My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 795 New Year's Eve Dinner

The vast majority of children born in any country in the world are from ordinary families, and not everyone has the possibility of becoming a rich second generation. And the children of ordinary families want to accumulate original capital... Either you belong to the top "1%" top students, or you are the "European Emperor" and you can win tens of millions if you buy a lottery ticket casually, or you can make a fortune in stocks How many times, Destiny Darling.. If you are neither? You belong to the down-to-earth.. Then congratulations, the accumulation process of original capital is a very long way.

In this long accumulation of primitive capital, there will always be some people who can find some 'shortcuts' or 'tricks' that can be bypassed. That is the rational use of their own resources! There is nothing faster than this way of accumulating original capital. Well, there are still faster ways than this, but those are all written in the book "Criminal Law".

Utilizing one's own resources is the safest and fastest method of primitive capital accumulation without touching the law. And this method has continued from ancient times to the present.. It may be said to be wicked by the people around it, and it may eventually become heartless in the eyes of others, but ordinary people want to fill up their personal accounts quickly, there is no better way than this The way is more effective! !

Moreover, Zhang Ping'an also changed his status quo because of people who "use their own resources reasonably" around him. Whether it's Jin Xuexuan who was once dismissed by fans as her teammate was busy running the schedule, but she was busy eating barbecue. Yuko Araki, who was almost out of breath because of the pressure of life brought about by the high consumption level in Tokyo, they all accumulated their original capital through the method of "self-resources"!

As the leader of an investment company, Zhang's mother has seen too many things like this. She will not laugh at those who use various methods to rise to power. People do not want to destroy the world for themselves. Those who make reasonable use of the rules are nothing strange in this era. Everyone in the world wants to live a better life for themselves. After all, the most ambitious people in the world are the ones she sees most in her investment company.

Listening to his mother's words, Zhang Pingan said with a wry smile, "Are we talking too far?"

Mother Zhang said with a smile: "Is such a topic really far away? Why do I think it is not far away? At least there must be a lot of such things happening around you. Especially after you reveal your wealth, all kinds of people will surround you Come here. They'll do anything they can to 'get money' from you."

Zhang Pingan smiled wryly and said, "What money do you want from me? I really have no money." Of course, Zhang's father and Zhang mother knew that the "no money" he expressed meant that he immediately switched to a technology company after selling the platform, and he What I hold in my hands at this moment are some reserved working capital, which are used for daily consumption and some emergency work!

Zhang's father said with a smile: "If you say there is no, then there is no? Those who come to you to ask for investment in various ways, are there not?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Not yet, maybe because I'm not in China? I went to South Korea immediately after I sold the live broadcast platform. Many people think that I have increased the investment in South Korea's entertainment industry." ?So if you want to talk to me about project financing, either you can’t find my personal phone number, or you think I might not focus on Huaxia?”

Father Zhang said: "I think it's more likely that you can't be found? I'm a real estate developer, and many young people come to me with proposals to invest in high-tech."

Zhang Pingan looked at his father and said, "You voted?"

Zhang's father said: "What should I invest in? I only invest in industries I am familiar with. The location will not deceive people. So when facing those who come to me to brag about their high-tech industries, I suggest them Go find my wife!"

Zhang Ping'an knew very well that super-large investment companies like his mother had their own investigation departments, and those who approached his father probably wanted to cheat money, right? So he asked them to go to the CEO of P.A Investment: Zhang Yue. Hearing the name, he knew it was hopeless! An industry that can be favored by large-scale investment,

All will go through rigorous investigation, but can the liar industry stand up to the investigation?


In the afternoon, Zhang Ping'an chatted and drank tea with his parents, and talked a lot about work. Of course, Zhang Pingan has learned a lot from the content of chatting with them, and there is nothing more valuable than business.

For dinner, Zhang Ping'an's family ate together with Aunt Li who was in charge of making the reunion dinner. A family with a small population is not as lively as other families, but it is also full of warmth and warmth.

At the reunion dinner, Zhang Ping'an and Zhang's father clinked two glasses, and then ate the hairy crabs that were fished out during the Spring Festival. After removing the crab shell to reveal the full crab roe, Zhang Ping took out his mobile phone and took a photo to Taeyeon, and Pani sent it. Because the two of them tasted delicious hairy crabs during the Spring Festival last year.

After a while, Taeyeon replied with a picture of "Sooyoung's surprise" and then she sent a text: "Is it intentional? You know that Pani and I can only eat what we cook in the dormitory."

During the Spring Festival, restaurants in Seoul also closed their doors on a large scale. In the dormitory, there were only the two of them during the Spring Festival, especially the two who couldn't cook. Facing Zhang Pingan's food picture, I felt so angry. Not to be outdone, Pani replied with a photo of Korean beef in the dormitory..

