My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 827 Yui really doesn’t go out during her vacation

March in Japan is the best season to travel because the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, attracting tourists from all over the world to travel to Japan. After Zhang Pingan's flight landed, he took the tram to the city... When the season was not so busy, one car was always a little empty, but today the car he took was full of passengers. There are some from Europe and America, some from China, but most of them are people who speak with Taiwanese accent.

The tram to the city is a three-seat train, similar to a train, and Zhang Ping'an's seat is next to the window. The two people sitting next to him were young lovers who spoke with Taiwanese accents. The woman among them kept expressing her excitement after Tokyo with exclamations, while the man said that he would come there in a year. He has been to Tokyo several times and is very familiar with Tokyo.

Although they chatted quietly, Zhang Pingan was sitting next to them. Even if he didn't want to listen to their chat, but because he was sitting too close...listening to the two chatting, it felt like they were a couple who had just dated. This man kept talking about his excellent experience in front of the woman. Then the man finally said, ‘In the future, I can often come to Tokyo to play and shop with you. ’

Taste it, taste it carefully. Why does this sentence sound a little weird?

Zhang Pingan curled his lips slightly, then took out his mobile phone, plugged in the headphones and started listening to the song. At the same time, Zhang Pingan also opened the chat software and started editing messages. He planned to tell Li Zhien that he had come to Tokyo. The man sitting next to Zhang Pingan took a quick look at Zhang Pingan's phone and ignored Zhang Pingan because he saw the Korean text edited by Zhang Pingan.

Maybe this guy saw the Korean text edited by Zhang Pingan on his mobile phone, so he became more "happy" when talking, while Zhang Pingan sat next to him and ate a big melon!

"What did you say to your husband when you came out this time?" Husband may not mean marriage, but it may also be just a nickname between boyfriend and girlfriend.

However, when this woman heard the man next to her speak so unscrupulously, she was a little dumbfounded. She looked at the man next to her blankly. The man who peeped into Zhang Pingan's mobile phone whispered to the woman: "I saw the Korean text he used to send the message."

Zhang Pingan always wears very simple clothes when he comes to Tokyo, mainly because he wears a baseball cap and a pair of glasses, so it is impossible for people sitting next to Zhang Pingan to bend down and look down in order to see his appearance clearly. Bar?

The lady sitting in the aisle took a brief look at Zhang Pingan's profile, and then took the initiative to pat Zhang Pingan who was wearing headphones. Then he talked to Zhang Ping'an in Korean that he was not very proficient in: "Hello, are you from South Korea?"

Zhang Pingan also responded in fluent Korean: "Yes, I came from Seoul?" That's right, Zhang Pingan is indeed a Chinese from Seoul.

Listening to Zhang Pingan's fluent Korean, the lady felt a little more relieved. She smiled and said to Zhang Pingan: "Are you here for a trip?"

Zhang Ping'an still briefly chatted with the lady in Korean: "I have some work matters, are you here for a trip?"

"Yes, then I won't disturb you."

After a few brief exchanges, the lady felt relieved. She whispered to her 'boyfriend': "He is from Korea. You really shocked me by talking like that before."

"I just saw him texting in Korean, and that's when I spoke out. We were on the plane earlier, and we were sitting separately..."

Zhang Pingan made a call at this time and said in very fluent Japanese: "Where are you?"

Zhang Pingan's call was not made to Yui Aragaki, but to Yuko Aragaki, the canary raised in Tokyo. Yuko Araki said: "I am practicing and will participate in the 'TGC' in two days."

TGC: (Tokyo Girls Show) is the largest and most youthful and fashionable fashion show in Japan to date.

Zhang Ping'an said in surprise: "Oh,

Did you participate in ‘TGC’? "

As he spoke, Zhang Pingan recalled that it seemed that it was during this catwalk show that Yuko Araki looked back and smiled on 'TGC' and was asked by netizens on YouTube, who is this girl? Since then, Araki Yuko has gradually become famous.

Araki Yuko said: "Well, I have been practicing in order not to make mistakes during this period. Are you in Tokyo? It may take a little later for me to finish. How about you go home first? I will come back after I finish. ?”

Because this was her first time participating in the biggest 'show' in Japan, she was still a little nervous, and her practice was to catwalk in front of the mirror. When facing the mirror, she can clearly see her every move, and how she needs to show herself, even considering what kind of expression to use, how to smile to attract the audience's shots, etc.

Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and said, "Don't bother. You can have dinner with your friends after you finish here. I won't be here today. I have to go home to sort out. I will be in Tokyo next time."

