My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 313 Are you my disaster?

Taeyeon slept in the position where Zhang Pingan usually slept, facing the ceiling blankly. She had already fallen asleep in the entertainment room, but now after being hugged by Zhang Pingan and a princess, her sleepiness seemed to have disappeared a lot.

The pillows, quilts, everything here is filled with Zhang Ping'an's aura, which makes Taeyeon feel a little like a deer in her heart, her little sweetheart keeps jumping around. This is the first time Taeyeon has been held in a man's arms like this. It's a little sweet and a little heart-warming.

The quiet bedroom is very tidy, just like Zhang Ping'an's true character, neat and tidy! Taking advantage of this silence, Taeyeon began to think about issues about her and Zhang Pingan for the first time. She definitely has a good impression of him, but Taeyeon herself can't remember when she developed such an inexplicable liking for him?

After he appeared inexplicably, he slowly and quietly entered her life without knowing when. Taeyeon felt very happy when he was by her side, without the sadness that bothered her. Even when they just broke up, I felt so sad staying in the dormitory, but when I came out to see him, he would always make me laugh out loud.

Looking towards the ceiling, Taeyeon sighed and said: "Are you my disaster?" She couldn't tell herself how she should get along with Zhang Pingan. The two of them are really ambiguous now. . I know that he has a girlfriend and she is also his teammate, but...

That's why Taeyeon thinks he is her disaster!

After Zhang Pingan closed the door to the room, he returned to the living room alone and did not go to the entertainment room to watch a movie with the two of them. Even if Zhang Ping'an said it himself, he couldn't tell clearly what he and Taeyeon wanted. The only thing is to take it one step at a time. Anyway, the two of them are not lovers now, but they still feel like lovers to others.

Taeyeon took him into her heart, why didn't Zhang Ping'an take Taeyeon into her heart?

It's just... just like Pani always said, the time when the two met was wrong. If the two knew each other when Taeyeon was single, then there would be absolutely nothing wrong with Sika. And Pani has always felt that Taeyeon and Zhang Pingan really match each other, but...

Taeyeon was in a daze in Zhang Pingan's bedroom, while Zhang Pingan was sitting alone in the living room in a daze. The two of them coincidentally were in a daze because of each other. People who should be together don't, sometimes it's so helpless.

In the entertainment room, Lin Yoona was really curious and asked Pani: "Unnie, Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon, Unnie..."

Because even if the two of them were friends, they wouldn't have such a 'princess hug', right? Moreover, Taeyeon did not clamor to get off Zhang Pingan's arms, but let him hold her away like that. If they were just friends, then such an action would be too intimate.

If it's not a friend, then what can it be? You must know that Zhang Pingan's girlfriend is Sika Oni, so Yoona is really a little dizzy at this time.

Pani glanced at Yoona with a smile and said, "Them? Just like that, a close friendship."

Because Pani also knew that there were some things that she couldn't say, and their team friendship became weird when she said it. It's not that she doesn't like Zhang Pingan and Sika, but she hopes Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon can be together. If it were purely about relationships, Pani and Taeyeon would definitely be closer than she and Sika.

"Uh..." Yoona saw that Pani was unwilling to say more, so she stopped asking any more questions. There are many things that can be seen but cannot be kept in mind, such as the status of Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon. She felt that it was a bit of a loss to come to eat by herself today?

The movie continued to play, but Yoona had no intention of watching it anymore. Just sitting in the entertainment room waiting for the credits to appear at the end of the film, Yoona got up and left the entertainment room, and Pani followed her out.


After the movie ended, the sky outside had darkened. The lights in Zhang Ping'an's living room had been turned on, and he had placed the baking sheet, vegetables and meat on the dining table.

When he saw the two of them coming out, Zhang Ping'an smiled lightly and said: "Finished? Just in time, it's almost time to eat. It's seven o'clock. After eating, I have to tell you to go back. Pani, go ask Taeyeon to get up and eat. ?”

Pani nodded "Yeah" and went to call Taeyeon, while Yoona quickly came to the kitchen to wash her hands. While she was washing her hands, she stared at Zhang Ping'an.

After Yoona's gaze was noticed by Zhang Pingan, he smiled and said, "Why are you staring at me like that? Sit down and have some drinks tonight?"

Yoona nodded and said, "Drink some, how about you?"

Zhang Ping'an took the red wine glass from the cabinet and said, "I won't drink any more. I have to drive you back later. And I have to go somewhere early tomorrow morning. PD Luo and I will discuss it and try to finish it before the Mid-Autumn Festival." After the on-site survey, he started organizing and preparing for filming after the Mid-Autumn Festival.”

