remarks, the heated discussion in South Korea is still continuing at this time. Today, whether people in the workplace or idols on standby, everyone is talking about Zhang Ping'an's question, "How should we spend 100 billion?" ’

Even the live entertainment news program "The Entertainer Agency", which was broadcast live in the evening, discussed this issue. A seemingly random question asked by Zhang Pingan to show off his wealth, but it aroused the public's thinking? Yes, everyone wants to know: Is it poverty that limits our thinking, or do we ourselves limit our imagination?


At night, Pani also came over after the meeting at Zhang Ping'an's house. The three of them were eating barbecue, Korean beef, and pork belly at home, which Pani brought from the supermarket.

Pani was drinking red wine, Zhang Pingan was drinking beer, and Taeyeon was holding a glass of soda and participating in the dinner chat.

After shaking the red wine glass, Pani took a sip and nodded with satisfaction. Then she said, "Why did you suddenly want to raise this question? Didn't you get yourself into trouble? If you hadn't published it next A piece of news that seems to be an explanation, but this time things will extend indefinitely. There will definitely be countless voices criticizing you."

South Korea's Internet trolls are originally a group of unemployed people. If Zhang Pingan's "retaliation" had not aroused social discussion, they would not give up the opportunity to have a verbal war with celebrities like Zhang Pingan on the Internet. Anyway, they want to use their ignorance to trample you to death on the Internet, or even make you as ignorant as them, and they will win...

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Do you think I care about those voices? Maybe if I yell and curse with them on the Internet, I will feel a lot more comfortable. What I like most is to kill what they say on the Internet. The best way to counteract the feeling of superiority is... I post pictures every day and let them scold me every day. I post pictures of famous cars, famous watches, and beautiful women all around me, and I make them mad."

Pani, who was holding the red wine glass, rolled his eyes in frustration: "Tch~~ You still have pictures surrounded by beautiful women? I'm afraid no beautiful women will dare to take a photo with you by then, right?"

Zhang Ping'an took a sip of beer and said, "Then I will show off my 'beautiful ham legs' every day!"

Taeyeon looked down at her legs exposed in shorts in confusion, and then asked: "What are ham legs?"

Zhang Ping'an went to the refrigerator and found a ham sausage, then peeled it open and placed it on the sofa. He found a good angle and clicked a photo, then handed the photo to Taeyeon and Pani. These methods were actually They were all jokes that would be spoiled in the future, but Zhang Pingan brought them out at this time, which opened the eyes of Taeyeon and Pani.

The two saw that the smooth surface of the ham sausage and the angle of the camera really looked like a pair of straight legs. The two couldn't help bursting into laughter when they saw the photo: "Pfft~~Hahaha~~! He is indeed a genius PD like Luo Yingshi, hahaha~~! I'm laughing so hard, send it to me quickly, I Show it to the sisters."

"Take it and take a picture yourself." Zhang Ping'an said and gave Pani the ham sausage that had been broken into two pieces on the table.

Perhaps it was because they were really new, so Pani and Taeyeon stopped eating, and both of them started to try ‘ham sausage shooting’. And Zhang Ping'an gave them another trick. He turned on his computer and randomly searched for a picture of a beach with the sun shining brightly on the Internet. Then he placed the ham sausage in front of the photo of the beach. There was a vivid photo of 'beach ham sausage'. Freshly baked.

The two burst into laughter when they saw the 'beautiful legs' in the photo, shouting that it was fun. When the two of them were filming with ham sausages, Zhang Pingan secretly recorded the scene from behind.

After a while, the novelty wore off. Taeyeon posted a beach photo on her Instagram: "A rare holiday, enjoying the rare beautiful sunshine."

Pani also uploaded a photo: "On a rare holiday, the sunset in Los Angeles accompanies me." After Pani's photo came out, netizens tweeted, "? 'How about I just met you tonight? Now you said you were in Los Angeles? Are you kidding me?

Zhang Ping'an also sent a photo: "People from a big city like Seoul are really good at playing. Can a piece of ham sausage be turned into a beautiful leg? And the beach in Los Angeles?"

The ‘INS’ photos of Zhang Pingan, Pani, and Taeyeon instantly made countless netizens burst into laughter. Zhang Pingan had previously shot funny videos with Taeyeon and Pani, but now he even started posting funny photos on his own Instagram? Are you planning to make a comeback?

Many netizens began to imitate the "beautiful legs with ham sausage": "Look at the long and white legs, I really can't put it down." The last secret was revealed to be 'fish sausage'.

After the three people took the lead in making fun on 'ins', creative netizens started to use their imaginations and arranged all kinds of 'stocking legs'.

Anyway, it was all played on the Internet, so Zhang Pingan asked Taeyeon to do a manicure on his two nails, and he immediately imitated a series of "girlfriend feeding with her own hands" photos: "Taeyeon feeds mine with her own hands, okay eat."

Immediately, Taeyeon posted a photo of Zhang Ping'an taking a selfie: "Are you sure you want to talk nonsense? Yes, I taught you a trick to pretend to have a girlfriend."

Then Zhang Pingan and Pani each uploaded a photo of each other holding each other's waist: "The hands are the highlight."

Taeyeon immediately posted a photo of the two of them holding their waists from behind: "Yes, the hands are the highlight!"

Netizens compared it and found that in the photo uploaded earlier, the hands holding Zhang Pingan's waist only had two fingers with manicures. Aren’t they the same nails he used when he was pretending to be ‘Taeyeon feeding’?

Zhang Pingan, Pani, and Taeyeon kept uploading all kinds of funny photos on their 'ins'. When netizens saw these ridiculous photos, they shouted: "You three, don't be monsters." Oh, hahaha~! My stomach hurts from laughing~~!”

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