My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 850 Birthday party, all fun is wild

When the plane landed on an island with blue sea and blue sky in the Maldives, the dazzling sunshine fell down. Zhang Pingan and many beauties raised their hands to block the hot sunshine here. Although Japan is an island country, the only place where the sea water in their country can be called beautiful is Yui Aragaki's hometown of Okinawa.

The island always has a romantic and comfortable color, which is why so many Japanese like to go to Hawaii. Maybe it’s because the pressure of life in Tokyo is too great, so I retreat to an island to live a leisurely life. On such a comfortable island, you can engage in agriculture, become a tour guide, or find odd jobs in any restaurant, just because there is not much competitive pressure in such a place. At the same time, you can enjoy the blue sea and blue sky there.

You must know that the basic living expenses in Hawaii are not as high as those in Tokyo, so many Japanese also like to go there to retire.

After arriving in the Maldives, each of them had a comfortable smile on their face, as if they were responding to Zhang Pingan with a smile, 'Thank you for bringing us to the Maldives. ’ Before getting off the plane, Zhang Pingan changed into comfortable beach shorts and then wore a printed T-shirt. Of course, the logo of this printed T-shirt also showed that it was expensive. On his feet, Zhang Ping'an wore a pair of flip-flops, which are standard equipment on the island.

Some of the ladies wore fluttering dresses, and some wore denim shorts, paired with T-shirts, and the T-shirts were tied at the waist, so that the loose T-shirts could be made tight. The effect is gone. And those women with proud capital don’t mind their own ‘prominence’ at all! Because a good figure is meant to be shown off, otherwise why would you wear it wrapped up? To appreciate for your future husband?

Besides, most of them are models. Are they still afraid that others will secretly look at their figures? Even at this time, Emma was wearing a pair of denim shorts, and her straight legs were visually elongated by the denim shorts. I have to say that the models are very good at dressing and know how to match colors to look good. And the most important thing is that the women who came here this time are all in very good shape.

Yes, this is the most pleasing thing. I want to ask, is there anything more attractive than women in the world? Maybe some people say supercar? But isn’t the point of driving a sports car just to find girls easily?

Zhang Pingan took out his sunglasses from his backpack and put them on. The round-eyed girl standing next to him smiled and nodded to her: "Nana, didn't you bring your sunglasses?"

The full name of the model 'Nana' mentioned by Zhang Ping'an is Kato Nana. She is very popular on INS. She is of mixed race and has very cute round eyes. Although she is only as tall as Taeyeon, the problem is that she has a mixed-race face. That's the biggest plus.

Kato Nana pretended to be cute and pouted and said: "I forgot to take it. I even put it on my desk when I left. When I arrived at the airport, I saw that everyone was wearing sunglasses. As a result, I looked for them. I realized I forgot to bring them. Hey, don’t you want to go shopping first? I plan to buy some sunglasses.”

Zhang Pingan took off his sunglasses and handed them to Kato Nana: "Here they are, it doesn't matter if I wear them or not."

Kato Nana smiled and took over Zhang Pingan's sunglasses and said with a smile: "Then I'm not polite, hehe." Perhaps sunglasses are a way to bring her and Zhang Pingan closer, after all, after borrowing his sunglasses There is something to talk about.

Everyone came out of the airport, and this time even Zhang Pingan’s favorite mixed-race model ‘Trindel Linnai’ came. Of course she was invited here through Emma's relationship. She has a cute appearance and a bit of gentleness, and she always gives people a desire to protect her.

Zhang Pingan looked at Trindle Linnai who was standing not far away. She always had a slight smile on her lips. After their eyes met, Zhang Pingan smiled at her, and she nodded in response. Zhang Pingan.

Maybe she doesn't have proud breasts, but she has a very good figure, the right height, and great long legs!

We walked out of the airport together and headed towards the nearby business district. We all needed to buy some items before going to the island, because there was nothing else except luxury goods on the island.

Zhang Ping'an came to Linnai's side and said with a smile: "Have you finally started eating meat recently?"

Rena, as a model, she is very self-disciplined, because since she started working as a 'model', she has eliminated all high-heat, high-fat foods, such as beef, pork, etc. She has said on the show before that before the winter of 2014, she did not eat meat rich in fat. When she eats meat on weekdays, she only eats meat with less fat and calories, such as fish.

Reina nodded and said, "Well, I started eating it the year before last. I persisted for a long time, but finally couldn't hold it back."