Yoona washed her hands, stood next to Zhang Pingan and helped hold the cup, and asked at the same time: "Mid-Autumn Festival, are you going back to China?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "I don't know yet. Look, it's not that difficult to buy overseas tickets anyway. You can buy them at any time."

After a while, Taeyeon and Pani came out, but when they came out, they were both wearing Zhang Pingan's shirt. Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly and said, "Ah, you two are wearing white shirts and eating barbecue? You'll be soaked in some chili sauce and oil, and you won't be able to wash them off. Forget it, I'll find it for you."

Because the air conditioning at home was relatively sufficient, Taeyeon felt a little cold when she woke up. As for Pani, she was wearing shorts, so she added another layer of clothing.

Zhang Pingan found two pieces of his pajamas for the two of them to put on. The four of them gathered in the living room of Zhang Pingan's house and started having a barbecue party. When the meat was placed on the baking pan, it made a sizzling sound. As the butter spread, the room was instantly filled with the smell of grease.

Zhang Ping'an said with a wry smile: "I never had a fire in my house before. Since you came to my house, it seems like my house has become a canteen."

Pani shifted his gaze from the barbecue to Zhang Ping'an and said, "You should feel honored to have so many people eating with you."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded and said: "It's true that when you eat alone, you always feel that something is missing. These days, I eat out alone every day. When I go there, I order in a hurry, and then eat in a hurry. When I didn’t talk to anyone, I suddenly felt lonely. When I lived in Tokyo, I never felt that eating alone was lonely.”

Because Japan has a very strong habit of eating alone, and many people are designed to sit alone, especially in some chain noodle shops, it is very normal for one person to have one grid. Everyone ate alone, so there was no time to feel lonely.

But it's different in South Korea. There are really too few people eating out alone. Although the restaurant has to accept a single customer, the other diners around are sitting in groups of twos and threes, chatting and laughing. , which makes a person feel very lonely.

Pani said: "Then when you didn't know us before, weren't you dining alone?"

Zhang Pingan said: "No, before I met you guys, didn't I still have a group of drinking buddies? We would have dinner together every night. And at that time, I didn't even think about doing anything. I just lived my life every day. Drunken and dreamy."

"Wow, days like this are what I envy the most. I have money to spend even if I don't do anything, and I live comfortably every day."

The teenage years have passed the period of dreaming, so now each of them understands the importance of 'money'. This made them understand one thing, that is, the family where Zhang Pingan was born is the most perfect!

"How should I put it?" Zhang Ping'an tilted his head and started to cut the beef, and responded at the same time: "If you have money to spend, your life may not necessarily be comfortable."

Pani immediately said: “I don’t feel comfortable no matter how I don’t have money.”

"How do you want me to answer this? Eat meat, you." Zhang Ping'an picked up a piece of almost mature beef and put it into Pani's bowl. Because Pani grew up in Europe and the United States, he is used to eating beef that is medium-ripe.

But Yoona saw that the middle was still red, she smiled and said: "I usually eat it at seven degrees."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and continued to grill meat: "How do you plan to spend the three days of Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Pani shook his head and said: "I don't know, I should just spend it in the dormitory." Because during the three-day statutory holiday, everyone will have a holiday.

Taeyeon also followed Pani's words and said: "I'm about the same, I should be in the dormitory. These three days of vacation are not long or short, and I can't go anywhere." Because as soon as the vacation is over, they will I have to start filming the show again, so I can’t go anywhere.

Yoona finally picked up the first piece of beef and said, "I was just asking Oppa if he would go back during the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and said: "I shouldn't go back either, right? How about coming to my house to watch the premiere of "Masked"? This special program will be broadcast for two consecutive days!"

Yoona said: "I have to be at home."

"I know you have to spend time with your family at home. I said Pani and Taeyeon, don't they both have nowhere to go? They just happened to come to my house."

Mid-Autumn Festival, the European Fashion Week is not over yet, and Sika is definitely not back yet. So Pani was thinking about creating a chance for Taeyeon and Zhang Pingan to get together alone? So she said: "Who said I have nowhere to go? If I don't come, you can ask Taeyeon to watch the premiere with you."

Zhang Pingan smiled at Pani and said, "Are you planning to go on a date? Could it be that during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the paparazzi also take a break?"

Pani rolled his eyes at Zhang Pingan and said, "So what?"

"Not great! Have a nice date!"

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