My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 825 That’s not something you, Lin Yoona, should worry about

Taeyeon's lyrical song "Rain" was playing in the singing room, but instead of singing with a microphone, Lin Yoona turned on the original sound of the music and listened to Taeyeon's singing. Taeyeon's song was not shown in the MV, but was paired with the unique scenery in the singing studio. Zhang Pingan felt it was a bit inconsistent no matter how he looked at it.

Lin Yoona and her friend came over and drank half a dozen beers for an hour. After the friend left, maybe the time was almost up, but Zhang Pingan never came, so Lin Yoona continued for another hour? At this time, there was no one accompanying her in the singing room, and Lin Yoona also lost interest in singing. Maybe she was pretending to be worried today, so when Zhang Ping'an came in, he saw her sitting there stupidly holding her cell phone...

Zhang Pingan and Girls' Generation played together in the karaoke studio in Hokkaido. He knew very well how the band played in the karaoke studio, especially Lin Yoona, a high-spirited person... she was actually sitting there waiting for him today. arrived, which made Zhang Pingan a little unexpected. However, this also shows that the things on Lin Yuner's mind are quite disturbing.

After Zhang Pingan sat down, he casually picked up the bottle opener, opened a bottle of beer and filled himself a glass. Then he gestured to Lin Yuner, who picked up his empty glass and poured the wine that Zhang Pingan poured for himself. She forced a smile and said, "I'm sorry for calling you out at this time, Oppa."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and drank more than half of the beer. He put down the cup and responded to Lin Yuner: "It's okay. I just had a meal and was about to go back. Today our company's 'Mama Mu' won the first prize since her debut. The first one, we are celebrating them.”

"Oh? Congratulations." After saying congratulations, Lin Yoona tilted her head and thought for a while and said, "Mama Mu, the songs in the last album released were also very good. Didn't they win first place last time?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "You're talking about "Um Oh Ah Yeh", right? That song didn't win the first place. This time, the title song "You are the Most Perfect" was their first one in more than 600 days since their debut. One."

Lin Yoona nodded and said with a smile: "Mama Mu is very powerful. I personally like to listen to their songs, and they are very funny on stage. They are the first girl group to act ugly on stage. They are very Curious!”

Mamamu is definitely a crazier group than Girls' Generation. Zhang Ping'an nodded without denying it and said, "It's a pretty weird group."

After Zhang Pingan finished speaking, he raised his glass again and drank the remaining half of the glass. It only took two sips of a small bottle of beer to be poured into the glass. Zhang Pingan opened another bottle of beer and poured it for himself, while asking: "What's going on? You actually wanted to ask me to come out and sing with you today?"

Lin Yoona said at this time: "I'm going to China in two days to promote the TV series."

Lin Yoona's TV series will be released in April, and Mango Channel has started to do pre-heating promotions in the past two days. Zhang Pingan also thought that it was almost time for Lin Yoona to go to Mango to be a guest on a certain program. He nodded and said: "Yeah. Let's go. , won’t there be people from our company taking care of you after you go there?”

"But... I have heard some rumors in the past two days, saying that all the concerts of 'Da Bang' in China have been cancelled, and the relationship between the two parties has been very tense after the Spring Festival."

Zhang Ping'an looked at Lin Yuner and said, "Isn't it because of this that you called me out?"

Lin Yoona nodded and said, "Well, that's it. Things have made such a big fuss recently. I heard that those who had signed contracts to film there have now been withdrawn. I'm worried..."

Lin Yuner's worry made Zhang Ping'an laugh: "Why are you worried about this? This is not something we should worry about. We just have to do our job well. Since they asked you to go, it means that now we can Promotion. If you can't promote it, they won't ask you to go there. And the investors don't owe you any salary? You're so serious about filming, right?

You can get the money with peace of mind, so what do you have to worry about? "

Lin Yoona frowned and said, "Didn't I see so many of them being 'returned'? All the concerts originally planned by 'Da Bang' were cancelled, and they were canceled by China."

Zhang Ping'an smiled, took a sip of beer and said with a smile: "The big stick has been cancelled, that's the big stick's business."

When Lin Yuner listened to Zhang Pingan's words, she could only sigh and said: "Oppa...hey...forget it."

In fact, what Lin Yoona wants to say is: I have worked so hard to learn Chinese, and all I want to do is develop in China in the future. And now their company has this plan, hoping that she can use this drama to let more Chinese producers see the Korean actress 'Lim Yoona'.

After all, it is much easier to make money in China than in South Korea, and the work is not as tiring as in South Korea. So Lin Yoona prefers the working mode of Huaxia, which is also acting. The shooting time of Huaxia is on time, relaxed, and she is taken care of very well, and the money she gets is more. Of course, the most important thing is not to be so tired. When she doesn't have her own role, she can watch other actors' performances and learn some experience!