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "I think it's amazing that you can persist for so many years. I always feel that you are very self-disciplined."

Reina said with a smile: "Actually, I am not self-disciplined, those are just exaggerated words by the media. Think about it, as a model, the 'figure' I maintain means that I am 'certified to work'. When work and life are all related to You will also be so 'self-disciplined' when it comes to your body shape!"

I have to say that what Reina said was very practical, and Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "That's right, the most basic thing for a model is body management. Only after you have a body can you have a job."


Walking and chatting along the way, the group soon bought some things they wanted and then took a sea plane to the island. Zhang Pingan booked the largest single-family villa. This villa is located on another island. Its privacy can be said to be the highest, but the room can only accommodate ten people.

Although only ten people are allowed to live in this single-family villa, there are no restrictions on the number of people who can play in this single-family villa, so Zhang Pingan still invited everyone to live on that island. When there were more than ten people, he opened another room on the island. , it’s just that the room has been empty and I don’t want to live in it.


In the afternoon after checking in, there was the beach, sunshine, sea and bikinis. Zhang Ping'an admired the swimsuits they wore in front of them and played in the water under a tree. Each of their swimsuits was more beautiful than the other. Zhang Pingan was wearing shorts, took off his T-shirt and started applying sunscreen. At this time, Kato Nana appeared in a bikini. Even though she bought sunglasses, she did not return them to Zhang Pingan.

Because she needed something to talk about, she smiled and said, "Give me sunglasses and I'll put on sunscreen for you."

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded, then gave the sunscreen to Kato Nana, and Zhang Pingan lay comfortably on the beach chair. Kato Nana gently wiped Zhang Pingan's back, perhaps because her hands were very skillful. , Zhang Pingan said to her in a low voice: "Let's go to the room and wipe it."

Then Zhang Pingan and Kato Nana disappeared for half an hour, and everyone understood what was going on. When the two appeared, Kato Nana did not behave abnormally. On the contrary, Zhang Pingan lost his enthusiasm at this time, and he Even the thought of swimming in the water has receded. Maybe this is the so-called sage time, right?

At this moment, Zhang Pingan felt that everything had become boring. Just like that, when the sun went down, Zhang Ping'an's delicious meal and his birthday cake were also delivered. Surrounded by many beauties, Zhang Pingan completed his birthday celebration a few hours in advance.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." Zhang Ping'an clasped his hands together and began to make a wish under the singing of many beauties.

As a scumbag, Zhang Pingan's wishes are very simple. He only hopes that the scenes of 'Shura Field' will never appear around them. After making the wish, Emma was the first one to stretch out her finger and scrape off a finger of cream and wipe it on Zhang Pingan's face. Zhang Pingan didn't show any weakness and grabbed a handful of cream with her hand, which was surrounding him just now. The beauties screamed and ran away...

A chase on the beach began, and the women who were caught by Zhang Pingan all had the mark of his big creamy hand on their chests. The night was very exciting and happy. Finally, Zhang Ping'an caught a model whose name he didn't know on the beach behind the villa, and then he held her and started having fun in the wild at night...

It was fun, really fun. Zhang Pingan slept on the extra-large bed that night, hugging him from side to side.

Wild, fresh, just one day. Waiting for the next day, Zhang Pingan's interest faded. There are too many bikinis, but that's all. Maybe he's used to it, so Zhang Pingan feels that a bikini is just a swimsuit, and it looks more sexy on those 'super fierce' people.

Starting from the next day, Zhang Pingan and the others started to use the entertainment facilities here. On this day, they went snorkeling, but Zhang Pingan did not go. Instead, he lived alone with Reina in the villa, and the two enjoyed the SPA provided by the massage technician.

Reina's entire back was exposed, only her butt was covered with a towel, and she didn't mind at all that the person next to her was Zhang Ping'an. Although the two of them had only had a brief chat in the past two days, and Zhang Pingan had not communicated in depth with her.

Reina said while enjoying the massage: "Do you find this kind of fun fun?"

Zhang Pingan responded: "I came here with great interest at first, but now I feel better. Maybe it's because the freshness is gone?"

"Haven't you ever thought about dating someone seriously?" After all, Zhang Pingan went out with so many beauties, so Reinako naturally thought that Zhang Pingan was single. After all, for those who have girlfriends, if they don’t spend their birthdays with their girlfriends, but go out to celebrate with a group of women, this is simply the best.

In fact, Zhang Pingan also wanted to have someone to accompany him, but they have been very busy recently.

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