My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 308 Visiting Luo Yingshi

Zhang Pingan left Hong Beibei's waiting room, but the children's topics still remained on him. And Pei Zhuxuan frowned and looked at the door where he disappeared with a puzzled look. She didn't know how to describe this man who appeared in front of her three times. Although she had seen it three times, it made Pei Zhuxuan feel a little close to him. Feeling, it was like she felt that he was really doing good for them.

The confusion of the first meeting, the surprise of the second meeting, and the closeness after the third meeting? Pei Zhuxuan really thinks Zhang Pingan is a very strange person. He seemed to have an indescribable magical power that attracted her. Maybe next time we meet

Just when Pei Zhuhyun was silent, N smiled and joked to Pei Zhuhyun: "By the way, when I met him last time in the beauty room, didn't he say that he would ask for your number after this meeting?" Yet?"

n's little joke brought the temporarily absent-minded Pei Zhuxuan back to reality. She smiled and shook her head, and then looked again in the direction where Zhang Ping'an disappeared. When a woman becomes curious about a man

After Zhang Pingan left Hong Beibei's waiting room, he came to the front desk again and watched the idols playing songs. In the past, when he watched DaGe, he would see each group of idols on stage with admiration. Now when he looked at DaGe, he was no longer staring at the idols on the stage, but the staff behind the scenes. . Seeing them all working silently behind the scenes for their performances on the stage, Zhang Pingan understood that the beauty on the stage was not only their performance, but also required the directors behind the scenes to discover the beautiful shooting.

But soon, Zhang Pingan felt that it was no longer interesting. The camera positions are fixed, and when the camera's shooting lights turn on, and when the camera passes by, these seem to have a fixed rhythm. The idols not only have to perform their own dances on the stage, but they also have to cooperate with the camera tacitly.

When Zhang Ping'an saw this, he folded his hands and laughed: "Haha, no wonder."

Zhang Ping'an laughed because he remembered something that Girls' Generation once said in a program, that is, the camera position of music programs will never change. They all know roughly when the camera lights will turn on, and they just need to find the right angle when shooting to show the camera what they think is the most beautiful side.

The most beautiful aspect? Because they practice in front of the mirror every day, they will naturally find that the left side or the right side of themselves in the mirror looks better, so when taking their personal shots, they will try their best to show the side they think looks good. This is That's why they always look so beautiful in the camera. This is why Zhang Ping'an laughed.

Zhang Ping'an simply watched the idols' rehearsal and left, because the shooting and rehearsal are actually the same, there is no change, the official shooting is just to match the broadcast time.

Zhang Pingan gave Hong Beibei before leaving the TV station,

They also asked Wai Qi to order fried noodles with soybean paste on weekdays. Zhang Pingan was a person who knew more about Chinese cuisine. He ordered some expensive dishes for them, such as eight-treasure dishes and crystal shrimps.

, and the red beibeis were all shocked when they saw a table of Chinese cuisine, five meat dishes, three vegetables, and one hot dish.

When the delivery boy placed the dishes for them, he asked out of curiosity, how much did these dishes cost in total? They were all shocked when they learned that these dishes cost nearly one million won. Paula said jokingly: "As expected of a rich second generation from China, one million won for a meal?"

Hong Beibei was even more surprised and didn't know what to say. Their current meal budget for the four of them a day was only 100,000 won. On average, one person earns 25,000 won per day, which can be said to be a very high standard among idols.

This is quite good. They are not so stingy with their food for debut artists. Otherwise, Girls' Generation would not be able to eat the 100 million won meal quota a year. You know, some small companies offer idols a meal price of only 5,000 won.

This was the first time for the red beibeis to eat a one-million-dollar set meal. As they ate, they exclaimed that the one-million-dollar meal was really delicious, and they ate it with great enjoyment.

The per capita price is about 250,000 won and 1,300 Chinese dollars. This price is only considered entry-level among high-end restaurants in China. That is the price of a high-end sushi meal in Japan. If you go to a top sushi restaurant, this amount of money is still not enough. But for, and red beibei, this is already a very expensive lunch dish.

Zhang Ping'an ordered a luxurious meal for Hong Beibei and he himself chose a very simple lunch dish, hamburger steak.

In Shangam Cave, where TV stations gather, there are naturally countless gourmet restaurants around. After all, each TV station has some so-called gourmets who come to record the program. They also tell the staff which restaurants nearby are delicious, and work The staff told the news to the celebrities, and gradually the store became famous.