Filming in Korea is done in a rush, and I have to hurry up to memorize the script. How can I have so much time to watch other people's acting skills? Not to mention the little money you get, you have to work overtime during filming, and sometimes you have to shoot all night. Shooting in China takes eight hours a day anyway, and it starts from the moment you start work, even more than civil servants in South Korea. on time.

Listening to Lin Yuner's sigh, Zhang Pingan said: "Some things are beyond our control, so there is no point in you worrying here. I also know that you have been studying Chinese very seriously after going to China this time. What happened now You feel it's unfair to do this, but... our abilities are too weak and we can't change anything at all, so all we need to do is wait and be prepared. There's no point in thinking too much, you say. Bar?"

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Lin Yuner nodded helplessly: "It's really unfair~~"

Lin Yun'er was not wronged, but depressed. Mainly because she couldn't find a place to express her depression, so she called Zhang Pingan.

However, Zhang Ping'an couldn't solve her depression. He could only smile and say: "Where are you wronged? Don't you still have to go to China to promote? The wronged ones are those who have completed the contract, haha... OK Well, isn't Xiao Jingshu filming a Chinese movie? So don't worry, at least the fire hasn't fallen on your feet yet, maybe there is room for change?"

Xiao Jingshu is really filming a Chinese movie, and the male lead is ‘Zhang Yixin’. However, after the filming of this movie... it was not released. In fact, it’s not just this one. To be precise, all the movies and TV shows shot in 2016 cannot be released. Of course, Zhang Ping'an couldn't tell Lin Yuner these words.

Lin Yoona sighed again and said: "Hey... these things are indeed beyond our control. By the way, what should you do now?"

Zhang Ping'an laughed: "What should I do? I'm not affected in any way."

"I'm hungry, oppa, let's go get a midnight snack?"

Zhang Ping'an looked at Lin Yuner and said, "Are you treating me?"

Lin Yoona smiled and responded: "Okay, I'll treat you."


After coming out of the karaoke room, Lin Yuner realized that Zhang Ping'an didn't drive either, so the two took a taxi to a roasted pig's trotters shop. Charcoal-roasted pig's trotters would only become popular in China in two years. But it has already become popular in Korea. The Chinese roasted pig's trotters seems to have come about because of the introduction of Korean food programs. In the past, there was no option of ‘pig’s trotters’ in Chinese barbecue.

Sitting in the restaurant, Zhang Pingan ordered Shao Beer again. Lin Yuner smiled and said, "You are in a good mood today. I saw that you drank a lot."

Zhang Ping'an took the soobeer and started to mix it: "I don't have much work tomorrow, so I can drink two more cups today. And you have been in Huaxia for half a year. After drinking Huaxia liquor, do you feel really good when you come back?" Does it look like boiling water?"

Lin Yuner smiled and took the soobeer from Zhang Ping'an. She raised her glass to him with a smile and said, "Soju doesn't have that exciting taste when you drink it, but it's just as intoxicating if you drink too much."

Zhang Ping'an and Lin Yuner clinked glasses, and he drank a glass of soobeer and said, "Alcohol is intoxicating. Let alone soju. Drinking too much beer is also intoxicating, and the beer content is lower."

Lin Yuner and Zhang Ping'an drank a drink and said, "I'm going to Yanjing in two days. Sun Xiao wants to entertain me to her home. It's my first time in China to be a guest at someone else's home. What should I give?"

"I really don't know about this. How would I know that you girls are going to give each other something? How about buying two bottles of better red wine?"

Lin Yuner listened to Zhang Pingan's suggestion and said, "Better red wine? How much does it cost?"

"Choose famous wineries. It only costs a few hundred thousand won from dealers who sell red wine."

Famous shops can easily break tens of thousands of Huaxia coins whether they come or not. Only some famous houses in special years can sell for tens of thousands, such as the '82' that everyone often talks about.

Liquor dealers are not restaurants, and the prices they sell wine are not as expensive as those in restaurants and hotels. Or if you buy a famous red wine for several thousand yuan outside, it will cost tens of thousands at the restaurant.

"Well, I think I'll go take a look tomorrow. In addition to wine, do you need to send anything else?"

"Home-type decorations? I think it's enough to give them what you have in mind. It's up to you to choose. You don't have to give them as I say."

Just as Zhang Ping'an finished speaking, Pani and Taeyeon also walked in. When the two people in front decided to come for a late-night snack, they called Taeyeon and asked her and Pani if ​​they wanted to come over for a late-night snack. ..

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