Well, the two who don't know how to cook, and there is no takeaway to make today's New Year's Eve dinner richer, so barbecue is the easiest choice for the two of them.

Pani felt that the marble pattern of Korean beef was still a little bit restored, and then Zhang Pingan returned a table of sumptuous dishes without saying a word. The Chinese New Year's Eve dinner is rich, even if the family is small, the richness of the young meal is not low, because it needs to reflect the meaning of having more than every year!

After a few seconds, Pani replied: "Taeyeon asked me to tell you that you are dead."

While eating, Zhang Pingan was holding his mobile phone and sending messages to the two people who were far away in South Korea, because compared to Li Zhien, who was reunited with his family, the two of them were lonely. As for Yui Aragaki in Tokyo, they don't have the concept of Spring Festival, so they don't feel lonely. And for Tokyo, the Spring Festival is the most profitable time for them. Both China and South Korea have the Spring Festival holiday, and people from both countries like to go to Japan for vacation.

Although there is no concept of Spring Festival in Japan, she still remembers sending Zhang Pingan a message of "Happy Chinese New Year".

Then Zhang Pingan took a selfie of eating with his family and sent it to Li Zhien: "Happy Chinese New Year!" Why did you send the selfie? It means that I really got together with my family for the Spring Festival, and no other people participated.

After a while, Li Zhien also sent a photo of her dining with her family, and then said: "Oppa, your mother is so beautiful."

Zhang Pingan replied to Li Zhien: "Well, my appearance follows my mother. Your brother hasn't come back yet?"

Li Zhien's younger brother has gone to the United States to study, and the school there does not have the concept of the Spring Festival, so Li Zhien replied: "No, he has studies. When he graduates next year, our family will go to the United States to attend his graduation ceremony."

"Well. Give your family a greeting for me, and wish them a happy Chinese New Year."

"Okay, are you coming back tomorrow?"

"Well, the plane arrives in Seoul early tomorrow morning, and Incheon Airport will definitely be crowded." Because there must be a lot of tourists from Huaxia who are going to Korea for consumption.

"Hee hee, do you want me to call someone to pick you up?"

"No, I'm smart this time. I parked the car in the parking lot. See you tomorrow."

"great, see you tomorrow."

Those who should send greetings and blessings on the mobile phone have all sent it.

Putting down the phone, Zhang Pingan began to eat seriously. Mother Zhang said with a smile: "Eat with your mobile phone, you are really..."

Zhang Pingan responded with a smile: "Aren't all young people like this? There are always some relationships that need to be maintained during holidays."

Maintain relationship? Don't tell the truth, when Zhang Pingan was holding the mobile phone to send the message, there was a smile on his mouth. It was obvious that he was sending the message with some women around him.

After the meal, Zhang Pingan sat in front of the TV with his parents and watched the boring "Spring Festival Evening" program. Perhaps the program has become a tradition. Zhang's mother watched the broadcast, and she said, "Why didn't you be the chief director of "Spring Festival Gala"?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "How can I have such a level? And the Spring Festival Gala has to be there for rehearsal three months in advance. Even if the TV station invites me, I don't have that much time."

Father Zhang immediately taught Zhang Pingan a lesson: "This is a kind of honor, do you understand?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "I will wait for the next opportunity for this honor. Anyway, one day I believe that I will direct the highest entertainment gala in China."

Father Zhang nodded in satisfaction and said, "Well, work hard. I'm just looking forward to the day when you direct "Spring Festival Gala"."

Zhang Pingan said, "I'm going to Seoul tomorrow."

Hearing Zhang Ping'an's words, Zhang's mother frowned: "So anxious? Isn't this the Spring Festival? Don't you stay at home for a few more days?"

"Didn't dad tell me to work hard to create grandchildren for you?"

Zhang Ping'an's words made Zhang's father cry out dumbfounded: "Ah, you kid, are you making fun of me?"

Zhang Pingan said: "There is still work over there. Recently, the ratings of the program I produced in South Korea are very high, and the Spring Festival is also filming non-stop, so I have to go back early."

"PD101" produced by Zhang Ping'an has not only received a lot of heated discussions in Korea, but also has a high degree of heated discussions in China. Zhang Ping'an's big-produced talent show in South Korea, it's quite exciting.

Following the reports of the Chinese media, Zhang's mother naturally cared about the program produced by Zhang Ping'an, and she even watched one episode.

Zhang's mother also thinks that Zhang Pingan's idea is good, joint production, real joint...but this joint is full of dangers! !

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