The store Zhang Pingan chose has many idol signatures on the wall. Zhang Pingan couldn't help laughing when he looked at those ghostly signatures: "A store without Li Yingzi's signature will definitely not be as delicious." ”

The steak arrived quickly. Zhang Pingan cut the steak slowly and ate it. Overall, it tasted pretty good.

While eating delicious food, Zhang Ping'an began to think about food programs, because he knew that next year would be the year when food programs exploded: "We have already done the masking, should we put a cooking program on the schedule? It would be best if Luo Yingshi can cooperate with him. By the way, isn’t New Journey to the West broadcast in an online format? How about I put it on my own live broadcast platform? Luo Yingshi.”

As he spoke, Zhang Pingan sped up his cutting of hamburger meat, and soon the hamburger steak in front of him was finished. Zhang Ping'an left after eating. People who were also dining in the restaurant took several photos of him eating hamburger steak alone and posted them on NS.

After a while, NS became lively: It turns out that the rich second generation eats the same as us. I thought they eat delicacies from the mountains and seas every day.

After Zhang Ping'an finished his hamburger steak, he bought a cup of coffee and left the cafe's business card. Then I set off towards entertainment alone. Anyway, the TV stations are not very far apart.

When Zhang Ping'an came to the lobby, many staff here stared at him in surprise, and he went directly to the security guard and asked: "Which floor is Luo Yingshi's program team on?"

Because Youth Over Flowers produced by Luo Yingshi is currently on the air during this period, and the ratings of the first broadcast have directly exceeded 5. You must know that this is a paid channel. It can only be said that Luo Yingshi's appeal is no joke. And his programs were all filmed in advance, so Luo Yingshi must be in the company at this time.

The security guard said to Zhang Pingan: "Luo Yingshi, it's on the sixth floor. If you want to go in, you have to register first and get the temporary entry certificate."

"Okay, okay." Zhang Pingan quickly filled out a visit registration next to him. Of course the person who issued the certificate knew Zhang Pingan, so he filled in the visit information and got a temporary entry certificate. Not just anyone who fills in the visiting information can enter the TV station. If someone else is visiting, the person who issued the certificate needs to check with the department before they can be released.

As for Zhang Pingan's visit, the certificate issuing personnel downstairs did not check with the department upstairs because they all knew that Zhang Pingan was a freelance program producer. What if he came to discuss cooperation with the TV station?

Zhang Pingan arrived at the variety show bureau smoothly. When the elevator opened on this floor, Zhang Pingan was greeted by three series of posters produced by Luo Yingshi.

Zhang Ping'an smiled as he looked at these posters, which were all ratings champions. He really wanted to get to know the genius Luo Yingshi. He was the person with the highest salary in the TV station, even surpassing those at the TV station.

When Zhang Pingan entered the office area, the place was divided into program groups one after another. Zhang Pingan asked a staff member of one of the program groups: "Where is Luo Yingshi's program group?"

When the staff saw that the visitor was Zhang Pingan, they were stunned for two seconds and then pointed him in the direction.

The staff of the TV station were very puzzled. Why did Zhang Pingan, a newly emerging program, suddenly ask Luo Yingshi? Are the two going to unite?

Zhang Ping'an followed the guide and came to Luo Yingshi's program group. He saw that Luo Yingshi's program group was not two or three rows, but a large working area. There are three posters of Grandpas Over Flowers and Sisters Over Flowers Youth hanging here, which shows how well Luo Yingshi is treated here.

It's normal to think about it from another angle. People's results are there. If people in other groups are not convinced, then they should produce a program with the same ratings.

The arrival of Zhang Pingan made everyone in the work area widen their eyes. Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded to the staff and said, "Hello, may I ask, is Luo here?"

"Luo, it's in the editing room. Um, wait a moment and I'll call you, okay?" After saying that, the staff got up and went to call Luo Yingshi for Zhang Pingan. As he walked, he tilted his head twice. He had the same doubt as everyone else. Why did Zhang Pingan come?

In the editing room, Luo Yingshi was confused after hearing the news: "Zhang Pingan? What does he want from me?"

"I don't know, I didn't say."

Luo Yingshi also came out of the editing room with a confused look on his face: "Well, let me go take a look."

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