Araki Yuko said softly: "Okay, then I won't go to practice tomorrow."

Zhang Ping'an didn't want to delay her future 'money career', so he said: "There is no need to ask for leave, work is still important. You should be busy with your own work first, and we will talk about it after the 'TGC' is over."

The man sitting next to him heard Zhang Pingan talking about "TGC". He and his female companion were surprised. The two of them did not expect that Zhang Pingan actually knew the "TGC" model. You must know that this "show" is very famous across the Taiwan Strait.

During Fashion Week in March, Sika was invited to exhibit in Europe, and Taiti Xu is also waiting to participate in Seoul Fashion Week... and Yuko Araki is also preparing for her own Japanese Fashion Week. Well, it seems that Mai Shiraishi will also appear this time.

Just when the two people next to him were about to talk to Zhang Pingan, Zhang Pingan's cell phone rang. This time it was a call from Huaxia Brokerage Company. Zhang Pingan spoke in fluent Mandarin: "Oh, Mr. Luo , have you asked about the meeting I told you yesterday?"

When Zhang Pingan spoke fluent Mandarin, the two people beside him seemed to be struck by lightning. The two of them never expected that Zhang Pingan's Mandarin was so good. This man thought that Zhang Pingan was Korean when he sent Korean text messages on his mobile phone. Who knew that Zhang Pingan performed three languages ​​on the spot, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and they were all sly. Didn’t the conversation between the two previous people Did Zhang Pingan hear it?


There was an episode on the train. This couple who came to Japan to cuckold their boyfriends, when Zhang Pingan spoke Mandarin, they packed their luggage and walked towards the front car to find standing seats.

After Zhang Pingan got off the tram, he took a taxi and walked directly to Yui Aragaki's home. He didn't notify Yui in advance before coming.

Yui Aragaki stayed at home, wearing comfortable clothes, lying on the sofa and watching funny videos on YouTube with her mobile phone. She was just holding her mobile phone and giggling. Yui Aragaki, who has no schedule, is really super lazy. She herself also revealed in the show that her private resting style is completely beyond everyone's expectations. As long as she can lie down, she will never sit down...

Lazy Yui, today and this period of time have the same routine. After waking up, I made breakfast and then started watching videos or anime. When I feel tired, I put up a quilt on the sofa and take a nap. I sleep until one or two o'clock in the afternoon, get up to eat, and then continue to watch videos. When I feel tired, I fall asleep again. In the evening, I either watch TV series or ask friends to go out for dinner. ,Sing.

Anyway, Aragaki Yui's daily life is very lazy. Just when she was lying on the sofa holding her mobile phone, her pet dog ran towards the door and barked at the same time.

Aragaki Yui was also startled. She quickly propped herself up on the sofa where she was lying: "What is it called?"

Just as Aragaki Yui's words fell, the sound of entering the password for the door sounded. Fortunately, it was afternoon. If it were night, the timid Yui would be shocked. Yui asked towards the door: "Who..."

The only ones who know the password of her home are her mother and sister, because when she is working on weekdays, Yui's sister occasionally comes over to hug her and stay at her house temporarily.

Yui walked towards the door. After the door opened, the shouting stopped, and a familiar male voice sounded at the door: "~~"

Just as Zhang Pingan was squatting and touching, Yui came to the entrance. Her voice became high-pitched and she smiled at Zhang Pingan and called: "An-chan~!"

Zhang Pingan stood up with a smile, and then handed the flowers in his hand to Yui: "To you, my most beautiful gakki!"

On the way here, Zhang Pingan went to the flower house and bought a bouquet of flowers. Regardless of whether Yui is at home or not, this bouquet of flowers expresses her heart and love.

Yui smiled brightly after seeing the flowers, and quickly came to Zhang Pingan and took the flowers: "Thank you, hehe, when did you come to Tokyo?"

Zhang Pingan responded with a smile: "I can't wait to see you as soon as I get off the plane."

When Yui watched Zhang Pingan rummaging for his slippers, Yui put down the flowers in her hand and wanted to help find Zhang Pingan indoor slippers. But Zhang Pingan, who was familiar with everything at home, quickly took out his own slippers and put them on, then held Yui's face and kissed her on the mouth: "Let's go in, why are you standing at the door?"

"Hehe." Yui smiled and picked up the flowers Zhang Pingan gave her and walked towards the room. At this time, her smile was really more beautiful than this bouquet of flowers.

Entering the house and looking at Yui's thin blanket on the sofa in the living room, he smiled and said, "How long has it been since you went out recently?"

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